179 resultados para Lens Based Practice


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This paper is about assessing the practice of Project-Based Joint Ventures formed between local and international contractors in the UAE construction industry. This common practice nowadays, provides the means for contractors to quickly add resources to enhance project acquisition. Studies indicate that JVs are among the tools that contractors will need to get together in the face of increasing market demands. Specifically, Project-Based JVs are often used in the UAE Construction industry with an exceptional growth in an attempt to diversify from Oil and Gas. The UAE is very business friendly which makes it attractive for such kind of alliance or partnership for local contractors to get the necessary experience and for international contractors to minimize the risks associated with entering new markets. In this context, studies that evaluate this alliance phenomenon in the UAE construction industry are limited. The few industry-related studies have primarily focused on large, international JVs; yet, many JVs are formed on small and medium-sized projects within the UAE. The paper aims to assess the current practices and understand the many factors involved with forming, managing, and controlling JV partnerships. The research methodology adopted a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches. First, a closed question survey was disseminated to construction professionals in the UAE in light of the literature findings. Second, two case studies were demonstrated and analysed, then triangulated with the literature and survey findings to remove possible bias and improve the confidence in the collected data. The paper concluded that the JV in the UAE construction industry is mostly formed on project-basis rather than continuous collaboration. The management control mostly used in the UAE construction industry is shared management of activities in a venture with the operations shared between parents. The paper addressed major factors that lead to successful JV in the construction projects of the UAE which are namely trust, correct structure, communication, and partner’s commitment. Partners’ common objectives do not affect the JV success or failure. Willingness to adapt eliminates conflicts and enhances the JV success prospect.


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Medical practice has rapidly shifted towards an 'evidence-based' approach. While there are acknowledged clear benefits to this, a number of pitfalls are frequently not appreciated. Perhaps the most important limitation is the extent to which the current body of data is inadequate for many common clinical decisions. Algorithms risk being developed, frequently by third parties, without acknowledgement of these limitations and with substantial implications for clinical independence and the quality of patient care. This paper discusses potential problems of the evidence-based approach and suggests possible guidelines for the management of clinical decisions given the limitations of data-based guidelines.


