285 resultados para Australia -- History


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The post of Australian High Commissioner in London has always been one of the most important and prestigious of Australia’s diplomatic posts. Indeed, as The High Commissioners demonstrates, for much of the one hundred years for which the post has existed it was an influential link between two parts of the British Empire, rather than a diplomatic mission in a foreign nation. It was for a long time a diplomatic post, but of a hybrid nature; an evolving child of empire. This handsomely produced book is a scholarly study of the position and of the many high commissioners. The chapters, which examine all the high commissioners and a range of related subjects, have been authored by many of Australia’s leading historians of empire and of foreign policy, with the most recent high commissioners covered by former government officials. While the book is designed as a celebration of the centenary of the Australian High Commission in London it is not a work of hagiography. Important analyses are presented of the strengths and weaknesses of many of the key high commissioners, such as George Reid, Andrew Fisher, S.M. Bruce, Alexander Downer senior and John Armstrong. Indeed, the book leaves the strong impression that some of the high commissioners, especially after the Second World War, were often well behind the Australian people in appreciating how the relationship between Australia and the United Kingdom was changing. The research and writing is of a uniformly high standard with each chapter providing many interesting insights into the history of Australian foreign policy.


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In recent years, political debate about industrial relations has been dominated by the Howard government’s tendency to strengthen the position of employers against employees. As Tom Sheridan’s fine book, Australia’s Own Cold War: The Waterfront Under Menzies, demonstrates, there has been nothing new in Australian history in the Howard government’s concentration on the relationship between business and labour. The long era of the Menzies governments during the 1950s and 1960s was also dominated by industrial struggles and ideological conflict in the workplace.


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This thesis is a comparative history of Canada and Australia’s experience of war and war resistance spanning four centuries. It explores the meaning of war and its historical practice for both colonial societies, offering critical insight into the meaning of nationalism and the evolution of popular and public democracy.


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In this paper, I will analyze the history of the image in Murujuga, located in Western Australia, through three stages: creation, preservation and destruction. I will argue that each stage is linked to a turning point in the history of Australia. The first stage is linked to the Dreamtime, a time where Aboriginal cosmology sets the origin of the world. The second stage is linked to the arrival of the white settlers and colonialist practices, where surprisingly the images were neither appropriated nor destroyed, but neglected. The third stage is linked to destruction, where the Aboriginal images from Murujuga does not find a place, and instead are excluded from the multicultural frame of heritage, that Australia boasts. The conclusion will give me the opportunity to discuss how these changes have affected the meaning and perception of these specific images (Aboriginal rock art), by contesting the concept of heritage.


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In fire-prone landscapes, knowing when vegetation was last burnt is important for understanding how species respond to fire and to develop effective fire management strategies. However, fire history is often incomplete or non-existent. We developed a fire-age prediction model for two mallee woodland tree species in southern Australia. The models were based on stem diameters from ∼1172 individuals surveyed along 87 transects. Time since fire accounted for the greatest proportion of the explained variation in stem diameter for our two mallee tree species but variation in mean stem diameters was also influenced by local environmental factors. We illustrate a simple tool that enables time since fire to be predicted based on stem diameter and local covariates. We tested our model against new data but it performed poorly with respect to the mapped fire history. A combination of different covariate effects, variation in among-tree competition, including above- and below-ground competition, and unreliable fire history may have contributed to poor model performance. Understanding how the influence of covariates on stem diameter growth varies spatially is critical for determining the generality of models that predict time since fire. Models that were developed in one region may need to be independently verified before they can be reliably applied in new regions.


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From far-flung sites in Australia and the Pacific Islands, Lorimer Fison and A. W. Howitt produced the landmark study Kamilaroi and Kurnai (1880). Their book revealed the complexity of Aboriginal and Pacific Island societies and changed the course of anthropology in the early years of the discipline. Using archival sources and an innovative approach, Southern Anthropology explores the research, writing and reception of Kamilaroi and Kurnai. Historical chapters track Fison and Howitt's collection and analysis of anthropological material in the context of raging debates about the evolution of humans. This narrative is interspersed with an introduction to the kinship and social organisation of Aboriginal and Pacific Island people that highlight the enduring value of Fison and Howitt's methods and the resurgence of their questions in contemporary anthropology. Southern Anthropology is designed to be read across disciplinary boundaries.


