33 resultados para Ammonia - Volatilization


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Nanoparticies have been widely used to enhance the properties of natural rubber (NR). In the present paper a novel nanocomposite was developed by blending nano-ZnO slurry with prevulcanized NR latex, and the thermal degradation process of pure NR and NR/ZnO nanocomposites with different nano-ZnO loading was studied with a Perkin Elemer TGA-7 thermogravimetric analyzer. The thermal degradation parameters of NR/ZnO (2 parts ZnO per hundred dlY rubber) at different heating rates (Bs) were studied. The results show that the thermal degradation of pure NR and NR/ZnO nanocomposites in nitrogen is a one-step reaction. The degradation temperatures of NR/ZnO nanocomposite increase with an increasing B. The peak height (Rp) on the differential thermogravimetric curve increases with the increase of B. The degradation rates are not affected significantly by B, and the average values of thermal degradation rate Cp and Cf are 44.42 % and 81.04 %, respectively. The thermal degradation kinetic parameters are calculated with Ozawa-Flynn-Wall method. The activation energy (E) and the frequency factor (A) vary with ecomposition degree, and can be divided into three phases corresponding to the volatilization of low-molecular-weight materials, the thermal degradation ofNR main chains and the decomposition of residual carbon.


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Background: Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a link between dietary fibre deficiency and prevalence of many “Western diseases” particularly colon related diseases. Many of the health benefits associated with dietary fibre are attributed to their prebiotic effect. However, not all fibres have the same prebiotic potential or the same impact on colon health.

Objective: To examine the in vitro fermentation properties of individual and mixed dietary fibres by measuring fermentation byproducts over time.

Design: Wheat bran and guar gum were selected for this study. Individual and mixed dietary fibres were added to batch fermentation system and were inoculated with fresh faecal inoculum (n= 4). Positive (inulin) and negative (no substrate) fermenters were also used to determine the differences. The pH of the five fermenters was adjusted to a baseline of 5.5 and 6.8 representing the pH of the proximal and distal sections of the colon respectively. Samples were drawn out of the fermenters at 0, 3, 9 and 24 hours for the analysis of pH, ammonia and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs).

: There were no significant differences in the pH levels at various time points between fermenters adjusted to pH 5.5 at baseline. However, in fermenters adjusted to pH 6.8 the pH of the fermenter containing wheat bran increased over the time (24h (P = 0.017)) due to production of a high amount of ammonia. The total SCFAs production was greater in fermenters containing combined fibres.

: There is a large inter-individual variation in the prebiotic effect of all types of dietary fibres, however, in the present study, dietary fibre combinations showed greater prebiotic potential compared with the individual fibres.


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The plant hormone, abscisic acid (ABA), has previously been shown to have an impact on the resistance or susceptibility of plants to pathogens. In this thesis, it was shown that ABA had a regulatory effect on an extensive array of plant defence responses in three different plant and pathogen interaction combinations as well as following the application of an abiotic elicitor. In unique studies using ABA deficient mutants of Arabidopsis, exogenous ABA addition or ABA biosynthesis inhibitor application and simulated drought stress, ABA was shown to have a profound effect on the outcome of interactions between plants and pathogens of differing lifestyles and from different kingdoms. The systems used included a model plant and an important agricultural species: Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) and Peronospora parasitica (a biotrophic Oomycete pathogen), Arabidopsis and Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato (a biotrophic bacterial pathogen) and an unrelated plant species, soybean (Glycine max) and Phytophthora sojae (a hemibiotrophic Oomycete pathogen), Generally, a higher than basal endogenous ABA concentration within plant tissues at the time of avirulent pathogen inoculation, caused an interaction shift towards what phenotypically resembled susceptibility. Conversely, a lower than basal endogenous ABA concentration in plants inoculated with a virulent pathogen caused a shift towards resistance. An extensive suppressive effect of ABA on defence responses was revealed by a range of techniques that included histochemical, biochemical and molecular approaches. A universal effect of ABA on suppression or induction of the phenylpropanoid pathway via regulation of the key entry point gene, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), when stimulated by biotic or abiotic elicitors was shown. ABA also influenced a wide variety of other defence-related components such as: the development of a hypersensitive response (HR), the accumulation of the reactive oxyden species, hydrogen peroxide and the cell wall strengthening compounds lignin and callose, accumulation of SA and the phytoalexin, glyceollin and the transcription of the SA-dependent pathogenesis- related gene (PR-1). The near genome-wide microarray gene expression analysis of an ABA induced susceptible interaction also revealed an yet unprecedented insight into the great diversity of defence responses that were influenced by ABA that included: disease resistance like proteins, antimicrobial proteins as well as phenylpropanoid and tryptophan pathway enzymes. Subtle differences were found in the number and type of defence responses that were regulated by ABA in each type of plant and pathogen interaction that was studied. This thesis has clearly identified in plant/pathogen interactions previously unknown and important roles for ABA in the regulation of many defence responses.


