326 resultados para Skeletal-muscle Mass


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The Na+-K+-ATPase enzyme is vital in skeletal muscle function. We investigated the effects of acute high-intensity interval exercise, before and following high-intensity training (HIT), on muscle Na+-K+-ATPase maximal activity, content, and isoform mRNA expression and protein abundance. Twelve endurance-trained athletes were tested at baseline, pretrain, and after 3 wk of HIT (posttrain), which comprised seven sessions of 8 x 5-min interval cycling at 80% peak power output. Vastus lateralis muscle was biopsied at rest (baseline) and both at rest and immediately postexercise during the first (pretrain) and seventh (posttrain) training sessions. Muscle was analyzed for Na+-K+-ATPase maximal activity (3-O-MFPase), content ([3H]ouabain binding), isoform mRNA expression (RT-PCR), and protein abundance (Western blotting). All baseline-to-pretrain measures were stable. Pretrain, acute exercise decreased 3-O-MFPase activity [12.7% (SD 5.1), P < 0.05], increased α1, α2, and α3 mRNA expression (1.4-, 2.8-, and 3.4-fold, respectively, P < 0.05) with unchanged ß-isoform mRNA or protein abundance of any isoform. In resting muscle, HIT increased (P < 0.05) 3-O-MFPase activity by 5.5% (SD 2.9), and α3 and ß3 mRNA expression by 3.0- and 0.5-fold, respectively, with unchanged Na+-K+-ATPase content or isoform protein abundance. Posttrain, the acute exercise induced decline in 3-O-MFPase activity and increase in α1 and α3 mRNA each persisted (P < 0.05); the postexercise 3-O-MFPase activity was also higher after HIT (P < 0.05). Thus HIT augmented Na+-K+-ATPase maximal activity despite unchanged total content and isoform protein abundance. Elevated Na+-K+-ATPase activity postexercise may contribute to reduced fatigue after training. The Na+-K+-ATPase mRNA response to interval exercise of increased α - but not ß-mRNA was largely preserved posttrain, suggesting a functional role of α mRNA upregulation.


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Rationale: The molecular mechanisms of muscle atrophy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are poorly understood. In wasted animals, muscle mass is regulated by several AKT-related signaling pathways.
Objectives: To measure the protein expression of AKT, forkhead box class O (FoxO)-1 and -3, atrogin-1, the phosphophrylated form of AKT, p70S6K glycogen synthase kinase-3ß (GSK-3ß), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein-1 (4E-BP1), and the mRNA expression of atrogin-1, muscle ring finger (MuRF) protein 1, and FoxO-1 and -3 in the quadriceps of 12 patients with COPD with muscle atrophy and 10 healthy control subjects. Five patients with COPD with preserved muscle mass were subsequently recruited and were compared with six patients with low muscle mass.
Methods: Protein contents and mRNA expression were measured by Western blot and quantitative polymerase chain reaction, respectively.
Measurements and Main Results: The levels of atrogin-1 and MuRF1 mRNA, and of phosphorylated AKT and 4E-BP1 and FoxO-1 proteins, were increased in patients with COPD with muscle atrophy compared with healthy control subjects, whereas atrogin-1, p70S6K, GSK-3ß, and FoxO-3 protein levels were similar. Patients with COPD with muscle atrophy showed an increased expression of p70S6K, GSK-3ß, and 4E-BP1 compared with patients with COPD with preserved muscle mass.
Conclusions: An increase in atrogin-1 and MuRF1 mRNA and FoxO-1 protein content was observed in the quadriceps of patients with COPD. The transcriptional regulation of atrogin-1 and MuRF1 may occur via FoxO-1, but independently of AKT. The overexpression of the muscle hypertrophic signaling pathways found in patients with COPD with muscle atrophy could represent an attempt to restore muscle mass.


