192 resultados para Carey, Hugh


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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. It is associated with a high level of morbidity, particularly fatigue, pain, breathlessness, and coughing. These symptoms can have a substantial impact on psychosocial functioning. It is critical to have effective interventions demonstrated to improve quality of life particularly for those with advanced disease. However there is a paucity of high quality intervention research to guide practice in this area. This article discusses the challenges in conducting supportive care research in this group, including the patient's level of literacy in English, poor performance status, rapidly fluctuating health status, and familial or professional “gate-keeping.” Many of these challenges can be overcome by broadening eligibility criteria, permitting some flexibility in relation to recruitment and data collection procedures, working closely with the treatment team, involving the patient's family, minimizing practical difficulties associated with intervention delivery, and reducing study burden in other ways, such as limiting the amount of data collected from the patient and shortening follow-up time intervals. We explore these potential solutions drawing on the experience of conducting a randomized controlled trial of a support intervention for people with lung cancer and their family.


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OBJECTIVE: The present article tracks the development of the Australian National Food Plan as a 'whole of government' food policy that aimed to integrate elements of nutrition and sustainability alongside economic objectives. DESIGN: The article uses policy analysis to explore the processes of consultation and stakeholder involvement in the development of the National Food Plan, focusing on actors from the sectors of industry, civil society and government. Existing documentation and submissions to the Plan were used as data sources. Models of health policy analysis and policy streams were employed to analyse policy development processes. SETTING: Australia. SUBJECTS: Australian food policy stakeholders. RESULTS: The development of the Plan was influenced by powerful industry groups and stakeholder engagement by the lead ministry favoured the involvement of actors representing the food and agriculture industries. Public health nutrition and civil society relied on traditional methods of policy influence, and the public health nutrition movement failed to develop a unified cross-sector alliance, while the private sector engaged in different ways and presented a united front. The National Food Plan failed to deliver an integrated food policy for Australia. Nutrition and sustainability were effectively sidelined due to the focus on global food production and positioning Australia as a food 'superpower' that could take advantage of the anticipated 'dining boom' as incomes rose in the Asia-Pacific region. CONCLUSIONS: New forms of industry influence are emerging in the food policy arena and public health nutrition will need to adopt new approaches to influencing public policy.


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In order to influence global policy effectively, conservation scientists need to be able to provide robust predictions of the impact of alternative policies on biodiversity and measure progress towards goals using reliable indicators. We present a framework for using biodiversity indicators predictively to inform policy choices at a global level. The approach is illustrated with two case studies in which we project forwards the impacts of feasible policies on trends in biodiversity and in relevant indicators. The policies are based on targets agreed at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meeting in Nagoya in October 2010. The first case study compares protected area policies for African mammals, assessed using the Red List Index; the second example uses the Living Planet Index to assess the impact of a complete halt, versus a reduction, in bottom trawling. In the protected areas example, we find that the indicator can aid in decision-making because it is able to differentiate between the impacts of the different policies. In the bottom trawling example, the indicator exhibits some counter-intuitive behaviour, due to over-representation of some taxonomic and functional groups in the indicator, and contrasting impacts of the policies on different groups caused by trophic interactions. Our results support the need for further research on how to use predictive models and indicators to credibly track trends and inform policy. To be useful and relevant, scientists must make testable predictions about the impact of global policy on biodiversity to ensure that targets such as those set at Nagoya catalyse effective and measurable change.


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Aim: To quantify the consequences of major threats to biodiversity, such as climate and land-use change, it is important to use explicit measures of species persistence, such as extinction risk. The extinction risk of metapopulations can be approximated through simple models, providing a regional snapshot of the extinction probability of a species. We evaluated the extinction risk of three species under different climate change scenarios in three different regions of the Mexican cloud forest, a highly fragmented habitat that is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Location Cloud forests in Mexico.
Methods: Using Maxent, we estimated the potential distribution of cloud forest for three different time horizons (2030, 2050 and 2080) and their overlap with protected areas. Then, we calculated the extinction risk of three contrasting vertebrate species for two scenarios: (1) climate change only (all suitable areas of cloud forest through time) and (2) climate and land-use change (only suitable areas within a currently protected area), using an explicit patch-occupancy approximation model and calculating the joint probability of all populations becoming extinct when the number of remaining patches was less than five.
Results: Our results show that the extent of environmentally suitable areas for cloud forest in Mexico will sharply decline in the next 70 years. We discovered that if all habitat outside protected areas is transformed, then only species with small area requirements are likely to persist. With habitat loss through climate change only, high dispersal rates are sufficient for persistence, but this requires protection of all remaining cloud forest areas.
Main conclusions: Even if high dispersal rates mitigate the extinction risk of species due to climate change, the synergistic impacts of changing climate and land use further threaten the persistence of species with higher area requirements. Our approach for assessing the impacts of threats on biodiversity is particularly useful when there is little time or data for detailed population viability analyses.


