25 resultados para Capability Development


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Despite concern on the part of policy makers to raise managerial capability in SMEs, there is little evidence on the key drivers of owner-manager participation in management development programmes. The authors argue that such participation is poorly understood. The paper develops a predictive model of the drivers of participation in sources of learning by owner-managers. It tests a theoretical model, based on the small firm as a learning organization, which posits that participation is driven by owner-managers' learning orientation and the extent of their belief in self-improvement. The implications of the results are discussed in light of the provision of management development programmes.


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Drug delivery systems with active targeting ligand provide improved therapeutic efficiency due to the selectivity towards tumor cells. In this paper we prepared drug loaded nanoparticles (NPs) using folate (FA) incorporated chitosan (FA-CS) based on ionic gelation technology. FA-CS NPs were spherical in shape with an average particle size of 100 nm, while 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) loaded NPs became less circular with average particle size of 100-500 nm. NPs made from FA-CS conjugates exhibited improved capability to encapsulate hydrophilic 5-FU. It was found 5-FU distributed in FA-CS NPs in solid solution state. In vitro release results demonstrated the release of 5-FU from FA-CS NPs was more controllable as compared to that of CS NPs.


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The Victorian goat meat industry is a significant contributor to export earnings, which is derived largely from the harvest of feral goats. The potential for exports of farmed goat meat into Asian product markets is being developed in a supply chain approach with producers, processors, exporters and Asian importers. Producers have been networked in four locations to improve supply capability and participate in production and economic benchmarking. In the absence of an existing market for premium farmed goat meat, a larger group of producers are cooperating with a marketer to develop a niche market in the Asian food service sector. This presents a challenge to the group in developing commercial relationships and playing a role in the marketing of their goat meat.


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A laboratory-based transmission X-ray diffraction technique was developed to measure elastic lattice strains parallel to the loading direction during in situ tensile deformation. High-quality transmission X-ray diffraction data were acquired in a time frame suitable for in situ loading experiments by application of a polycapillary X-ray optic with a conventional laboratory Cu X-ray source. Based on the measurement of two standard reference materials [lanthanum hexaboride (NIST SRM 660b) and silicon (NIST SRM 640c)], precise instrumental alignment and calibration of the transmission diffraction geometry were realized. These results were also confirmed by the equivalent data acquired using the standard Bragg-Brentano measurement geometry. An empirical Caglioti function was employed to describe the instrumental broadening, while an axis of rotation correction was used to measure and correct the specimen displacement from the centre of the goniometer axis. For precise Bragg peak position and hkil intensity information, a line profile fitting methodology was implemented, with Pawley refinement used to measure the sample reference lattice spacings (d o (hkil)). It is shown that the relatively large X-ray probe size available (7 × 714mm) provides a relatively straightforward approach for improving the grain statistics for the study of metal alloys, where grain sizes in excess of 114μm can become problematic for synchrotron-based measurements. This new laboratory-based capability was applied to study the lattice strain evolution during the elastic-plastic transition in extruded and rolled magnesium alloys. A strain resolution of 2 × 10-4 at relatively low 2θ angles (20-65° 2θ) was achieved for the in situ tensile deformation studies. In situ measurement of the elastic lattice strain accommodation with applied stress in the magnesium alloys indicated the activation of dislocation slip and twin deformation mechanisms. Furthermore, measurement of the relative change in the intensity of 0002 and 10 3 was used to quantify {10 2} 011 tensile twin onset and growth with applied load.


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Short single-stranded oligonucleotides called aptamers, often termed as chemical antibodies, have been developed as powerful alternatives to traditional antibodies with respect to their obvious advantages like high specificity and affinity, longer shelf-life, easier manufacturing protocol, freedom to introduce chemical modifications for further improvement, etc. Reiterative selection process of aptamers over 10-15 cycles starting from a large initial pool of random nucleotide sequences renders them with high binding affinity, thereby making them extremely specific for their targets. Aptamer-based detection systems are well investigated and likely to displace primitive detection systems. Aptamer chimeras (combination of aptamers with another aptamer or biomacromolecule or chemical moiety) have the potential activity of both the parent molecules, and thus hold the capability to perform diverse functions at the same time. Owing to their extremely high specificity and lack of immunogenicity or pathogenicity, a number of other aptamers have recently entered clinical trials and have garnered favorable attention from pharmaceutical companies. Promising results from the clinical trials provide new hope to change the conventional style of therapy. Aptamers have attained high therapeutic relevance in a short time as compared to synthetic drugs and/or other modes of therapy. This review follows the various trends in aptamer technology including production, selection, modifications and success in clinical fields. It focusses largely on the various applications of aptamers which mainly depend upon their selection procedures. The review also sheds light on various modifications and chimerizations that have been implemented in order to improve the stability and functioning of the aptamers, including introduction of locked nucleic acids (LNAs). The application of various aptamers in detection systems has been discussed elaborately in order to stress on their role as efficient diagnostic agents. The key aspect of this review is focused on success of aptamers on the basis of their performance in clinical trials for various diseases.