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Uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) is a muscle mitochondrial protein believed to uncouple the respiratory chain, producing heat and reducing aerobic ATP production. Our aim was to quantify and compare the UCP3 protein levels in type I, IIa and IIx skeletal muscle fibers of endurance-trained (Tr) and healthy untrained (UTr) individuals. UCP3 protein content was quantified using Western blot and immunofluorescence. Skeletal muscle fiber type was determined by both an enzymatic ATPase stain and immunofluorescence. UCP3 protein expression measured in skeletal muscle biopsies was 46% lower ( P=0.01) in the Tr compared to the UTr group. UCP3 protein expression in the different muscle fibers was expressed as follows; IIx>IIa>I in the fibers for both groups ( P<0.0167) but was lower in all fiber types of the Tr when compared to the UTr subjects ( P<0.001). Our results show that training status did not change the skeletal muscle fiber hierarchical UCP3 protein expression in the different fiber types. However, it affected UCP3 content more in type I and type IIa than in the type IIx muscle fibers. We suggest that this decrease may be in relation to the relative improvement in the antioxidant defense systems of the skeletal muscle fibers and that it might, as a consequence, participate in the training induced improvement in mechanical efficiency.


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Most research on creatine has focused on short-term creatine loading and its effect on high-intensity performance capacity. Some studies have investigated the effect of prolonged creatine use during strength training. However, studies on the effects of prolonged creatine supplementation are lacking. In the present study, we have assessed the effects of both creatine loading and prolonged supplementation on muscle creatine content, body composition, muscle and whole-body oxidative capacity, substrate utilization during submaximal exercise, and on repeated supramaximal sprint, as well as endurance-type time-trial performance on a cycle ergometer. Twenty subjects ingested creatine or a placebo during a 5-day loading period (20g·day-1) after which supplementation was continued for up to 6 weeks (2g·day-1). Creatine loading increased muscle free creatine, creatine phosphate (CrP) and total creatine content (P<0.05). The subsequent use of a 2g·day-1 maintenance dose, as suggested by an American College of Sports Medicine Roundtable, resulted in a decline in both the elevated CrP and total creatine content and maintenance of the free creatine concentration. Both short- and long-term creatine supplementation improved performance during repeated supramaximal sprints on a cycle ergometer. However, whole-body and muscle oxidative capacity, substrate utilization and time-trial performance were not affected. The increase in body mass following creatine loading was maintained after 6 weeks of continued supplementation and accounted for by a corresponding increase in fat-free mass. This study provides definite evidence that prolonged creatine supplementation in humans does not increase muscle or whole-body oxidative capacity and, as such, does not influence substrate utilization or performance during endurance cycling exercise. In addition, our findings suggest that prolonged creatine ingestion induces an increase in fat-free mass.