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'Fire mosaics' are often maintained in landscapes to promote successional diversity in vegetation with little understanding of how this will affect ecological processes in animal populations such as dispersal, social organization and re-establishment. To investigate these processes, we conducted a replicated, spatiotemporal landscape genetics study of two Australian woodland lizard species [Amphibolurus norrisi (Agamidae) and Ctenotus atlas (Scincidae)]. Agamids have a more complex social and territory structure than skinks, so fire might have a greater impact on their population structure and thus genetic diversity. Genetic diversity increased with time since fire in C. atlas and decreased with time since fire in A. norrisi. For C. atlas, this might reflect its increasing population size after fire, but we could not detect increased gene flow that would reduce the loss of genetic diversity through genetic drift. Using landscape resistance analyses, we found no evidence that postfire habitat succession or topography affected gene flow in either species and we were unable to distinguish between survival and immigration as modes of postfire re-establishment. In A. norrisi, we detected female-biased dispersal, likely reflecting its territorial social structure and polygynous mating system. The increased genetic diversity in A. norrisi in recently burnt habitat might reflect a temporary disruption of its territoriality and increased male dispersal, a hypothesis that was supported with a simulation experiment. Our results suggest that the effects of disturbance on genetic diversity will be stronger for species with territorial social organization.


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Observational research has a history of controversy, particularly when the research is conducted in a clinical setting. Existing ethical approval processes focus on protecting participants and the researcher's responsibilities, in particular where vulnerable populations are concerned. In this study, the authors explored the less overt and often understated ethical challenges that can arise when conducting observational research in a clinical setting. Reflecting on two recent studies conducted in different clinical settings, the authors described the challenges of blurring role boundaries, the risk of collecting redundant data, and the impact of reverse power relationships between researchers, clinicians, and managers. From their experiences, the authors suggested that the preparatory work undertaken with clinicians and managers onsite, which typically focuses on how the researchers will maintain the ethical robustness of the research and protect the rights of participants and the vulnerable, should also highlight the sometimes overlooked ethical issues associated with participatory research. This can help ensure that participants and managers understand the scope and limitations of the research, and consider the ways in which the observed can influence the researcher and the findings.


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Fire plays a strong role in structuring fauna communities and the habitat available to them in fire-prone regions. Human-mediated increases in fire frequency and intensity threaten many animal species and understanding how these species respond to fire history and its associated effect on vegetation is essential to effective biodiversity management. We used a shrubland mammal and reptile community in semiarid south-western Australia as a model to investigate interactions between fire history, habitat structure and fauna habitat use. Of the 15 species analysed, five were most abundant in recently burnt habitat (8–13 years since last fire), four were most abundant in long unburnt areas (25–50 years) and six showed no response to fire history. Fauna responses to fire history were divergent both within and across taxonomic groups. Fire management that homogenises large areas of habitat through either fire exclusion or frequent burning may threaten species due to these diverse requirements, so careful management of fire may be needed to maximise habitat suitability across the landscape. When establishing fire management plans, we recommend that land managers exercise caution in adopting species-specific information from different locations and broad vegetation types. Information on animal responses to fire is best gained through experimental and adaptive management approaches at the local level.


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This article examines Australia's post-conflict reconstruction and development initiatives in Iraq following the intervention of 2003. Overall, it finds that Australia privileged the neo-liberal model of post-conflict state building by investing in projects that would enhance the capacity of the new Iraqi state, its key institutions and the private sector towards the imposition of a liberal democracy and a free-market economy. To demonstrate, this article documents the failures of the Australian government's stated aims to "support agriculture" and "support vulnerable populations" via interviews conducted in Iraq with rural farmers and tribal members and those working in, or the beneficiaries of, Iraq's disability sector. It concludes by noting that such failures are not only indicative of the inadequacy of the neo-liberal state building model, but also that these failures point the way forward for future post-conflict reconstruction and development projects which ought to be premised on a genuine and sustained commitment to addressing the needs of those made most vulnerable by war and regime change.


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Australia has participated in the world-wide growth of women’s football particularly since the 1970s, but long before that the game was played recreationally and competitively by women in Australia. Women have struggled to overcome active opposition to their taking part in the sport and neglect of their achievements which are considerable. This article provides an outline of the history of the game both nationally and in its international context. It also tries to capture the experience of some of the pioneers of the women’s game and its modern practitioners, revealing some of the ways in which overt and covert discrimination still hinders recognition of their achievements.


