273 resultados para conceptions of teaching and learning


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This paper reports on the shifts in literacy teaching and learning that occurred at a Melbourne primary school, one of twelve schools that took part in a large research project undertaken by staff at Deakin University funded by the Victorian Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs: Middle Years Literacy Research Project. The project focused on literacy teaching, learning, and assessment of students in the middle years of schooling. Through close collaboration between the researcher and teachers at the school, significant changes were made to the language and literacy program. These changes reflected current language theory and extended the school's focus on independent learning to the area of literacy. The development of more authentic ways of assessing student learning grew out of the work in the project as teachers sought assessment practices that were consistent with their philosophy of teaching and learning. With a focus on developing authentic literacy practices, teachers developed new ways of tracking and reporting student achievement.


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Recent views on the scholarship of teaching and learning have conceptualised the work of teachers as a form of inquiry, drawing on scholarly discourse about teaching and learning and communicating new understandings back to the scholarly community for peer review and evaluation. Knowledge about teaching may be based on a variety of forms of evidence, including research, evaluation, reflection, review, and the discussion or development of theoretical perspectives, ideas and concepts. This raises questions about the quality and forms of evidence about teaching which contribute to scholarship, whether these are the same in relation e-teaching and learning as they are for teaching in other contexts, and the implications of different forms of evidence for the relationship between research and teaching. In this paper we examine articles from three recent issues of three journals (two of them relating to e-learning and one to higher education in general), in order to draw some preliminary conclusions about the kind of contributions to discourse about e-learning which may be regarded as valuable in advancing the scholarship of teaching and learning.


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We are seeing a renewed interest nationally and internationally in the design and development of new learning environments. There is, at Deakin and more generally in the higher education sector, recognition that the students' experience of a flexible and supportive educational environment is central to excellent teaching and fosters student success. Recent Carrick Institute (now the Australian Learning and Teaching Council) grants have supported the need for a greater understanding of good practice, with workshops being held around the country.

The student experience is integral to planning the re-purposing of Library spaces at Deakin's two larger campuses, Waurn Ponds and Burwood. The physical spaces within the Library will be flexible and provide support for individual learning and study, group learning and discussion, with ubiquitous ICT access and assistance services readily accessible. The improvement to the amenities, including contemporary, wired casual spaces, will encourage students to come on to campus and stay, strengthening opportunities to build a learning community. This learning community can extend through opportunities for social networking to students studying online and off-campus.

Library services and spaces will align with the new pedagogical needs of the university, providing holistic support for students' flexible learning experiences.
"We know that space can have a significant impact on teaching and learning . . . What we know about how people learn has changed our ideas about learning space. There is value from bumping into someone and having a casual conversation. There is value from hands on, active learning as well as from discussion and reflection. There is value in being able to receive immediate support when needed and from being able to integrate multiple activities [and multiple information sources] to complete a project." (Diane Oblinger, Learning Spaces, EDUCAUSE, 2006).


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This study measures the evaluation of teaching given by students against their final outcomes in a subject. The subject in question had an enrolment across four campuses of 1073 students at the time of the evaluation and is a statistics subject that is core (i.e. compulsory) to several undergraduate business degrees. This study is based on the 373 students (34.8%) who responded to the survey, and their final results. The evaluations were open for a period of six weeks leading up to and just after the final exam. The study matches the responses to the question “This unit was well taught” to final outcomes, in an attempt to ascertain whether there is a link between student evaluation of teaching and performance. The analysis showed that for the students who self -selected to complete the survey:

· Students who perform well in the subject generally give higher scores than lower performing students.

· The same general pattern prevailed when other secondary factors were taken into account, such as, when the evaluation was completed, campus and gender.

· The timing of when a student completes the evaluation seems the most important of these secondary variables.

· In general, students who submitted their evaluations after the exam gave higher ratings if they eventually obtained a pass grade or better, and lower grades if they failed.


