45 resultados para Attachment security


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The continuing erosion of civil liberties in Western democracies, and in particular Australia, as a response to the threat of terrorist attack - the position taken that laws eroding civil liberties will ultimately fail in its attempt to combat terrorist activity while adding to human insecurity and violence - counter-terrorism measures resulting in the militarisation of law enforcement and provoking terrorism - linking counter-terrorism with globalisation.


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As a continually growing financial service of electronic commerce, Internet banking requires the development and implementation of a sound security procedure. This involves designing effective methods via which users can
be authenticated in a remote environment. Specifically for Internet banking there is areal need for away uniquely to identify and authenticate users without the possibility of their authenticity being cloned. Some technologies in use have been presented for meeting the security requirements for national, regional and global Internet banking assurance. However, there has been little research conducted particularly on the creation of secure
and trusted pathways. Concentrates on presenting a security framework for Internet banking based on discovering and defining these pathways in terms of adequate authentication mechanisms. Proposes a framework concerning how to identify security requirements for Internet banking such that the
transactions being conducted are secured within their respective environments.


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A versatile synthesis of amino acid and peptide functionalised [n]polynorbornane scaffolds is described. The frameworks are constructed using the stereoselective and regioselective cycloaddition of suitably functionalised chiral cyclobutene epoxides with similar norbornenes. The strategies employed allow a range of topologies to be accessed and a number of regioselectively addressable linkage points to be accommodated.


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The role of adult romantic attachment style in the relationship between childhood experiences and current depression was examined. Childhood maltreatment, parental separation/divorce, family adaptability and cohesion during childhood, current attachment style in romantic relationships, vulnerability to depression, and current depressive symptoms were measured in a self-selected sample of adults (N = 133). A large degree of overlap was found in the experience of different types of maltreatment during childhood. Depressive symptoms were uniquely predicted by the sexual abuse and neglect scales, with significant additional variance explained after entering the degree to which respondents' current romantic attachment style was “secure”. Maltreatment and family dysfunction in childhood were significant predictors of depression and vulnerability to depression. Although maltreatment scores did not differentiate between different attachment styles, the degree to which respondents were securely attached may explain -in part -the association between early childhood environment and depressive symptoms in adulthood.


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Current studies to analyzing security protocols using formal methods require users to predefine authentication goals. Besides, they are unable to discover potential correlations between secure messages. This research attempts to analyze security protocols using data mining. This is done by extending the idea of association rule mining and converting the verification of protocols into computing the frequency and confidence of inconsistent secure messages. It provides a novel and efficient way to analyze security protocols and find out potential correlations between secure messages. The conducted experiments demonstrate our approaches.


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Preventive detention enables a person to be deprived of liberty, by executive determination, for the purposes of safeguarding national security or public order without that person being charged or brought to trial. This paper examines Article 9(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966 to assess whether preventive detention is prohibited by the phrase 'arbitrary arrest and detention '. To analyse this Article, this paper uses a textual and structural analysis of the Article, as well as reference to the travaux preparatoires and case law of the Human Rights Committee. This paper argues that preventive detention is not explicitly prohibited by Article 9(1) ofthe International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966. If preventive detention is 'arbitrary', within the wide interpretation of that term as argued in this paper, it will be a permissible deprivation of personal liberty under Article 9(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966. Preventive detention will, however, always be considered 'arbitrary' if sajeguards for those arrested and detained are not complied with, in particular the right to judicial review of the lawfulness of detention.


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International arbitrations can be conducted under either federal or State legislation in Australia. In both cases complexities arise in the resolution of procedural questions, such as whether security for costs can be granted. There is scant Australian case law on such issues. This article considers whether an arbitral tribunal or a court has the power [*2] to order security for costs in an international arbitration in Australia. After analysing Australia's international arbitration laws and discussing New Zealand and House of Lords' authority, it is argued that unless the parties have specifically empowered the arbitral tribunal to order security for costs, only the relevant court has that power, and even that is uncertain.