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Anguilla australis glass eels proved to be resilient and present strong aquaculture potential. General husbandry techniques, anaesthesia and prophylactic treatments were established for glass eels between 0.1 g and 2.0 g and elvers between 2.0 g and 8.0 g, caught in rivers and estuaries along the South East Coast of Victoria. The protozoan parasites Ichthyobodo and Trichodina were found to be present on arrival to the hatchery developed during different rearing treatments, and were successfully eradicated. A. australis glass eels accepted artificial food, but it was recommended first be fed a preweaning diet of minced fish flesh. A weaning regime from minced fish flesh to commercially available eel grower mash, over 15 days was established. Growth rate proved to be highly variable, both between and within groups. The highest growth rate of 2.71%/day was found when the natural diet of minced fish and Artemia was fed. The maximum growth rate when reared on an artificial diet of 1.63%/day was observed at 25°C. Growth was affected by the presence or absence of a preweaning diet, weaning diet, weaning period, temperature, but not by size or density. Once weaned, glass eels were found to perform better on commercially available grower mash than on the minced fish flesh, which was used to aid in weaning them to artificial diets. Of the water quality parameters measured stocking density was found to affect pH, Total Ammonia Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, and Dissolved Oxygen, through not to an extent which affected growth.


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The post-larvae and fry of Australian native species, including those of species belonging to the family Percichthyidae, are routinely reared to a fingerling size (35-55 mm in length) in fertilised earthen fry rearing ponds. The juveniles of Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii\ trout cod (Maccullochella macquariensis) and Macquarie perch (Macquaria australasicd) (Percichthyidae) are grown in fry rearing ponds at the Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute, Snobs Creek (Vie. Australia) for production of fingerlings for stock enhancement and aquaculture purposes. However, no detailed studies have been undertaken of the productivity of these ponds and factors that influence fish production. An ecologically based study was undertaken to increase the knowledge of pond ecology and dynamics, particularly in relation to the rearing of juvenile Murray cod, trout cod and Macquarie perch in ponds. Over nine consecutive seasons commencing in 1991, water chemistry, plankton, macrobenthos (2 seasons only) and fish were monitored and studied in five ponds located at Snobs Creek. A total of 80 pond fillings were undertaken during the study period. Additional data collected from another 24 pond fillings undertaken at Snobs Creek collected prior to this study were included in some analyses. Water chemistry parameters monitored in the ponds included, temperature, dissolved oxygen pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate and alkalinity. Water chemistry varied spatially (within and between ponds) and temporally (diurnally, daily and seasonally). Liming of ponds increased the total alkalinity to levels that were considered to be suitable for enhancing plankton communities and fish production. Water quality within the ponds for the most part was suitable for the rearing of juvenile Murray cod, trout cod and Macquarie perch, as reflected in overall production (growth, survival and yield) from the ponds. However, at times some parameters reached levels which may have stressed fish and reduced growth and survival, in particular, low dissolved oxygen concentrations (minimum 1.18 mg/L), high temperatures (maximum 34°C), high pH (maximum 10.38) and high unionised ammonia (maximum 0.58 mg/L). Species belonging to 37 phytoplankton, 45 zooplankton and 17 chironomid taxa were identified from the ponds during the study. In addition, an extensive checklist of aquatic flora and fauna, recorded from aquaculture ponds in south-eastern Australia, was compiled. However, plankton and benthos samples were usually numerically dominated by a few species only. Rotifers (especially Filinia, Brachionus, Polyarthra, and Asplanchnd), cladocerans (Moina and Daphnid) and copepods (Mesocyclops and Boeckelld) were most abundant and common in the plankton, while chironomids (Chironomus, Polypedilum, and Prodadius) and oligochaetes were most common and abundant in the benthos. Both abundance and species composition of