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Aim: Most risk assessments and decisions in conservation are based on surrogate approaches, where a group of species or environmental indicators are selected as proxies for other aspects of biodiversity. In the focal species approach, a suite of species is selected based on life history characteristics, such as dispersal limitation and area requirements. Testing the validity of the focal species concept has proved difficult, due to a lack of theory justifying the underlying framework, explicit objectives and measures of success. We sought to understand the conditions under which the focal species concept has merit for conservation decisions. Location: Our model system comprised 10 vertebrate species in 39 patches of native forest embedded in pine plantation in New South Wales, Australia. Methods: We selected three focal species based on ecological traits. We used a multiple-species reserve selection method that minimizes the expected loss of species, by estimating the risk of extinction with a metapopulation model. We found optimal reserve solutions for multiple species, including all 10 species, the three focal species, for all possible combinations of three species, and for each species individually. Results: Our case study suggests that the focal species approach can work: the reserve system that minimized the expected loss of the focal species also minimized the expected species loss in the larger set of 10 species. How well the solution would perform for other species and given landscape dynamics remains unknown. Main conclusions: The focal species approach may have merit as a conservation short cut if placed within a quantitative decision-making framework, where the aspects of biodiversity for which the focal species act as proxies are explicitly defined, and success is determined by whether the use of the proxy results in the same decision. Our methods provide a framework for testing other surrogate approaches used in conservation decision-making and risk assessment. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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 This thesis investigates how capital structure decisions of private and public firms in the UK differ in regards to their ownership structure, information asymmetry (proxied by audit quality) and access to debt capital.


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 The thesis consisted of both short stories and analysis of Patrick White, Peter Carey and Helen Hodgman. Researching how everyday life can be rendered unhomely and unsettling; and focusing on the representation of women, particularly mothers, resulted in new insights into Australia’s literary relationship with suburbia.


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Few qualitative studies have explored patients' experience of food and eating following major upper gastrointestinal cancer surgery. The aim of this article was to explore the longer-term impact of different types of major upper gastrointestinal surgeries on people's relationship with food.


Twenty-six people having had major upper gastrointestinal cancer surgery greater than 6 months ago participated in semi-structured interviews. These interviews aimed to explore a person's physical, emotional and social relationship with food and eating following surgery. Interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed and analysed using an inductive thematic analysis approach.


Interview findings revealed a journey of adjustment, grieving and resignation. The physical symptoms and experiences of people differed between types of surgery, but the coping mechanisms remained the same.


The grieving and resignation people experienced suggest adjustment and coping similar to that of someone with a chronic illness. Remodeling of health services is needed to ensure this patient group receives ongoing management and support.


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This study investigated changes in Australian children's independent mobility levels between1991 and 2012. Data from five cross-sectional studies conducted in 1991, 1993, 2010, 2011 and 2012 were analysed. Parent and child surveys were used to assess parental licences for independent mobility and actual independent mobility behaviour in children aged 8–13 years. Findings show declines in the proportion of young children (≤10 years of age) being allowed to travel home from school alone (1991: 68%, 1993: 50%, 2010: 43%, 2011: 45%, 2012: 31%) and travel on buses alone (1991: 31%, 1993: 15%, 2010: 8%, 2011: 6%, 2012: 9%). Furthermore, the proportion of children travelling independently to school decreased (1991: 61%, 1993: 42%, 2010: 31%, 2011: 32%, 2012: 32%). Significantly fewer girls than boys travelled independently to school at each time point (p ≤ .001). Overall, the findings suggest that Australian children's independent mobility levels declined between 1991 and 2012.


