159 resultados para nerve injury


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A novel fibrous conduit consisting of well-aligned nanofibers with longitudinal nanogrooves on the fiber surface was prepared by electrospinning and was subjected to an in vivo nerve regeneration study on rats using a sciatic nerve injury model. For comparison, a fibrous conduit having a similar fiber alignment structure without surface groove and an autograft were also conducted in the same test. The electrophysiological, walking track, gastrocnemius muscle, triple-immunofluorescence, and immunohistological analyses indicated that grooved fibers effectively improved sciatic nerve regeneration. This is mainly attributed to the highly ordered secondary structure formed by surface grooves and an increase in the specific surface area. Fibrous conduits made of longitudinally aligned nanofibers with longitudinal nanogrooves on the fiber surface may offer a new nerve guidance conduit for peripheral nerve repair and regeneration.


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Apoptosis is an important contributing factor during neuronal death in a variety of neurodegenerative disorders, including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and sciatic nerve injury. Whereas several clinical and preclinical studies have focused on the neuroprotective effects of caspase inhibitors, their clinical benefits are still unclear. Here, we discuss novel alternative strategies to protect neuronal cells from apoptotic death using members of the inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) family. We specifically review the different roles of survivin, which is an important member of the IAP family that serves a dual role in the inhibition of apoptosis as well as a vital role in mitosis and cell division. Due to the various roles of survivin during cell division and apoptosis, targeting this protein illustrates a new therapeutic window for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.


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Background The frontotemporal-orbitozygomatic (FTOZ) approach, also known as "the workhorse of skull base surgery," has captured the interest of many researchers throughout the years. Most of the studies published have focused on the surgical technique and the gained exposure. However, few studies have described reconstructive techniques or functional and cosmetic outcomes. The goal of this study was to describe the surgical reconstruction after the FTOZ approach and analyze the functional and cosmetic outcomes. Methods Seventy-five consecutive patients who had undergone FTOZ craniotomy for different reasons were selected. The same surgical (one-piece FTOZ) and reconstructive techniques were applied in all patients. The functional outcome was measured by complications related to the surgical approach: retro-orbital pain, exophthalmos, enophthalmos, ocular movement restriction, cranial nerve injuries, pseudomeningocele (PMC) and secondary surgeries required to attain a reconstructive closure. The cosmetic outcome was evaluated by analyzing the satisfaction of the patients and their families. Questionnaires were conducted later in the postoperative period. A statistical analysis of the data obtained from the charts and questions was performed. Results Of the 75 patients studied, 59 had no complications whatsoever. Ocular movement restriction was found in two patients (2.4 %). Cranial nerve injury was documented in seven patients (8.5 %). One patient (1.2 %) underwent surgical repair of a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak from the initial surgery. Two patients (2.4 %) developed delayed postoperative pseudomenigocele. One patient (1.2 %) developed intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH). Full responses to the questionnaires were collected from 28 patients giving an overall response rate of 34 %. Overall, 22 patients (78.5 %) were satisfied with the cosmetic outcome of surgery. Conclusion The reconstruction after FTOZ approach is as important as the performance of the surgical technique. Attention to anatomical details and the stepwise reconstruction are a prerequisite to the successful preservation of function and cosmesis. In our series, the orbitozygomatic osteotomy did not increase surgical complications or alter cosmetic outcomes.