the plankton and macrobenthos varied spatially (within and between ponds) and temporally (diurnally, daily and seasonally). Chlorophyll a concentrations, which ranged from 1.8 to 184 \ig/L (mean 29.37 ng/L), initially peaked within two weeks of filling and fertilising the ponds. Zooplankton peaked in abundance 2-4 weeks after filling the ponds. The maximum zooplankton density recorded in the ponds was 6,621 ind./L (mean 721 ind./L). Typically, amongst the zooplankton, rotifers were first to develop high densities (2nd-3rd week after filling), followed by cladocerans (2nd-4th week after filling) then copepods (2nd-5th week after filling). Chironomid abundance on average peaked later (during the 5th week after filling). The maximum chironomid density recorded in the ponds was 27,470 ind./m2 (mean 4,379 ind./m2). Length-weight, age-weight and age-length relationships were determined for juvenile Murray cod, trout cod and Macquarie perch reared in ponds. These relationships were most similar for Murray cod and trout cod, which are more closely related phylogenetically and similar morphologically than Macquarie perch. Growth of fish was negatively correlated with both size at stocking and stocking biomass. Stocking density experiments showed that, at higher densities, growth offish was significantly reduced, but survival was not affected. The diets of juvenile Murray cod trout cod and Macquarie perch reared in fry ponds were similar. The cladocerans Moina and Daphnia, adult calanoid and cyclopoid copepods and the chironomids, Chironomus, Polypedilum and Procladius were the most commonly occurring and abundant prey. Selection for rotifers and copepod nauplii was strongly negative for all three species of fish. Size range of prey consumed was positively correlated with fish size for trout cod and Macquarie perch, but not for Murray cod. Diet composition changed as the fish grew. Early after stocking the fish into the ponds, Moina was generally the more common prey consumed, while in latter weeks, copepods and chironomids became more abundant and common in the diet. On a dry weight basis, chironomid larvae were the most important component in the diets of these fish species. Selective feeding by fish on larger planktonic species such as adult copepods and cladocerans, may have influenced the plankton community structure as proposed by the trophic cascade or top -down hypothesis. The proximate composition and energy content of Murray cod, trout cod and Macquarie perch, reared in the ponds did not vary significantly between the species, and few significant changes were observed as the fish grew. These results suggested that the nutrient requirements of these species might not vary over the size range of fish examined. Significant differences in the proximate composition of prey were observed between species, size of species and time of season. The energy content of prey (cladocerans, copepods and chironomids) on a pond basis, was closely related to the abundance of these taxa in the ponds. Data collected from all pond fillings during the present study, along with historical data from pond fillings undertaken prior to this study, were combined in a data matrix and analysed for interactions between pairs of parameters. In particular, interactions between selected water chemistry parameters, zooplankton and chironomid abundance indicators were analysed to identify key factors that influence fish production (growth, survival, condition and yield). Significant correlations were detected between fish production indicators and several water chemistry and biota (zooplankton and chironomids) parameters. However, these were not consistent across all three species of fish. These results indicated that the interactions between water chemistry, biota and fish were complex, and that combinations of these parameters, along with other factors not included in the present study, may influence fish production in these ponds. The present study, showed that more stringent monitoring of fry rearing ponds, especially water quality, zooplankton and benthos communities and fish, combined with an associated increase in understanding of the pond ecosystem, can lead to substantial improvements in pond productivity and associated fish production. In the present study this has resulted in a general increase in fish survival rates, which became less variable or more predictable in nature. The value of such knowledge can provide managers with a more predicative capacity to estimate production of ponds in support of stock enhancement programs and provision of juvenile for aquaculture grow-out.


