216 resultados para Production du savoir


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The effects of animal species (AS; Angora goats, Merino sheep, mixed-grazed goats and sheep at the ratio of 1:1) and stocking rate (SR; 7.5, 10 and 12.5 animals/ha) on fibre production and quality were determined in a replicated experiment on improved annual temperate pastures in southern Australia from 1981 to 1984. Separately grazed sheep produced the most total clean fibre/ha at each SR. Mixed-grazed treatments produced amounts of clean fibre/ha similar to the arithmetic mean of sheep and goat treatments at 7.5/ha (21.9 versus 21.3 kg/ha), 10% more at 10/ha (28.3 versus 25.3 kg/ha, P < 0.05) and 7% more at 12.5/ha (31.6 versus 29.6 kg/ha, P < 0.10). Clean wool production/head was affected by AS and SR but not year. Clean mohair production was affected by SR and year but not AS. Variation in mean fibre diameter (MFD) accounted for 67 and 71%, respectively, of the variation in clean wool and clean mohair production/head. There was an AS SR interaction for clean fibre production/t pasture. Growth rate of mohair was highest in autumn and least in summer. In each season, an increase in the SR reduced the clean mohair growth rate. Growth rate of wool was highest in spring and least in summer. Wool and mohair MFD were affected by an AS SR interaction. Mohair MFD was also affected by year and season. At 10/ha, wool from mixed-grazed sheep had a greater MFD than wool from separately grazed sheep (20.2 versus 18.9 μm) and mixed-grazed goats grew mohair 1 μm coarser than separately grazed goats. At 12.5/ha mixed-grazed goats grew mohair 1.9 μm finer than separately grazed goats. Mohair MFD was predicted by a multiple regression that included average liveweight for the period of fleece growth, season of growth (summer 1 μm finer than winter) and year (range 1.27 μm). Mohair MFD increased 4.7 μm/10 kg increase in average fleece-free liveweight (P = 6.4 10-14). Fleece-free liveweight alone accounted for 76.4% of the variation in mohair MFD. There was an AS SR interaction for the incidence of kemp and medullated fibres; under severe grazing pressure their incidence was suppressed. This experiment indicated that the principles associated with the effects of SR on wool production on annual temperate pastures apply to mohair production. Mixed grazing of Merino sheep and Angora goats produced complementary and competitive effects depending on the SR. Angora goats should not be grazed alone or mixed-grazed with sheep on annual temperate pastures at SR greater than that recommended for Merino sheep.


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Background : We aimed to determine the role of skeletal muscle mitochondrial ATP production rate (MAPR) in relation to exercise tolerance after resistance training (RT) in chronic heart failure (CHF).

Methods and Results : Thirteen CHF patients (New York Heart Association functional class 2.3 ± 0.5; Left ventricular ejection fraction 26 ± 8%; age 70 ± 8 years) underwent testing for peak total body oxygen consumption (VO2peak), and resting vastus lateralis muscle biopsy. Patients were then randomly allocated to 11 weeks of RT (n = 7), or continuance of usual care (C; n = 6), after which testing was repeated. Muscle samples were analyzed for MAPR, metabolic enzyme activity, and capillary density. VO2peak and MAPR in the presence of the pyruvate and malate (P+M) substrate combination, representing carbohydrate metabolism, increased in RT (P < .05) and decreased in C (P < .05), with a significant difference between groups (VO2peak, P = .005; MAPR, P = .03). There was a strong correlation between the change in MAPR and the change in peak total body oxygen consumption (VO2peak) over the study (r = 0.875; P < .0001), the change in MAPR accounting for 70% of the change in VO2peak.

Conclusions : These findings suggest that mitochondrial ATP production is a major determinant of aerobic capacity in CHF patients and can be favorably altered by muscle strengthening exercise.