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This study investigates the influence of optimistic news stories on first-day pricing of initial public offerings (IPOs) in Australia between 1995 and 2005. Unlike the United States, Australia has no quiet-period regulation limiting the dissemination of information from media before IPO listing dates. We find that optimistic news stories are negatively associated with IPO underpricing. Results from a relative valuation model show that IPOs which received positive news stories ahead of the first trading day are not overpriced relative to their industry benchmarks. These results suggest that optimistic news stories mitigate information asymmetry and adverse selection problems. However, optimistic news stories do not appear to inflate the share price on the first day of trading. Our findings suggest that regulation mandating a 'quiet period' before the commencement of trading in IPOs is neither necessary nor desirable in the Australian environment.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the distribution of cataract types between psychiatric patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and the general population not exposed to psychotropic medication, and to compare cataract prevalence between users and nonusers of various psychotropic medications in the general community. DESIGN: Case-control. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 151 (93%) eligible patients from a community mental health service and 3271 (83%) eligible residents from the Melbourne Visual Impairment Project (VIP) were examined. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: All patients 40 years of age and older from a community mental health service and residents of nine randomly selected areas of Melbourne were eligible. Best-corrected distance visual acuity was determined using a 4-m logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (LogMAR) chart. The presence of cataract was determined by photographs or slit-lamp examination using direct and indirect retroillumination. Anterior, cortical, nuclear, and posterior subcapsular cataracts were measured. Participants from the Melbourne VIP were classified as to whether they had taken benzodiazepams, phenothiazines, thioxanthenes, butyrophenols, tricyclic antidepressants, or monoamine oxidase inhibitors for at least 12 months during their lifetime. RESULTS: The distribution of cataract type varied between persons with and without schizophrenia. Anterior subcapsular (ASC) cataract was significantly more prevalent (26%) in participants with schizophrenia from the community mental health service than Melbourne VIP participants (0.2%) not exposed to psychotropic medication (chi-square, 1 degree of freedom = 605.5, P = 0.001). This remained significant after controlling for age (odds ratios = 250, 95% confidence interval = 83.3, 1000). The distribution of the age-related cataract was similar across all groups of psychotropic medication users with the exception of the phenothiazine users. They had less of all types of the age-related cataracts, despite being slightly older than the control group (mean age, 60.0 vs. 58.4, t test = 0.85, P = 0.40). However, only cortical cataract in the phenothiazine group was statistically lower (chi-square, 1 degree of freedom = 3.96, P = 0.047). CONCLUSION: This study has identified the need to investigate whether other newer agents, especially high-potency medications, cause ASC opacities if a certain threshold of exposure to psychotropic medications must be attained to develop cataract, or if schizophrenia itself is associated with cataract formation.


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PURPOSE: To develop a screening programme for the early detection of diabetic retinopathy using non-mydriatic retinal photography. METHODS: A community based screening service was offered to all people with known diabetes mellitus in selected townships in the LaTrobe and Goulburn Valleys in Victoria. At the local examination centre, basic sociodemographic information was collected as well as details of previous use of eye care services for the early detection of diabetic retinopathy. The examination included visual acuity (VA), glycosylated haemoglobin level and Polaroid photographs of each fundus using a Canon CR5-45NM non-mydriatic retinal camera (Canon, Tochigiken, Japan). Dilating drops were not used. Photographs were subsequently reviewed and letters were sent to all participants (with copies to their general practitioners) with recommendations for appropriate follow up. RESULTS: A total of 1177 people with diabetes attended the screening service, which is estimated to be 40% of the total population with known diabetes in the study area. The mean age was 65 years (range 20-94 years); 559 (48%) people reported not having a dilated fundus examination within the past 2 years; 345 (29%) people had never had a dilated fundus examination. Of the 2354 eyes, 2126 (90%) of the photographs were gradable. A total of 704 people (60%) had normal VA and no evidence of diabetic retinopathy, 209 people (18%) had diabetic retinopathy, 101 people (9%) had evidence of other fundus pathology, 42 people (3%) had reduced acuity (< 6/18) in one or both eyes (with no fundus pathology evident) and 121 people (10%) had ungradable photographs in one or both eyes. CONCLUSIONS: The present study demonstrates the usefulness of a screening programme with non-mydriatic retinal photography as an adjunct to current eye care services for the early detection of diabetic retinopathy.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of glaucoma in Melbourne, Australia. METHODS: All subjects were participants in the Melbourne Visual Impairment Project (Melbourne VIP), a population-based prevalence study of eye disease that included residential and nursing home populations. Each participant underwent a standardized eye examination, which included a Humphrey Visual Field test, applanation tonometry, fundus examination including fundal photographs, and a medical history interview. Glaucoma status was determined by a masked assessment and consensus adjudication of visual fields, optic disc photographs, intraocular pressure, and glaucoma history. RESULTS: A total of 3271 persons (83% response rate) participated in the residential Melbourne VIP. The overall prevalence rate of definite primary open-angle glaucoma in the residential population was 1.7% (95% confidence limits = 1.21, 2.21). Of these, 50% had not been diagnosed previously. Only two persons (0.1%) had primary angle-closure glaucoma and six persons (0.2%) had secondary glaucoma. The prevalence of glaucoma increased steadily with age from 0.1% at ages 40 to 49 years to 9.7% in persons aged 80 to 89 years. There was no relationship with gender. The authors examined 403 (90.2% response rate) nursing home residents. The age standardized rate for this component was 2.36% (95% confidence limits = 0, 4.88). CONCLUSION: The rate of glaucoma in Melbourne rises significantly with age. With only half of patients being diagnosed, glaucoma is a major eye health problem and will become increasingly important as the population ages.