190 resultados para opportunity exploration


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Recruiting and retaining participants is a challenge that most sport administrators face. The present study examined motives for participation/discontinuation in cricket, propensity to play in the future, and the influence that various initiatives had on youths' propensities to play. A nationwide survey of 858 young New Zealand cricketers revealed six underlying motives for participating in cricket: team, competition, mastery, extrinsic rewards, fitness and being active, with the first three of these being the strongest predictors of propensity to play. Together the six motives explained 17% of the variance in propensity to play. None of the initiatives tested increased the likelihood of playing cricket for those who were currently involved. For those who had stopped playing, their reasons for ceasing were most likely to be the lure of other sports or activities. Nonetheless, initiatives that increased their chances of participating in cricket again were playing in a social competition, having better equipment, having less costly equipment, and being provided with the opportunity to meet top players. These findings have important implications for cricket administrators in terms of the management and promotion of youth cricket in New Zealand.


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Strategy games can provide an opportunity to develop higher order thinking skills in students gifted in mathematics. Extending and engaging gifted students is a demanding task. This paper reports on a twelve-week project undertaken with a group of nine gifted lower secondary school students. These students played and analysed five traditional strategy games. Following this experience, they were asked to create a challenging strategy game of their own. This paper discusses the rationale for the use of traditional strategy games, outlines the methodology employed, explains the selection of specific games and describes the observed improvement in students' higher order thinking skills.


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While previous studies have highlighted the importance of knowledge enhancement in the social change process the motivation of key stakeholders has also been identified as playing a pivotal role. To gain a deeper understanding of this process a conceptual model, was operationalised to explore the mechanism where by knowledge enhancement might lead to behavioural change. In this paper we discuss the application of the social marketing framework MOA (motivation, opportunity and ability) with a particular focus on the motivation component of the model. Motivation is considered from the perspectives of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Although the degree or level of motivation has previously been used in the operationalisation of the construct for motivation, a deeper understanding of this construct is developed for an environmental program as an increasing number of environmental programs claim to have adopted a social marketing approach. The key objectives which are explored in this paper involve the development of MOA constructs, with a particular focus on Motivation, including Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. An understanding of the factors that increase the likelihood of ineffective behaviour and the development of a model to understand the behaviour change process. Scales were developed to investigate the relationship between the MOA constructs, including intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and the respondents control behaviour. Data were collected from a random sample of 566 respondents who were involved in a environmental land management program. Using ANOVA and MANOVA techniques, significant differences were found between compliant and non compliant stakeholders with regard to all MOA constructs. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of this study with particular reference to environmental programs have adopted the social marketing approach.


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This paper reports on a pilot qualitative study investigating Aboriginal participants' perspectives of the Flinders Living Well Smoke Free (LWSF) 'training intervention'. Health workers nationally have been trained in this program, which offers a self-management approach to reducing smoking among Aboriginal clients. A component of the training involves Aboriginal clients volunteering their time in a mock care-planning session providing the health workers with an opportunity to practise their newly acquired skills. During this simulation, the volunteer clients receive one condensed session of the LWSF intervention imitating how the training will be implemented when the health workers have completed the training. For the purpose of this study, 10 Aboriginal clients who had been volunteers in the mock care-planning process, underwent a semi-structured interview at seven sites in Australia, including mainstream health services, Aboriginal community controlled health services and remote Aboriginal communities. The study aimed to gauge their perspectives of the training intervention they experienced. Early indications suggest that Aboriginal volunteer clients responded positively to the process, with many reporting substantial health behaviour change or plans to make changes since taking part in this mock care-planning exercise. Enablers of the intervention are discussed along with factors to be considered in the training program.


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Preclinical research in optogeneticneuromodulation in small laboratory animals allows far greater control of neural circuitry. This precision provides an enhanced opportunity for understanding the neural basis of behavior. However, behavioral neuroscience research is limited by conventional benchtop optogenetic systems. By necessity, the animal is tethered to the light source external to the testing environment. Portable optogeneticmicrodevices enhance the potential for valid behavioral testing in naturalistic conditions by eliminating tethering and enabling free and unrestricted movement. This paper reviews recent advances in the development of portable optogeneticmicrodevices supported by wireless power transfer. Light sources and fiber coupling are common problems in optogenetic systems and are addressed. Device designs and parameters are summarized, along with advances in component technology for energy storage and distribution that make these devices possible.


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Exploration with formal design systems comprises an iterative process of specifying problems, finding plausible and alternative solutions, judging the validity of solutions relative to problems and reformulating problems and solutions. Recent advances in formal generative design have developed the mathematics and algorithms to describe and perform conceptual design tasks. However, design remains a human enterprise: formalisms are part of a larger equation comprising human computer interaction. To support the user in designing with formal systems, shared representations that interleave initiative of the designer and the design formalism are necessary. The problem of devising representational structures in which initiative is sometimes taken by the designer and sometimes by a computer in working on a shared design task is reported in this paper. To address this problem, the requirements, representation and
implementation of a shared interaction construct, the feature node, is
described. The feature node facilitates the sharing of initiative in formulating and reformulating problems, generating solutions, making
choices and navigating the history of exploration.