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Researchers investigating the decline of potential applicants for principalships have demonstrated that teachers perceive there to be a significant problem in current selection procedures. This article reports an investigation in two Australian states into principal selection. Drawing on a corpus of interviews, two case studies and administrative guidelines, we highlight five key problems in the interview process: (1) the dependence of selection panels on a written application; (2) the dilemma of experience versus potential; (3) the covert rule about the appointment of preferred applicants; (4) the quandary of panel competency; and (5) the evidence of inconsistency of decisions. We argue that the selection process amounts to a reproductive technology which, in the quest for certainty and safety, results in particular kinds of people being successful. This amounts we suggest, whether the selection process is managed by progressive or conservative personnel, to a form of homosociability the tendency to select people just like oneself.


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'Preventive detention' refers to detention by executive order as a  precautionary measure based on predicted criminal conduct. Detention is without criminal charge or trial as detention is based on the prediction of a future offence. This paper examines Article 5 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ('ECHR'), in particular Article 5(1)(c) and Article 5(3). To explore this issue, this paper conducts a textual analysis of Article 5 and examines both the travaux preacuteparatoires of the ECHR, as well as jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. This article argues that preventive detention is specifically provided for under the second ground of detention in Article 5(1)(c). A person in preventive detention, however, must be brought promptly before judicial authority under Article 5(3).


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Since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York, the use of biometric devices such as fingerprint scans, retina and iris scans and facial recognition in everyday situations for national security and border control, have become commonplace. This has resulted in the biometric industry moving from being a niche technology to one that is ubiquitous. As a result. more and more employers are using biometrics to secure staff access to their facilities as well as for tracking staff work hours, maintaining 'discipline' and carry out surveillance against thefts. detecting work hour abuses and fraud. However, the data thus collected and the technologies themselves are feared of having the potential for and actually being misused - both in terms of the violating staff privacy and discrimination and oppression of targeted workers. This paper examines the issue of using biometric devices in organisational settings their advantages, disadvantages and actual and potential abuses from the point of view of critical theory. From the perspectives of Panoptic surveillance and hegemonic organisational control, the paper examines the issues related to privacy and identification, biometrics and privacy, biometrics and the 'body', and surveillance and modernity. The paper also examines the findings ofa survey carried out in Australia. Malaysia and the USA on respondents' opinions on the use of biometric devices in everyday life including at workplaces. The paper concludes that along with their applications in border control and national security, the use of biometric devices should be covered by relevant laws and regulations. guidelines and codes of practice. in order to balance the rights to privacy and civil liberties of workers with employers' need for improved productivity, reduced costs, safeguards related to occupational health and safety, equal opportunity, and workplace harassment of staff and other matters, that employers are legally responsible for.


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Security protocols have been widely used to safeguard secure electronic transactions. We usually assume that principals are credible and shall not maliciously disclose their individual secrets to someone else. Nevertheless, it is impractical to completely ignore the possibility that some principals may collude in private to achieve a fraudulent or illegal purpose. Therefore, it is critical to address the possibility of collusion attacks in order to correctly analyse security protocols. This paper proposes a framework by which to detect collusion attacks in security protocols. The possibility of security threats from insiders is especially taken into account. The case study demonstrates that our methods are useful and promising in discovering and preventing collusion attacks.


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Mass media representations foster a view that the "War on Terror" is taking place both everywhere and nowhere, presenting Western governments with an opportunity to mobilize public support in new and ubiquitous ways. Starting with Virilio's critique of technology, speed, and de-territorialization, this article discusses the ways in which mass support is mobilized by the state in conventional pursuit of geopolitical objectives. Drawing on  contemporary international relations theory, the authors introduce the concept of "securitization" and discuss how war coverage in cyberspace has been used to securitize international threats, such as "global terrorism," to justify state intervention, including war. It is concluded that one of the paradoxes of war coverage in cyberspace is that whereas cyber-technologies should democratize the politics of war by liberating access to information about war, the state has coopted information and communication technologies to facilitate new forms of mass mobilization for war itself.


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Secure management of Australia's commercial critical infrastructure presents ongoing challenges to owners and the government. Currently a high-level iriformation sharing collaboration between the government and business manages complex security issues, but critical irifrastructure protection also lacks a scalable model exhibiting the overall structure of critical infrastructure at various levels, sectors and sub-sectors. This research builds on the work of Marasea and Warren (2003) to establish a representative model of Australia's critical irifrastructure; discusses the boundaries between critical infrastructures, and considers the existence andpotential irifluence ofcritical irifrastructure relationships.