158 resultados para ultrafine grain


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In the current study, ultrafine equiaxed grains with a size of 150 to 800 nm were successfully produced in a Ti-6Al-4V alloy through thermomechanical processing of a martensitic starting microstructure. This was achieved through a novel mechanism of grain refinement consisting of several concurrent processes. This involves the development of substructure in the lath interiors at an early stage of deformation, which progressed into small high-angle segments with increasing strain. Consequently, the microstructure was gradually transformed to an equiaxed ultrafine grained structure, mostly surrounded by high-angle grain boundaries, through continuous dynamic recrystallization. Simultaneously, the supersaturated martensite was decomposed during deformation, leading to the progressive formation of beta phase, mainly nucleated on the intervariant lath boundaries.


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The equal channel angular processing (ECAP) technique has been applied to an automotive aluminium alloy sheet (A6111). The technique utilizes a machine that was specially designed for this purpose at Monash University. It was determined that ECAP is able to refine the grain size of the sheet, diminish the detrimental as-rolled texture components in the sheet and retain an acceptable level of bi-axial ductility such as is required during the automotive forming process. Experiments were carried out on annealed, as-received sheets that were subjected to either one or two passes through the ECAP machine. For the second ECAP pass, the sheet could be processed in the same orientation as the first pass (route A) or it could be rotated 180° about the direction of feeding (route C). It was determined that route A produced marginally improved properties compared to sheet processed via route C, and that due to the frictional heating generated during the second pass, a significant amount of recovery occurred in the sheet such that an improved combination of texture and formability resulted after two passes compared to the same sheet exposed to only a single pass.


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In the present study, wedge-shape samples were used to study the effect of strain induced transformation on the formation of ultrafine grained structures in steel by single pass rolling. The results showed two different transition strains for bainite formation and ultrafine ferrite (UFF) formation in the surface layer of strip at reductions of 40% and 70%, respectively, in a plain carbon steel. The bainitic microstructure formed by strain induced bainitic transformation during single pass rolling was also very fine. The evolution of UFF formation in the surface layer showed that ferrite coarsening is significantly reduced through strain induced transformation combined with rapid cooling in comparison with the centre of the strip. In the surface, the ferrite coarsening mostly occurred for intragranular nucleated grains (IG) rather than grain boundary (GB) ferrite grains. The results suggest that normal grain growth occurred during overall transformation in the GB ferrite grains. In the centre of the strip, there was significantly more coarsening of ferrite grains nucleated on the prior austenite grain boundaries.


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A novel approach was used to produce an ultrafine grain structure in low carbon steels with a wide range of hardenability. This included warm deformation of supercooled austenite followed by reheating in the austenite region and cooling (RHA). The ultrafine ferrite structure was independent of steel composition. However, the mechanism of ferrite refinement hanged with the steel quench hardenability. In a relatively low hardenable steel, the ultrafine structure was produced through dynamic strain-induced transformation, whereas the ferrite refinement was formed by static transformation in steels with high quench hardenability. The use of a model Ni–30Fe austenitic alloy revealed that the deformation temperature has a strong effect on the nature of the intragranular defects. There was a transition temperature below which the cell dislocation structure changed to laminar microbands. It appears that the extreme refinement of ferrite is due to the formation of extensive high angle intragranular defects at these low deformation temperatures that then act as sites for static transformation.


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Ultrafine grain sizes were produced using hot torsion testing of a 0.11C-1.68Mn-0.20Si (wt-%) steel, with ultrafine ferrite (<1 µm) nucleating intragranularly during testing by dynamic strain induced transformation. A systematic study was made of the effect of isothermal deformation temperature, strain level, strain rate, and accelerated cooling during deformation on the formation of ultrafine ferrite by this process. Decreasing the isothermal testing temperature below the Ae3 temperature led to a greater driving force for ferrite nucleation and thus more extensive nucleation during testing; the formation of Widmanstätten ferrite prior to, or early during, deformation imposed a lower temperature limit. Increasing the strain above that where ferrite first began 0.8 at 675C and a strain rate of 3 s¯1 increased the intragranular nucleation of ferrite. Strain rate appeared to have little effect on the amount of ferrite formed. However, slower strain rates led to extensive polygonisation of the ferrite formed because more time was available for ferrite recovery. Accelerated cooling during deformation followed by air cooling to room temperature led to a uniform microstructure consisting of very fine ferrite grains and fine spherical carbides located in the grain boundaries regions. Air cooling after isothermal testing led to carbide bands and a larger ferrite grain size.


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An AA6082 alloy was subjected to eight passes of equal channel angular pressing at 100 °C, resulting in an ultrafine grain size of 0.2 to 0.4 µm. The tensile deformation behavior of the material was studied over the temperature range of 100 °C to 350 °C and strain rate range of 10¯4 to 10¯11. The evolution of microstructure under tensile deformation was investigated by analyzing both the deformation relief on the specimen surface and the dislocation structure. While extensive microshear banding was found at the lower temperatures of 100 °C to 150 °C, deformation at higher temperatures was characterized by cooperative grain boundary sliding and the development of a bimodal microstructure. Dislocation glide was identified as the main deformation mechanism within coarse grains, whereas no dislocation activity was apparent in the ultrafine grains.


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The main aim of this study was to investigate the critical conditions for the formation of ultrafine grain structures using hot torsion and wedge rolling techniques. In addition, the effect of thermomechanical parameters and steel composition on the critical conditions for ultrafine grain structure formation has been systematically evaluated.


