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Linear strips of vegetation set within a less-hospitable matrix are common features of landscapes throughout the world. Depending on location, form and function, these linear landscape elements include hedgerows, fencerows, shelterbelts, roadside or streamside strips and wildlife corridors. In many anthropogenically-modified landscapes, linear strips are important components for conservation because they provide a large proportion of the remaining wooded or shrubby habitat for fauna. They may also function to provide connectivity across the landscape. In some districts, the linear strips form an interconnected network of habitat. The spatial configuration of remnant habitat (size, shape and arrangement) may influence habitat suitability, and hence survival, of many species of plant and animal in modified landscapes. Near Euroa in south-eastern Australia, the clearing and fragmentation of temperate woodlands for agriculture has been extensive and, at present, less than 5% tree cover remains, most of which (83%) occurs as linear strips along roads and streams. The remainder of the woodland occurs as relatively small patches and single isolated trees scattered across the landscape. As an assemblage, arboreal marsupials are woodland dependent and vary in their sensitivity to habitat loss and fragmentation. This thesis focusses on determining the conservation status of arboreal marsupials in the linear network and understanding how they utilise the landscape mosaic. Specifically, the topics examined in this thesis are: (1) the composition of the arboreal marsupial assemblage in linear and non-linear woodland remnants; (2) the status and habitat preferences of species of arboreal marsupial within linear remnants; and (3) the ecology of a population of the Squirrel Glider Petaurus norfolcensis in the linear network, focusing on population dynamics, spatial organisation, and use of den trees. The arboreal marsupial fauna in the linear network was diverse, and comprised seven out of eight species known to occur in the district. The species detected within the strips were P. norfolcensis, the Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps, Common Brushtail Possum Trichosums vulpecula, Common Ringtail Possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus, Brush-tailed Phascogale Phascogale tapoatafa, Koala Phascolarctos cinereus and Yellow-footed Antechinus Antechinus flavipes. The species not detected was the Feathertail Glider Acrabates pygmaeus. Survey sites in linear remnants (strips of woodland along roads and streams) supported a similar richness and density of arboreal mammals to sites in non-linear remnants (large patches or continuous tracts of woodland nearby). Furthermore, the combined abundance of all species of arboreal marsupials was significantly greater in sites in the linear remnants than in the non-linear remnants. This initial phase of the study provided no evidence that linear woodland remnants support a degraded or impoverished arboreal marsupial fauna in comparison with the nonlinear remnants surveyed. Intensive trapping of arboreal marsupials within a 15 km linear network between February 1997 and June 1998 showed that all species of arboreal marsupial (except A. pygmaeus) were present within the linear strips. Further analyses related trap-based abundance estimates to measures of habitat quality and landscape structure. Width of the linear habitat was significantly positively correlated with the combined abundance of all arboreal marsupials, as well as with the abundance of P. norfolcensis and T. vulpecula. The abundance of T. vulpecula was also significantly positively correlated with variation in overstorey species composition, Acacia density and the number of hollow-bearing trees. The abundance of P. norfolcensis was positively correlated with Acacia density and canopy width, and negatively correlated with distance to the nearest intersection with another linear remnant. No significant variables were identified to explain the abundance of P. tapoatafa, and there were insufficient captures of the remaining species to investigate habitat preferences. Petaurus norfolcensis were resident within the linear network and their density (0.95 -1.54 ha-1) was equal to the maximum densities recorded for this species in continuous forest elsewhere in south-eastern Australia. Rates of reproduction were also similar to those in continuous forest, with births occurring between May and December, a mean natality rate of 1.9, and a mean litter size of 1.7. Sex ratios never differed significantly from parity. Overall, the population dynamics of P. norfolcensis were comparable with published results for the species in contiguous forest, clearly suggesting that the linear remnants currently support a self-sustaining, viable population. Fifty-one P. norfolcensis were fitted with radio transmitters and tracked intermittently between December 1997 and November 1998. Home ranges were small (1.3 - 2.8 ha), narrow (20 - 40 m) and elongated (322 - 839 m). Home ranges were mostly confined to the linear remnants, although 80% of gliders also utilised small clumps of adjacent woodland within farm paddocks for foraging or denning. Home range size was significantly larger at intersections between two or more linear remnants than within straight sections of linear remnants. Intersections appeared to be important sites for social interaction because the overlap of home ranges of members of adjacent social groups was significantly greater at intersections than straight sections. Intersections provided the only opportunity for members of three or more social groups to interact, while still maintaining their territories. The 51 gliders were radiotracked to 143 different hollow-bearing trees on 2081 occasions. On average, gliders used 5.3 den trees during the study (range 1-15), and changed den trees every 4.9 days. The number of den trees used by each glider is likely to be conservative because the cumulative number of den trees continued to increase over the full duration of the study. When gliders shifted between den trees, the mean distance between consecutive den sites was 247 m. Den trees were located throughout a glider's home range, thereby reducing the need to return to a central den site and potentially minimising energy expenditure. Dens were usually located in large trees (mean diameter 88.5 cm) and were selected significantly more often than expected based on their occurrence within the landscape. The overall conclusion of this thesis is that the linear network I studied provides high quality habitat for resident populations of arboreal marsupials. Important factors influencing the suitability of the linear remnants appear to be the high level of network connectivity, the location on soils of high nutrient status, the high density of large trees and an acacia understorey. In highly fragmented landscapes, linear habitats as part of the remaining woodland mosaic have the potential to be an integral component in the conservation of woodland-dependent fauna. The habitat value of linear strips of vegetation should not be underestimated.