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Injury to nerve tissue in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) results in long-term impairment of limb function, dysaesthesia and pain, often with associated psychological effects. Whilst minor injuries can be left to regenerate without intervention and short gaps up to 2 cm can be sutured, larger or more severe injuries commonly require autogenous nerve grafts harvested from elsewhere in the body (usually sensory nerves). Functional recovery is often suboptimal and associated with loss of sensation from the tissue innervated by the harvested nerve. The challenges that persist with nerve repair have resulted in development of nerve guides or conduits from non-neural biological tissues and various polymers to improve the prognosis for the repair of damaged nerves in the PNS. This study describes the design and fabrication of a multimodal controlled pore size nerve regeneration conduit using polylactic acid (PLA) and (PLA):poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) fibers within a neurotrophin-enriched alginate hydrogel. The nerve repair conduit design consists of two types of PLGA fibers selected specifically for promotion of axonal outgrowth and Schwann cell growth (75:25 for axons; 85:15 for Schwann cells). These aligned fibers are contained within the lumen of a knitted PLA sheath coated with electrospun PLA nanofibers to control pore size. The PLGA guidance fibers within the nerve repair conduit lumen are supported within an alginate hydrogel impregnated with neurotrophic factors (NT-3 or BDNF with LIF, SMDF and MGF-1) to provide neuroprotection, stimulation of axonal growth and Schwann cell migration. The conduit was used to promote repair of transected sciatic nerve in rats over a period of 4 weeks. Over this period, it was observed that over-grooming and self-mutilation (autotomy) of the limb implanted with the conduit was significantly reduced in rats implanted with the full-configuration conduit compared to rats implanted with conduits containing only an alginate hydrogel. This indicates return of some feeling to the limb via the fully-configured conduit. Immunohistochemical analysis of the implanted conduits removed from the rats after the four-week implantation period confirmed the presence of myelinated axons within the conduit and distal to the site of implantation, further supporting that the conduit promoted nerve repair over this period of time. This study describes the design considerations and fabrication of a novel multicomponent, multimodal bio-engineered synthetic conduit for peripheral nerve repair.


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Background—To minimise injury risk and maximise gymnastics performance, coaches, parents, and health professionals working with young gymnasts need to understand and practise safe gymnastics.

Aims—To (a) identify the various injury counter measures specific to gymnastics, (b) critically review the literature describing each injury prevention measure, and (c) assess, using available risk factor and injury data, the weight of evidence to support each of these counter measures. Specific recommendations for further research and implementation strategies to prevent injury and improve safety are also given.

Methods—The relevant literature was identified through the use of Medline (1966 to May 1998) and SPORT Discus (1975 to May 1998) searches, hand searching of journals and reference lists, and discussions with key Australian gymnastics organisations.

Results—The key gymnastics injury counter measures identified in this review include coaching (physical preparation, education, spotting, and performance technique), equipment, and the health support system (medical screening, treatment, and rehabilitation). Categorisation of the type of evidence for the effectiveness of each of these counter measures in preventing injury showed that most of it is based on informal opinion/anecdotal evidence, uncontrolled data based studies, and several prospective epidemiological studies. There is no evidence from formally controlled trials or specific evaluation studies of counter measures for gymnastics.

Conclusions—Although gymnastics is a sport associated with young participants and frequent high volume, high impact training, there is a paucity of information on injury risk factors and the effectiveness of injury practices. Further controlled trials are needed to examine the extent to which injury prevention counter measures can prevent or reduce the occurrence of injury and re-injury. Particular attention should be devoted to improving training facilities, the design and testing of apparatus and personal equipment used by gymnasts, and coaching and the role of spotting in preventing injury.


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Over the past decade, there has been an increase in available data describing the incidence of sports injuries. However, the outcomes of such injuries remain relatively undocumented. Psychological aspects of sports injury rehabilitation have been documented in elite athletes but not in cohorts of general sports participants. The few studies that have described the financial costs of sports injuries have typically not assessed how these injuries affect quality of life. Despite recent estimates that lost quality of life accounts for 81% of total sports injury costs,1 this has received relatively little attention in the literature. The aim of this paper is to describe the quality of life outcomes associated with sports injuries and to present some preliminary observations about how these change over a six-week period.


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Patients who sustain multiple orthopaedic injuries through trauma frequently undergo lengthy rehabilitation. There is little information available about how patients experience hospital rehabilitation programs. In particular, not much is known about factors that inhibit or facilitate the rehabilitation process. This paper describes a qualitative study that explored the rehabilitation  experiences of thirteen patients who had serious orthopaedic injuries.  In-depth interviews revealed issues about good and bad care, the importance of mateship, getting through the day and living with pain. In addition, participants spoke of the impact that the accident and resulting injuries had on their relationships, their experience of loss, how difficult it was to manage everyday issues and the ways in which the accident changed them. The findings of the study have been set into a framework of therapeutic emplotment, a novel way to view the role of the rehabilitation nurse.