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Barramundi (Lates calcarifer), a catadromous teleost of significant and growing commercial importance, are reported to have limited fatty acid bioconversion capability and therefore require preformed long-chain PUFA (LC-PUFA) as dietary essential fatty acid (EFA). In this study, the response of juvenile barramundi (47·0 g/fish initial weight) fed isolipidic and isoenergetic diets with 8·2 % added oil was tested. The experimental test diets were either devoid of fish oil (FO), and thus with no n-3 LC-PUFA (FO FREE diet), or with a low inclusion of FO (FO LOW diet). These were compared against a control diet containing only FO (FO CTRL diet) as the added lipid source, over an 8-week period. Interim samples and measurements were taken fortnightly during the trial in order to define the aetiology of the onset and progression of EFA deficiency. After 2 weeks, the fish fed the FO FREE and FO LOW diets had significantly lower live-weights, and after 8 weeks significant differences were detected for all performance parameters. The fish fed the FO FREE diet also had a significantly higher incidence of external abnormalities. The transcription of several genes involved in fatty acid metabolism was affected after 2 weeks of feeding, showing a rapid nutritional regulation. This experiment documents the aetiology of the onset and the progression of EFA deficiency in juvenile barramundi and demonstrates that such deficiencies can be detected within 2 weeks in juvenile fish.


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Higher education has been assigned new global importance. It is now the vehicle of choice for nations seeking to increase their competitiveness in an expanding knowledge economy. In developing nations, higher education has also been linked to goals to reduce poverty, under the influence of transnational aid agencies such as the World Bank and its knowledge-driven poverty reduction strategies. Drawing on Amartya Sen’s capability approach to development, this paper argues that this instrumentalization of higher education produces narrow conceptions of development, poverty and knowledge, and an unfounded optimism in ‘knowledge for skills’. The site for this analysis is the development and rapid expansion of Ethiopia’s higher education system, with its antecedents in a centuries-old religious education system but with more recent beginnings in the 1950s and, since the 1990s, under the influence of the World Bank. At stake are opportunity and process freedoms and the deprivation of capability (i.e. poverty) resulting from the constraint of these, evident in the nation’s higher education system. The paper concludes that without concerted efforts to redress injustices and to protect and expand people’s freedom, Ethiopian higher education has little to contribute to national socio-economic transformation agendas.


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Primarily developed as an alternative to narrow measures of well-being such as utility and resources, Amartya Sen’s capability approach places strong emphasis on people’s substantive opportunities. As a broad normative framework, the capability approach has become a valuable tool for understanding and evaluating social arrangements (e.g. education policies and development programmes) in terms of individuals’ effective freedoms to achieve valuable beings and doings. This paper explores the recent emergence of ‘capability’ in Australian education policy, specifically in the Australia in the Asian Century White Paper. We explore capability as a framing device and reveal how its various meanings are at odds with the scholarly literature, specifically Sen’s conception of capability and its implications for social justice in and through education. The analysis shows that the social justice intent of a capability approach appears to be overtaken in the White Paper by an emphasis on outcomes, performance and functionings that seek to serve the nation’s economic interests more than the interests of students, especially the disadvantaged.


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PURPOSE: This study is to design a sustained release solid dispersion using swellable polymer by melting method. METHODS: Polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 4000 (HPMC 4000) were used in solid dispersion for not only enhancing drug dissolution rate but also sustaining drug release. HPMC 4000 is a common swellable polymer in matrix sustained release dosage form, but could not be used in preparation of solid dispersion by melting method. However, the current study utilized the swelling capability of HPMC 4000 accompanied by the common carrier PEG 6000 in solid dispersion to accomplish the goal. RESULTS: While PEG 6000 acted as a releasing stimulant carrier and provided an environment to facilitate the swelling of HPMC 4000, this swellable polymer could act as a rate-controlling agent. This greatly assisted the dissolution enhancement by changing the crystalline structure of drug to more amorphous form and creating a molecular interaction. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggested that this useful technique can be applied in designing a sustained release solid dispersion with many advantages.


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People living in poverty are subject to assumptions and stereotypes which, whether inaccurate, harmful, or misguided, can impact empowerment and capability building. This research explores perceptions relating specifically to people in poverty in outer southeast Melbourne suburbs. Perceptions of 218 non-poor respondents are compared with the perceptions of 52 poor respondents. Poor respondents describe themselves before discussing impacts of negative non-poor perceptions. Findings demonstrate that the nonpoor tend to view the poor negatively and that these judgments have adverse impacts on those in poverty. Non-poor perceptions in this study are shown to influence the perpetuation of poverty by contributing to a cause and effect capability-judgment cycle. This cycle illustrates how non-poor views impact emotional and material wellbeing of the poor and influence policy, programs, and poverty discourse in ways which further reduce the capabilities of the poor to achieve valued ends.