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Staphylococcus xylosus MAK2, Gram-positive coccus, a nonpathogenic member of the coagulase-negative Staphylococcus family was isolated from soil and used to produce naringinase in a stirred tank reactor. An initial medium at pH 5.5 and a cultivation temperature of 30°C was found to be optimal for enzyme production. The addition of Ca+2 caused stimulation of enzyme activity. The effect of various physico-chemical parameters, such as pH, temperature, agitation, and inducer concentration was studied. The enzyme production was enhanced by the addition of citrus peel powder (CPP) in the optimized medium. A twofold increase in naringinase production was achieved using different technological combinations. The process optimization using technological combinations allowed rapid optimization of large number of variables, which significantly improved enzyme production in a 5-l reactor in 34 h. An increase in sugar concentration (15 gl-1) in the fermentation medium further increased naringinase production (8.9 IUml-1) in the bioreactor. Thus, availability of naringinase renders it attractive for potential biotechnological applications in citrus processing industry.


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Manufacture of biofuels from existing biomass may provide a sustainable alternative to the extensive utilization of fossil fuels. Biomass offers environmental advantage over fossil fuels as it is a renewable energy source with low sulphur and nitrogen content and is carbon neutral over its production and utilization. Ranges of biomass are reported worldwide to be suitable raw material for bioethanol production. These can be generally classified into three groups; sucrose based (sugar cane), starch based (corn, wheat and barley) and lignocellulosic (which is mostly comprised of lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses in grasses, wood and straw) materials. However, the limited supply of two biomass groups (sucrose and starch) will not satisfy society’s growing energy demands; thus biofuel technology based on lignocelluloses is under intense investigation. The main bottleneck in lignocellulosic biomass conversion for biofuel production is the enzymatic depolymerisation of cell wall polysaccharides into fermentable sugars. Protein engineering has recently been used to improve the performance of lignocelluloses degrading enzymes, as well as proteins involved in biofuel synthesis pathways. We have produced a recombinant enzyme that has the ability to produce monomeric sugars from a complex substrate. This presentation will summarize current efforts to develop an enzymatic treatment which would facilitate the economical processing of biomass available in Australia for bioenergy generation.


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Increasing concern about the environment, food and feed shortages and hike in the price of petroleum have stimulated interest in new ways of producing biofuels. The interest is rapidly increasing towards converting agricultural wastes to commercially valuable products. Biofuels made from waste biomass can offer immediate and sustained greenhouse gas advantages. In this direction, we are focusing on Citrus processing waste, a byproduct of juice manufacture, which contains high amount of flavonoids and polysaccharides. There is a considerable industrial interest in the enzymatic transformation of flavonoids to hydrolysis products; that offers a pathway to bio-energy generation. Rhamnosidase of bacterial origin are very few and thus are potentially subject for research.

Staphylococcus xylosus, Gram positive cocci, a nonpathogenic member of CNS family, isolated from soil was used to produce α-L-rhamnosidase. This new strain, so far unknown for the production of α-L-Rhamnosidase, was identified and characterized as Staphyloccocus sp. through biochemical tests and 16S DNA sequence analysis. Effect of various medium and process parameters like pH, temperature, aeration and agitation rates and inducer concentration were studied. Further, the enzyme activity was enhanced by adding the inducer and divalent metal ion to the optimised fermentation medium. We have recovered important sugars “rhamnose” and “galacturonic acid” from the processed waste which would be utilized for ethanol production. This presentation will summarize current efforts to develop an enzymatic treatment which would facilitate the economical processing of citrus waste for bioenergy generation.


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Worldwide emergence of Industrial biotechnology (IB) is providing opportunities to produce enzymes/proteins with variety of industrial/therapeutic applications. In transitioning the Australian economy towards a sustainable future, Federal government identified the development of IB pathway which would ensure increased productivity, enhanced sustainability, health, safety and reduced environmental footprint. The presentation will revolve around specific stories that drives Deakin University newest technology platform which applies biology and fermentation in an integrated way to play a crucial role in developing cost-effective technologies for the development of molecules that can benefit pharmaceutical and food industry in regional Victoria and Australia in general. The talk will also highlight specific examples where new products like recombinant rhamnosidase (an enzyme used for the production of flavonoids with health benefits) and ribosome inactivating proteins (detected in medicinal plants which possess RNA N- glycosidase activity that depurinates the major rRNA, thus damaging ribosome in an irreversible manner and arresting protein synthesis) would be made available through bioprocessing.


