33 resultados para p-Adic field


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The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of observers to use voice-recognition analysis to accurately classify gait transitions and quantify gait durations typical of team games. Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability was also determined. Four males were filmed performing pre-determined gait protocols, each comprising different sequences of walking, jogging. running and sprinting. Two operators independently classified gait transitions and the time spent in each gait was determined by the voice recognition system. All gait modes as measured by trained observers demonstrated statistically significant correlations (p<O.O I) to predetermined measurement criteria. The mean absolute error for all gait transitions was less than half a second (0.32-0.36 5) with the maximum percentage error being approximately 4% for the walk, jog and run gaits and 10% for sprinting. Gait classification error was low at 1-9%. The intra-rater and inter-rater reliability was consistently high ranging from r =' 0.87 to 0.99. In conclusion, observers using voice-recognition software provided valid measures of time spent in each of the four gait categories with 90% or better accuracy achieved.


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We present the electron field-emission (FE) characteristics of conical boron nitride nanorods grown on a (1 0 0) n-type silicon substrate. The emission current can be up to ~60 µA at an applied voltage of ~3 kV. Two distinct slopes are evident in the Fowler–Nordheim (FN) plot. The FE characteristics can be explained using a site-related tunnelling-controlled mechanism. The occurrence of two FN slopes is attributed to the switchover from tip emission to side emission, which results from the differences in interface barrier, geometry, as well as the total emission area of the two emission interfaces.


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The focus of this research is to identify the perceptions that professional sports club managers have about the impact that on-field success has on the attractiveness of a sport organisation to a prospective sponsor. From a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted with the sponsorship/marketing managers from seven Melbourne based Australian Football League (AFL) clubs, an analysis of the importance of on-field success as a precursor for sponsorship was determined. The interview schedule consisted of four phases and concluded with a scale to rate the relative importance of on-field performance. The results indicated that AFL Club Managers believe that the onfield performance of the team does have an impact, but it is largely associated with the media coverage that this on-field success provides. They also identified that in the sport of AFL on-field success is largely controlled by the AFL governing organisation.


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A modified sand–liquid culture method facilitated easy visualisation of the primary life cycle stages of Plasmodiophora brassicae within clean root hairs of the Arabidopsis host. Pathogen penetration occurred from day 4 onwards and then primary plasmodia developed within the host root. Several Arabidopsis ecotypes tested in varying growth conditions showed differences in disease expression. Defined growth cabinet conditions were found most suitable for studying disease progression in the ecotypes and for achieving uniform infection and disease development. Arabidopsis ecotypes Ta-0 and Tsu-0 known to be partially resistant to a German single-spore isolate of P. brassicae were susceptible to an Australian (Victorian) field population of P. brassicae. The European clubroot differential test was used to confirm virulence and describe the pathotype of the Victorian field population. Knowledge of the interaction of an Australian population of P. brassicae with its host will provide valuable information on a disease which is very difficult to control.


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PURPOSE. To compare frequency-doubling technology (FDT) perimetry with standard automated perimetry (SAP) for detecting glaucomatous visual field progression in a longitudinal prospective study.

METHODS. One eye of patients with open-angle glaucoma was tested every 6 months with both FDT and SAP. A minimum of 6 examinations with each perimetric technique was required for inclusion. Visual field progression was determined by two methods: glaucoma change probability (GCP) analysis and linear regression analysis (LRA). For GCP, several criteria for progression were used. The number of locations required to classify progression with FDT compared with SAP, respectively, was 1:2 (least conservative), 1:3, 2:3, 2:4, 2:6, 2:7, 3:6, 3:7, and 3:10 (most conservative). The number of consecutive examinations required to confirm progression was 2-of-3, 2-of-2, and 3-of-3. For LRA, the progression criterion was any significant decline in mean threshold sensitivity over time in each of the following three visual field subdivisions: (1) all test locations, (2) locations in the central 10° and the superior and inferior hemifields, and (3) locations in each quadrant. Using these criteria, the proportion of patients classified as showing progression with each perimetric technique was calculated and, in the case of progression with both, the differences in time to progression were determined.

RESULTS. Sixty-five patients were followed for a median of 3.5 years (median number of examinations, 9). For the least conservative GCP criterion, 32 (49%) patients were found to have progressing visual fields with FDT and 32 (49%) patients with SAP. Only 16 (25%) patients showed progression with both methods, and in most of those patients, FDT identified progression before SAP (median, 12 months earlier). The majority of GCP progression criteria (15/27), classified more patients as showing progression with FDT than with SAP. Contrary to this, more patients showed progression with SAP than FDT, when analysed with LRA; e.g., using quadrant LRA 20 (31%) patients showed progression with FDT, 23 (35%) with SAP, and only 10 (15%) with both.

CONCLUSIONS. FDT perimetry detected glaucomatous visual field progression. However, the proportion of patients who showed progression with both FDT and SAP was small, possibly indicating that the two techniques identify different subgroups of patients. Using GCP, more patients showed progression with FDT than with SAP, yet the opposite occurred using LRA. As there is no independent qualifier of progression, FDT and SAP progression rates vary depending on the method of analysis and the criterion used.


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The field metabolic rate (FMR) of a free-ranging animal can be considered as the sum of its maintenance costs (minimum metabolic rate, MMR) and additional costs associated with thermoregulation, digestion, production and activity. However, the relationships between FMR and BMR and how they relate to behaviour and extrinsic influences is not clear. In seabirds, FMR has been shown to increase during the breeding season. This is presumed to be the result of an increase in foraging activity, stimulated by increased food demands from growing chicks, but few studies have investigated in detail the factors that underlie these increases. We studied free-ranging Australasian gannets (Morus serrator) throughout their 5 month breeding season, and evaluated FMR, MMR and activity-related metabolic costs on a daily basis using the heart rate method. In addition, we simultaneously recorded behaviour (flying and diving) in the same individuals. FMR increased steadily throughout the breeding season, increasing by 11% from the incubation period to the long chick-brooding period. However, this was not accompanied by either an increase in flying or diving behaviour, or an increase in the energetic costs of activity. Instead, the changes in FMR could be explained exclusively by a progressive increase in MMR. Seasonal changes in MMR could be due to a change in body composition or a decrease in body condition associated with changing the allocation of resources between provisioning adults and growing chicks. Our study highlights the importance of measuring physiological parameters continuously in free-ranging animals in order to understand fully the mechanisms underpinning seasonal changes in physiology and behaviour.