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The author's ethnographic study of a professional development program for managers and aspiring managers taught at a distance intends to make a substantial contribution to both the theory and practice of continuing education for professionals. The study focused on a group of Deakin University Master of Business Administration (MBA) participants and their experiences of the final two years of the program. Theorising on the professional development experience was based on data gathered from the direct observation of participants working in their study groups and at residential schools. Moreover, data drawn from end-of-year interviews with participants and discussions with MBA teachers also contributed to the theorising process. Theorising spanned a broad set of interactions encompassing participants' formal educational, professional and personal worlds. The thesis is devoted to two aspects of the professional development experience, namely: participants' interactions in their study groups and at residential schools; and participants' attempts to grow and develop as competent professional practitioners during their MBA studies. Interactions with key learning contexts orchestrated by the teaching institution (i.e. study groups and residential schools) are grounded in an analysis of the changing group cultures observed to accommodate the different educational demands of the program. Group interaction on a broader scale is also analysed in the context of the residential schools. The residential school provided a powerful forum for the development of participant activism over the future development of the MBA program. The analysis of the study groups in action led the author to identify the key characteristics of effective educational work groups. The implications of the success of these essentially egalitarian and leaderless groups for the formation of self-managed groups in the workplace is examined. On the matter of professional development, the author reveals the relationships between the nature of participants' jobs, their search for professional integration, their stage of professional empowerment, the strategies they pursued either to empower themselves or others in their organisations and the barriers which were encountered in the pursuit of empowerment. Dramatic examples of professional disempowerment are analysed indicating that interaction between formal off-the-job learning and professional practice in the workplace is not necessarily a smooth and positive experience. The group of participants studied are seen to be heterogeneous in relation to the above factors characterising professional development The implications of the theorising are considered in relation to professional pedagogies, assessment strategies and distance education. Distance education is seen to socially construct the roles of both teachers and students in the educational process. Specifically, teachers are seen to be somewhat marginalised during the program in use whereas the participants are located at the centre of the educational experience. The primacy of participants in the educational process is highlighted through the growing reliance on self-and peer-group assessment skills as participants progressed through the program. It is argued that the teaching institution should encourage and maintain the development of these skills as they represent a major learning outcome of the professional development experience, i.e. the ability to engage in the process of critical self-reflection and informed action.


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The Victorian government (in Australia) intends to mandate that all registered building practitioners (RBP) undertake a minimum level of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as part of the registration process. The introduction of CPD increases the travel costs for construction practitioners; due to the necessity to undertake a minimum level of training. This places an increased burden on construction companies' especially small regional-based firms that are not in a position of financial strength. This research is based on study of training needs of 73 construction companies in Victoria, Australia. The results show that training costs are being unequally weighted towards small regional-based firms; suggesting that the location of the company is a major contributing factor to their ability to meet registration requirements. Regional companies have comparatively high costs for training compared to metropolitan-based firms. Company location is a limiting factor that impacts on the ability of regional firms to implement training programs. This research investigates the notion that increasing registration requirements will improve outcomes for all participants.


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In the state of Victoria, the state government has taken a leadership position on the potential benefit of introducing voluntary continuing professional development (CPD) for registered building practitioners (RBPs) in the construction industry. Benefits are believed to accrue to the Victorian community through a more highly skilled and managed SME construction sector, improved quality buildings with fewer defects and greater efficiencies gained by a reduction in industry internal and external operating costs. This research has identified appropriate industry and community benchmarks to enable a quantification of the costs and benefits that result from this policy. These benchmarks will enable the policymaking body of Victoria, the Building Commission (BC) to evaluate the effects of the implementation of its policy and contribute to informing the debate about the merits and possible drawbacks of such a policy in the construction industry in Victoria.

The proposed Victorian CPD policy will affect a whole industry sector. This pioneering policy approach is already being viewed as a touchstone for other jurisdictions in Australia and abroad. Consequently, this research project is considered by our industry partner to be pivotal in the leadership position that they are taking in Victoria. This investigation is being conducted by the research team under the auspices, guidance and with the cooperation of the Building Commission (BC) and the Building Practitioners Board (BPB) of Victoria. This policy research evaluation is necessary to assess the proposed implementation of CPD in the Victorian construction industry. The identification and creation of agreed and significant industry benchmarks are crucial to evaluating this policy initiative. These benchmarks will serve as independent yardsticks for assessing the impact of the new policy and are described and discussed in this paper.


