247 resultados para Deglutition disorders


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Aripiprazole and risperidone are the only FDA approved medications for treating irritability in autistic disorder, however there are no head-to-head data comparing these agents. This is the first prospective randomized clinical trial comparing the safety and efficacy of these two medications in patients with autism spectrum disorders. Fifty nine children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders were randomized to receive either aripiprazole or risperidone for 2 months. The primary outcome measure was change in Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) scores. Adverse events were assessed. Aripiprazole as well as risperidone lowered ABC scores during 2 months. The rates of adverse effects were not significantly different between the two groups. The safety and efficacy of aripiprazole (mean dose 5.5 mg/day) and risperidone (mean dose 1.12 mg/day) were comparable. The choice between these two medications should be on the basis of clinical equipoise considering the patient's preference and clinical profile.


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We discuss the rationale behind staging systems described specifically for bipolar disorders. Current applications, future directions and research gaps in clinical staging models for bipolar disorders are outlined.


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Background: Emerging evidence supports a relationship between risk factors for obesity and the genesis of the common mental disorders, depression and anxiety. This suggests common mental disorders should be considered as a form of non-communicable disease, preventable through the modification of lifestyle behaviours, particularly diet and physical activity.Discussion: Obesity prevention research since the 1970's represents a considerable body of knowledge regarding strategies to modify diet and physical activity and so there may be clear lessons from obesity prevention that apply to the prevention of mental disorders. For obesity, as for common mental disorders, adolescence represents a key period of vulnerability. In this paper we briefly discuss relationships between modifiable lifestyle risk factors and mental health, lifestyle risk factor interventions in obesity prevention research, the current state of mental health prevention, and the implications of current applications of systems thinking in obesity prevention research for lifestyle interventions.Summary: We propose a potential focus for future mental health promotion interventions and emphasise the importance of lessons available from other lifestyle modification intervention programmes.


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Modelling studies suggest that less than 30% of the burden of mental disorders can be averted, even with optimal care and access to services. This points to the need to reduce the incidence of mental disorders, utilising evidence-based prevention strategies and policy action. In this cross-journal article collection (http://www.biomedcentral.com/series/PMD), the case for prevention is made by identifying initiatives with established efficacy, as well as opportunities and targets for the prevention of mental disorders in early life, in the workplace and at the population level. These articles provide reviews, systematic and narrative, outlining the evidence base for prevention approaches, as well as comment and debate designed to prompt discussion and a reconsideration of strategies for prevention. Barriers to expanding the research into prevention include the reluctance of governments and funding bodies to invest in research and policy action that may take many years to manifest benefits. The case for the cost-effectiveness of preventing mental disorders needs to be strongly argued and new cross-disciplinary, intersectoral initiatives and policies developed for the prevention of mental disorders across the lifespan.


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The study objective was to evaluate the feasibility of a telephone delivered intervention consisting of motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural strategies aimed at improving diet and physical activity in people diagnosed with psychotic disorders. Twenty participants diagnosed with a non-acute psychotic disorder were recruited. The intervention consisted of eight telephone delivered sessions targeting fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption and leisure screen time, as well as smoking and alcohol use (as appropriate). F&V frequency and variety, and overall diet quality (measured by the Australian Recommended Food Score, ARFS), leisure screen time, overall sitting and walking time, smoking, alcohol consumption, mood, quality of life, and global functioning were examined before and 4-weeks post-treatment. Nineteen participants (95%) completed all intervention sessions, and 17 (85%) completed follow-up assessments. Significant increases from baseline to post-treatment were seen in ARFS fruit, vegetable and overall diet quality scores, quality of life and global functioning. Significant reductions in leisure screen time and overall sitting time were also seen. Results indicated that a telephone delivered intervention targeting key cardiovascular disease risk behaviours appears to be feasible and relatively effective in the short-term for people diagnosed with psychosis. A randomized controlled trial is warranted to replicate and extend these findings.


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Nicotine dependence is associated with an increased risk of mood and anxiety disorders and suicide. The primary hypothesis of this study was to identify whether the polymorphisms of two glutathione-S-transferase enzymes (GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes) predict an increased risk of mood and anxiety disorders in smokers with nicotine dependence.


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Background Australia is a world leader in the development of internetdelivered programs for the prevention and management of mood and anxiety disorders. Despite a strong evidence base of time- and cost-effectiveness, as well as clinical efficacy, the uptake of these programs in general practice remains low. Objective To familiarise general practitioners (GPs) with the range of online programs in Australia that have demonstrated efficacy and are currently available for use by patients with mental health problems. Discussion E-mental health programs provide an efficacious and accessible form of mental healthcare and have the potential to fill the gap for those for whom such care is inaccessible, unaffordable or unacceptable. Clinicians can also use it in a stepped-care manner to augment existing healthcare services. There are a number of online resources currently available to Australians who have mood or anxiety disorders. These resources have strong evidence to support their effectiveness. Online portals facilitate access to these programs. Recently the Australian Federal Government has funded an education program (eMHPrac) for GPs and mental health professionals, to outline what is available, indicate situations where recommending such resources is appropriate, and suggest ways in which they can be incorporated into general practice.


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There is a significant comorbidity between mood disorders and tobacco use disorder (TUD), which may be related to both genetic and environmental factors. Gene variants of the 5-HT transporter, such as STin2 VNTR (a variable number of tandem repeats in the functional serotonin transporter intron 2) may be associated with mood disorders and TUD.


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Hypoglutamatergic function is implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, and supersensitivity of platelet NMDA receptors has been reported in schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to examine the platelet glutamate receptor sensitivity in patients with schizophrenia (n=12), mania with psychotic features (n=10) and depression with psychotic features (n=10) and matched controls (n=12) in order to assess if this is a marker of schizophrenia or occurs in other psychotic conditions. Glutamate receptor sensitivity was assessed using the intracellular calcium response to glutamate measured with spectrofluorometry. The percentage response of the schizophrenic and depressed psychotic subjects to glutamate stimulation was significantly greater than control subjects (p<0.005). The mania with psychotic features group was not significantly different to controls. This data suggests that platelet glutamate receptors may be supersensitive in schizophrenia and depression with psychotic features. Furthermore, the platelet may be a possible peripheral marker of glutamate function in schizophrenia and depression with psychotic features.