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Though the focus of this article is Australia, it is intended as a contribution to the debate about what was happening in the UK and elsewhere before football was codified by the Football Association in 1863. There is mounting evidence that a football culture existed far beyond the public schools and universities and that small-sided predominantly kicking games, often for monetary or other rewards, were being played by migrants to Australia who drew on their British heritage. Not only that but the game was being presented and encouraged by public authorities who would not have countenanced doing so had there been a risk of a breakdown in public order or violence accompanying the games. The article provides support for the arguments developed by Adrian Harvey in the UK.


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This paper argues that the use of visual methods such as participatory video is crucial to co-producing sensory and embodied knowledges of belonging in Australian cities. These knowledges of belonging that focus on affectivity and passion have the potential to expand the worlds that racialised bodies of colour inhabit, but contemporary urban research shows an overwhelming focus on ‘talk’. This paper therefore takes the risk by engaging in a research process that is experimental, flexible and adaptive to explore diverse sensory cultures of belonging through a focus on Darwin, a small north Australian city. This is a city with a polyethnic history where Indigenous-migrant-settler race relations are recognised as more complex in comparison to large south Australian cities. The paper draws on participatory videos of two eventsin suburban Darwin - a Vigil on the side of the road opposite Airport
Lodge, an asylum seeker detention centre, and an afternoon walk along Casuarina beach where Aboriginals who live ‘rough’ camp. Using short video clips, long-term residents, migrant newcomers and asylum seekers (on bridging visas) compose an expressive narrative of the road and beach in Darwin, as places where refrains of welcome expand worlds that racialised bodies of colour inhabit. Using digital technologies the flow and juxtaposition of video clips of these events provides the possibility to craft sensory and embodied knowledges of belonging in a north
Australian city with a history of assimilationist and racially discriminatory policies.


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Percival Faraday Thompson (P F Thompson, PFT), (1885-1951),(Figure1), a metallurgistand chemical analyst, is widely considered as Australia’s pioneer in corrosion science and education. Each year at the annual ACA Conference, the P F Thompson Memorial Lectureis presented by a person who has made a most significant contribution to corrosion science and engineering in Australia. While each presenter usually gives a few detailsof the work of PFT for the benefit of Conference attendees, the entire body of his work and details about his life are not provided due to the limitations on the lecture duration. A review of Thompson’s life and some of his work is available in the ‘Australasian Corrosion Engineering’ publication which was the ACA publication in the early 70s, and is one of theprecursors to the current ACA publication Corrosion & Materials (Potter, 1972). However this publication is not widely available to the ACA membership, and certainly not inelectronic format. The purpose of this paper is to provide readers with some of the history of the PFT Lecture, and to acquaint readers of ‘Corrosion & Materials’ and the broader corrosion prevention community with the breadth of the scientific work of PFT and his enthusiasm for describing corrosion science through practical public demonstrations ofexperiments of the basic principles of corrosion.


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Objective To provide a brief historical overview of the achievement of key milestones in the development of mechanisms for operationalising professional nursing ethics in Australia; examples of such milestones include: the publication of the first Australian text on nursing ethics (1989), the provision of the first Australian national distance education course on nursing ethics for registered nurses (1990), the adoption of the first code of ethics for Australian nurses (1993), and the commissioning of the first regular column on nursing ethics by the Australian Nurses Journal (2008).

Setting Australian nursing ethics.

Primary argument
An historical perspective on the achievement of key milestones in the development of mechanisms for operationalising professional nursing ethics in Australia has been poorly documented. As a consequence an authentic ‘Australian voice’ is missing in global discourses on the history and development of nursing ethics as a field of inquiry. Compared with other countries, the achievement of key milestones pertinent to the operationalisation of nursing ethics in Australia has been relatively slow. Even so, over the past three decades an Australian perspective on nursing ethics has gained a notable voice in the international arena with Australian nursing scholars now making a significant contribution to the field.

Conclusion Nursing ethics in Australia remains a ‘work in progress’. Although significant achievements have been made in the last three decades, the ongoing development of mechanisms for advancing nursing ethics in Australia would benefit from the development and implementation of a strategic agenda of collaborative, internationally comparative, cross disciplinary scholarship, research and critique.