31 resultados para C peptide


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Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is a problem in the farming of Atlantic salmon, and may compromise osmoregulatory, cardiovascular and respiratory functions. We examined the effects of AGD on atrial and C-type natriuretic peptide (ANP and CNP) stimulated branchial cyclic GMP formation, since natriuretic peptides (NPs) are involved in cardiovascular function and osmoregulation. NPs act via guanylyl cyclase receptors (NPR), which stimulate cGMP formation. NPR activity was measured by ANP and CNP stimulation of branchial cGMP formation, and compared between diseased and healthy salmon over an 11 day AGD infection. We also measured plasma osmolality. Osmolality increased in AGD infected salmon from an initial 355 mmol.kg-1 to 411 mmol.kg-1 at 11 days. There was no evidence that branchial cGMP formation changed in response to AGD. In all groups, CNP stimulation of guanylyl cyclase was 190% of basal rate, whereas ANP was 150% of basal. After 11 days, all groups were given a 4 h freshwater bath, the usual treatment for AGD. Another group was given a seawater to seawater transfer, to control for handling. In this group, plasma osmolality at 11 days was the same as in AGD fish. This elevation may be due to these fish experiencing disturbance for the first time in 11 days. ANP and CNP branchial NPR activity at the conclusion of the 4 h transfers was elevated in all groups compared to that at 11 days. The increased cGMP formation in the handling control suggests a NPR response to the transfer/handling stress. AGD fish demonstrated the greatest elevation in ANP and CNP guanylyl cyclase activity immediately following the bath; these values were greater than in the control groups. The AGD infected salmon, therefore, responded more emphatically to the freshwater treatment, suggesting that the NP system is involved in some aspects of AGD.


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Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is a major feature of Alzheimer's disease pathology. In CAA, degeneration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) occurs close to regions of the basement membrane where the amyloid protein (Aβ) builds up. In this study, the possibility that Aβ disrupts adhesive interactions between VSMCs and the basement membrane was examined. VSMCs were cultured on a commercial basement membrane substrate (Matrigel). The presence of Aβ in the Matrigel decreased cell-substrate adhesion and cell viability. Full-length oligomeric Aβ was required for the effect, as N- and C-terminally truncated peptide analogues did not inhibit adhesion. Aβ that was fluorescently labelled at the N-terminus (fluo-Aβ) bound to Matrigel as well as to the basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) perlecan and laminin. Adhesion of VSMCs to perlecan or laminin was decreased by Aβ. As perlecan influences VSMC viability through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 signalling pathway, the effect of Aβ1–40 on ERK1/2 phosphorylation was examined. The level of phospho-ERK1/2 was decreased in cells following Aβ treatment. An inhibitor of ERK1/2 phosphorylation enhanced the effect of Aβ on cell adhesion. The studies suggest that Aβ can decrease VSMC viability by disrupting VSMC–extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion.


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Angiotensin (Ang) I-converting enzyme (ACE) is a Zn2+ metalloprotease with two homologous catalytic domains. Both the N- and C-terminal domains are peptidyl dipeptidases. Hydrolysis by ACE of its decapeptide substrate Ang I is increased by Cl−, but the molecular mechanism of this regulation is unclear. A search for single substitutions to Gln among all conserved basic residues (Lys/Arg) in human ACE C-domain identified R1098Q as the sole mutant that lacked Cl− dependence. Cl−dependence is also lost when the equivalent Arg in the N-domain, Arg500, is substituted with Gln. The Arg1098 to Lys substitution reduced Cl− binding affinity by ∼100-fold. In the absence of Cl−, substrate binding affinity (1/K m) of and catalytic efficiency (k cat/K m) for Ang I hydrolysis are increased 6.9- and 32-fold, respectively, by the Arg1098 to Gln substitution, and are similar (<2-fold difference) to the respective wild-type C-domain catalytic constants in the presence of optimal [Cl−]. The Arg1098 to Gln substitution also eliminates Cl− dependence for hydrolysis of tetrapeptide substrates, but activity toward these substrates is similar to that of the wild-type C-domain in the absence of Cl−. These findings indicate that: 1) Arg1098 is a critical residue of the C-domain Cl−-binding site and 2) a basic side chain is necessary for Cl− dependence. For tetrapeptide substrates, the inability of R1098Q to recreate the high affinity state generated by the Cl−-C-domain interaction suggests that substrate interactions with the enzyme-bound Cl− are much more important for the hydrolysis of short substrates than for Ang I. Since Cl− concentrations are saturating under physiological conditions and Arg1098 is not critical for Ang I hydrolysis, we speculate that the evolutionary pressure for the maintenance of the Cl−-binding site is its ability to allow cleavage of short cognate peptide substrates at high catalytic efficiencies.