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Nursing practice is significantly influenced by the type and use of space in which nursing is practised. While investigating current patterns of service delivery for the management of pressure ulcers from the perspective of people with spinal cord injuries and their families, the space in which care was delivered was identified as a central determinant of care. Qualitative methods were used to investigate consumer perspectives among patients residing in both metropolitan and rural communities who had been hospitalized for the management of pressure ulcers. Issues related to the spatial practices of the hospital are discussed, demonstrating a link between well-being and the creation of an appropriate caring milieu. It is concluded that service could be improved markedly if health-care professionals placed more consideration on the impact of space on their service delivery.


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Among the many valuable uses of injury surveillance is the potential to alert health authorities and societies in general to emerging injury trends, facilitating earlier development of prevention measures. Other than road safety, to date, few attempts to forecast injury data have been made, although forecasts have been made of other public health issues. This may in part be due to the complex pattern of variance displayed by injury data. The profile of many injury types displays seasonality and diurnal variance, as well as stochastic variance. The authors undertook development of a simple model to forecast injury into the near term. In recognition of the large numbers of possible predictions, the variable nature of injury profiles and the diversity of dependent variables, it became apparent that manual forecasting was impractical. Therefore, it was decided to evaluate a commercially available forecasting software package for prediction accuracy against actual data for a set of predictions. Injury data for a 4-year period (1996 to 1999) were extracted from the Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset and were used to develop forecasts for the year 2000, for which data was also held. The forecasts for 2000 were compared to the actual data for 2000 by independent t-tests, and the standard errors of the predictions were modelled by stepwise hierarchical multiple regression using the independent variables of the standard deviation, seasonality, mean monthly frequency and slope of the base data (R = 0.93, R2 = 0.86, F(3, 27) = 55.2, p < 0.0001). Significant contributions to the model included the SD (β = 1.60, p < 0.001), mean monthly frequency (β =  - 0.72, p < 0.002), and the seasonality of the data (β = 0.16, p < 0.02). It was concluded that injury data could be reliably forecast and that commercial software was adequate for the task. Variance in the data was found to be the most important determinant of prediction accuracy. Importantly, automated forecasting may provide a vehicle for identifying emerging trends.


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Pressure injuries are a serious risk for patients admitted to hospital and are thought to result from a number of forces operating on skin tissue (pressure, shear and friction). Most research on interface pressure (IP) has taken place using healthy volunteers or mannequins. Little is currently known about the relationship between pressure injury risk and IP for hospital patients. This relationship was investigated with a sample of 121 adult hospital patients. Pressure injury risk was evaluated using the Waterlow Risk Assessment Tool (WRAT) and IP was measured at the sacrum using a Tekscan ClinSeatTM IP sensor mat. Other factors considered were body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, reason for hospital admission, comorbidities and admission route to hospital. Patients were classified according to WRAT categories (‘low risk’, ‘at risk’, ‘high risk’, ‘very high risk’) and then remained still on a standard hospital mattress for 10 minutes while IP was measured. Participants in the ‘low risk’ group were significantly younger than all other groups (p<0.001) and there were some group differences in BMI. IP readings were compared between the ‘low risk’ group and all of the participants at greater risk. The ‘low risk’ group had significantly lower IP at the sacrum on a standard hospital mattress than those at greater risk (p=0.002). Those at greater risk tended to have IP readings at the low end of the compromised IP range. This study is significant because it describes a new, clinically relevant methodology and presents findings that challenge clinician assumptions about the relationships between pressure injury risk assessment and IP.


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More than 4,400 Victorian children are admitted to hospital for fall related injuries annually. Of these, 1,967 are known to have fallen from playground equipment. These 1,967 children consume 5,620 bed days. Another 3,934 children are treated in Emergency Departments for falls from playground equipment. In total, the direct cost borne by government is estimated at more than 4.7 million dollars. The cost in bed days and Emergency services is also considerable.


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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a preseason physical training programme that taught landing and falling skills in improving landing skills technique and preventing injury in junior elite Australian football players.

Methods: 723 male players who participated in an under 18 elite competition were studied prospectively in a non-randomised controlled trial over two consecutive football seasons. There were 114 players in the intervention group and 609 control players. The eight session intervention programme taught players six landing, falling, and recovery skills, which were considered fundamental for safe landing in Australian football. Landing skills taught in these sessions were rated for competence by independent and blinded assessors at baseline and mid-season.

