454 resultados para Manic Depression


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Objective:  Alterations in gene expression in bipolar disorder have been found in numerous studies. It is unclear whether such alterations are related to specific mood states. As a biphasic disorder, mood state-related alterations in gene expression have the potential to point to markers of disease activity, and trait-related alterations might indicate vulnerability pathways. This review therefore evaluated the evidence for whether gene expression in bipolar disorder is state or trait related.

Methods:  A systematic review, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guideline for reporting systematic reviews, based on comprehensive database searches for studies on gene expression in patients with bipolar disorder in specific mood states, was conducted. We searched Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, and The Cochrane Library, supplemented by manually searching reference lists from retrieved publications.

Results:  A total of 17 studies were included, comprising 565 patients and 418 control individuals. Six studies evaluated intraindividual alterations in gene expression across mood states. Two of five studies found evidence of intraindividual alterations in gene expression between a depressed state and a euthymic state. No studies evaluated intraindividual differences in gene expression between a manic state and a euthymic state, while only one case study evaluated differences between a manic state and a depressed state, finding altered expression in seven genes. No study investigated intraindividual variations in gene expression between a euthymic state and multiple states of various polarities (depressive, manic, hypomanic). Intraindividual alterations in expression of the same genes were not investigated across studies. Only one gene (the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene; BDNF) was investigated across multiple studies, showing no alteration between bipolar disorder patients and control individuals.

Conclusions:  There is evidence of some genes exhibiting state-related alterations in expression in bipolar disorder; however, this finding is limited by the lack of replication across studies. Further prospective studies are warranted, measuring gene expression in various affective phases, allowing for assessment of intraindividual differences.


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This editorial critiques the recent literature concerning both vitamin D deficiency in major depression and supplementation as a treatment strategy, and contextualises it within a broader approach to the prevention of depression, based on the recent evidence for lifestyle as a risk factor for depression and anxiety.


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This article provides recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of mania, which characterizes bipolar I disorder (BD I). Failure to detect mania leads to misdiagnosis and suboptimal treatment. To diagnose mania, clinicians should include a detailed mood history within their assessment of patients presenting with depression, agitation, psychosis or insomnia. With regards to treatment, by synthesizing the findings from recent treatment guidelines, and reviewing relevant literature, this paper has distilled recommendations for both acute and long-term management. Antimanic agents including atypical antipsychotics and traditional mood stabilizers are employed to reduce acute manic symptoms, augmented by benzodiazepines if needed, and in refractory or severe cases with behavioural and/or psychotic disturbance, electroconvulsive therapy may occasionally be necessary. Maintenance/prophylaxis therapy aims to reduce recurrences/relapse, for which the combination of psychological interventions with pharmacotherapy is beneficial as it ensures adherence and monitoring of tolerability.


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Introduction : Depression is a major issue worldwide and is seen as a significant health problem. Stigma and patient denial, clinical experience, time limitations, and reliability of psychometrics are barriers to the clinical diagnoses of depression. Thus, the establishment of an automated system that could detect such abnormalities would assist medical experts in their decision-making process. This paper reviews existing methods for the automated detection of depression from brain structural magnetic resonance images (sMRI).Methods : Relevant sources were identified from various databases and online sites using a combination of keywords and terms including depression, major depressive disorder, detection, classification, and MRI databases. Reference lists of chosen articles were further reviewed for associated publications.Results : The paper introduces a generic structure for representing and describing the methods developed for the detection of depression from sMRI of the brain. It consists of a number of components including acquisition and preprocessing, feature extraction, feature selection, and classification.Conclusion : Automated sMRI-based detection methods have the potential to provide an objective measure of depression, hence improving the confidence level in the diagnosis and prognosis of depression.


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Introduction: Clinical depression is highly prevalent yet underdetected and poorly managed within palliative care settings.

Objectives: This qualitative study explored the identification, monitoring, and management of symptoms of depression in patients receiving palliative care from 2 juxtaposed perspectives that are of care providers and care recipients' family members. Examining the barriers that restrict professional carers detecting and managing depression in their patients was a central focus of the study.

Methods: Focus groups were held with 18 professional carers, including 8 holding managerial positions, across 2 palliative care services, 1 regional and 1 metropolitan, which provided both inpatient and community-based care. Individual interviews were conducted with 10 family members of patients who had received or were receiving palliative care through these services.

Results: Thematic analysis of these data identified that both professional carers and family members perceived that depression is a wide-spread concern for patients receiving palliative care; however, numerous barriers were identified that affect professional carers’ ability to identify depression. These included knowledge and training deficits, low self-efficacy, prioritization of physical concerns and time constraints, patient/family characteristics, and system/process issues. These themes (and related subthemes) are discussed in this article.

Conclusions: Specialized training in depression is recommended for professional carers in order to improve their depression-related knowledge, detection skills, and self-efficacy. The ultimate goal of such training is to increase the rate of recognition of depression that in turn will lead to appropriate treatment for depressed patients.