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Reactions of CeCl3·7H2O and Ce(NO3)3·6H2O with Naacac or NH4acac in aqueous solution at 21 and 45 °C yielded the trihydrate [Ce(acac)3(H2O)2]·H2O and the dihydrate [Ce(acac)3(H2O)2], respectively, whereas similar treatment of (NH4)2[Ce(NO3)6] gave the trihydrate at both temperatures. Desiccation of the hydrates over silica gel left the dihydrate unchanged, whereas the trihydrate underwent decomposition rather than dehydration. Aerial oxidation of [Ce(acac)3(H2O)2] in CH2Cl2 and toluene yielded α-[Ce(acac)4] and β-[Ce(acac)4], respectively, the structure of the former being re-determined with improved precision. Careful treatment of aqueous (NH4)4[Ce(SO4)4] and Hacac (initially pH 1–2) with aqueous ammonia to pH 5 precipitated hydrated [Ce(acac)4], from which [Ce(acac)4]·10H2O was isolated as unstable, light-sensitive single crystals, and the structure was determined. The complex is a laminar clathrate containing layers of Ce(acac)4 molecules sandwiched between extensive hydrogen-bonded layers of water molecules which do not interact with the metal. Electrochemical experiments confirmed the unstable nature of hydrated CeIII(acac)3, while the reduction of [Ce(acac)4] yielded well-defined cyclic voltammograms in acetonitrile and acetone, corresponding to a quasi-reversible process. For the [CeIV(acac)4]/[CeIII(acac)4]redox couple, a calculated reversible potential of 0.22±0.02 V versus SHE was obtained in acetone or acetonitrile (0.1 M Bu4NPF6) at both gold and glassy carbon electrodes. This potential is consistent with the ease of both oxidation and reduction of cerium acetylacetonate complexes as found in the synthetic studies.


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The purpose of this study was to compare accumulated oxygen deficits and markers of anaerobic metabolism [plasma ammonia (NH3) and lactate (La) concentrations] in anaerobically trained male [n = 8, age 14.8 (0.5) years; maximal oxygen consumption V˙O2 max 61.74 (2.23) ml ·  kg−1 · min−1] and female [n = 8, age 14.5 (0.2) years; O2 max 49.62 (3.52) ml · kg−1 · min−1] adolescents. The exercise protocol consisted of runs to exhaustion at speeds predicted to represent 120% and 130% of O2 max. Arterialised blood samples were obtained from a pre-warmed hand via a catheter inserted into a forearm vein. Samples were taken at rest and after 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 20 min of recovery. The high-intensity exercise resulted in mean accumulated oxygen deficits that were less (P < 0.05) in females (52.3 ml · kg−1) than in males (68.6 ml · kg−1). Lower (P < 0.05) plasma concentrations of NH3 and La−1, and a higher pH were evident in females compared with males during various stages of the 20-min recovery period. The increase in anaerobic performance in the male adolescent athletes when compared with their female counterparts was associated with an increased plasma concentration of selected plasma and blood metabolites. The observed results may reflect well-established differences between the sexes in the morphology and metabolic power of muscle.


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The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of creatine supplementation (CrS) on sprint exercise performance and skeletal muscle anaerobic metabolism during and after sprint exercise. Eight active, untrained men performed a 20-s maximal sprint on an air-braked cycle ergometer after 5 days of CrS [30 g creatine (Cr) + 30 g dextrose per day] or placebo (30 g dextrose per day). The trials were separated by 4 wk, and a double-blind crossover design was used. Muscle and blood samples were obtained at rest, immediately after exercise, and after 2 min of passive recovery. CrS increased the muscle total Cr content (9.5 ± 2.0%, P < 0.05, mean ± SE); however, 20-s sprint performance was not improved by CrS. Similarly, the magnitude of the degradation or accumulation of muscle (e.g., adenine nucleotides, phosphocreatine, inosine 5′-monophosphate, lactate, and glycogen) and plasma metabolites (e.g., lactate, hypoxanthine, and ammonia/ammonium) were also unaffected by CrS during exercise or recovery. These data demonstrated that CrS increased muscle total Cr content, but the increase did not induce an improved sprint exercise performance or alterations in anaerobic muscle metabolism.