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Creatine (Cr) plays a key role in cellular energy metabolism and is found at high concentrations in metabolically active cells such as skeletal muscle and neurons. These, and a variety of other cells, take up Cr from the extra cellular fluid by a high affinity Na+/Cl--dependent creatine transporter (CrT). Mutations in the crt gene, found in several patients, lead to severe retardation of speech and mental development, accompanied by the absence of Cr in the brain.
In order to characterize CrT protein(s) on a biochemical level, antibodies were raised against synthetic peptides derived from the N- and C-terminal cDNA sequences of the putative CrT-1 protein. In total homogenates of various tissues, both antibodies, directed against these different epitopes, recognize the same two major polypetides on Western blots with apparent Mr of 70 and 55 kDa. The C-terminal CrT antibody (α-CrTCOOH) immunologically reacts with proteins located at the inner membrane of mitochondria as determined by immuno-electron microscopy, as well as by subfractionation of mitochondria. Cr-uptake experiments with isolated mitochondria showed these organelles were able to transport Cr via a sulfhydryl-reagent-sensitive transporter that could be blocked by anti-CrT antibodies when the outer mitochondrial membrane was permeabilized. We concluded that mitochondria are able to specifically take-up Cr from the cytosol, via a low-affinity CrT, and that the above polypeptides would likely represent mitochondrial CrT(s). However, by mass spectrometry techniques, the immunologically reactive proteins, detected by our anti-CrT antibodies, were identified as E2 components of the agr-keto acid dehydrogenase multi enzyme complexes, namely pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase (BC-KADH) and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (α-KGDH). The E2 components of PDH are membrane associated, whilst it would be expected that a mitochondrial CrT would be a transmembrane protein. Results of phase partitioning by Triton X-114, as well as washing of mitochondrial membranes at basic pH, support that these immunologically cross-reactive proteins are, as expected for E2 components, membrane associated rather than transmembrane. On the other hand, the fact that mitochondrial Cr uptake into intact mitoplast could be blocked by our α-CrTCOOH antibodies, indicate that our antisera contain antibodies reactive to proteins involved in mitochondrial transport of Cr. The presence of specific antibodies against CrT is also supported by results from plasma membrane vesicles isolated from human and rat skeletal muscle, where both 55 and 70 kDa polypeptides disappeared and a single polypeptide with an apparent electrophoretic mobility of ~ 60 kDa was enriched This latter is most likely representing the genuine plasma membrane CrT.
Due to the fact that all anti-CrT antibodies that were independently prepared by several laboratories seem to cross-react with non-CrT polypeptides, specifically with E2 components of mitochondrial dehydrogenases, further research is required to characterise on a biochemical/biophysical level the CrT polypeptides, e.g. to determine whether the ~ 60 kDa polypeptide is indeed a bona-fide CrT and to identify the mitochondrial transporter that is able to facilitate Cr-uptake into these organelles. Therefore, the anti-CrT antibodies available so far should only be used with these precautions in mind. This holds especially true for quantitation of CrT polypeptides by Western blots, e.g. when trying to answer whether CrT's are up- or down-regulated by certain experimental interventions or under pathological conditions.
In conclusion, we still hold to the scheme that besides the high-affinity and high-efficiency plasmalemma CrT there exists an additional low affinity high Km Cr uptake mechanism in mitochondria. However, the exact biochemical nature of this mitochondrial creatine transport, still remains elusive. Finally, similar to the creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes, which are specifically located at different cellular compartments, also the substrates of CK are compartmentalized in cytosolic and mitochondrial pools. This is in line with 14C-Cr-isotope tracer studies and a number of [31P]-NMR magnetization transfer studies, as well as with recent [1H]-NMR spectroscopy data.


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The effects of two amino acids, arginine which has a positively charged side-chain and glutamate which has a negatively charged side-chain on the Ca2+-activation properties of the contractile apparatus were examined in four structurally and functionally different types of skeletal muscle; long- and short-sarcomere fibres from the claw muscle of the yabby (a freshwater decapod crustacean), and fast- and slow-twitch fibres from limb muscles of the rat. Single skinned fibres were activated in carefully balanced solutions of different pCa (-log10[Ca2+]) that either contained the test solute (“test”) or not (“control”). The effect of phosphoarginine, a phosphagen that bears a nett negative charge, was also compared to the effects of arginine. Results show that (i) arginine (33-36 mmol l-1) significantly shifted the force–pCa curve by 0.08–0.13 pCa units in the direction of increased sensitivity to Ca2+-activated contraction in all fibre types; (ii) phosphoarginine (9–10 mmol l-1) induced a significant shift of the force–pCa curve by 0.18–0.24 pCa units in the direction of increased sensitivity to Ca2+ in mammalian fast- and slow-twitch fibres, but had no significant effects on the force–pCa relation in either long- or short-sarcomere crustacean fibres; (iii) glutamate (36–40 mmol l-1), like arginine affected the force–pCa relation of all fibre types investigated, but in the opposite direction, causing a significant decrease in the sensitivity to Ca2+-activated contraction by 0.08–0.19 pCa units; (iv) arginine, phosphoarginine and glutamate had little or no effect on the maximum Ca2+-activated force of crustacean and mammalian fibres. The results suggest that the opposing effects of glutamate and arginine are not related to simply their charge structure, but must involve complex interactions between these molecules, Ca2+ and the regulatory and other myofibrillar proteins.


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This investigation was undertaken to determine if there are altered histological, pathological and contractile properties in presymptomatic or endstage diseased muscle fibres from representative slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles of SOD1 G93A mice in comparison to wildtype mice. In presymptomatic SOD1 G93A mice, there was no detectable peripheral dysfunction, providing evidence that muscle pathology is secondary to motor neuronal dysfunction. At disease endstage however, single muscle fibre contractile analysis demonstrated that fast-twitch muscle fibres and neuromuscular junctions are preferentially affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-induced denervation, being unable to produce the same levels of force when activated by calcium as muscle fibres from their age-matched controls. The levels of transgenic SOD1 expression, aggregation state and activity were also examined in these muscles but there no was no preference for muscle fibre type. Hence, there is no simple correlation between SOD1 protein expression/activity, and muscle fibre type vulnerability in SOD1 G93A mice.