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Background : The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is one of the most commonly used instruments to assess depression in persons with obesity. While it has been validated in normal and psychiatric populations, in obese populations, its validity remains uncertain. This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the BDI-IA and BDI-II in severely obese bariatric surgery candidates.

Methods : Consecutive new candidates at a bariatric surgery clinic were invited to participate in the study by their consulting surgeon. All candidates were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Disorders (SCID-I); 118 completed the BDI-IA and 83 completed the BDI-II. Two hundred one patients (response rate, 88 %) participated in the study. The current sample (82 % female) had an average body mass index of 42.83 ± 6.34 and an average age of 45 ± 12 years.

Results : Based on the SCID-I, 54 candidates (26.9 %) met the criteria for a mood disorder, with 37 meeting the criteria for current major depressive disorder. Individuals diagnosed with a clinical mood disorder had significantly higher scores on the BDI (BDI-IA, 23.59 ± 9.69 vs. 12.76 ± 8.29; BDI-II, 22.93 ± 5.22 vs. 11.25 ± 8.44). Our results indicated that, as a screening tool for a clinical mood disorder, the BDI-II had an optimal cutoff of 13, with a sensitivity of 100 and specificity of 67.75.

Conclusions : Results indicated that the BDI-IA should not be used as a tool to measure depressive symptomatology in obese bariatric surgery candidates. No cutoff was identified with adequate sensitivity and specificity, and over 20 % of patients were misclassified. As a screening tool for a clinical mood disorder, the BDI-II was adequate; however, prevalence rates were significantly overestimated.


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Background : The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is frequently employed as measure of depression in studies of obesity. The aim of the study was to assess the factorial structure of the BDI in obese patients prior to bariatric surgery.

Methods : Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted on the current published factor analyses of the BDI. Three published models were initially analysed with two additional modified models subsequently included. A sample of 285 patients presenting for Lap-Band® surgery was used.

Results : The published bariatric model by Munoz et al. was not an adequate fit to the data. The general model by Shafer et al. was a good fit to the data but had substantial limitations. The weight loss item did not significantly load on any factor in either model. A modified Shafer model and a proposed model were tested, and both were found to be a good fit to the data with minimal differences between the two. A proposed model, in which two items, weight loss and appetite, were omitted, was suggested to be the better model with good reliability.

Conclusions : The previously published factor analysis in bariatric candidates by Munoz et al. was a poor fit to the data, and use of this factor structure should be seriously reconsidered within the obese population. The hypothesised model was the best fit to the data. The findings of the study suggest that the existing published models are not adequate for investigating depression in obese patients seeking surgery.


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Background: Depression and obesity, the two common ailments of modern society, are associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease and raised C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. Are the effects of depression and obesity related or do they influence CRP levels independently?

Objective: In 493 consecutive patients presenting for obesity surgery, we explored the relationship between symptoms of depression and raised CRP levels after controlling for confounding factors.

Methods and Procedures: Depression was measured using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Confounding variables were age, gender, BMI, waist and hip measures, smoking and alcohol habits, medications, biochemical measures of the metabolic syndrome, and indirect measures of insulin resistance. General linear regression sought variables independently associated with CRP levels.

Results: These patients had a BMI range from 31 to 91 kg/m2, participants age ranged from 14 to 71 years, and 76% were women. The median CRP concentration was 7.7 mg/l (interquartile range: 3.9–14), 40% had an abnormally raised concentration (>10 mg/l). The mean BDI score was 17.0 ± 9.0, indicating symptoms of moderate depression. We found five independent factors associated with raised CRP levels. In order of strength of association, these were: higher BMI (β = 0.36, P < 0.001), female gender (β = −0.19, P < 0.001), estrogen therapy (β = 0.18, P < 0.001), higher BDI score (β = 0.11, P = 0.01), and insulin resistance index (β = 0.11, P = 0.01), and with a combined R 2 = 0.24, (P < 0.001). Discussion: In obese patients, symptoms of depression were associated with raised CRP levels after controlling for confounding variables. Obese women on estrogen therapy are at risk of high CRP levels.


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Objective To be used in conjunction with ‘Pharmacological management of unipolar depression’ [Malhi et al. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2013;127(Suppl. 443):6–23] and ‘Psychological management of unipolar depression’ [Lampe et al. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2013;127(Suppl. 443):24–37]. To provide clinically relevant recommendations for lifestyle modifications in depression, derived from a literature review.

Method A search of pertinent literature was conducted up to August 2012 in the area of lifestyle factors and depression. A narrative review was then conducted.

Results There is evidence that level of physical activity plays a role in the risk of depression, and there is a large and validated evidence base for exercise as a therapeutic modality. Smoking and alcohol and substance misuse appear to be independent risk factors for depression, while the new epidemiological evidence supports the contention that diet is a risk factor for depression; good quality diets appear protective and poor diets increase risk.

Conclusion Lifestyle modification, with a focus on exercise, diet, smoking and alcohol, may be of substantial value in reducing the burden of depression in individuals and the community.