87 resultados para Asbestos in building


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The sea change phenomenon has attracted new residents to Australian coastal towns and brought with it expectations of residential housing formed in metropolitan settings. Consequently, the traditional ‘identifying’ neighbourhood character of these towns is changing. Much larger houses are now being built and site coverage has increased. To date, changes in character have been measured using data based on the subjective judgement of residents through surveys and interviews. More objective information would be beneficial in understanding change. This paper describes a methodology that has been developed to quantify the change in the building footprint in the historic coastal town of Queenscliff in Victoria. Using selected aerial photographs, the building footprint of the town's residential buildings has been estimated at four intervals from 1957 until 2006. This footprint has been compared to the block size at each interval so that changes in house-to-block ratio may be compared. Over 20% of the residential homes were assessed. Building footprint has risen from 30% to over 38% in the documented 50 years. The method developed here is a low-cost method of tracking footprint change over an extended period and informing local planners and residents of when and where the changes have occurred.


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Waste exchange is as a facilitator for construction and demolition waste deduction by reuse and recycling in construction projects. The just-in-time philosophy, which has been well cultivated in the manufacturing industry, is highly adoptable for demolition projects. Particularly, waste exchange that is usually performed after the actual demolition process can be shifted forward so that waste inventory from demolition is eliminated or reduced to facilitate waste reuse and recycling. A web-based waste exchange system is an ideal platform to enable communications among project participants before a demolition project commences so that waste materials can be sold before they are produced. Therefore, the productivity of the demolition project could be improved. This research paper aims to investigate and analyse the adoption of just-in-time philosophy in building demolition project management. It also describes the development of the proposed web-based waste exchange system that implements just-in-time demolition in detail, including its functionalities, information flows and major components.


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The government of the State of Victoria has been slow to acknowledge the social costs of asbestos-related diseases (ARD) in the Latrobe Valley. Despite the emphasis on ‘community’ in the discipline of public health and in public health services since the 1970s, ARD was only recognised as a community-wide health problem because of the advocacy of people directly affected by it. An historical view of responses to ARD in a community established as an appendage to the publicly owned power industry and infused with an ethic of public service, shows that contests over the definition of ‘community’ lay at the heart of these responses. It also shows that such disputes did not arise only from the reluctance of authorities to acknowledge the problems resulting from the extensive use of asbestos in power stations. The paper highlights the political nature of the notion of ‘community’ and in doing so raises questions that have implications beyond its narrow regional focus.


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Blended learning models are widely-used, successful training vehicles for e-learning and workplace training, in corporate as well as higher education environments. Increasingly, Web 2.0 applications, imbedded within blended learning models, are being recognized for their utility in these settings. Concern for the sustainability and relevance of nonprofit organizations has sharpened the interest in building effective capacity-building models for the sector. Can Web 2.0 technologies enhance capacity-building models in the Third Sector? Because blended learning is a remarkably adaptable and fluid model, its potential for transforming capacity-building models in the nonprofit sector is thought to be significant. This paper introduces the concept of transformational approaches to capacity-building and asks if blended learning paradigms that incorporate interactive next-generation technologies might strike a responsive chord in the sector. The authors present research to date on blended learning and capacity-building to lay the foundation for the introduction of one blended learning model for training and education in the nonprofit sector. While the authors suggest that blended learning, as it is evolving, is the key to driving innovation in capacity-building models, they recognize that tailoring blended learning to the audience is critical in achieving success. It is suggested that for optimal results, capacity-building efforts should be built on holistic approaches to the integration of individual self-actualization goals with mechanisms for organizational and sector empowerment, using the technologies imbedded with blended learning. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Experience to date in for-profit as well as in educational settings has demonstrated that blended learning models are effective training vehicles for online instruction and workplace training. Increasingly, technology is playing a critical role in how e-learning is being delivered. Concern for the sustainability and relevance of nonprofit organizations has heightened interest in building effective capacity-building models for the sector. Because blended learning is a remarkably adaptable and fluid model, its potential for transforming capacity-building models in the nonprofit sector can be significant. Are web-based technologies enhancing capacity-building models in the Third Sector? This chapter explores the use of blended learning models within different educational environments to provide the context for asking the question: can blended learning paradigms that incorporate interactive next-generation technologies be widely accepted and implemented in the Third Sector? To establish a baseline for future studies, researchers surveyed nonprofit practitioners in Western Pennsylvania, US and Victoria, Australia. Results from three surveys conducted in 2011 reflect an awareness of the value of web-based training and education for nonprofit practitioners, but do not provide evidence of widespread usage. © 2013 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Latrobe Valley region of Victoria, Australia, has the highest rate of asbestos disease in the state due to extensive past use of asbestos in the power industry. Current responses to asbestos disease epidemics in Australia and internationally are dominated by medical, scientific, legal and government perspectives. The voices and perspectives of those most directly affected – exposed and diseased workers, their families and communities – are relatively rarely heard.A qualitative interview study was conducted to determine what people in the Latrobe Valley community think could or should be done following their own asbestos disease epidemic. Analysis identified several themes. Notably, these represent a sophisticated community understanding of issues that is largely consistent with state-of-the-art occupational health and public health knowledge.Some themes are well known already, eg the need for fair and timely compensation, adequate healthcare facilities and services, and more education. Others point to neglected possibilities, such as the need for reconciliation and social healing to complement the dominant individual medico-legal focus. Employer suppression of hazard information and denial of asbestos-related disease in past decades continues to have a profound effect on people's views in the present. Reconciliation in some form, eg acknowledgement of or apology for past wrongs, was identified as a necessary first step in developing new and better policy and practice responses; action in this regard has important implications for the implementation and effectiveness of other policy and practice interventions. Further, a need for substantive community participation in the development of policy and practice responses – currently lacking – was identified. Findings suggest that community is an under-recognised and under-utilised resource in responding to a local asbestos disease epidemic.The Latrobe Valley situation is a microcosm of the broader Australian and international story. It offers insights on the perspectives of those most affected by asbestos issues, how such people and their views can be used to strengthen current policy and practice responses, and how their participation is essential to building comprehensive public and social health responses to this global problem.


