333 resultados para clown, female clown, humour, profession


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This study compares the effectiveness of Bayesian networks versus Decision Trees in modeling the Integral Theory of Female Urinary Incontinence diagnostic algorithm. Bayesian networks and Decision Trees were developed and trained using data from 58 adult women presenting with urinary incontinence symptoms. A Bayesian Network was developed in collaboration with an expert specialist who regularly utilizes a non-automated diagnostic algorithm in clinical practice. The original Bayesian network was later refined using a more connected approach. Diagnoses determined from all automated approaches were compared with the diagnoses of a single human expert. In most cases, Bayesian networks were found to be at least as accurate as the Decision Tree approach. The refined Connected Bayesian Network was found to be more accurate than the Original Bayesian Network accurately discriminated between diagnoses despite the small sample size. In contrast, the Connected and Decision Tree approaches were less able to discriminate between diagnoses. The Original Bayesian Network was found to provide an excellent basis for graphically communicating the correlation between symptoms and laxity defects in a given anatomical zone. Performance measures in both networks indicate that Bayesian networks could provide a potentially useful tool in the management of female pelvic floor dysfunction. Before the technique can be utilized in practice, well-established learning algorithms should be applied to improve network structure. A larger training data set should also improve network accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.


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Background: This study examined the experiences of professional female tennis players returning to competition from injury.

Methods: In a study commissioned by Tennis Australia, 55 Australian professional female tennis players responded anonymously to a questionnaire developed for the purposes of this study. The questionnaire consisted of open and closed questions that assessed a player’s attribution style, the occurrence and effect of minor and major injuries, frequency and type of treatment sought, attitudinal chances following injury and preventative injury factors.

Results: The quantitative and qualitative analyses of participants’ responses revealed players generally displayed an internal attribution style with the majority of minor injuries involving lower limb injuries (attributed to playing on hard surfaces). Players reported these injuries were addressed in a variety of ways including self-treatment. The majority of severe injuries were upper limb/shoulder and these were generally treated at tournament sites with some requiring surgery.

Conclusions: Players adopted a range of measures to assist recovery from severe injury including the services of health professionals. In further findings, a player’s attribution style was not a predictive variable, except in terms of the number of tournaments missed for minor injuries. Implications of the study’s results and future research directions for cross-cultural studies are highlighted.


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As part of a larger study on talent development in tennis1, 10 Australian top ranked Australian female professional tennis players responded to a questionnaire about the attributes of a champion recalling the major challenges faced in pursuing a tennis career and strategies adopted to address these challenges. To analyse the data, a series of three inductive content analyses were conducted. The results highlighted the importance of psychological attributes and skills in a player’s journey to become a champion. The study’s implications for coaches and sport psychologists are also highlighted.


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In 2002, Tennis Australia commissioned a report into the experiences of elite female past players on leaving the professional tennis circuit. Australian players who were in the top 800 of the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) end of year rankings and who had left the professional circuit within the previous 15 years were asked by mail to respond to a questionnaire. The questionnaire asked players to describe their feelings about leaving the tour during the time leading up to leaving the tour to two years after retirement. The main findings of the study suggested that those who planned to leave the tour found the transition process easy, whereas those who did not plan to leave the tour found the process difficult. Most players (66%) did not regret leaving the tour, and, although the remaining players responded that they regretted leaving, none attempted a comeback. Tennis Australia has implemented strategies to assist current players on the professional tour based on the results of this study.


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This study explored the woman’s experience of her partner’s erectile dysfunction (ED) focusing particularly on sexual experiences, relationship satisfaction, and communication. One hundred women completed a semistructured interview, providing information about how ED impacted her relationship with her partner. For some women, there was a sense of hopelessness and frustration surrounding their sex lives, while for others, her partner’s ED had led to efforts towards increasing non-physical intimacy and sexual communication. These findings demonstrate the importance of the relationship, including communication between the partners, in a women’s experience of her partners’ ED.