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The New Wilderness is a practice-led, multidisciplinary arts project first piloted by artists, writers, teachers and academics from Geelong, Deakin University and Courthouse ARTS Centre in 2013. In a series of workshops run by artists, and working to specific themes, the project provided a platform for participants to explore and respond creatively to change in the community; it culminated in a large-scale installation at Courthouse ARTS Centre’s main gallery. Our paper positions the project as a able to cut across convention, empowering young artists to respond to ‘big questions’ of relevance to the changing material, spatial and social relations within their communities. In questioning and seeking to transform communities into sustainable media, economic, environmental and social ecologies, this emergent model begins with a localised focus, which is designed to travel across time and place, and pedagogical frameworks. The paper positions Geelong as a community under radical transformation in its economic foundations and demographics. As artists and academics living and working in the region we see it as an experimental ground for investigations into a series of provocations that mirror the shape of the paper we intend to give. The provocations, as outlined in the workshops, might also be envisaged as new relations to:Object – From consumable to unusable to play. In revisiting the first iteration of The New wilderness in 2013 we discuss the ‘superfictional’ (Hill, 2000) enquiry that participants were asked to engage with. Its premise described Geelong as an abandoned, post-apocalyptic site. Participants were asked to imagine themselves as a group of future explorers and excavate objects from the city’s old tip. In unearthing their choices and re-presenting the objects in the gallery the participant was prompted to analyse site, situation, object and process as phenomena for ‘being’ or ‘telling stories’, providing insights into wider realms of cultural experience (Ellis, Adams and Bochner, 2010). Parallel to this ‘autoethnographic’ reflection our paper uses the philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s analysis of consumer and material culture. He traces the subject’s relation to objects from use-value, to exchange-value and in the era of extreme capitalism, to pure exhibition-value. He searches for ways that the objects produced in our material culture can be ‘profaned’ (Agamben, 2007). Space – From the material to the spatial to the situation. We are interested in how objects and the practices they elicit can be ‘profaned’ by their situation (Agamben, 2007; Wark, 2103). To profane, according to Agamben, is to open up the possibility that the object loses its exhibition-value to ‘a special form of negligence’ (Agamben). He uses the example of the child’s ability to insinuate any object into a new logic of play (Agamben). Like the objects excavated for The New Wilderness they could be from a variety of spheres – business, household, industry, health etc… The child, like the artist, reconstitutes, reorders and assembles new relations between things. In reflecting on the first New Wilderness project the paper correlates the creative response of the participant (student, child, artist) with the occupier. The Occupy Movement, which took up residence in many of the world’s cities’ financial districts in 2011, used a number of strategies commensurate with both Agamben’s notion of profanation and McKenzie Wark’s reading of the Situationist International’s use of détournement - as a strategy that releases objects and subjects back into the field of play (Wark, 2013). The field was taken by the occupy movement to be the space in which they occupied – capitalism, its logic and its practices, were, for a short time, redundant in the occupied field. The New Wilderness conceptualises the city as a localised field, from which its discarded objects can be ‘profaned’ or, repurposed, to reflect on shared histories, responsibilities, pedagogies and future action. Subject: self/other– As much as we propose New Wilderness to be a pedagogical initiative we see it as personal, critical and political. In the themed workshops, designed to elicit personal responses to the object and the site, which culminated in a multi-disciplinary installation, performance and/or text based work, participants were encouraged to think critically, and importantly, collectively. Through the four workshops run in the first iteration of the project participants were asked to re-consider their material value-systems, much as the occupy movement was trying to do, and like the occupiers, participants were empowered to be agents of change. Our paper reflects on the practical outcomes and the conceptual, political and pedagogical strategies embedded in The New Wilderness project. The paper affords us the additional opportunity to imagine a life for it in other geographical, socio-economic and educational situations. Merinda Kelly and Cameron Bishop, 2013Bio: Merinda Kelly is a sculptor and installation artist, educator and PhD student at Deakin University. Her research interests include Visual Culture, Practice Led Research, the Ontology of Art, and Autoethnography. Her most recent work includes the Pop Archaeology' and the Globo-Touro Projects.Bio: Dr Cameron Bishop is an artist and academic working in Visual Arts at Deakin University. He exhibits regularly and has written a number of journal articles and book chapters. His research has focused on the philosophical and postcolonial dimensions of space and subjectivity and more recently has evolved into an active interest in strategic interventions into space and practice.


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Better managing diabetes has become a global priority, especially given the exponential increase in the number of diabetes patients and the financial implications of treating this silent epidemic. In this paper, we focus on how it might be possible to use a mobile technology solution to support and enable superior diabetes monitoring and management. To test this solution, we examined the context of gestational diabetes and adopted a non-blinded randomized control trial with two-arm cross over applied to a private hospital in Victoria, Australia. Further, we use an accountable care system as the theoretical lens and, from this, develop a conceptual framework to bridge evidence-based management with technologies. Theoretically, we unpack McCleallan, McKethan, Lewis, Roski, and Fisher’s (2010) study with our conceptual framework that comprises providers for information (evidence-based management) and technology (smartphone). We enhance Muhlestein, Croshaw, Merrill, Pena, and James’ (2013) accountable care paradigm with three concepts: 1) quality of life, 2) evidence-based management, and 3) affordable care. From the perspective of practice, far-reaching implications have arisen particularly for hospital management pertaining to the cost and quality of care issues. In particular, it appears that adapting mobile technology solutions such as smartphones to support various aspects of care and patient-clinician interactions is a prudent choice to minimize costs and yet provide highquality care.