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The effect of foam fillers on the impact behaviour and energy absorption of an aluminium tube is investigated. Both experimental test and computational simulation are employed in current study. For comparison, hollow tubes and foams are also tested, respectively. Foam filler is found to be ineffective in increasing the crushing loads of the composite tubes over the simple superposition of the crushing loads of hollow tube and foam. Also, foam filler increases the tendency for the concertina mode of folding. The foam fillers of tubes additionally result in increasing the SAE values over those of hollow tubes.


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Cobalt-free perovskite cathode with excellent oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) properties below 800 °C is a key material toward wide implementation of intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. This work reports the phase structure, microstructure and performance of such cathode based on the composite phases of triclinic Ba0.9Bi0.1FeO3-δ, cubic BaFeO3 and orthorhombic BaFe2O4 prepared by sol–gel route. The resultant barium ferrites composite cathode exhibits uniform particles, pores and elements distribution. In particular, favorable ORR properties of this cathode is demonstrated by very low interfacial resistance of only 0.036 and 0.072 Ω cm2 at 750 and 700 °C and maximum power density of 1295 and 840 mW cm−2 at 750 and 700 °C.


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Exploring high performance cathode materials is essential to realize the adoption of Li-ion batteries for application in electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. FeF3, as a typical iron-based fluoride, has been attracting considerable interest due to both the high electromotive force value of 2.7 V and the high theoretical capacity of 237 mA h g_1 (1e_ transfer). In this study, we report a facile lowtemperature solution phase approach for synthesis of uniform iron fluoride nanocrystals on reduced graphene sheets stably suspended in ethanol solution. The resulting hybrid of iron fluoride nanocrystals and graphene sheets showed high specific capacity and high rate performance for iron fluoride type cathode materials. High stable specific capacity of about 210 mA h g_1 at a current density of 0.2 C was achieved, which is much higher than that of LiFePO4 cathode material. Notably, these iron fluoride/ nanocomposite cathode materials demonstrated superior rate capability, with discharge capacities of 176, 145 and 113 mA h g_1 at 1, 2 and 5 C, respectively.


