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The development behaviors of ultrafine grains (UFGs) due to continuous dynamic recrystallization (cDRX) were investigated in hot compression of a Mg-4Y-2Nd-0.2Zn-0.5Zr alloy pretreated in solution and subsequently peak-aging. In the aging sample containing statically precipitated particles (SPPs), the occurrence of cDRX starts to take place at medium to high strains, and finally a stable size of UFGs are fully developed in a whole volume. In the as-solution sample with no SPPs, by contrast, the size of UFGs evolved increases rapidly at lower strains, slowly at medium strains and then finally shows a bimodal distribution in high strain. In the latter, smaller grains accompanying with an incomplete formation of UFGs are developed by any effect of dynamically precipitated particles (DPPs). The microtexture evolved is effectively randomized in the regions of UFGs, leading to the formation of a weaker texture. The tensile elongation of the aging sample, with SPPs and fully developed UFGs, was around 17.4%. This was much higher than that of the as-solution one, with no SPPs and incompletely developed UFGs, that was 11.8%, which might result from the more randomized texture due to fully developed UFGs.


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The present work provides a summary of the recent findings obtained from the experimental investigation of the grain structure, crystallographic texture and dislocation substructure evolution in an austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy during dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and post-dynamic annealing. It has been found that the DRX texture characteristics become increasingly dominated by the low Taylor factor grains during DRX development, which presumably results from the preferred nucleation and lower consumption rates of these grains. The substructure of DRX grains is “random” in character and displays complex, hierarchical subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by accumulation of misorientations across significant distances. The stored energy within DRX grains appears to be principally consistent with the corresponding Taylor factor values. The changes observed within the fully dynamically recrystallized microstructure during postdynamic annealing have provided a basis to suggest a novel mechanism of metadynamic softening for the current experimental conditions. It is proposed that the initial softening stage involves rapid growth of the dynamically formed nuclei and migration of the mobile boundaries. The subboundaries within DRX grains progressively disintegrate through dislocation climb and dislocation annihilation, which ultimately leads to the formation of dislocation-free grains, and the grain boundary migration gradually becomes slower. As a result, the DRX texture largely remains preserved throughout the annealing process.


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The microstructures of magnesium AZ31 are examined following hot compression testing and annealing. The grain size, fraction dynamically recrystallized and, in a couple of cases, the crystallographic texture are reported. It was found that the progress of dynamic recrystallization is strongly sensitive to processing conditions but that the dynamically
recrystallized grain size was less sensitive to stress than in other metals. It was also found that, for structures containing between 80 and 95 % dynamic recrystallization, abnormal grain growth occurs during annealing. The crystallographic texture produced is also sensitive to the deformation conditions.


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A 304 austenitic stainless steel was deformed using hot torsion to study the evolution of dynamic recrystallization (DRX). The initial nucleation of dynamically recrystallization occurred by the bulging of pre-existing high angle grain boundaries at a strain much lower than the peak strain. At the
peak stress, only a low fraction of the prior grain boundaries were covered with new DRX grains. Beyond the peak stress, new DRX grains formed layers near the initial DRX and a necklace structure was developed. Several different mechanisms appeared to be operative in the formation of new high angle boundaries and grains. The recrystallization behaviour after deformation showed a classic transition from strain dependent to strain independent softening. This occurred at a strain beyond the
peak, where the fraction of dynamic recrystallization was only 50%.


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A mathematical model has been developed which describes the hot deformation and recrystallization behavior of austenite using a single internal variable: dislocation density. The dislocation density is incorporated into equations describing the rate of recovery and recrystallization. In each case no distinction is made between static and dynamic events, and the model is able to simulate multideformation processes. The model is statistically based and tracks individual populations of the dislocation density during the work-hardening and softening phases. After tuning using available data the model gave an accurate prediction of the stress–strain behavior and the static recrystallization kinetics for C–Mn steels. The model correctly predicted the sensitivity of the post deformation recrystallization behavior to process variables such as strain, strain rate and temperature, even though data for this were not explicitly incorporated in the tuning data set. In particular, the post dynamic recrystallization (generally termed metadynamic recrystallization) was shown to be largely independent of strain and temperature, but a strong function of strain rate, as observed in published experimental work.


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The evolution of dynamic ferrite softening in a plain-carbon steel was investigated by torsion tests during warm deformation at 810 °C, in the two-phase (ferrite + austenite) region, and strain rate of 0.1 s−1 with different strains up to 50. The warm flow behaviour and ferrite microstructural parameters, such as grain size, misorientation angle across ferrite/ferrite boundaries, and the fraction of high-angle and low-angle grain/subgrain boundaries were quantified using electron back scatter diffraction. The results show that with increasing strain up to not, vert, similar2, the ferrite grain size and fraction of high-angle boundaries rapidly decrease and the fraction of low-angle boundaries increases. However, these parameters remain approximately unchanged with increasing strain from not, vert, similar2 to 50. The dynamic softening mechanism observed during large strain ferritic deformation is explained by dynamic recovery and continuous dynamic recrystallization.