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In this paper we describe a collaborative inquiry process underway within the business faculty of an Australian university. This process involves both Human Resource Management (HRM) and Management academics and was commenced in October 2007 with the broad aim of developing and sustaining an ongoing conversation within these disciplines to enhance our teaching and the learning of our students. A key vehicle for facilitating the inquiry process is a network of learning projects. In this paper we provide a brief outline of these projects and use social learning theory to discuss and evaluate the role of projects in sustaining the inquiry process.


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As Australia becomes increasingly multicultural, there are many that would argue that the teaching and learning of music at educational settings can be carried out in a number of ways where cultural context and authenticity is imperative. This paper discusses the main arguments of teaching and learning in music education and provides some theoretical perspectives of teaching African music as groundwork for the discussion and findings. This paper is part of a wider study called 'Smaller steps in longer journeys' and. provides insight into the teaching of South African music in Melbourne. Three South African voices (my own as tertiary music educator, an artist in schools and a primary music specialist) through reflection and interview data considers 'how' and 'why' African music is taught The discussion presents an openmindedness of music when it travels to a new country where the pedagogy is the process of production and exchange, a social-discursive practice whereby process and understanding is more important than just product. As music requires no visa it will continue to travel and be shared in different context where pedagogical practice considers teacher, learner and knowledge.


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This thesis examines issues in Australian undergraduate engineering management studies in the context of flexible learning delivery. It is proposed that, within an Australian context: a) the management skills and competencies required by graduate engineers can be determined and classified on a rational basis, permitting an educational focus on those elements most appropriate for graduates; and b) on-line and other computer-based technologies are a practical and effective method for the support of undergraduate engineering management studies. The doctoral project incorporates: • an examination of the nature of engineering management; • a review of the relevant literature establishing the importance of management studies in undergraduate engineering courses; • a review of historical and recent developments in Australian undergraduate engineering management studies; • an investigation of the management skills and competencies required by graduate engineers - based on original research; • an examination of flexible delivery of engineering education - based on professional practice experience; and • an evaluation of case studies of flexible delivery of engineering management education - based on original research and professional practice experience. A framework of ranked classified management skills is developed. Broadly, the ranking framework is generic professional skills, followed by general management skills and technical discipline specific management skills, followed by other professional discipline skills and theoretical skills. This framework provides a rational basis for design of undergraduate engineering management studies. This is supplemented by consideration of the management skills required for the future of engineering practice. It is concluded that undergraduate engineering management education is well suited to delivery and support by on-line and computer-based technology. Recent developments in improved access to the Internet, software systems for on-line collaboration and changes in copyright legislation to create a broad-based right to communication via on-line media have contributed to the facilitation of on-line delivery of teaching and learning. It is noted that though many on-line infrastructure issues have been satisfactorily resolved, higher level issues will emerge as being crucial, including the academic staff development and reward for operating in an online teaching environment and the financial sustainability of on-line development and delivery of courses.


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The notion of ‘the scholarship of teaching’ has enjoyed a growing level of attention over the past decade and a half. This keynote will examine the congruence between the scholarship of teaching, and national and institutional values and priorities in relation to teaching in higher education. The presentation will conclude by offering some principles for guiding the development of an individual scholarship of teaching.


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Schools in England are being urged to personalize the curriculum and make school experiences more responsive to all students. We report on an evaluation project which investigated innovation in teaching and learning in a successful secondary school in the north of England. Data were gathered from a sample of teaching staff, a questionnaire to all students, lesson and meeting observations, and meetings with the governing body and parents: the student-guided evaluation canvassed recent and planned changes to the structure and experience of teaching and learning. This article illuminates how one school is breaking the ‘traditional schooling rules’ that limit improvement and how in doing so it is developing new insights about the nature and process of improvement. We show how staff and students have been engaged in the change process, and focus in particular on analysing the interplay between improvement as a plan, a practice and a lived experience.