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Covalent posttranslational protein modifications by eukaryotic transglutaminases proceed by a kinetic pathway of acylation and deacylation. Ammonia is released as the acylenzyme is formed, whereas the cross-linked product is released later in the deacylation step. Superposition of the active sites of transglutaminase type 2 (TG2) and the structurally related cysteine protease, papain, indicates that in the formation of tetrahedral intermediates, the backbone nitrogen of the catalytic Cys-277 and the NƐ1 nitrogen of Trp-241 of TG2 could contribute to transition-state stabilization. The importance of this Trp-241 side chain was demonstrated by examining the kinetics of dansylcadaverine incorporation into a model peptide. Although substitution of the Trp-241 side chain with Ala or Gly had only a small effect on the Michaelis constant Km (1.5-fold increase), it caused a >300-fold lowering of the catalytic rate constant kcat. The wild-type and mutant TG2-catalyzed release of ammonia showed kinetics similar to the kinetics for the formation of cross-linked product, indicating that transitionstate stabilization in the acylation step was rate-limiting. In papain, a Gln residue is at the position of TG2-Trp-241. The conservation of Trp-241 in all eukaryotic transglutaminases and the finding that W241Q-TG2 had a much lower kcat than wild-type enzyme suggest evolutionary specialization in the use of the indole group. This notion is further supported by the observation that transitionstate- stabilizing side chains of Tyr and His that operate in some serine and metalloproteases only partially substituted for Trp.


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The discharge of nutrient rich effluent from aquaculture systems into coastal waters is cause for concern. Direct filtration of aquaculture wastewater, using floating medium and sand with in line flocculation, and biological filtration using activated carbon, has the potential to improve water quality for recycling within aquaculture systems. This study looked at the performance of laboratory scale dual media and activated carbon filters in suspended solids and nutrient removal in the treatment of aquaculture wastewater. The dual media filter, with flocculant FeCl3 of 9mg/L, functioned best at a velocity of 7mJh with low headloss, and good turbidity and phosphorus removal (80% and 53% respectively). The activated carbon filter removed ammonia (84%) and nitrite (71 %) in the process of nitrification with a five-hour hydraulic retention time. This paper reports preliminary results from a longer term sustainable aquaculture project.


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This study was undertaken to investigate the performance of aerobic thermophilic membrane bioreactor (MBR) treating raw landfill leachate from two landfill sites in Thailand (Pathumthani site and Ram Indra site). The leachates from these sites were mixed in different proportions to produce a BOD/COD ratio of 0.39, 0.57, and 0.65, which was investigated in 3 experimental runs. The COD, ammonia, and TKN composition of the mixed leachate was 12,000, 1700 and 1900 mg/L, respectively. BOD was supplemented with glucose and soy protein. The system was operated at 45 degrees C and at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 24 hrs. The membrane used was a ceramic membrane with an ‘‘outside-in’’ flow mode and consisted of 22 open fibres with an inner diameter of approximately 2 mm. The COD removal rate increased from an average value of 62–79% while ammonia removal efficiency decreased from 75 to 60% with gradual increase in BOD. Furthermore, a high BOD removal efficiency (97–99%) was also observed. This clearly indicates that thermophilic system is highly suitable for COD and BOD removal especially at elevated organic loading. However, the system does not favor high nitrogen content wastewaters as the ammonia removal efficiency dropped with increasing BOD/COD ratio. Similar trends were found in TKN analysis as well. However, this system could serve as a pretreatment in removing ammonia. The concentrations of soluble and bound extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS) found in thermophilic MBR were higher when compared to the corresponding concentrations in a mesophilic MBR, which led to a higher rate of fouling in the thermophilic membrane.