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The present article investigates the linkages between conserving cultural heritage, maintaining cultural diversity and enforcing human rights. While there seems to be a growing awareness of these linkages in international heritage and human rights circles, they remain poorly understood by many heritage practitioners who see their conservation work merely as a technical matter. The article argues that it is essential for practitioners engaged in heritage conservation projects to understand the broader economic, political and social context of their work. However, heritage scholars and teachers, too, need to recognise that there can be many motives behind official heritage interventions, that such action is sometimes taken primarily to achieve political goals, and that it can undermine rather than strengthen community identity, cultural diversity and human rights. Such a reorientation is an extension of the paradigm shift in which heritage is understood as cultural practice. In this more critical heritage studies discipline human rights are brought to the foreground as the most significant part of the international heritage of humanity.


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BACKGROUND: Ad hoc supervision encounters occur between general practitioner (GP) supervisors and general practice registrars outside scheduled teaching sessions. Anecdotally reported as important learning opportunities, these encounters are rarely explored in the literature. OBJECTIVE: This study examined supervisors', registrars' and practice managers' perceptions of ad hoc supervisory encounters. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with purposively sampled supervisors, registrars and practice managers from regional general practice settings. Data were analysed using template analysis. RESULTS: Fifteen respondents participated in the interviews. Their perceptions of ad hoc encounters were reported under the categories of immediacy, safety, education, professional identity and supervisor stress. DISCUSSION: Ad hoc encounters in general practice registrar training are highly valued for supporting patient safety and registrar education. The encounters serve a range of practical purposes for supervisors, registrars and practices, and warrant further exploration on how to optimise their benefits within general practice.


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Performance-based aid allocation systems are used by a number of multilateral agencies to allocate aid among developing countries. A number of bilateral agencies also allocate aid on the basis of the performance of recipients, albeit in a less systematic way than these multilateral agencies. This paper points to a number of fundamental problems associated with performance-based aid allocation systems, including a problematic balancing of need and performance criteria, being reductionist with respect to the drivers of effective aid and not being sufficiently nuanced with respect to performance by ignoring a lack of human capital and economic vulnerability in recipient countries. Together with providing a theoretical framework that articulates these issues, this paper introduces and outlines the papers that follow in this Special Section.


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Eight teacher educators used self-study methodology to engage in reflective practice to overcome their isolation as individual teachers and researchers, and to facilitate professional development. Their research question asked: How can we continue to develop our teaching practice to ensure we are high quality, contemporary teacher educators? They contributed collaboratively in one overarching research project as well as through several focussed projects that explored issues in their individual teaching practices including: sustainability, creativity, curriculum design, pedagogy, assessment, and the learning experiences for students. This paper explores the outcomes from collaborative inquiry that five of the eight educator/researchers engaged in during a research-writing retreat. It documents their experience using arts-based strategies in which drawings were created about their experiences of engaging in a collaborative project and smaller focussed self-study projects. Analysis involved inquiring into each other’s drawings through recorded conversation. The metaphoric representations found through analysing the drawings provided insight into participants’ teaching practices and identities as teacher educators. Six months later when the participants had developed their projects further and used other artsbased methods to understand these experiences, they reflected on the key issues for their teaching practices that had arisen from undertaking this Collaborative Reflective Experience and Practice in Education research. Arts-based inquiries and reflective analysis over six months, constitute this paper. The experiences and analyses are shared to show how creating and sharing metaphoric meaning of visual representations is useful in self-study research to drill down into the real issues. Importantly, this in-depth sharing provides authentic interdisciplinary links when individual educators share their own approaches to teaching in their disciplined area. Findings suggest that gaining new insights into each other’s discipline-based approaches to teacher education through these methods, revealed different responses to pedagogical challenges and allowed for new possibilities for understanding the landscape of teacher education.


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Growing popularity in parametric urbanism has prompted investigation into the effects digital parametric systems have had on the way we design. This research proposes a new method of Problem Centric System Design, encouraging working methods that are led by both the designer’s aspirations and the requirements of the design problem.