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Academic staff development in the pedagogical applications of new technologies is fundamental to the transformation of teaching and learning in tertiary education settings. We present a case study of a staff development activity at Deakin University, a multi-campus university offering on and off-campus programs, which aimed to develop a collegial online experience for academics interested in using online technologies. It is contextualised within a broadly based centrally funded project initiated by the University to extend the use of technologies in significant curriculum areas. The initiative employed a text-based, asynchronous computer conferencing environment. We describe the structure of the online environment and explore the major issues raised by the participants based on their experience and evaluation of the conference. We conclude by raising key questions that draw on our experience of the successful outcome of this initiative to advance relevant and meaningful opportunities for academic staff development.


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This paper presents one aspect of a research project evaluating a curriculum model of a selected child study centre in Singapore. An issue of worldwide interest and concern is the ‘quality of learning’ debate as it relates to early childhood centres. In Singapore, the government is focusing on expansion in child care settings and increases in the amount of funded training. One of the issues surrounding prior-to-school education raises the question of how one measures the quality of teaching and learning, to describe the value of using, funding and promoting early education. The research reported in this study used a quasi experimental research paradigm to assess one aspect of the quality of a curriculum programme in a child study centre in Singapore. Children aged between 18 months and 6 years (N = 81) participated in the research. Using the observation scale of Laevers’ Child Involvement Scale, the active involvement of children in learning experiences was measured. The findings are presented and discussed.


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This paper deploys notions of emergence, connections, and designs for learning to conceptualize high school students’ interactions when using online social media as a learning environment. It makes links to chaos and complexity theories and to fractal patterns as it reports on a part of the first author’s action research study, conducted while she was a teacher working in an Australian public high school and completing her PhD. The study investigates the use of a Ning online social network as a learning environment shared by seven classes, and it examines students’ reactions and online activity while using a range of social media and Web 2.0 tools.

The authors use Graham Nuthall’s (2007) “lens on learning” to explore the social processes and culture of this shared online classroom. The paper uses his extensive body of research and analyses of classroom learning processes to conceptualize and analyze data throughout the action research cycle. It discusses the pedagogical implications that arise from the use of social media and, in so doing, challenges traditional models of teaching and learning.


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This dataset consists of a summary of publicly available student evaluation of teaching (SET) data for the annual period of trimester 2 2009, trimester 3 2009/2010 and trimester 1 2010, from the Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) portal.

The data was analysed to include mean rating sets for 1432 units of study, and represented 74498 sets of SETU ratings, 188391 individual student enrolements and 58.5 percent of all units listed in the Deakin University handbook for the period under consideration, to identify any systematic influences on SET results at Deakin University.

The data reported for a unit included:
• total enrolment;
• total number of responses; and
• computed response rate for the enrolment location(s) selected

And, the data reported for each of the ten core SETU items included:
• number of responses;
• mean rating;
• standard deviation of the mean rating;
• percentage agreement;
• percentage disagreement; and
• percentage difference.


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Discussion is usually considered a powerful tool for the development of pedagogical skills such as critical thinking, collaboration and reflection. In the last few years, an online asynchronous discussion forum has become an integral part of teaching and learning in tertiary education. However, there are considerable challenges involved in designing discussion forum for learning and teaching arrangements that can support desired learning outcomes. The study analysed the factors that affect the level of the student participation in the online discussion forums with emphases on some of the critical issues that should be taken into account when designing online discussions forums that can support desired learning outcomes. We show that the course instructor roles and level of participations in the discussion forum particularly determines the overall level of discussion among the learning communities.


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A professional learning program for unqualified practising secondary mathematics teachers regarding senior secondary mathematics teaching is described in this paper. The VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) mathematics professional learning program for senior secondary mathematics was designed for practising secondary teachers of mathematics who had no experience of teaching advanced senior secondary mathematics and who had not completed the recommended qualifications. Professional learning episodes, artefacts and reflections of three teachers who participated in the program are analysed to identify the development of these teachers' mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The PCK framework developed by Chick et al. was used to analyse teachers' knowledge, and the cases of teachers' knowledge presented in the paper illustrate the entwining of knowledge of mathematics and knowledge of teaching and learning The findings indicate that a program designed for senior secondary mathematics can enable practising teachers to deepen and broaden their understanding of junior secondary mathematical pedagogy.