643 resultados para Harbors - Victoria


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The New Holland Mouse (Pseudomys novaehollandiae) has a highly fragmented distribution in SE Australia. The abundance of the species is correlated with habitat succession. Optimal habitat has been identified as 2-3 years after fire, with population densities declining, sometimes to extinction, as vegetation ages. The species has become extinct at many locations in Victoria and, in 1999, was known to be extant at only four localities. When a remnant population at one locality (Anglesea) was considered at high risk of extinction, objectives identified to recover the species included determination of suitable habitat, development of ecological burning regimes, captive breeding and reintroductions. A GIS-based predictive model of habitat capability was consequently produced, areas of potentially suitable habitat for reintroductions identified and ecological burning regimes implemented. Experimental releases began in 2001 when predator-proof acclimatisation enclosures were constructed at two sites, selected on the basis of their habitat suitability. Small groups of animals have been released into, and subsequently out of, these enclosures. Movements and activity have been monitored by live-trapping, fluorescent dye and radio-tracking techniques. The results of trials have been assessed. Un-collared animals dispersed from the enclosures into surrounding areas, and gained weight, while initial releases of collared animals were less successful. Techniques and planning to improve future releases have been formulated. The future of the species in Victoria may be reliant upon the success of captive breeding and reintroductions.


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The Rufous Bristlebird Dasyornis broadbenti is a ground-dwelling bird that is listed as nearthreatened (Lower Risk) in Victoria. The species has been observed in a variety of habitats ranging from thickets of shrubs in coastal gullies, shrubland and heathlands on limestone cliffs to sheltered gullies. This study aimed to assess the distribution and habitat preferences of a population of the species in Portland, southwest Victoria. Monthly surveys were conducted on foot in the study area for one hour following sunrise and one hour prior to sunset, and bird presence was recorded on the basis of calls and sightings. Observations outside of the survey times were also recorded to determine habitat utilisation. Vegetation floristics and structure and food availability were measured in areas where birds were present as well as surrounding areas where they were absent to determine habitat preferences. A population size of between 45 and 60 individuals was estimated in the 200ha study area. Bird presence was significantly positively correlated with increasing vegetation density. No significant associations were found between Rufous Bristlebird presence and the floristic associations. Although Rufous Bristlebirds occupy a variety of vegetation communities, results indicate that the key common factor appears to be structure of the vegetation. The findings of this study will be incorporated into a Geographic Information System to develop a spatial model of suitable habitat.


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The distribution, abundance and biomass of seabirds in Western Port, Victoria, were surveyed between April 1991 and August 1994. Individuals were counted along an 81-km series of transects from a boat at approximately monthly intervals. A total of 25 seabird taxa were recorded, of which 18 and 15 were common to those recorded by an earlier study in Port Phillip Bay and waters south of Phillip Island, respectively. The most numerous species by far was the Short-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris) followed by the Silver Gull (Larus novaehollandiae), Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) and Crested Tern (Sterna bergii). Distribution within Western Port was not uniform, with pursuit divers such as cormorant and grebe species being recorded mostly in the shallow Eastern Arm. In contrast, surface-seizing (e.g. albatrosses), surface-plunging (e.g. Crested Terns), shallow-plunging (Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator) and pursuit-plunging (e.g. shearwaters) species predominated in the deeper Western Arm of Western Port. These species were also seasonally abundant, with peak numbers for most occurring in late summer–early autumn, which coincides with the reported influx of juvenile clupeoid fish into Western Port. Average biomass (686 ± 395 kg) comprised mostly Short-tailed Shearwaters, Little Penguins and Pied Cormorants (Phalacrocorax varius). Biomass density (8.5 kg km–2) was similar to that reported for Port Phillip Bay (8.1 kg km–2) but lower than off the southern coast of Phillip Island (9.9 kg km–2).


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The paper presents a content-based evaluation, tracing the historical background of two heritage music collections at the State Library of Victoria (Melbourne, Australia).  In the case of the Gustav Holst and the British Music Society of Victoria Collections, history and content intertwine for the reason that both collections were initiated at the same time and by the same visionary power. During the early 1930s Louise Hanson-Dyer, a patron of Gustav Holst, issued a complete catalogue of the composer’s works and donated to the State Library of Victoria the first batch of Holst scores. This was to be the initial installment of a complete collection of published British music, which, however, was stopped due to duty tax complications. At the same time, the British Music Society of Victoria, founded by Louise Hanson-Dyer in 1921, maintained the first open library of chamber music in Australia. The BMS of Victoria Collection came to the State Library of Victoria in the 1980s. The most valuable materials in the collection are manuscripts of Australian twentieth century works, concert programs and first publications of British music from the 1920s and 1930s, which also supplement the Gustav Holst Collection. The collections are valuable reference and research collections, which document musical taste and music-making in Melbourne from 1920s well into the 1970s. The collections are also sources for studies into Louise Hanson-Dyer’s gift in collection development and her efforts to raise the professional standards of music performance in Melbourne and Australia.


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