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The HIV-1 spacer peptide p1 is located in the C-terminus of the Gag polyprotein and separates the nucleocapsid (NC) and p6(Gag). Research centered on p1 has been limited and as yet no function has been ascribed to this spacer peptide. We have previously found that the conserved p1 proline residues (position 7 and 13) are critical for replication in the HIV-1 strain HXB2-BH10. In this study we have focused on the proline rich p1-p6(Gag) C-terminus of HIV-1. We individually examined the role of p1 proline's in multiple strains of HIV-1 and investigated the role of three proline residues in p6(Gag) (P24, P25 and P30). Assessment of the HXB2-BH10 based mutants revealed that Gag-Pol incorporation relative to Gag decreased in the p1 mutant virions, with the double proline mutant the most impaired. Mutating both p1 proline residues was found to abolish infectivity in multiple strains of HIV-1. Independent mutation of the p1 proline at position 7 resulted in a strain-dependent suppression of viral infectivity. This defect correlates with the presence of a tyrosine residue at position 9 of p1 and occurs in the early phase of the HIV-1 replication cycle. The p1 proline residues were found to be functionally distinct from P24, P25 and P30 in p6(Gag). This work affords novel insights into our understanding of the role of p1 in HIV-1 replication.


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n16 is a framework protein family associated with biogenic mineral stabilization, thought to operate at three key interfaces in nacre: protein/β-chitin, protein/protein, and protein/CaCO3. The N-terminal half of this protein, n16N, is known to be active in conferring this mineral stabilization and organization. While some details relating to the stabilization and organization of the mineral are known, the molecular mechanisms that underpin these processes are not yet established. To provide these molecular-scale details, here we explore current hypotheses regarding the possible subdomain organization of n16N, as related to these three interfaces in nacre, by combining outcomes of Replica Exchange with Solute Tempering molecular dynamics simulations with NMR experiments, to investigate the conformational ensemble of n16N in solution. We verify that n16N lacks a well-defined secondary structure, both with and without the presence of Ca(2+) ions, as identified from previous experiments. Our data support the presence of three different, functional subdomains within n16N. Our results reveal that tyrosine, chiefly located in the center of the peptide, plays a multifunctional role in stabilizing conformations of n16N, for intrapeptide and possibly interpeptide interactions. Complementary NMR spectroscopy data confirm the participation of tyrosine in this stabilization. The C-terminal half of n16N, lacking in tyrosine and highly charged, shows substantive conformational diversity and is proposed as a likely site for nucleation of calcium carbonate. Finally, dominant structures from our predicted conformational ensemble suggest the presentation of key residues thought to be critical to the selective binding to β-chitin surfaces.


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Hydrogels formed by the self-assembly of peptides are promising biomaterials. The bioactive and biocompatible molecule Fmoc-FRGDF has been shown to be an efficient hydrogelator via a π-β self-assembly mechanism. Herein, we show that the mechanical properties and morphology of Fmoc-FRGDF hydrogels can be effectively and easily manipulated by tuning both the final ionic strength and the rate of pH change. The increase of ionic strength, and consequent increase in rate of gelation and stiffness, does not interfere with the underlying π-β assembly of this Fmoc-protected peptide. However, by tuning the changing rate of the system's pH through the use of glucono-δ-lactone to form a hydrogel, as opposed to the previously reported HCl methodology, the morphology (nano- and microscale) of the scaffold can be manipulated.