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AMPK plays a central role in influencing fuel usage and selection. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of low-dose AMP analog 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-ß-D-ribosyl monophosphate (ZMP) on whole body glucose turnover and skeletal muscle (SkM) glucose metabolism. Dogs were restudied after prior 48-h fatty acid oxidation (FAOX) blockade by methylpalmoxirate (MP; 5 x 12 hourly 10 mg/kg doses). During the basal equilibrium period (0–150 min), fasting dogs (n = 8) were infused with [3-3H]glucose followed by either 2-h saline or AICAR (1.5–2.0 mg·kg–1·min–1) infusions. SkM was biopsied at completion of each study. On a separate day, the same protocol was undertaken after 48-h in vivo FAOX blockade. The AICAR and AICAR + MP studies were repeated in three chronic alloxan-diabetic dogs. AICAR produced a transient fall in plasma glucose and increase in insulin and a small decline in free fatty acid (FFA). Parallel increases in hepatic glucose production (HGP), glucose disappearance (Rd tissue), and glycolytic flux (GF) occurred, whereas metabolic clearance rate of glucose (MCRg) did not change significantly. Intracellular SkM glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, and glycogen were unchanged. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC~pSer221) increased by 50%. In the AICAR + MP studies, the metabolic responses were modified: the glucose was lower over 120 min, only minor changes occurred with insulin and FFA, and HGP and Rd tissue responses were markedly attenuated, but MCRg and GF increased significantly. SkM substrates were unchanged, but ACC~pSer221 rose by 80%. Thus low-dose AICAR leads to increases in HGP and SkM glucose uptake, which are modified by prior FAox blockade.


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Uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3) is a mitochondrial inner-membrane protein abundantly expressed in rodent and human skeletal muscle which may be involved in energy dissipation. Many studies have been performed on the metabolic regulation of UCP3 mRNA level, but little is known about UCP3 expression at the protein level. Two populations of mitochondria have been described in skeletal muscle, subsarcolemmal (SS) and intermyofibrillar (IMF), which differ in their intracellular localization and possibly also their metabolic role. To examine if UCP3 is differentially expressed in these two populations and in different mouse muscle types, we developed a new protocol for isolation of SS and IMF mitochondria and carefully validated a new UCP3 antibody. The data show that the density of UCP3 is higher in the mitochondria of glycolytic muscles (tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius) than in those of oxidative muscle (soleus). They also show that SS mitochondria contain more UCP3 per mg of protein than IMF mitochondria. Taken together, these results suggest that oxidative muscle and the mitochondria most closely associated with myofibrils are most efficient at producing ATP. We then determined the effect of a 24-h fast, which greatly increases UCP3 mRNA (16.4-fold) in muscle, on UCP3 protein expression in gastrocnemius mitochondria. We found that fasting moderately increases (1.5-fold) or does not change UCP3 protein in gastrocnemius SS or IMF mitochondria, respectively. These results show that modulation of UCP3 expression at the mRNA level does not necessarily result in similar changes at the protein level and indicate that UCP3 density in SS and IMF mitochondria can be differently affected by metabolic changes.


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Skeletal muscle atrophy is a severe consequence of ageing, neurological disorders and chronic disease. Identifying the intracellular signalling pathways controlling changes in skeletal muscle size and function is vital for the future development of potential therapeutic interventions. Striated activator of Rho signalling (STARS), an actin-binding protein, has been implicated in rodent cardiac hypertrophy; however its role in human skeletal muscle has not been determined. This study aimed to establish if STARS, as well as its downstream signalling targets, RhoA, myocardin-related transcription factors A and B (MRTF-A/B) and serum response factor (SRF), were increased and decreased respectively, in human quadriceps muscle biopsies taken after 8 weeks of both hypertrophy-stimulating resistance training and atrophy-stimulating de-training. The mRNA levels of the SRF target genes involved in muscle structure, function and growth, such as α-actin, myosin heavy chain IIa (MHCIIa) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), were also measured. Following resistance training, STARS, MRTF-A, MRTF-B, SRF, α-actin, MHCIIa and IGF-1 mRNA, as well as RhoA and nuclear SRF protein levels were all significantly increased by between 1.25- and 3.6-fold. Following the de-training period all measured targets, except for RhoA, which remained elevated, returned to base-line. Our results show that the STARS signalling pathway is responsive to changes in skeletal muscle loading and appears to play a role in both human skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy.