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Ultrafine-grain aluminium sheet was produced by rolling at cryogenic (CR) and at room temperature (RTR). Commercial purity aluminium plate was reduced in 30 passes from an initial material thickness of 10 mm to a final thickness of 2 mm (80% reduction). Tensile stress and strength were significantly increased while total elongation was drastically reduced. It was found that despite the low tensile elongation both materials are able to accommodate high localised strains in the neck leading to a high reduction in area. The formability of the material was further investigated in bending operations. A minimum bending radius of 6 mm (CR) and 5 mm (RTR) was found and pure bending tests showed homogeneous forming behaviour for both materials. In V-die bending the cryo-rolled material showed strain localisations across the final radius and kinking of the sample. It has been found that even if the total elongation in tension is close to zero leading to early failure in V-die bending, ultra-fine grained and low ductile sheet metals can be roll formed to simple section shapes with small radii using commercial roll forming equipment.


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A novel approach was used to produce an ultrafine grain structure in low carbon steels with a wide range of hardenability. This included warm deformation of supercooled austenite followed by reheating in the austenite region and cooling (RHA). The ultrafine ferrite structure was independent of steel composition. However, the mechanism of ferrite refinement changed with the steel quench hardenability. In a relatively low hardenable steel, the ultrafine structure was produced through dynamic strain induced transformation, whereas the ferrite refinement was formed by static transformation in steels with high quench hardenability. The use of a model Ni-30Fe austenitic alloy revealed that the deformation temperature has a strong effect on the nature of the intragranular defects. There was a transition temperature below which the cell dislocation structure changed to laminar microbands. It appears that the extreme refinement of ferrite is due to the formation of extensive high angle intragranular defects at these low deformation temperature that then act as sites for static transformation. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Shear bands formed during both cold and hot plastic deformation have been linked with several proposed mechanisms for the formation of ultrafine grains. The aim of the present work was to undertake a detailed investigation of the microstructural and crystallographic characteristics of the shear bands formed during hot deformation of a 22Cr-19Ni-3Mo (mass%) austenitic stainless steel and a Fe-30 mass%Ni based austenitic model alloy. These alloys were subjected to deformation in torsion and plane strain compression (PSC), respectively, at temperatures of 900°C and 950°C and strain rates of 0.7s-1 and 10s-1, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction in conjunction with scanning electron microscopy were employed in the investigation. It has been observed that shear bands already started to form at moderate strains in a matrix of pre-existing microbands and were composed of fine, slightly elongated subgrains (fragments). These bands propagated along a similar macroscopic path and the subgrains, present within their substructure, were rotated relative to the surrounding matrix about axes approximately parallel to the sample radial and transverse directions for deformation in torsion and PSC, respectively. The subgrain boundaries were largely observed to be non-crystallographic, suggesting that the subgrains generally formed via multiple slip processes. Shear bands appeared to form through a co-operative nucleation of originally isolated subgrains that gradually interconnected with the others to form long, thin bands that subsequently thickened via the formation of new subgrains. The observed small dimensions of the subgrains present within shear bands and their large misorientations clearly indicate that these subgrains can serve as potent nucleation sites for the formation of ultrafine grain structures during both subsequent recrystallisation, as observed during the present PSC experiments, and phase transformation.


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Surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) is a mechanical peening process used to generate ultrafine grain surfaces on a metal. SMAT was carried out on pure magnesium using different attrition media (zirconia [ZiO2], alumina [Al2O3], and steel balls) to observe the effect on microstructure, surface residual stress, surface composition, and corrosion. Surface contamination from SMAT was characterized using glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES). The SMAT process produced a refined grain structure on the surface of Mg but resulted in a region of elemental contamination extending ~10 μm into the substrate, regardless of the media used. Consequently, SMAT-treated surfaces showed an increased corrosion rate compared to untreated Mg, primarily through increased cathodic kinetics. This study highlights the issue of contamination resulting from the SMAT process, which is a penalty that accompanies the significant grain refinement of the surface produced by SMAT. This must be considered if attempting to exploit grain refinement for improving corrosion resistance.


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This work investigates the relationship between the strain rate and the ductility and the underlying deformation mechanisms in an ultrafine-grained Al6082 alloy. At room temperature the uniform elongation of the material exhibits a marked increase with decreasing strain rate. This effect is related to the activation of micro shear banding, which is controlled by grain boundary sliding. The contribution of these mechanisms to uniform elongation is estimated. It is proposed that the grain boundary sliding suppresses the transformation of micro shear bands into macro shear bands. The activity of other deformation mechanisms during plastic deformation of the ultrafine-grained material is also discussed.


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Samples of oxygen-free high conductivity (OFHC) coarse-grained (CG) and ultrafine-grained (UFG) copper were micro-extruded to an equivalent strain of 2.8 in one pass at room temperature. Samples of the OFHC copper were annealed at 650C for 2 h to produce CG copper. Some samples were subsequently processed by equal channel angular pressing of eight passes, route Bc, at room temperature to produce the UFG material. Crystallographic texture and misorientation distributions were obtained locally from EBSD mappings at different radial positions after micro-extrusion. To model the strain path during micro-extrusion, the analytic flow line model of Altan etal. [J Mater. Process. Tech. 33 (1992) p.263] was used and also validated by finite element calculations. Modelling was carried out using the viscoplastic self-consistent (VPSC) model and a recently developed grain refinement model. The results showed large texture variations along the cross-section of the extruded sample for both UFG and CG copper. These cyclic drawing textures in UFG copper were simulated in good agreement with experiments using the presented modelling framework.