46 resultados para surface interactions


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The reductive voltammetry of the photovoltaic sensitizer [(H2-dcbpy)2Ru(NCS)2] (H2-dcbpy=2,2′-bipyridine-4,4′-dicarboxylic acid) and [(H3-tctpy)Ru(NCS)3]− (H3-tctpy=2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine-4,4′,4″-tricarboxylic acid) has been investigated in acetone. Significant surface interactions at both platinum and glassy carbon electrodes occur at 0.6 V prior to the reversible potential expected for ligand-based reduction process of the fully protonated acids. The origin of the surface interactions are attributed to the acid–base behaviour of the compounds, combined with overall deprotonation and reduction to hydrogen, since repetitive cycling of the potential reveals well-defined reversible reduction processes in the negative potential range, resulting from formation of doubly deprotonated [(H-dcbpy−)2Ru(NCS)2]2− and singly deprotonated [(H2-tctpy−)Ru(NCS)3]2−, respectively. The extent of the surface interactions has been estimated by electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance and chronocoulometric measurements. Under certain conditions, a thick conducting polymer consisting of several hundred monolayers is formed.


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The performance of a series of novel room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) based on the trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphoniumcation (P66614 +) and a number of novel anions have been studied in pin-on-disk tests using a 100Cr6 steel ball on AA2024 aluminium disks.

The anions coupled to the (P66614 +) cation include diphenyl phosphate (DPP-), dibutyl phosphate (DBP-), bis (2,4,4-trimethyl pentyl) phosphinate (M3PPh-) and bis(2-ethyl hexyl) phosphate (BEH-).

More traditional anions such as bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) amide (NTf2 -) and bromide (Br-) were also investigated. Experiments were conducted at various loads to assess the IL film forming abilities.

The results suggest that the structure of the anion is important in forming a surface film that reduces the friction and wear of the aluminium disk. At 30N five of the six ILs tested showed a 30-90% reduction in wear, as determined from wear scar depth measurements, compared to fully formulated diesel oil.

The IL lubricant with a diphenyl phosphate anion achieved the lowest wear coefficient, showing a better performance than a typical fluorine-containing IL anion, NTf2.

To further investigate wear mechanisms and surface interactions the wear scars were analysed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).


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The effect of ionic liquid (IL) lubrication for aluminium/steel systems is highly dependant on the applied load and the IL structure. This study illustrates that a change in anion of an IL lubricant results in different physicochemical properties that will alter its performance at a given load. As the load is increased there is a shift in lubricant performance and mechanism of the IL. Up to a load of 30 N the lowest wear coefficient was achieved by a phosphonium diphenylphosphate IL, whilst above 30 N a phosphonium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide IL was able to form a more tenacious tribolayer that resulted in the lowest wear.


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Actin protein is a major component of the cell cytoskeleton, and its ability to respond to external forces and generate propulsive forces through the polymerization of filaments is central to many cellular processes. The mechanisms governing actin's abilities are still not fully understood because of the difficulty in observing these processes at a molecular level. Here, we describe a technique for studying actin–surface interactions by using a surface forces apparatus that is able to directly visualize and quantify the collective forces generated when layers of noninterconnected, end-tethered actin filaments are confined between 2 (mica) surfaces. We also identify a force-response mechanism in which filaments not only stiffen under compression, which increases the bending modulus, but more importantly generates opposing forces that are larger than the compressive force. This elastic stiffening mechanism appears to require the presence of confining surfaces, enabling actin filaments to both sense and respond to compressive forces without additional mediating proteins, providing insight into the potential role compressive forces play in many actin and other motor protein-based phenomena.


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Due to ever increasing demands on lubricants, such as increased service intervals, reduced volumes and reduced emissions, there is a need to develop new lubricants and improved wear additives. Ionic liquids (ILs) are room temperature molten salts that have recently been shown to offer many advantages in this area. The application of ILs as lubricants in a diverse range of systems has found that these materials can show remarkable protection against wear and significantly reduce friction in the neat state. Recently, some researchers have shown that a small family of ILs can also be incorporated into non-polar base oils, replacing traditional anti-wear additives, with excellent performance of the neat IL being maintained. ILs consist of large asymmetrical ions that may readily adsorb onto a metal surface and produce a thin, protective film under boundary lubrication conditions. Under extreme pressure conditions, certain IL compounds can also react to form a protective tribofilm, in particular when fluorine, phosphorus or boron atoms are present in the constituent ions.