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Calcineurin activation ameliorates the dystrophic pathology of hindlimb muscles in mdx mice and decreases their susceptibility to contraction damage. In mdx mice, the diaphragm is more severely affected than hindlimb muscles and more representative of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The constitutively active calcineurin A transgene (CnA) was overexpressed in skeletal muscles of mdx (mdx CnA*) mice to test whether muscle morphology and function would be improved. Contractile function of diaphragm strips and extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles from adult mdx CnA* and mdx mice was examined in vitro. Hindlimb muscles from mdx CnA* mice had a prolonged twitch time course and were more resistant to fatigue. Because of a slower phenotype and a decrease in fiber cross-sectional area, normalized force was lower in fast- and slow-twitch muscles of mdx CnA* than mdx mice. In the diaphragm, despite a slower phenotype and a 35% reduction in fiber size, normalized force was preserved. This was likely mediated by the reduction in the area of the diaphragm undergoing degeneration (i.e., mononuclear cell and connective and adipose tissue infiltration). The proportion of centrally nucleated fibers was reduced in mdx CnA* compared with mdx mice, indicative of improved myofiber viability. In hindlimb muscles of mdx mice, calcineurin activation increased expression of markers of regeneration, particularly developmental myosin heavy chain isoform and myocyte enhancer factor 2A. Thus activation of the calcineurin signal transduction pathway has potential to ameliorate the mdx pathophysiology, especially in the diaphragm, through its effects on muscle degeneration and regeneration and endurance capacity.


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Utrophin expression is regulated by calcineurin and up-regulating utrophin can decrease the susceptibility of dystrophic skeletal muscle to contraction-induced injury. We overexpressed the constitutively active calcineurin-A α in skeletal muscle of mdx dystrophic mice (mdx CnA*) and examined the tibialis anterior muscle to determine whether the presence of activated calcineurin promotes resistance to muscle damage after lengthening contractions. Two stretches (10 s apart) of 40% strain relative to muscle fibre length were initiated from the plateau of a maximal isometric tetanic contraction. Muscle damage was assessed 1, 5 and 15 min later by the deficit in maximum isometric force and by quantifying the proportion of muscle fibres staining positive for intracytoplasmic albumin. The force deficit at all time points after the lengthening contractions was approximately 80% in mdx muscles and 30% in mdxCnA* muscles. The proportion of albumin-positive fibres was significantly less in control and injured muscles from mdxCnA* mice than from mdx mice. Compared with mdx mice, mean fibre cross-sectional area was 50% less in muscles from mdxCnA* mice. Furthermore, muscles frommdxCnA* mice exhibited a higher proportion of fibres expressing the slow(er) myosin heavy chain (MyHC) I and IIa isoforms, prolonged contraction and relaxation times, lower absolute and normalized maximum forces, and a clear leftward shift of the frequency–force relationship with greater force production at lower stimulation frequencies. These are structural and functional markers of a slower muscle phenotype. Taken together, our findings show that muscles from mdxCnA* mice have a smaller mean fibre cross-sectional area, a greater sarcolemmal to cytoplasmic volume ratio, and an increase in utrophin expression, promoting an attenuated susceptibility to contraction-induced injury. We conclude that increased calcineurin activity may confer functional benefits to dystrophic skeletal muscles.