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The Mathematics Teacher Education Collective (MTEC) — a self-study group based at the University of British Columbia, Canada — collaborates to enhance our pedagogical practice in mathematics teacher education through analysing, constructing, and reflecting on variations to assessment tasks. The theoretical framework underlying the establishment of the MTEC is based on Lave and Wenger’s (1991) view of learning through a Community of Practice (CoP). “Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly” (Wenger-Trayner, 2011, http://wenger-trayner.com/theory/). Three characteristics are viewed as crucial to the CoP: domain, community, and practice. The shared domain for MTEC is a commitment to gaining a deeper understanding of practice as mathematics teacher educators. In particular, as members we are interested in better understanding the role and development of tasks for learning to teach mathematics. As a community MTEC engages “in joint activities and discussions, [that] help each other, and share information” (Wenger-Trayner, 2011, http://wenger-trayner.com/theory/), with the goal to build relationships that provide members with opportunities to learn from one other. MTEC members are practitioners in the field. The success of the MTEC is based on the sharing, evaluation and critical reflection of assessment tasks and pedagogical approaches refined by the CoP.


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This project explores the potential of electronic communications to support peer-to-peer interaction between separate whole-school communities as a means of providing both authentic, situated, professional development for teachers, concurrent with the development of enhanced student learning outcomes, and the intentional sharing of school 'culture'.  The intense use of telecommunications by both teacher and students in a 'many-to-many' manner provides rich opportunities for teachers to rethink their pedagogy, reconceptualise their classroom culture, and for students to see teachers as learners 'in situ'.  An extensive trial between two schools some 120km apart has demonstrated the basic functionality of the model.  This paper discusses the origins of the project, findings from the trial, and the nature of the changes to be made to the model to enhance its effects.


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A transformational model of professional identity formation, anchored and globalized in workplace conversations, is advanced. Whilst the need to theorize the aims and methods of clinical education has been served by the techno-rational platform of 'reflective practice', this platform does not provide an adequate psychological tool to explore the dynamics of social episodes in professional learning and this led us to positioning theory. Positioning theory is one such appropriate tool in which individuals metaphorically locate themselves within discursive action in everyday conversations to do with personal positioning, institutional practices and societal rhetoric. This paper develops the case for researching social episodes in clinical education through professional conversations where midwifery students, in practice settings, are encouraged to account for their moment-by-moment interactions with their preceptors/midwives and university mentors. It is our belief that the reflection elaborated by positioning theory should be considered as the new epistemology for professional education where professional conversations are key to transformative learning processes for persons and institutions.


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In this article, I focus on the significance of the professional development ideals and realities of 'resourcing' and 'reflectivity' for the transformative potential of gender inclusive policy in the changing context of the state of Victoria, Australia. The data is selected from a wider longitudinal case study that investigates conceptualisation and enactment of gender inclusive schooling in primary schools since 1975. I assess this example of continuing teacher education by discussing the standpoint of interviewed inservice educators from a feminist perspective.


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OT AUSTRALIA's Accredited Occupational Therapist Program is promoted using the message 'Assuring professional excellence'. It is widely assumed that professional excellence is understood. Yet, this concept encompasses complex themes, including competence and clinical reasoning. In this paper, the meaning of professional excellence is examined by investigating the perspectives of private practitioners. Private practitioners were chosen as they represent the diversity of the occupational therapy field, and may pre-empt trends within broader practice. Sixteen key informants were interviewed to obtain their perspectives on professional excellence. Common themes that arose from the findings include the significance of experience in practice, and the importance of understanding one's limitations in knowledge and expertise. Findings are discussed in relation to OT AUSTRALIA's aim to assure standards of practice.


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Research on quality in early childhood has consistently shown that staff are the cornerstone of excellence, and that staff training makes a difference to services provided to children and families. There is also a growing awareness of the importance of adopting a planned approach to career development and that this begins with self-assessment, and can be enhanced through the use of guided reflection with a mentor. The Early Childhood Consortium Victoria (ECCV) at The University of Melbourne, has developed a self-assessment manual (SAM) designed as a tool for early childhood practitioners to explore their work in a strategic way. It serves the dual purposes of assisting practitioners to address issues of service quality, as well as promoting individual professional development through reflective practice. SAM has now been piloted in a number of early childhood settings in Australia and this paper presents a formative evaluation of this work and discusses its potential for professional development planning.


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This paper examines the perspectives of primary school teachers, administrators and personnel working in eastern suburban Melbourne as they consider the rationale for, and the purposes of, gifted education within the broader landscape of teachers' work. The data for this presentation are drawn from a single case qualitative case study where semi-structured interviews were held four years after the school participated in the Bright Futures gifted professional development. The school proudly proclaims a tradition of scholarship and excellence within a friendly, caring, cooperative and democratic ethos. Teachers welcomed the opportunity to express their thoughts, sentiments and opinions on curriculum, assessment and reporting practices, their attitudes to the aims of gifted education, the selection of children for pull-out programs, and their views to school management and to parents in relation tho these matters. Using a Foucoultian framework, I analyse how teachers juggle many goals within the complex reality of daily classroom teaching, and how they are wedged between the power of formal school rhetoric and educational policy working to improve learning outcomes for all students. This, in turn, has significant repercussions for addressing the needs of gifted students and generates considerable ambivalence about the implementation of gifted programs. I propose that such responses are important elements in the contemporary landscape of teacher's work