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Purpose: Prevention of the female athlete triad is essential to protect female athletes’ health. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of regularly exercising adult women in Australia toward eating patterns, menstrual cycles, and bone health.
Methods: A total of 191 female exercisers, age 18–40 yr, engaging in ≥2 hr/wk of strenuous activity, completed a survey. After 11 surveys were excluded (due to incomplete answers), the 180 participants were categorized into lean-build sports (n = 82; running/ athletics, triathlon, swimming, cycling, dancing, rowing), non-lean-build sports (n = 94; basketball, netball, soccer, hockey, volleyball, tennis, trampoline, squash, Australian football), or gym/fitness activities (n = 4).
Results: Mean (± SD) training volume was 9.0 ± 5.5 hr/wk, with participants competing from local up to international level. Only 10% of respondents could name the 3 components of the female athlete triad. Regardless of reported history of stress fracture, 45% of the respondents did not think that amenorrhea (absence of menses for ≥3 months) could affect bone health, and 22% of those involved in lean-build sports would do nothing if experiencing amenorrhea (vs. 3.2% in non-lean-build sports, p = .005). Lean-build sports, history of amenorrhea, and history of stress fracture were all significantly associated with not taking action in the presence of amenorrhea (all p < .005). Conclusions: Few active Australian women are aware of the detrimental effects of menstrual dysfunction on bone health. Education programs are needed to prevent the female athlete triad and ensure that appropriate actions are taken by athletes when experiencing amenorrhea.


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Reduced glucose utilization is likely to precede the onset of cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Similar aberrant glucose metabolism can also be detected in the brain of several AD mouse models. Although the cause of this metabolic defect is not well understood, it could be related to impaired insulin signaling that is increasingly being reported in AD brain. However, the temporal relationship between insulin impairment and amyloid-β (Aβ) biogenesis is unclear. In this study using female AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 mice, we found that the level of Aβ40 was fairly constant in 6- to 15-month-old brains, whereas Aβ42 was only significantly increased in the 15-month-old brain. In contrast, increased levels of IRβ, IGF-1R, IRS1, and IRS-2, along with reduced glucose and insulin content, were detected earlier in the 12-month-old brains of AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 mice. The reduction in brain glucose content was accompanied by increased GLUT3 and GLUT4 levels. Importantly, these changes precede the significant upregulation of Aβ42 level in the 15-month-old brain. Interestingly, reduction in the p85 subunit of PI3K was only apparent in the 15-month-old AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 mouse brain. Furthermore, the expression profile of IRβ, IRS-2, and p85/PI3K in AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 was distinct in wild-type mice of a similar age. Although the exact mechanisms underlining this connection remain unclear, our results suggest a possible early role for insulin signaling impairment leading to amyloid accumulation in AβPPsw/PS1ΔE9 mice.


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Background:This study was conducted to ascertain current modes of contact lens prescribing in Australia.

Methods:One thousand questionnaires were randomly distributed to proportionate samples of optometrists in each state of Australia. The profession fits the majority of contact lenses in Australia and the sample represents 55 per cent of all optometrists. We requested details of the first 10 patients fitted with contact lenses after receipt of the questionnaire.

Results:We received 224 completed questionnaires, detailing contact lens fits to 2,230 patients. The mean age of the patient group was 32.3 ± 12.9 years and 65 per cent of these were female. Sixty per cent of patients were existing wearers, the remainder being new fits. The data indicated that 94 per cent of new fits were with soft lenses, of which six per cent were for extended wear. For refits 83 per cent were soft lenses and 24 per cent were extended wear. It was clear that the lens of first choice was mid-water-content (52 per cent of all soft lens fits). Only nine per cent of all soft fits were for lenses which were not replaced on a planned basis. The majority of rigid lenses were prescribed using mid-Dk materials (71 per cent). Analysis of solution prescribing indicates that multipurpose products were the most common regimens for planned replacement soft lenses. The percentage of hydrogen peroxide prescribed increased as lens replacement became less frequent.

Conclusions:Non-planned replacement lenses are now rarely prescribed to patients. Extended wear lenses and rigid lenses are prescribed more to existing contact lens wearers. The impact of multifocal lens designs on contact lens prescribing is very small, namely, five per cent of soft contact lenses and eight per cent of rigid lenses, despite 20 per cent of patients being over 45 years of age.


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17β-estradiol, 17α-20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17α-20β-P), and testosterone levels were measured in plasma samples obtained from vitellogenic coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) before and 32 days after injection of the aromatase inhibitor Fadrozole (AI). Plasma 17β-estradiol levels decreased significantly 6 h after injection in all AI treated fish. The higher the dose the longer the maintenance of low plasma 17β-estradiol levels. Inversely, plasma 17α-20β-P increased significantly 6 h after injection in all AI treated fish, and the higher the dose the longer the maintenance of high plasma 17α-20β-P levels. At 48 h after injection plasma testosterone levels were significantly higher in the AI treated groups. The oocyte maturation index showed that multiple injections with AI retarded oocyte development. Besides, oocyte diameter and GSI were lower in the same group, which presented high incidence of atresia of vitellogenic oocytes. The ovarian follicles and brain of the fish which received multiple injections secreted less 17β-estradiol, in vitro. These findings suggest that aromatase inhibitors such as Fadrozole may have a potential as a tool to regulate sexual development in salmon.