Results: Evaluation of landing skills found no significant differences between the groups at baseline. Evaluation after the intervention revealed overall improvement in landing skills, but significantly greater improvement in the intervention group (z = –7.92, p = 0.001). Players in the intervention group were significantly less likely (relative rate 0.72, 95% confidence interval 0.52 to 0.98) to sustain an injury during the season than the control group. In particular, the time to sustaining a landing injury was significantly less for the intervention group (relative rate 0.40, 95% confidence interval 0.17 to 0.92) compared with the control group.

Landing and falling ability can be taught to junior elite Australian football players. Players in the intervention group were protected against injury, particularly injuries related to landing and falls.


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To evaluate, through two studies, the factor structure, inter-rater agreement, and test–retest and inter-rater reliability of the Sport Injury Rehabilitation Adherence Scale (SIRAS).

Repeated measures design in both Study 1 (video evaluation) and Study 2 (clinical evaluation).

University department (Study 1) and outpatient physiotherapy department (Study 2).


Sixty physiotherapists and physiotherapy students in Study 1 and 45 patients undergoing physiotherapy treatment for a musculoskeletal injury in Study 2.

In Study 1, participants rated the adherence of a simulated videotaped patient demonstrating high, moderate and low adherence during rehabilitation. In Study 2, two physiotherapists rated the adherence of patients at two consecutive rehabilitation sessions.

Main outcome measure

In Study 1, principal components analysis confirmed a single factor for the SIRAS, and inter-rater agreement values ranged from 0.87 to 0.93. In Study 2, inter-rater and test–retest reliability coefficients ranged from 0.76 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.54 to 0.83] to 0.89 (95% CI 0.79 to 0.95), and from 0.63 (95% CI 0.36–0.82) to 0.76 (95% CI 0.55–0.88), respectively.

The SIRAS is a reliable measure with high inter-rater agreement when used to evaluate clinic-based adherence to physiotherapy rehabilitation for musculoskeletal injury.


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Workplace injuries are common and destructive to persons, organisations, and society. Various instruments presently exist that are designed to assess the factors underlying workplace injury. The study reports on the construct and predictive validity of a 46-item instrument, the safety perception survey (SPS), currently used to assess safety climate in industrial organisations throughout Australia. Initially, factor analysis was conducted on the data from a sample of 1238 employees from nine organisations, which indicated a one-factor solution, was the best fit. A structural equation model (SEM) linking injury rates to the safety climate measure for 16 sub-groups of six industrial organisations indicated that the measure contributed just 23% of the variance in injury rates. Interestingly, the results indicated that the number of employees was a better and more significant predictor of injury (R2 = 0.48). It is proposed that the SPS as is would need to be modified significantly from its current form to produce improvements in validity, as in its current form the survey is no more predictive of injury than organisational size. Future research into safety climate measures should incorporate predictive validity analysis on injury rates, as for many organisations; this is a performance outcome measure.


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To compare the injury profiles of the Indigenous population in New South Wales with that of the non-Indigenous population.
Design and setting:
Descriptive analysis of NSW Health data obtained from the Health Outcomes Information and Statistical Toolkit (HOIST) database. Hospitalisation data were collected for the period 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2003. Mortality data were collected for the period 1 January 1999 to 31 December 2002.
Main outcome measures:
Hospitalisation and death rates due to injury by age, sex, injury mechanism and Indigenous status. Rate ratios for comparison between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations.
Rates of death from injury were higher for all age groups in the Indigenous population, except people older than 65 years. Indigenous people aged 25–44 years were twice as likely to be hospitalised as their non-Indigenous counterparts (rate ratio [RR], 2.09; 95% CI, 2.03–2.14), and five times as likely to be hospitalised for interpersonal violence (RR, 5.19; 95% CI, 4.98–5.40).
The higher rates of injury-related hospitalisation and death in the Indigenous population in NSW are consistent with data reported for other parts of Australia. Of particular concern is the number of Indigenous deaths and hospitalisations due to interpersonal violence.