172 resultados para Physical education pedagogy


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Previous research on contextual interference theory in controlled laboratory situations consistently illustrated that random practice was superior to blocked practice when learning motor skills. However, when considered in relation to physical education class settings the findings of the contextual interference experiments were not as uniform. Furthermore, the results of the contextual interference research were ambiguous when an open skill was used as the experimental task, with no definite trend evident. Random practice was found more effective for learning (del Rey, 1989) whereas French, Rink and Werner (1990) demonstrated blocked practice to be superior. In the present study, the influence of high and low contextual interference as practice schedules was investigated within an applied sports setting using an open sports skill as the experimental task. Two groups of boys and girls, 8-9 and 10-12 years of age, were taught a forehand tennis groundstroke using both their preferred and non-preferred hands over a ten week coaching and practice period. The findings showed that male subjects were significantly better at the experimental task than female subjects at the pre-test stage only. The result also demonstrated that the 10-12 year old subjects were significantly better than the 8-9 year olds at the task with the exception of the preferred hand at the post and retention test stage. The contextual interference effect was demonstrated in the retention phase on the preferred hand of the 10-12 year old subjects where the random practice group was significantly better than the blocked practice group in an applied sports setting. These findings were discussed in relation to the role of cognition in the learning of these motor skills and the influence of the subjects related background experiences.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of an adventure learning program, based on participation in group adventure initiative tasks (GAITs), on participant self-esteem and, further, to examine any associated gender differences in the dependent variable. The study took place within the framework of the 'Group Dynamics in Action' unit offered at the University of South Australia, Underdale Campus, in semester 2, 1994. The course included participation in group adventure initiative tasks, the identification and examination of group dynamic processes, the investigation of individual roles within the small group and the review of these processes in the group setting. The program also included an experience on a high ropes course. Both quantitative and qualitative data was gathered to gain insight into gender differences and their relationship to the dependent variable and also to provide insight into any discrepancy in outcomes between males and females with regard to participation in group adventure initiative tasks. The sample set of participants was drawn from undergraduate students studying at the University of South Australia in the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), Bachelor of Education (Secondary Physical Education Teaching) and Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) courses. Subjects were assigned to either experimental or control conditions and the experimental group were then randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups. Sixty one (N = 61) male and female subjects were tested pre and post-treatment period. Psychological tests included the Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory (Coopersmith 1981) and an adaptation of Coopersmith's Behaviour Rating Form (Coopersmith 1967). Qualitative data was gathered using Kuhn's Twenty Statements Test (Kuhn and McPartland 1954), a self-esteem questionnaire, observations made by the researcher and other staff about subjects interactions and from weekly journals kept by subjects throughout the treatment. The duration of the treatment period was 14 weeks consisting of 14, 2 hour seminars.


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Girls should increasingly participate in the health benefits of team sports learning opportunities. Boys need to not neglect academic learning goals in favour of team sports rewards that are highly valued by peers. Co-curricularly disengaged boys need to participate in co-curricular learning activities that provide opportunities for boys to succeed.


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The Chinese symbol for 'crisis' is a combination of the symbols for danger and opportunity. Constructing a sense of crisis is dangerous because crisis discourse mobilises powerful emotions such as concern, fear and desire - particularly when it surrounds something as important to us as our children's education. Using the example of recent crisis discourses surrounding physical education, this thesis examines dangers and opportunities that arise when we declare that our education institutions are in crisis.


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Among the many changes occurring across Chinese society in the early phase of Y2K is the construction and implementation of a new physical education (PE) curriculum. Not unlike recent changes in Australia, New Zealand and the UK, this process has seen a heightening of the emphasis on health. Presented within a wider framework for making the school curriculum more relevant, PE is more closely aligned with China’s emerging population health concerns around lifestyle practices of its youth. Foremost here are burgeoning social anxieties about decreased levels of physical activity, poor dietary practices, risk-taking tendencies, and a general shift in focus from ideology to skills.

This paper reports on a study undertaken to explore the perceptions of Chinese PE teachers and their engagement with the new PE & Health curriculum. The data reveals a number of structural, personal and cultural factors that work against PE teachers taking up the opportunities presented in the new curriculum. Prominent here are; low professional status, lack of resources, lack of training and the grip of deeply rooted cultural values.