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This article presents finite-element method simulation results of current distribution in an aluminum electrolytic cell. The model uses one quarter of the cell as a computational domain assuming longitudinal (along the length of the cell) and transverse axes of symmetries. The purpose of this work is to closely examine the impact of steel and copper collector bars on the cell current distribution. The findings indicated that an inclined steel collector bar (φ = 1°) can save up to 10–12 mV from the cathode lining in comparison to a horizontal 100 mm × 150-mm steel collector bar. It is predicted that a copper collector bar has a much higher potential of saving cathode voltage drop (CVD) and has a greater impact on the overall current distribution in the cell. A copper collector bar with 72% of cathode length and size of 100 mm × 150 mm is predicted to have more than 150 mV savings in cathode lining. In addition, a significant improvement in current distribution over the entire cathode surface is achieved when compared with a similar size of steel collector bar. There is a reduction of more than 70% in peak current density value due to the higher conductivity of copper. Comparisons between steel and copper collector bars with different sizes are discussed in terms CVD and current density distribution. The most important aspect of the findings is to recognize the influence of copper collector bars on the current distribution in molten metal. Lorentz fields are evaluated at different sizes of steel and copper collector bars. The simulation predicts that there is 50% decrease in Lorentz force due to the improvement in current distribution in the molten metal.


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Through comparative studying on LiFePO4/C preparation process of adding carbon source in precursor and pre-sintered material, marked as LFP-1 (in-situ carbon coating) and LFP-2 respectively, by means of C-S test, XRD, SEM, BET, Raman, the effects of carbon content, morphology, particle size and surface carbon structure on the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4/C cathodes were investigated. SEM images showed that particle sizes of LFP-1 and LFP-2 are about 10μm and 100nm respectively. The EIS and galvnostatic charge-discharge tests indicated that LFP-1 has lower charge transfer resistance (Rct), better rate and cycle performance than that of LFP-2, which can be attributed to the different microstructure and the higher degree of graphitized carbon of LiFePO4/C. Raman spectroscopic analysis showed that the ratio of the ID/IG and Asp3/Asp2 of LFP-1 is lower that of LFP-2, which means the degree of graphitized carbon of LFP-1 is higher than that of LEP-2. These results have important significance for improving the overall performance of olivine cathode materials for lithium ion batteries.


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Capsular polypyrrole hollow nanofibers (PPy-HNFs) were fabricated via in situ polymerization of pyrrole on an organic-inorganic template, followed by acid etching. Their application in removing hexavalent chromium (Cr(vi)) from aqueous solution was then investigated. The morphologies of the capsular PPy-HNFs were studied by both scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), which showed that the PPy-HNFs had a capsular structure in the walls of hollow nanofibers. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data confirmed the adsorption of Cr on capsular PPy-HNFs. The adsorption capacity increased with reduced pH of the initial solution and the adsorption process can be described using the pseudo-second-order model. These capsular PPy-HNFs showed a high Cr(vi) adsorption capacity up to 839.3 mg g-1. This adsorption capacity was largely retained even after five adsorption/desorption cycles. Electrostatic attraction between Cr and PPy-HNFs was studied using a proposed adsorption mechanism. The capsular PPy-HNFs formed a flexible membrane, which allowed easy handling during application. This study has demonstrated the possibilities of using this capsular PPy-HNF membrane for heavy metal removal from aqueous solution.


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A lithium-polymer battery based on an ionic liquid–polymer electrolyte (IL–PE) composite membrane operating at room temperature is described. Utilizing a polypyrrole coated LiV3O8 cathode material, the cell delivers >200 mAh g−1 with respect to the mass of the cathode material. Discharge capacity is slightly higher than those observed for this cathode material in standard aprotic electrolytes; it is thought that this is the result of a lower solubility of the LiV3O8 material in the IL–PE composite membrane.