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The present paper examines the development of grain size during the recrystallization of magnesium alloys and the influence the grain size has on the mechanical response. In magnesium alloys grain refinement improves the strength-ductility balance. This simultaneous increase in both strength and ductility is ascribed to the impact the grain size has on deformation twinning. The mechanisms by which the grain size is established during hot working are shown to be conventional dynamic recrystallization followed by post-dynamic recrystallization. The role of alloying additionon both of these reactions is briefly considered.


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In order to improve the understanding of the dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization behaviours of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel, a series of hot torsion test have been performed under a range of deformation conditions. The mechanical and microstructural features of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) were characterized to compare and contrast them with those of the post-dynamic recrystallization. A necklace type of dynamically recrystallized microstructure was observed during hot deformation at 900 °C and at a strain rate of 0.01 s−1. Following deformation, the dependency of time for 50% recrystallization, t50, changed from “strain dependent” to “strain independent” at a transition strain (ε*), which is significantly beyond the peak. This transition strain was clearly linked to the strain for 50% dynamic recrystallization during deformation. The interrelations between the fraction of dynamically recrystallized microstructure, the evolution of post-dynamically recrystallized microstructure and the final grain size have been established. The results also showed an important role of grain growth on softening of deformed austenite.


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The postdeformation recrystallization behavior of a hot-deformed austenitic stainless steel was investigated based on the first part of this study, in which the microstructure development during hot deformation and, in particular, the evolution of dynamic recrystallization (DRX), was studied. The effect of different parameters such as strain, strain rate, and temperature were examined. The dependency of the time for 50 pct softening, t 50, changed from “strain dependent” to “strain independent” at a transition strain (ε*) that was in the steady-state area of the hot deformation flow curve. The fully recrystallized microstructure showed a similar transition in strain sensitivity. However, this occurred at stains greater than ε*. A mathematical model was developed to predict the transition strain under different deformation conditions. Microstructural measurements show that the transition strain corresponds to approximately 50 pct DRX in the deformed structure at the point of unloading.


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The effect of initial grain size on the recrystallization behavior of a type 304 austenitic stainless steel during and following hot deformation was investigated using hot torsion. The refinement of the initial grain size to 8 μm, compared with an initial grain size of 35 μm, had considerable effects on the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and post-DRX phenomena. For both DRX and post-DRX, microstructural investigations using electron backscattered diffraction confirmed an interesting transition from conventional (discontinuous) to continuous DRX with a decrease in the initial grain size. Also, there were unexpected effects of initial grain size on DRX and post-DRX grain sizes.


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The texture and substructure development during post-dynamic annealing of an austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy after complete dynamic recrystallization was investigated using electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A novel mechanism of metadynamic softening is proposed based on the experimental investigation of the grain structure, crystallographic texture and dislocation substructure evolution. The initial softening stage involved rapid growth of the dynamically formed nuclei and migration of the mobile boundaries. The subboundaries within DRX grains progressively disintegrated through dislocation climb and dislocation annihilation, which ultimately led to the formation of dislocation-free grains, while the grain boundary migration gradually became slower. As a result, the DRX texture was largely preserved throughout the annealing process.


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The present work examines the microstructure that evolves during the hot deformation and subsequent annealing of magnesium alloy AZ31. In particular, the role of strain on the progression of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and post-deformation recrystallization is investigated. It is found that the grain size developed after post-deformation recrystallization is larger when the deformation strain, and hence the degree of DRX, is low (for strains up to 0.4). Also, the kinetics of post-deformation recrystallization are found to be independent of strain for strain values of 0.4 and above. Whilst increasing strain alters the texture of the un-recrystallized microstructure (for the deformation mode examined), the texture does not change significantly during post-deformation recrystallization.


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This data looks at the effect of grain boundary movement on the characteristics of substructure development within the DRX regime. Different thermo-mechanical processing routes were employed to produce a range of DRX grain sizes at a given deformation temperature. The development of dislocation substructure was investigated using electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy (TEM).


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During the hot working of austenitic stainless steels the shape of the flow curve is strongly influenced by the strain rate. Low strain rate deformation results in flow curves typical of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) but as the strain rate increases the shape changes to a ‘flat-top’ curve. This has traditionally been thought to indicate no DRX is taking place and that dynamic recovery (DRV) is the only operating softening mechanism. Examining the work-hardening behaviour and corresponding deformation microstructures showed this is not the case for austenitic stainless steel, as clear evidence of dynamic recrystallization process can be seen. The post-deformation recrystallization kinetics can be modelled using a standard Avrami equation with an Avrami exponent, n, of 1.15. With an increasing value of the Zener-Hollomon parameter it was found that the kinetics of recrystallization become less strain rate sensitive until at the highest values (highest strain rates/lowest temperatures) the recrystallization kinetics become strain rate insensitive.