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Beneath the common-sense understandings that some boys are sporty and some are not lies a complex suite of identity positions. For those that manage to have their identity confirmed within the powerful sporting discourses that dominate the masculinity landscape, the path to peer acceptance is a clearer one. Conversely, for boys that have their identity diminished by these same discourses, the consequences can be quite dramatic. While physical and athletic prowess are clearly prominent vectors in this sorting process there is a range of other personal and social conditions that impact such trajectories. Built on narrative methodological approaches, this chapter draws on research conducted in a range of settings to describe some of the ways young males understand and enact sporting masculinities. Through a series of research narratives I present the voices of a number of young males as they navigate their identities within and against dominant sporting discourses. To help make sense of the identity practices contained within these narratives a theoretical leaning towards ambivalence will be engaged. Drawing on the work of Foucault, the formation of a masculine sporting identity can be understood as the development of a specific relationship with oneself and with others. Within this framework, sporting identities, like all other identities, are viewed as a process not a state.


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This study investigated the beliefs and practices of 28 teachers of the deaf about their practices. The teachers were all working in oral settings either as visiting teachers or teachers in a mainstream school facility supporting groups of students with hearing loss. Teachers who used an Auditory Verbal approach largely adopted a positivist paradigm, whereas those using an Auditory Oral approach were more likely to adopt a constructivist paradigm. Those using a mixed approach (AV/AO) adopted a paradigm that was a mix of both positivist and constructivist. Results suggest that there is a strong relationship between the underlying beliefs of teachers and the model of practice that they adopt, and that professional experience, professional development and the inclusion movement exert an influence on those beliefs and practices.


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Students' proficiency in three object control and three locomotor skills were assessed in 2000 (M age = 10.06 years, SD = 0.63) in New South Wales, Australia and in 2006-07 (M age = 16. 44 years, SD = 0. 64). In 2006-07, 266 students, 138 girls (51.9%) and 128 boys (48.1%), had at least one skill reassessed. Boys were more object control proficient than girls. Childhood object control proficiency significantly predicted (p =. 001) adolescent object control proficiency ([r.sup.2] = .39), and, while gender was significant (p = .001), it did not affect the relationship between these variables (p = .53). Because childhood object control proficiency is predictive of subsequent object control proficiency, developing skills in childhood is important.


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Exercise is widely recommended to reduce osteoporosis, falls and related fragility fractures, but its effect on whole bone strength has remained inconclusive. The primary purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the effects of long-term supervised exercise (≥6 months) on estimates of lower-extremity bone strength from childhood to older age.

We searched four databases (PubMed, Sport Discus, Physical Education Index, and Embase) up to October 2009 and included 10 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that assessed the effects of exercise training on whole bone strength. We analysed the results by age groups (childhood, adolescence, and young and older adulthood) and compared the changes to habitually active or sedentary controls. To calculate standardized mean differences (SMD; effect size), we used the follow-up values of bone strength measures adjusted for baseline bone values. An inverse variance-weighted random-effects model was used to pool the results across studies.


Our quality analysis revealed that exercise regimens were heterogeneous; some trials were short in duration and small in sample size, and the weekly training doses varied considerably between trials. We found a small and significant exercise effect among pre- and early pubertal boys [SMD, effect size, 0.17 (95% CI, 0.02-0.32)], but not among pubertal girls [-0.01 (-0.18 to 0.17)], adolescent boys [0.10 (-0.75 to 0.95)], adolescent girls [0.21 (-0.53 to 0.97)], premenopausal women [0.00 (-0.43 to 0.44)] or postmenopausal women [0.00 (-0.15 to 0.15)]. Evidence based on per-protocol analyses of individual trials in children and adolescents indicated that programmes incorporating regular weight-bearing exercise can result in 1% to8% improvements in bone strength at the loaded skeletal sites. In premenopausal women with high exercise compliance, improvements ranging from 0.5% to 2.5% have been reported.

The findings from our meta-analysis of RCTs indicate that exercise can significantly enhance bone strength at loaded sites in children but not in adults. Since few RCTs were conducted to investigate exercise effects on bone strength, there is still a need for further well-designed, long-term RCTs with adequate sample sizes to quantify the effects of exercise on whole bone strength and its structural determinants throughout life.


