65 resultados para wootz steel analysis


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The data is from an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of the microstructure of high carbon ‘Wootzsteel. The objective of the study is to infer an unknown thermomechanical history from observation and analysis of the final microstructure in various ancient artefacts (swords and tools), and then compare the findings with heat treatments of the ancient artefacts and modern attempts at duplication of the structure. Electron backscatter data reveals the orientation relationships between various phases in the material, particularly cementite and ferrite.


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The data is from an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of the microstructure of high carbon ‘Wootzsteel. The objective of the study is to infer an unknown thermomechanical history from observation and analysis of the final microstructure in various ancient artefacts (swords and tools), and then compare the findings with heat treatments of the ancient artefacts and modern attempts at duplication of the structure. Electron backscatter data reveals the orientation relationships between various phases in the material, particularly cementite and ferrite. The dataset is randomly structured and organised. The data is automatically generated by an electron backscattered diffraction system attached to a field emission scanning electron microscope. The dataset uses proprietary software (cannot be copied or distributed without complying with licensing agreements): Oxford HKL Channel 5. As the native formats are binary they cannot be read with standard software.


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The electron backscattering diffraction technique was used to analyse the nature of carbides present in an ancient wootz steel blade. Bulky carbides, pro-eutectoid carbide along the prior austenite grain boundaries and fine spheroidized carbides were detected. Electron backscattering diffraction was employed to understand the texture of these carbides. The orientations of the cementite frequently occur in clusters, which points to a common origin of the members of the cluster. For the bands of coarse cementite, the origin is probably large coarse particles formed during the original cooling of the wootz cake. Pearlite formed earlier in the forging process has led to groups of similarly oriented fine cementite particles. The crystallographic texture of the cementite is sharp whereas that of the ferrite is weak. The sharp cementite textures point to the longevity of the coarse cementite throughout the repeated forging steps and to the influence of existing textured cementite on the nucleation of new cementite during cooling.


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The influence of bands rich in phosphorus on the microstructure of hypereutectoid Wootz steel implement is described. Electron probe micro-analysis is combined with optical microscopy. Phosphorus-rich bands are seen to correspond to regions of internal cracking, carbon depletion, and enhanced frequency of spheroidized cementite in place of pearlite. A rationale for the findings is presented in terms of the influence of phosphorus on the Fe–C phase diagram and on the rate of the eutectoid reaction.


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The historical impact and subsequent fame of wootz weaponry in the ancient world has created interest in what has come to be seen as an advanced material even by modern standards. Ancient wootz artifacts are classed as high carbon (hypereutectoid) crucible steels and are characterised by high strength, hardness and wear resistance, but especially by their attractive surface pattern.


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A mathematical model has been developed which describes the hot deformation and recrystallization behavior of austenite using a single internal variable: dislocation density. The dislocation density is incorporated into equations describing the rate of recovery and recrystallization. In each case no distinction is made between static and dynamic events, and the model is able to simulate multideformation processes. The model is statistically based and tracks individual populations of the dislocation density during the work-hardening and softening phases. After tuning using available data the model gave an accurate prediction of the stress–strain behavior and the static recrystallization kinetics for C–Mn steels. The model correctly predicted the sensitivity of the post deformation recrystallization behavior to process variables such as strain, strain rate and temperature, even though data for this were not explicitly incorporated in the tuning data set. In particular, the post dynamic recrystallization (generally termed metadynamic recrystallization) was shown to be largely independent of strain and temperature, but a strong function of strain rate, as observed in published experimental work.


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The effect of grain size on the warm deformation behaviour of a titanium stabilized interstitial free steel was investigated using hot torsion. Tests were performed at temperatures between 765 °C and 850 °C at strain rates between 0.003 s−1 and 1 s−1 for samples with grain sizes of 25 μm, 75 μm and 150 μm. The structures were observed using EBSD analysis and are consistent with those expected for materials dominated by dynamic recovery. Some evidence was found for small amounts of thermally induced migration of pre-existing boundary (bulging) and for the generation of new segments of high angle boundaries by continuous dynamic recrystallization. The early onset of a steady-state flow stress in the finer grained samples is attributed to one or a combination of thermally induced boundary migration and enhanced rates of recovery near subgrain (and grain) boundaries.


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The widespread introduction of multiphase sheet steels in the automotive industry has led to considerable interest in the fatigue properties of these materials. The different microstructural phases within matelials such as TRIP steels can influence the fatigue behaviour due to the manner in which the cyclic strain is accommodated within these phases. In this study fully reversed straincontrolled fatigue tests were perfonnrmed on a commercially-produced uncoated TRIP 780 steel both in the as-received and 20 % prestrained condition. The pre-strained TRIP steel showed significant cyclic softening at higher strain amplitudes, whereas some initial work hardening was observed at lower strain amplitudes before cyclic softening. The cyclic stabilised strength of the pre-strained TRIP steel was independent of strain amplitude, while the cyclic stabilised strength of the as-received TRIP steel increased with strain amplitude. Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM was used to examine the effect of the cyclic deformation on the microstructure of the different conditions, with the differences in fatigue behaviour explained based on the differences in the deformation structure formed within the steel (i.e. dislocation density and sub-structure and microband formation).


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The development of a new automotive wheel requires extensive testing and possible design changes. The wheel investigated had three major changes during development. These three designs were subjected to a stress analysis, by experimental methods, to allow a comparison to be made between each design. The experimental program tested the wheels under conditions designed to simulate the loading of the front wheels whilst cornering. A loading frame was built for this purpose and all testing was performed statically by multiple loading for different directions of bending moment. Brittle lacquer coatings were used on each wheel to highlight high strain areas and indicate optimum locations for the placement of strain gauges. The strain gauges were then used to evaluate the strains. Wheel stud loads were also monitored via strain gauges applied to two of the wheel studs. All data was stored on magnetic tapes and the stress analysis performed by means of a minicomputer. The results of the stress analysis showed quantitatively the improvement in design from the first to the third wheel design. The analysis of the stud loads and their variation during loading indicated the optimum wheel mounting face geometry to ensure nut loosening would not occur in service.


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A new approach is presented for the analysis of galvanostatically induced transients allowing for the rapid evaluation of the corrosion activity of steel in concrete. This method of analysis is based on the iterative fitting of a non-exponential model based on a modified KWW (Kohlrausch–Williams–Watt) formalism. This analysis yields values for the parameters related to corrosion such as the concrete resistance, polarisation resistance, interfacial capacitance and β, the non-ideality exponent.


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A recent experiment confirmed that the infrared (IR) local heating method drastically reduces springback of dual-phase (DP) 980 sheets. In the experiment, only the plastic deformation zone of the sheets was locally heated using condensed IR heating. The heated sheets were then deformed by V-bending or 2D-draw bending. Although the experimental observation proved the merit of using the IR local heating to reduce springback, numerical modeling has not been reported. Numerical modeling has been required to predict springback and improve the understanding of the forming process. This paper presents a numerical modeling for V-bending and 2D-draw bending of DP 980 sheets exposed to the IR local heating with the finite element method (FEM). For describing the thermo-mechanical behavior of the DP 980 sheet, a flow stress model which includes a function of temperature and effective plastic strain was newly implemented into Euler-backward stress integration method. The numerical analysis shows that the IR local heating reduces the level of stress in the deformation zone, although it heats only the limited areas, and then it reduces the springback. The simulation also provides a support that the local heating method has an advantage of shape accuracy over the method to heat the material as a whole in V-bending. The simulated results of the springback in both V-bending and 2D-draw bending also show good predictions.