643 resultados para Harbors - Victoria


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The research reported in this paper represents an attempt to produce a practical, indicator-based sustainability assessment tool incorporating all these elements is based on relationships between indicators determined considering spatial influences. Through the use of an existing sustainability indicator set and data currently available, relationships will be determined using Arcview Geographic Information Systems (GIS), correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Indicator interactions will be identified at two spatial scales and compared to determine impacts of changing spatial scale. Further PCA and multiple regression analyses will then be used to reduce the complexity of the indicator set. These findings will be incorporated into a practical indicator-based assessment tool through the adoption of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) combined with GIS techniques that will then be validated. Once validated the tool can be used to aid in guiding planning and decision-making regarding sustainable development in the Glenelg Hopkins catchment, Victoria; while also moving towards producing a standard set of procedures for assessing sustainability.


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White blister caused by oomycete Albugo candida (Pers. Ex. Lev.) Kuntze, (AC), is an important disease affecting many cruciferous hosts, including vegetable brassicas. The outbreaks of white blister in broccoli and cauliflower crops (Brassica oleracea var. italica and var. botrytis) in Southern Australia in the last three years led to restrictions on movement of fresh produce and seedlings from the disease-affected areas. Current classification of AC races is based on physiologic specialisation of this pathogen. Race 9 has been identified to cause white blister on B. oleracea in the USA. We report on specialisation of AC causing disease in Victorian broccoli crops and the use of molecular tools for the separation of AC races. In a glasshouse, 12 Brassicaceae species/varieties replicated 6 times, were inoculated twice at the fully developed cotyledon stage with a distilled water suspension of zoosporangia (1x104 per ml) collected from a single broccoli leaf. Two weeks after inoculation the incidence of white blister on cotyledons and seedling leaves of cauliflower, broccoli, black mustard and Indian mustard was 79.7, 78.4, 73.7 and 6.9% respectively. Cabbage plants were symptomless indicating that further specialisation of the pathogen may have occurred in Australia. High disease incidence among black mustard plants shows that the Australian isolate differs from overseas AC race 9. The interaction of a number of B. oleracea varieties to a range of AC isolates from various hosts will be investigated. Degenerate primers are now being used to amplify actin and β-tubulin genes to identify race specific polymorphisms in AC isolates from three different hosts (wild radish, Chinese cabbage, and broccoli). Differing PCR amplification efficiencies from broccoli and wild radish isolates using degenerate actin primers indicates sequence differences in the two isolates. The fragments are now being cloned and sequenced for race comparison.


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The following paper examines federally accredited and funded aged care provision in regional Victoria. Benchmarks that have been set by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing, are used to measure and compare the relative number of high and low level aged care positions and Community Aged Care Packages in six regional Victorian centres.
Using population forecasts, the additional aged care positions that each centre will require to meet the provision benchmarks in the year 2021 have been estimated. These figures are then translated into infrastructure requirements for the regional Victorian city of Greater Bendigo. This is done by surveying Greater Bendigo’s existing residential aged care facilities. Strategies for the provision of additional high and low level residential aged care infrastructure are explored using a matrix governed by size and configuration. Variations in these two aspects are shown to affect the location options for future facilities in Greater Bendigo. The implications of the benchmarks are also investigated in terms of facilities for the provision of Community Aged Care Packages.
The research is funded by a double ARC APAI grant between the Built Environment Research Group at Deakin University, The Centre for Sustainable Regional Centres at La Trobe University, the City of Greater Bendigo and the City of Warrnambool.


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The Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) is Australia's largest owl. Considering their large size they are a very cryptic species, with limited sexual dimorphism, silent fight and a highly camouflaged presence amongst secluded canopy vegetation. These features enable Powerful Owl presence to often go unnoticed and even for the trained eye, extremely difficult to study. Our research has focused on monitoring the behaviour of individual Powerful Owls in urban Melbourne, Australia.
The leg banding of Powerful Owls is a somewhat contentious issue in Australia and here we report on the suitability of different types of legs bands placed on the tarsus of juvenile Powerful Owls. There has been some debate over the band size that should be used and the consequent effects bands may pose for the owls as they mature. We also investigate the usefulness of bands as a technique to identify Powerful Owls once they have dispersed from the natal territory.
Radio-tracking juvenile Powerful Owls was also undertaken during this study, primarily to determine individual behaviour from post fledging until dispersal. This is the first study in Australia to attempt radio-tracking juvenile Powerful Owls and the results from this research highlight behavioural characteristics, mortality rates post fledging and dispersal movements for the twelve months post fledging.
Overall we found that aluminium legs bands are a useful tool for individual identification of juvenile Powerful Owls post fledgling, however, their presence is somewhat difficult to determine on mature adults as the tarsus feathers tend to cover the band and make vision from the ground difficult. Aluminium leg bands are also useful as an identification tool for deceased birds. Leather leg bands are more suitable than aluminium bands when attaching radio-transmitters as these provide more flexibility and can be removed by the owl if they become irritating.
Radio-tracking juvenile Powerful Owls provided invaluable information relating to juvenile behaviour and movements, showing that juveniles actually remain in territories adjacent to their natal territory for the twelve months post fledging. This information is vital for the successful conservation of this species, particularly in relation to habitat conservation and home-range modelling.


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Habitat loss and modification is a major factor driving reductions of seabird populations. The white-faced storm petrel (Pelagodroma marina) is restricted to three breeding colonies within Victoria: Mud Islands and South Channel Fort in Port Phillip Bay, and Tullaberga Island off Mallacoota. The numbers of storm petrels breeding on Mud Islands and South Channel Fort have declined considerably, possibly a result of the significant vegetation changes, together with increases in local populations of other species of birds, most notably, silver gulls (Larus novaehollandiae). On Mud Islands the breeding area available to the storm petrels appears to be limited by the recent arrival of the Australian white ibis (Threskoirnis molucca), and straw-necked ibis (T. spinicollis) which now breed on the islands in large numbers (approximately 15,000 pairs). The impact of these changes on the storm petrels is poorly understood. The current status of storm petrels at Tullaberga Island is unknown. This study estimated the size of the breeding population at all three sites by determining burrow densities, and a burrow-scope was used to determine occupancy. Burrow density was found to be related to vegetation type and other habitat factors. This study has highlighted important information on the breeding habitat of the white-faced storm petrel and the implications for management are discussed.