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Livestock producers and their employees sometimes experience unintentional needlestick injury (NSI) while vaccinating or injecting medications into animals. There is little published regarding the medical complications that can develop from this occupational exposure. The objectives of this study were to (1) perform a retrospective review of animal-related NSIs treated at a tertiary medical center of a rural state; and (2) review the risks of NSI and measures to decrease their occurrence. Medical records of patients with NSI related to animal injection were identified from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics database from 2002 to 2008 and reviewed. Nine patients received medical care for NSI that occurred while vaccinating farm animals. Most common NSI site was the nondominant hand and most occurred while attempting to inject the animal. Soft tissue infection was common and all nine received oral and/or intravenous antibiotics. Two thirds required hospital admission. Three required surgery and one had a bedside incision and drainage procedure. One patient had a serious inflammatory reaction with necrosis in the leg due to the oil adjuvant in the animal vaccine. Another case had a probable mycetoma with osteomyelitis and soft tissue infection due to the bacteria Streptomyces, which is a NSI complication not previously reported. Although medical complications from farm-related NSIs do not appear to be common, this case series illustrates how these injuries can be debilitating, costly, and lead to loss of work time and productivity. Producers and employees who inject livestock need to be aware of the risks and utilize measures to decrease unintentional NSI.


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Production and conflict models have been used over the past 30 years to represent the effects of unproductive resource allocation in economics. Their major applications are in modelling the assignment of property rights, rentseeking and defense economics. This paper describes the process of designing an agent used in a production and conflict model. Using the capabilities of an agent-based approach to economic modelling, we have enriched a simple decision-maker of the kind used in classic general equilibrium economic models, to build an adaptive and interactive agent which uses its own attributes, its neighbors’ parameters and information from its environment to make resource allocation decisions. Our model presents emergent and adaptive behaviors than cannot be captured using classic production and conflict agents. Some possible extensions for future applications are also recommended.


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Triacylglycerol concentrates of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic omega-3 fatty acids were synthesized either via transesterification or esterification of glycerol with the corresponding ethyl ester or free fatty acid concentrates, respectively. A newly developed food grade immobilized Candida antarctica lipase Β system using an Amberlite FPX-66 hydrophobic matrix, was compared with a commercially available non-food grade commercial system, for their ability to catalyze these reactions. For either system, the transesterification required higher temperature (90◦C) than esterification (70°C) to achieve maximum triacylglycerol yields. The newly developed immobilized system efficiently catalyzes the esterification of free fatty acids with glycerol and differs from the existing commercial system in that it is food grade and has a more uniform and larger particle distribution. The new system significantly improves flow in a packed bed reactor, enabling multiple reuse of the catalyst for up to 80 repeats.


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This thesis propsed a novel method to produce and characterise nanofibre yarns and composites.  It contributed to the fundamental research in the field of nanofibre yarns.


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Oxygen production by air separation is of great importance in both environmental and industrial processes as most large scale clean energy technologies require oxygen as feed gas. Currently the conventional cryogenic air separation unit is a major economic impediment to the deployment of these clean energy technologies with carbon capture (i.e. oxy-fuel combustion ). Dense ceramic perovskite membranes are envisaged to replace the cryogenics and reduce O2 production costs by 35% or more; which can significantly cut the energy penalty by 50% when integrated in oxy-fuel power plant for CO2 capture. This paper reviews the current progress in the development of dense ceramic membranes for oxygen production. The principles, advantages or disadvantages, and the crucial problems of all kinds of membranes are discussed. Materials development, optimisation guidelines and suggestions for future research direction are also included. Some areas already previously reviewed are treated with less attention.