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Although mdx mice share the same genetic defect and lack dystrophin expression as in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), their limb muscles have a high regenerative capacity that ensures a more benign phenotype and essentially normal function. The cellular pathways responsible for this enhanced regenerative capacity are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that the calcineurin signal transduction pathway is essential for the successful regeneration following severe degeneration observed in the limb muscles of young mdx mice (2–4 weeks old) and that inhibition of this pathway using cyclosporine A (CsA) would exacerbate the dystrophic pathology. Eighteen-day-old mdx and C57BL/10 mice were treated with CsA for 16 days. CsA administration severely disrupted muscle regeneration in mdx mice, but had minimal effect in C57BL/10 mice. Muscles from CsA-treated mdx mice had fewer centrally nucleated fibers and extensive collagen, connective tissue, and mononuclear cell infiltration than muscles from vehicle-treated littermates. The deleterious effects of CsA on muscle morphology were accompanied by a 30–35% decrease in maximal force producing capacity. Taken together, these observations indicate that the calcineurin signal transduction pathway is a significant determinant of successful skeletal muscle regeneration in young mdx mice. Up-regulating this pathway may have clinical significance for DMD.


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Eccentrically biased exercise results in skeletal muscle damage and stimulates adaptations in muscle, whereby indexes of damage are attenuated when the exercise is repeated. We hypothesized that changes in ultrastructural damage, inflammatory cell infiltration, and markers of proteolysis in skeletal muscle would come about as a result of repeated eccentric exercise and that gender may affect this adaptive response. Untrained male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) subjects performed two bouts (bout 1 and bout 2), separated by 5.5 wk, of 36 repetitions of unilateral, eccentric leg press and 100 repetitions of unilateral, eccentric knee extension exercises (at 120% of their concentric single repetition maximum), the subjects' contralateral nonexercised leg served as a control (rest). Biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis from each leg 24 h postexercise. After bout 2, the postexercise force deficit and the rise in serum creatine kinase (CK) activity were attenuated. Women had lower serum CK activity compared with men at all times (P < 0.05), but there were no gender differences in the relative magnitude of the force deficit. Muscle Z-disk streaming, quantified by using light microscopy, was elevated vs. rest only after bout 1 (P < 0.05), with no gender difference. Muscle neutrophil counts were significantly greater in women 24 h after bout 2 vs. rest and bout 1 (P < 0.05) but were unchanged in men. Muscle macrophages were elevated in men and women after bout 1 andbout 2 (P < 0.05). Muscle protein content of the regulatory calpain subunit remained unchanged whereas ubiquitin-conjugated protein content was increased after both bouts (P < 0.05), with a greater increase after bout 2. We conclude that adaptations to eccentric exercise are associated with attenuated serum CK activity and, potentially, an increase in the activity of the ubiquitin proteosome proteolytic pathway.


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Unaccustomed exercise is followed by delayed-onset muscle soreness and morphological changes in skeletal muscle. Animal studies have demonstrated that women have an attenuated response to muscle damage. We studied the effect of eccentric exercise in untrained male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) subjects using a unilateral exercise design [exercise (Ex) and control (Con) legs]. Plasma granulocyte counts [before (Pre) and 48 h after exercise (+48h)] and creatine kinase activity [Pre, 24 h after exercise (+24h), +48h, and 6 days after exercise (+6d)] were determined before (Pre) and after (+24h, +48h, +6d) exercise, with biopsies taken from the vastus lateralis of each leg at +48h for determination of muscle damage and/or inflammation. Plasma granulocyte counts increased for men and decreased for women at +48h (P < 0.05), and creatine kinase activity increased for both genders at +48h and +6d (P < 0.01). There were significantly greater areas of both focal (P < 0.001) and extensive (P < 0.01) damage in the Ex vs. Con leg for both genders, which was assessed by using toluidine blue staining. The number of leukocyte common antigen-positive cells/mm2 tissue increased with exercise (P < 0.05), and men tended to show more in their Ex vs. Con leg compared with women (P = 0.052). Men had a greater total (Ex and Con legs) number of bcl-2-positive cells/mm2 tissue vs. women (P < 0.05). Atrophic fibers with homogeneous bcl-2-positive staining were seen only in men (n = 3). We conclude that muscle damage is similar between genders, yet the inflammatory response is attenuated in women vs. men. Finally, exercise may stimulate the expression of proteins involved in apoptosis in skeletal muscle.