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All rights reserved.Chromium (VI) compounds are commonly used in paint systems to provide corrosion protection, particularly for aerospace alloys. These compounds are toxic, carcinogenic and environmentally detrimental, therefore alternatives that are safe, environmentally benign and meet or exceed current levels of corrosion protection are vital. Multifunctional rare earth organic compounds incorporate known inhibitor species, achieving synergistic inhibition in corrosive environments. The mechanism, efficiency and surface interactions of these complexes are explored. The complexes were effective inhibitors for steel and aluminium alloys, through mixed inhibition. Advantages and limitations of these inhibitor complexes, along with applications and future research direction, are discussed.


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Electrical charge separation following contact between two materials (contact electrification or the triboelectric effect) is well known to occur between different materials as a consequence of their different electronic structures. Here we show that the phenomenon occurs between two surfaces of the same material if one is coated with a single chemisorbed monolayer. We use the surface force apparatus to study contact electrification and adhesion between two silica surfaces, one coated with an amino-silane. The presence of this monolayer results in significantly enhanced adhesion between the surfaces, owing to electrostatic attraction following contact electrification, in accord with Derjaguin's electrostatic theory of adhesion. At the same time, the observed increase in adhesion is consistent with Fowkes' acid-base model (in which acid-base interactions between surface groups are considered to be the predominant factor determining adhesion), as the monolayer converts the originally acidic silica surface to a basic (amine-terminated) one. These observations demonstrate a link between acid- base interactions and contact electrification.

Electrical charge separation following contact between two materials (contact electrification or the triboelectric effect) is well known to occur between different materials as a consequence of their different electronic structures. Here we show that the phenomenon occurs between two surfaces of the same material if one is coated with a single chemisorbed monolayer. We use the surface force apparatus to study contact electrification and adhesion between two silica surfaces, one coated with an amino-silane. The presence of this monolayer results in significantly enhanced adhesion between the surfaces, owing to electrostatic attraction following contact electrification, in accord with Derjaguin's electrostatic theory of adhesion. At the same time, the observed increase in adhesion is consistent with Fowkes' acid-base model (in which acid-base interactions between surface groups are considered to be the predominant factor determining adhesion), as the monolayer converts the originally acidic silica surface to a basic (amine-terminated) one. These observations demonstrate a link between acid-base interactions and contact electrification.


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In the lactating breast, the development of secretory alveoli consisting of differentiated cells arranged around a central lumen is dependent on signals from the extracellular environment of the cells. There are few cell lines that model this process. We previously showed that the human breast carcinoma line PMC42-LA can be induced to form organoids, reminiscent of secretory alveoli found in the lactating human breast. In this report, we used high-resolution scanning electron microscopy to show that the formation of organoids is accompanied by development of cell surface microvilli. Extracellular matrix-induced formation of microvilli occurred on the internal and external surfaces of cells in the organoids and not on surfaces in contact with the extracellular matrix. Organoid formation of PMC42-LA cells induced a rearrangement of the extracellular matrix, seen in the form of radiating fibers from the organoids. In summary, there is an interaction between PMC42-LA cells and the underlying extracellular matrix, which leads to the formation of polarized cells with well-developed microvilli. This is accompanied by organization of the extracellular matrix. PMC42-LA is a relevant model of the human breast for investigations into cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions.


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The effect of carbide precipitates with a size range of 30–300 nm on the austenite to martensite transformation has been studied. Such particles are known to enhance shape memory, and it was the aim of this work to clarify how the particles exert a favourable effect on shape memory. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed that the presence of particles increases the amount of thermally induced martensite. X-ray diffraction showed that the presence of particles increases the amount of stress-induced martensite also. Surface-relief produced on a pre-polished surface by bending deformation showed that the particle-containing samples exhibited a more complex and highly tilted surface-relief indicative of the formation of a larger volume fraction of martensite. The reversion characteristics of the particle-containing and solution-treated samples were similar: both showed co-reversion of multiple variants of martensite within the same volume of microstructure. However, a higher volume fraction of martensite reverted for the particle-containing sample on recovery annealing. The increased density of nucleation sites for martensite formation and a higher volume fraction of stress-induced martensite for a given strain are therefore considered to be the main contributions of relatively coarse carbide particles to the improvement of shape memory performance.