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The ecology and function of many Australian predators has likely been disrupted following major changes in prey base due to declines in distribution and abundance of small mammals following European settlement. This study investigated various aspects of the dietary ecology of sooty owls (Tyto tenebricosa tenebricosa), including sexual variation as they potentially exhibit the greatest degree of reversed sexual dimorphism of any owl species worldwide. Sooty owls are highly opportunistic predators of non-volant small mammals, consuming most species known to exist in the region, so their diet fluctuates seasonally and spatially due to varying prey availability, and is particularly influenced by the breeding cycles of prey. Significant intersexual dietary differences existed with female sooty owls predominantly consuming much larger prey items than males, with dietary overlap at 0.62. The current reliance on relatively few native mammalian species is of conservation concern, especially when mammal declines are unlikely to have ceased as many threatening processes still persist in the landscape. Sooty owl conservation appears inextricably linked with small mammal conservation. Conservation efforts should be focussed towards improving prey densities and prey habitat, primarily by implementing control programs for feral predators and preventing the loss of hollow-bearing trees throughout the landscape


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Tailoring the nanostructures of electrode materials is an effective way to enhance their electrochemical performance for energy storage. Herein, an ice-templating "bricks-and-mortar" assembly approach is reported to make ribbon-like V2O5 nanoparticles and CNTs integrated into a two-dimensional (2D) porous sheet-like V2O5-CNT nanocomposite. The obtained sheet-like V2O5-CNT nanocomposite possesses unique structural characteristics, including a hierarchical porous structure, 2D morphology, large specific surface area and internal conducting networks, which lead to superior electrochemical performances in terms of long-term cyclability and significantly enhanced rate capability when used as a cathode material for LIBs. The sheet-like V2O5-CNT nanocomposite can charge/discharge at high rates of 5C, 10C and 20C, with discharge capacities of approximately 240 mA h g-1, 180 mA h g-1, and 160 mA h g-1, respectively. It also retains 71% of the initial discharge capacity after 300 cycles at a high rate of 5C, with only 0.097% capacity loss per cycle. The rate capability and cycling performance of the sheet-like V2O5-CNT nanocomposite are significantly better than those of commercial V2O5 and most of the reported V2O5 nanocomposite.


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Performance of advanced fabric energy storage systems has not been reported for Australian conditions. The influence pf slab thickness and air flow rate on the annual thermal load, and maximum heating and cooling demands for a typical office module using a ventilated hollow core concrete slab system has been investigated by simulation. Performance results for Melbourne are presented and comments made on other locations.


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The performance of different information criteria - namely Akaike, corrected Akaike (AICC), Schwarz-Bayesian (SBC), and Hannan-Quinn - is investigated so as to choose the optimal lag length in stable and unstable vector autoregressive (VAR) models both when autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) is present and when it is not. The investigation covers both large and small sample sizes. The Monte Carlo simulation results show that SBC has relatively better performance in lag-choice accuracy in many situations. It is also generally the least sensitive to ARCH regardless of stability or instability of the VAR model, especially in large sample sizes. These appealing properties of SBC make it the optimal criterion for choosing lag length in many situations, especially in the case of financial data, which are usually characterized by occasional periods of high volatility. SBC also has the best forecasting abilities in the majority of situations in which we vary sample size, stability, variance structure (ARCH or not), and forecast horizon (one period or five). frequently, AICC also has good lag-choosing and forecasting properties. However, when ARCH is present, the five-period forecast performance of all criteria in all situations worsens.


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Unlike the constitutions of many nations, such as the United States of America and the Republic of South Africa, the constitutions of the Australian States and Territories and the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1901 (UK) contain no bill of rights. Australia is the only western democracy without a federal bill of rights. The debate regarding the need for a bill of rights necessitates an understanding of what human rights the people of Australia already enjoy. If sufficient protection can be found in existing sources, does Australia really need a federal bill of rights? Opponents of a bill of rights state that we have sufficient protection from arbitrary government intervention in our personal affairs and thus a bill of rights is unnecessary. There are a number of potential sources of human rights in Australia that might provide the suggested existing protection, including the common law, specific domestic legislation, international law and constitutional law. Each of these sources of human rights has, however, important limitations. The focus of this article is on the inadequacy of the Australian constitutions as a source of purported protection. This in turn suggests that an alternative source of rights is needed - a federal bill of rights? In the course of this analysis the author makes suggestions for reform; specifically how a federal bill of rights may address the paucity of constitutional protection.