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Summarizes previous research on the investment opportunity set (IOS) using price-based and investment-based proxies and variance measures; and develops hypotheses on the relationship between IOS, debt/equity ratios and dividend policies. Tests them on 1990-1998 data from listed Australian companies and explains the methodology, which builds on Gover and Gover (1993) by including more recent proxy variables. Finds no significant results from low growth firms, although some high growth firms show lower debt/equity ratios and dividends. Questions the robustness of existing IOS proxies in the Australian context and calls for further research.


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This paper explores methodological issues raised by recent attempts to promote the use of health impact assessment (HIA) in Australia and New Zealand. The experiences from both countries are used to highlight important aspects of the debate about the relevance of HIA in appraising both policies and projects particularly in the three broad areas: inclusivity, legitimacy, and method. Many countries are attempting to develop HIA for use in policy development without due consideration of either important methodological issues or the workforce development and capacity-building necessary for its successful implementation.


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Under the Australian Constitution the management (and planning) of Crown Land is a State and Territory Government responsibility. When this is considered in conjunction with the Offshore Constitutional Settlement, which affirmed that coastal waters out to three nautical miles (in general) offshore were also the responsibility of State and Territory Governments, then clearly coastal management in Australia is largely a State/Territory responsibility.

Beyond three nautical miles it is a different story. Under the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS), which Australia ratified in October 1994, Australia claims jurisdiction out to 200 nautical miles and beyond (Wescott, 2000). These waters cover an area including the Antarctic claim of over 15 million square kilometres or twice the land area of Australia.

Hence in marine and coastal terms we have the national (Commonwealth) Government managing the oceans and seven State and Territory governments largely in charge of coastal management (coastal land and coastal waters). Heading "up river", State and Territory Governments plan and manage catchments.

Given the uncoordinated relationships between Australian coastal management policy and both catchment management policy and Australia's Ocean Policy (Commonwealth of Australia, 1998a and b), the Commonwealth Government's commitment to a "National Coastal Policy" presents an opportunity to progress the integration of natural resources management for the first time in decades.


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In this article, the authors raise an important proposal for reform to Australia's mining legislation: a nationally-consistent model providing exploration licence holders with a legislative right to be granted a mining lease. This proposed national model will be designed to reflect the present Western Australian system - Western Australia being the only jurisdiction to provide exploration licence holders with the express right to be granted a mining lease on application. The authors believe that the Western Australian system should provide the basis for a national legislative model, given that it is designed to balance appropriately the interests of companies wanting a right to mine to recoup the costs involved in exploring for minerals, and the interests of the public in ensuring that exploration and mining is conducted


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The reasons for considering culture-based fisheries as an aquaculture practice are presented. The need to develop culture-based fisheries, which are basically a nonconsumptive user of water compared to conventional aquaculture practices such as pond culture, to augment the aquatic food supplies, in the wake of increasing consumption of aquatic food, dwindling catches from the wild, and the decreasing rate of growth of conventional aquaculture is evaluated.

The well-documented culture-based fishery practices of a number of countries are reviewed, and the development of these is traced. It is suggested that successful practices occur in mainland China, where the production from culture-based fishery in reservoirs is estimated to be 1,165,075 tons (from a total area of 1,567,971 ha), approximating 743 kg ha−1 year−1, and which is reputed to have recorded a yearly growth of 52% from 1979 to 1997. General features of culture-based fisheries and factors responsible for increasing yields are discussed, and the importance of such practices to rural communities in developing countries is emphasised. The constraints facing the development of the practices and the importance of overcoming such constraints, especially in the wake of the increasing challenges the conventional aquaculture industry is encountering, are evaluated.


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Describes adults' perceptions and beliefs about foods that are considered "fattening". Use of qualitative and quantitative methods to determine the prevalence of the perceptions among adults; Range of factors that are considered when judging foods as "fattening"; Limitations in the public's understandings of "fattening foods" which are inconsistent with dietary recommendations.


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A short questionnaire was completed by 276 South Australian consumers, which examined postulated relationships between personal values, food lifestyle, demographics and their usual consumption of 24 vegetables. Principal components analyses showed that consumers' vegetable consumption could be divided into several categories, most notably salad and boiled vegetables. In multiple regression analyses different sets of values and lifestyle factors predicted intakes of overall vegetable (Rsq=27 per cent), salad (16 per cent) and boiled (27 per cent) vegetables. Path analysis revealed a complex set of pathways leading from values and personal demographics through motives, perceived food attributes and cooking skills to consumption. These partly confirmed the food lifestyle model proposed by Grunert et al. The findings show that vegetable consumption has a number of contextual and cognitive antecedents but strongly suggest that other likely predictive variables require investigation.


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This article explores ways of characterizing different dimensions and levels of scientific reasoning in early elementary school children, in the context of open explorations. The article focuses on children's performance on three probes which involve using evidence to generate and evaluate knowledge claims. A number of dimensions have been used to characterize children's approaches to exploration and knowledge construction, which demonstrate the interrelationship between conceptual knowledge and scientific reasoning. Children differed markedly across these dimensions, yet individual children were relatively consistent in their approach to the tasks. The major differences in performance are linked to fundamental distinctions in the way ideas are viewed in relation to evidence.