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In this article, I draw on Judith Butler's notion of performativity to investigate the role of digital technologies in processes of gendered subjectification (or ‘girling’) in elite girls' education. Elite girls' schooling is a site where the potential of digital technologies in mediating student‐led constructions and explorations of ‘femininity’ sits alongside school‐produced digital media in the form of promotional texts, in which young femininity is regulated by discourses of ‘girl power’. Whilst such schools are well equipped with digital resources that might be utilised towards students' interrogation of how ‘femininity’ is understood, thus politicising the girling process, school‐produced digital media inscribe a more prescriptive picture of ‘who’ an elite school‐girl can ‘be’. Lyla Girls' Grammar School (LGGS) is an elite secondary school in Melbourne, Australia. I report on research undertaken at two institutional levels of LGGS: the ‘school’ level in which digital media representations of young women are produced by the school and the ‘classroom’ level, in which media education pedagogy includes interactive web conferencing software. The use of digital technologies in media education appeared to support student‐led construction and interrogation of femininities to some extent. I argue that this kind of student‐led girling is important in the context of more prescriptive school‐level girling practices.


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Heightened competition both on a global and national level has raised the bar regarding the expectations that sport organisations have of their coaches. Using the Self-Determination Theory (SOT), which emphasizes the distinction between intrinsically- and extrinsically- driven behaviours, the current study investigated the specific intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivate professional soccer coaches in South Africa to coach. A non-experimental design using a quantitative approach to assess the motives of individual involvement of coaches in South Africa was employed. The Coach Motivation Scale (CMS) designed to assess motivational factors in coaching was administered to a purposive sample of 112 soccer coaches. Exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the number and nature of factors of the underlying structure of the data. In addition, correlation analysis was conducted on the data set. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlated significantly with highest academic qualification. Arising from the findings of the study implications for further study are suggested and recommendations made.


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Ball Bouncing in Gym SFX.


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Despite the widely articulated health implications of physical inactivity, declines in youth participation levels, particularly for adolescent girls, have fuelled social and moral panics about the importance of regular physical activity. Recent attempts to explain these participation trends have focused on the institutional and cultural discourses that are drawn on to construct particular identities and social practices connected with sport, physical education and leisure interests. In this paper we report on the findings of data collected through interview and focus group sessions with 138 females ranging from 14 to 16 years of age across six rural and regional communities in the state of Victoria, Australia. Adopting a feminist poststructuralist methodology and drawing on the work of Foucault, we explore the impact that dominant discourse-power relations operating in the context of rural and regional sport and physical education can have in the negotiation of physically active identities for adolescent girls.


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Physical activity is ranked second in importance only to tobacco control in health promotion and disease prevention in Australia. Individuals can be active in many ways every day, including –walking to and/or from school, work and other places of interest; participating in sports clubs; going to the YMCA or community leisure centre where you can be active through gyms, group fitness classes or in the swimming pool; visiting local parks and walking trails, and even at home and in the backyard. You can always find ways to be active in the community.

Promoting physical activity to young people is important for developing healthy lifestyles now and maintaining them for the future. A physically active lifestyle can be of benefit to physical, mental and social health. Despite these benefits, adolescent girls and young women are considerably less active than their male counterparts, and sport participation decreases dramatically among girls during their secondary school years. Many physical education teachers have also expressed concern about girls minimising their participation in school physical education. Consequently, it is timely that a project such as Triple G ‘Girls Get Going in Tennis, in Football, and at the YMCA’ should be developed and implemented in an effort to arrest the decline in girls’ participation in sport, physical activity and physical education.

The Triple G program aims to develop, implement and evaluate a program to promote participation in physical activity by girls in rural and regional schools and communities. The impact of the Triple G program on the mental and physical wellbeing of the girls will also be evaluated. The program specifically aims to create school and community linkages through the introduction of tennis coaches, football coaches, and YMCA instructors into the physical education class to team teach with physical education staff during the 2011 school year. As part of the school-based program, Year 7 – 9 girls will participate in a YMCA unit and one of tennis or football during their physical education classes (6 sessions x 100mins each). Each unit is then followed by an eight week afterschool program at the local tennis or football club, or YMCA centre.