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Retrofit buildings are becoming popular in the United Kingdom as well as many parts of the advanced economies. Existing whole-life costing models have however, not proven to be robust enough to deal with building retrofit scenarios. Recent research has made a case for the existence of revocability and disruption in building retrofit investments. This paper evaluates the whole-life cost implication of revocability and disruption in office retrofit building projects. The potential implication of revocability and disruption are evaluated based on probability and fuzzy logic principles respectively. Two case study projects are selected to appraise the economic potentials of revocability and disruption. It was found that the average cost of revocability relative to the initial capital cost can be up to 119% over a 60-year life. It was also found that the average cost of disruption relative to the initial capital cost can be up to 12%. Future studies will utilise sensitivity analysis in assessing the relative preference of building retrofit configurations in office building projects. The external validity of this work is moderate, as the intention is to establish analytical generalisation rather than statistical generalisation for office retrofit building projects.


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The construction industry consists of many small businesses employing less than five people. A challenge to the construction industry is to ensure that the many small firms and sub-contractors keep producing quality housing to meet the needs of their customers and clients. In attempts to continually improve the quality of housing various policies and mechanisms have been adopted. These have included industry sponsored quality programs and industry administered builder registration. However, these attempts have failed because of consumer mistrust of industry-sponsored programs. In addition, these mechanisms have been introduced in isolation and not as a part of an integrated industry initiative that includes education and training from the trade to tertiary level construction management courses. This work contributes to knowledge through a detailed on-going study of housing quality and defects. This research identifies the common forms of defects, which occur in housing and their incidences. The overall aim of this paper is to report the identification of defects in housing and the establishment of benchmarks (or a baseline) for the incidence defects in various functional elements within a house. It also suggests the areas where defects are likely to occur. From the knowledge gained from the study, industry and governments may make informed decisions of where resources may be directed to the areas where it will be most beneficial both to the house builder and the end user (customer). For this to occur the findings of this research will be disseminated into the housing industry and eventually integrated into tertiary courses in building and construction


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The research design for this paper is based on the critical need for greater emphasis by Australian arts organizations on relationship marketing as a means of achieving sustainability. Recent injections of government funds into the performing arts in Australia, to meet a "crisis" in financial viability and audience development, highlighted the dependence of arts organizations on government funds in building audiences. A hypothesis was developed through an analysis of the literature on relationship marketing, cultural economics and value measurement, and an analysis of the long-term outcomes of government strategies for the funding of arts marketing. The hypothesis is that while social intervention is acceptable (even desirable and necessary), and achieves the social goals of governments, market intervention reduces the benefits of relationship-building and the exchange of values between arts organizations and their audiences.