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Photoresponsive molecules that incorporate peptides capable of material-specific recognition provide a basis for biomolecule-mediated control of the nucleation, growth, organization, and activation of hybrid inorganic/organic nanostructures. These hybrid molecules interact with the inorganic surface through multiple noncovalent interactions which allow reconfiguration in response to optical stimuli. Here, we quantify the binding of azobenzene-peptide conjugates that exhibit optically triggered cis-trans isomerization on Ag surfaces and compare to their behavior on Au. These results demonstrate differences in binding and switching behavior between the Au and Ag surfaces. These molecules can also produce and stabilize Au and Ag nanoparticles in aqueous media where the biointerface can be reproducibly and reversibly switched by optically triggered azobenzene isomerization. Comparisons of switching rates and reversibility on the nanoparticles reveal differences that depend upon whether the azobenzene is attached at the peptide N- or C-terminus, its isomerization state, and the nanoparticle composition. Our integrated experimental and computational investigation shows that the number of ligand anchor sites strongly influences the nanoparticle size. As predicted by our molecular simulations, weaker contact between the hybrid biomolecules and the Ag surface, with fewer anchor residues compared with Au, gives rise to differences in switching kinetics on Ag versus Au. Our findings provide a pathway toward achieving new remotely actuatable nanomaterials for multiple applications from a single system, which remains difficult to achieve using conventional approaches.


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Photoresponsive molecules that incorporate peptides capable of material-specific recognition provide a basis for biomolecule-mediated control of the nucleation, growth, organization, and activation of hybrid inorganic/organic nanostructures. These hybrid molecules interact with the inorganic surface through multiple noncovalent interactions which allow reconfiguration in response to optical stimuli. Here, we quantify the binding of azobenzene-peptide conjugates that exhibit optically triggered cis-trans isomerization on Ag surfaces and compare to their behavior on Au. These results demonstrate differences in binding and switching behavior between the Au and Ag surfaces. These molecules can also produce and stabilize Au and Ag nanoparticles in aqueous media where the biointerface can be reproducibly and reversibly switched by optically triggered azobenzene isomerization. Comparisons of switching rates and reversibility on the nanoparticles reveal differences that depend upon whether the azobenzene is attached at the peptide N- or C-terminus, its isomerization state, and the nanoparticle composition. Our integrated experimental and computational investigation shows that the number of ligand anchor sites strongly influences the nanoparticle size. As predicted by our molecular simulations, weaker contact between the hybrid biomolecules and the Ag surface, with fewer anchor residues compared with Au, gives rise to differences in switching kinetics on Ag versus Au. Our findings provide a pathway toward achieving new remotely actuatable nanomaterials for multiple applications from a single system, which remains difficult to achieve using conventional approaches.


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A major barrier to the systematic improvement of biomimetic peptide-mediated strategies for the controlled growth of inorganic nanomaterials in environmentally benign conditions lies in the lack of clear conceptual connections between the sequence of the peptide and its surface binding affinity, with binding being facilitated by noncovalent interactions. Peptide conformation, both in the adsorbed and in the nonadsorbed state, is the key relationship that connects peptide-materials binding with peptide sequence. Here, we combine experimental peptide-titania binding characterization with state-of-the-art conformational sampling via molecular simulations to elucidate these structure/binding relationships for two very different titania-binding peptide sequences. The two sequences (Ti-1, QPYLFATDSLIK; Ti-2, GHTHYHAVRTQT) differ in their overall hydropathy, yet via quartz-crystal microbalance measurements and predictions from molecular simulations, we show these sequences both support very similar, strong titania-binding affinities. Our molecular simulations reveal that the two sequences exhibit profoundly different modes of surface binding, with Ti-1 acting as an entropically driven binder while Ti-2 behaves as an enthalpically driven binder. The integrated approach presented here provides a rational basis for peptide sequence engineering to achieve the in situ growth and organization of titania nanostructures in aqueous media and for the design of sequences suitable for a range of technological applications that involve the interface between titania and biomolecules.