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The objective of this study is to elucidate the full-scale characteristics of an oxidation ditch (OD) retrofitted with a membrane bioreactor (MBR). Domestic wastewater entering an oxidation ditch at a flow rate of 86 m3/d was directed to a MBR retrofitted into the original secondary sedimentation tank. The MBR contained flat sheet membranes. The data collected for 2 months during the start-up of the system showed that pH was maintained at 7.2 and 6.7 in OD and MBR, respectively. Dissolved oxygen (DO) in MBR remained stable at 7.8 mg/L, while fluctuated in OD. The mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) in the OD remained steady at a concentration about 1000 mg/L, but it was gradually building up from 500 mg/L to 2400 mg/L in the MBR during this period. Measurements of carbohydrate and protein were made by extracting the extra cellular polymeric substances (EPS) with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) from the mixed liquor obtained from both OD and MBR. Carbohydrate was predominant in the EPS and the ratios between carbohydrate and protein converged to fixed values from the fourth week; in this case the ratio was 4.5 for OD and 5 for MBR. The variation in EPS contents showed similar trends in both OD and MBR. The integrated treatment facility removed ammonia, COD and BOD at 100, 91.6 and 97.0%, respectively. However, efficiency of nitrate and phosphate removal has not been realized yet.


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Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are essential for the reduction in fresh water usage as well as the discharge of nutrients along with aquaculture effluents. A RAS consisting of an anoxic reactor, a membrane bioreactor (MBR) and a UV-disinfection unit was used to process 10,000 L/d of aquaculture effluent providing high-quality treated water for recirculation to a Barramundi fish culture. The system maintained low levels of nitrate (<20 mg/L), nitrite (<3 mg/L) and ammonia (<0.6 mg/L) in the fish tank. Permeate from the membrane that was recirculated to the fish tank contained <21 mg/L of nitrate, <2 mg/L of nitrite and 0 mg/L of ammonia. However, the rate of fouling of the membrane in the MBR was around 1.47 kPa/d, and the membrane in the MBR required cleaning due to fouling after 16 days. Cleaning of the membrane was initiated when the TMP reached around 25 to 30 kPa. In order to reduce the rate of fouling, 500 mg of powdered activated carbon (PAC) per litre of MBR volume was introduced, which decreased the rate of fouling to 0.90 kPa/d. Cleaning of membrane was needed only after 31 days of operation while maintaining the treated effluent quality. Thus the frequency of cleaning could be halved due to the introduction of PAC into the MBR.


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Force measurements between silica surfaces in aqueous solutions of NaCl are reported. Silica is prepared with one of three surface treatments: (i) flaming, (ii) exposure to steam for 150 h, and (iii) brief exposure to ammonia vapor. Analysis of electrical double-layer interactions indicates that the surface density of silanol groups increases with steam treatment, and that exposure to ammonia etches the surface slightly and renders it porous. The force at short range is dominated by a strong repulsion which is attributed to hydration of the surface. The hydration component of the force is not significantly affected by the surface treatments, nor by electrolyte concentration over the range investigated (up to 0.1 M).


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The impact of salmon farming on the environment has been widely studied; there is, however, no consensus on the magnitude and quality of these effects and little information on their extent over large salmon farming areas. Forty-three salmon farm sites of which 29 are in full operation and grouped in nine locations in southern Chile were evaluated. Using statistical methods (two-way anova), no effects were found on water column variables such as nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphate and chlorophyll, whereas they were significant on sediment variables such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and organic carbon (OC), among others. Natural variability evaluation of some parameters revealed that P in sediments had the lowest coefficient of variation (23.2%) when compared with N (65.2%), particulate organic matter (POM) (139%) and OC (39%), and showed more marked salmon farming effects with no locality effects. Four of the nine locations showed stronger effects on sediments, with average P values ranging from 150 to 230 mmol that were six to nine times higher than in control sites (25 mmol). Nitrogen and carbon in sediments, while showing significant effects on salmon farming, also showed locality effects that revealed other biogenic processes influencing sediment composition. Thus, P in sediments was proposed as a promising indicator of impact on salmon farming, although the relationship with fauna in sediments was not linear and somewhat variable; more research is therefore needed to understand such connections. Considering entire geographical locations, no relationship was found between sediment conditions under salmon cages and the condition of the water column at a farm. This may indicate the possibility of high dilution rates and recycling processes, which so far preclude the detection of more global impacts beyond the cages shadow.