Analysis of government documents and primary research in audience development proved the hypothesis. Empirical research resulted in the development of a theory and model that describe the limits of market intervention and in the development of a definition of values in the continuum of government activity from social to market intervention. The model could be useful for governments in developing arts policy with regard to audiencebuilding. It could also be useful in demonstrating to arts managers that sustainability results not from government funding but rather from relationship-marketing strategies.


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The concept of web publishing has been widely discussed in IS research literature since the WWW emerged. The discussion in various publications often revolves around the issues of business success and profitability, web design, and effective content presentation. This paper is a study of one of the “unknown” segments of the Internet - a family of websites publishing literary works in the Russian language. We demonstrate that the innovative model adopted by site owners in building the relationships with the site customers, and the information technology selected for the sites can play a crucial role in the success of a web-based venture. Our analysis is based on the concepts of virtual community and socio-technical interaction. We discuss the  contribution of this case not only to the innovative use of the Web-based business models, but also to the new forms of literary life and national  culture. Some of the concepts, principles and practices, adopted on those sites may be of interest to the Internet developers and communities worldwide.


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This paper describes teaching and learning in building design cost management for undergraduate construction economics, construction management and architecture students using the WorldWideWeb based Building Cost Information Service. The paper also discusses the benefits of using such an authentic learning strategy to achieve specified learning outcomes which are considered by t he a uthors to be of considerable benefit in the teaching of this important subject area. Although there are a number of limitations in the application of building design cost management, as considered in this paper, some of which are discussed below, to date no satisfactory alternative has been developed, and therefore, a clear understanding of what the process is and how it is applied, is essential.


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In many disciplines, creativity has been recognised as an important part of problem solving. In business, creativity enables the generation of better solutions and provides an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. In Information Systems (IS) creativity assists developers in finding solutions to difficult problems by helping to efficiently utilise available resources and allows the more effective planning and running of complex projects. One of the most important aspects of IS development is Requirements Engineering (RE), the development activity aimed at understanding the needs and wants of IS customers. While previous RE researchers suggested that creativity is crucial in building high quality information systems, fostering creative outcomes in RE is difficult as it is affected by the multifaceted socioorganisational context within which IS development commonly takes place. This paper reports findings from an empirical study into creativity in RE. Specifically, it reports various contextual factors which were found to influence the creativity of individuals and their teams.


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Teacher/Student engagement enriches learning experiences beyond the specifics of communicated information by encouraging connectivity and the fostering of learning communities. This paper is an analysis of student engagement in a postgraduate online-mediated learning environment, and considers how engagement may be an important factor in building communities of learning in conjunction with improved learning outcomes. This paper is informed by the conceptual framework for effective e-learning outlined by Garrison and Anderson (2003) as necessary for higher order knowledge building by students as part of skills development for participation in knowledge economies. Data collected through a pilot study infers that a correlation exists between the development of small groups of significantly contributing students within wider online student cohorts and the learning outcomes of all students within the cohort. The findings indicate that a number of small events have increased student engagement and motivation, and resulted in improved learning outcomes.


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This study investigated what values may be influential to decision making in relation to ethical behaviour for early career lawyers. It adopted a longitudinal approach to investigate how values develop or degrade over time as final year law students move into their first two years of employment or further study. To this end, the study investigated the role that tertiary education and employers fulfill in building and perpetuating ‘appropriate’ professional values? Results demonstrate that, in general, ethical behaviour was not uniformly reinforced over time in the workplace. The undertaking of pro bono work stands out here. Results suggested that certain behaviour relevant values may develop or degrade over the early years of the Australian lawyer's career. The implications of results are discussed in the contexts of ethics education in a tertiary context and the continuing education and regulation of the legal profession.


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In many disciplines, creativity has been recognised as an important part of problem solving. In business, creativity enables the generation of better solutions and provides an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. In Information Systems (IS) creativity assists developers in finding solutions to difficult problems by helping to efficiently utilise available resources and allows the more effective planning and running of complex projects. One of the most important aspects of IS development is Requirements Engineering (RE), the development activity aimed at understanding the needs and wants of IS customers. While previous RE researchers suggested that creativity is crucial in building high quality information systems, fostering creative outcomes in RE is difficult as it is affected by the multifaceted socioorganisational context within which IS development commonly takes place. This paper reports findings from an empirical study into creativity in RE. Specifically, it reports various contextual factors which were found to influence the creativity of individuals and their teams