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Sixteen lactating subantarctic fur seals Arctocephalus tropicalis were satellite-tracked during the winter of 2006 (n = 6), summer of 2006/07 (n = 6) and autumn/winter (n = 4) of 2007, from Marion Island, Southern Ocean. Despite varied individual movement patterns, a favoured foraging area lay to the northeast of the island. In contrast to findings for populations at similar latitudes, seals from Marion Island did not undertake short overnight foraging trips, but trips consistently went beyond 300 km from the island. This aligns with the at-sea duration of lactating seals’ foraging trips from temperate Amsterdam Island, but differs from subantarctic Crozet and Macquarie islands. Time spent at sea, maximum distances travelled and movement variation of tracks from the island varied seasonally. Faecal analysis suggests the diet comprised primarily myctophid fish with limited seasonal variation. Well-defined areas of restricted movement coincided with significant bathymetric features to the west/northwest of the Crozet Plateau, with the Del Caño Rise clearly being important. Positive and negative sea-surface height anomalies (compared to the mean) appeared to be preferred by most seals across seasons. Higher summer sea-surface temperatures correlated with the movements of some seals. Higher chlorophyll a concentrations dictated transit and foraging areas during summer. Bathymetrically influenced oceanographic variables likely explain these preferred long-distance eastward movements. The Îles Crozet and Marion island subantarctic fur seals differ in their foraging ecology despite being neighbours. Conversely, the subantarctic fur seal populations from the distant Amsterdam and Marion islands appear to be similarly influenced by such environmental factors.


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We have investigated the aggregation, ageing and transport properties of surface modified silica dispersions in DMSO by photon correlation spectroscopy and conductivity measurements. The surface modification introduces Li+-ions that dissociate in the dispersion creating a single Li+-ion conducting electrolyte. We show that the surface modification changes the aggregation and ageing properties of the material. There is a pronounced ageing observed for the modified silica dispersions. At high concentrations of fumed silica a gel state is found, which in the case of the surface modified silica is a very weak gel that can be rejuvenated by ultrasonic treatment. The key parameter controlling the aggregation in this system is hydrogen bonding and the surface modification results in a very low number of sites for hydrogen bonding. In addition there is a contribution from repulsive electrostatic interactions in the surface modified silica dispersions due to the highly charged surfaces of these particles. Furthermore, the Li+-ion diffusion, at low silica concentration, is three orders of magnitude faster than that of the silica particles and in the gel state the silica particles are immobile. We also find that the Li+-ion diffusion is virtually independent of the silica concentration in the dispersions.


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Surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectra of manganese (III) tetraphenylporphine chloride (Mn(TPP)Cl) on metal island films were measured in transmission mode. Dependences of the enhancement factor of SEIRA on both the sample quantity and the type of evaporated metal were investigated by subsequently increasing the amount of Mn(TPP)Cl on gold and silver substrates. The enhancement increases nonlinearly with the amount of sample and varies slightly with the thickness of metal islands. In particular, the SEIRA transmission method presents an anomalous spectral enhancement by a factor of 579, with substantial spectral shifts, observed only for the physisorbed Mn(TPP)Cl that remained on a 3-nm-thick gold film after immersion of the substrates into acetone. A charge-transfer (CT) interaction between the porphyrinic Mn and gold islands is therefore proposed as an additional factor in the SEIRA mechanism of the porphyrin system. The number of remaining porphyrin molecules was estimated by calibration-based fluorescence spectroscopy to be 2.36×1013 molecules (i.e., ~2.910-11 mol/cm2) for a 3-nm-thick gold film, suggesting that the physisorbed molecules distributed very loosely on the metal island surface as a result of the weak van der Waals interactions. Fluorescence microscopy revealed the formation of microcrystalline porphyrin aggregates during the consecutive increase in sample solution. However, the immersion likely redistributed the porphyrin to be directly attached on the gold surface, as evidenced by an absence of porphyrinic microcrystals and the observed SEIRA enhancement. The distinctive red shift in the UV-visible spectra and the SEIRA-enhanced peaks indicate the presence of a preferred orientation in the form of the porphyrin ring inclined with respect to the gold surface.


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Graft coatings of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) are of considerable interest for the reversible control of bio-interfacial interactions. In this study, graft coatings were prepared by free radical polymerisation from surface-bound polymerisable groups, on silicon wafers and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensors. QCM with dissipation monitoring showed a gradual, extended phase change as the temperature increased. Colloid probe atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) revealed a marked change in the compressibility of the coating below and above the lower critical solution temperature (LCST). Force curves showed an approximate 9-fold reduction in thickness between 24 °C and 38 °C, yet the collapsed coating at 38 °C still had a thickness significantly higher than the ellipsometrically determined dry thickness, indicating a residual extent of hydration above the LCST. At all temperatures, interaction force curves showed steric repulsion, though over different distances. There was little hysteresis between approach and retract force curves, which is evidence for almost instantaneous relaxation of the coating upon decompression. CP-AFM using a probe coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) showed repulsive interactions with little approach/retraction hysteresis below the LCST, indicating lack of adhesion between the pNIPAM coating and the BSA-coated probe. In contrast, above the LCST the force curves on retraction were characteristic of adhesion, while the approach curves were still repulsive, and the adhesion increased in strength as the temperature was increased further beyond the LCST. Thus, QCM-D and CP-AFM data correlated well in showing a gradual nature of the phase transition and a concomitant gradual change in the interaction force with BSA.