79 resultados para myocardial infarction


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Very little is known about cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women and their specific needs throughout their recovery process. This study aimed to explore the experiences and adjustments of women following their first AMI. Naturalistic inquiry was used and six women were interviewed post their first AMI. Two major themes were identified: (1) 'the initial experience/event' which identifies events and emotions leading up to, and during, the hospital admission; and (2) 'support: for who and how' exploring the importance of support throughout the recovery process.

The women in this study did not see themselves at risk of an AMI regardless of their lifestyles and when it did occur they adopted a variety of coping mechanisms in order to adjust to their trauma. The findings highlight the need for an increase in community awareness and education surrounding the risk factors of heart disease and its signs and symptoms, to minimize delayed hospital presentations.


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Acute myocardial infarction (M!) is the commonest cause of death in the developed countries, and it is on the rise in developing countries. Ramipril is a well-knownAngiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitorwhich inhibits conversion ofinactive angiotensin I to active angiotensin II. Experimental studies have shown thatACE inhibitors administered chronicallybefore acuteMImight limitmyocardial infarct size, improve cardiac function and prevent cardiac hypertrophy [1, 2]. The Chinese herb, Salvia miltiorrhiza (SM), has been widely and successfully usedmainly for anginapectoris,MI and stroke [3]. Compared to ramipril, however, there is very limited biochemical information availableto demonstrate themechanismsofSMs
cardio-protective effects. This study thus investigates the possible
biochemical and molecularmechanisms ofsuch effects ofSMin Wistar rats in comparison with those oframipril.


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 A teaching hospital is working with the Victorian State Government and universities, integrating cost-effectiveness evidence into clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), protocols and pathways for respiratory and cardiology interventions. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) findings are reported. Results will stimulate cost-effective practice and inform medical associations, federal and state governments and international organisations developing CPGs. Published CPGs by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Foundation for AMI in 1999 are reviewed by a large interdis- ciplinary hospital-based committee given cost-effectiveness evidence. Levels of evi- dence criteria rating on methodological rigor for effectiveness and costs are applied. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grades of recommendation criteria for combinations of relative effectiveness versus relative costs and cut-off points are used. Extrapolating results between countries was addressed by applying the OECD's health purchasing power parity series. Recommendations for revisions to United States guidelines and for local application are formulated. United States Guide- lines require updating: Regarding angioplasty, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is cost-effective for men aged 60 years relative to recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA),with additional cost per life year saved of 274 ecu. PTCA with discharge after 3 days is cost-effective in low-risk AMI. Regarding GP llb/Illa drugs, Abciximab during intervention incurred equal mean hospital costs for placebabciximab bolus, and abciximab bolus+ infusion with incremental 6-month cost for the latter treatment costing US$ 293 per patient. Agent recouped almost all initial therapy costs with significant benefits. Incre- mental cost of abciximab per event prevent- ed is US$ 3,258.Tirofiban was compared to placebo after high-risk angioplasty for AMI or unstable angina.Tirofiban decreased the rate of hospital deaths, myocardial infarc- tion, revascularisation at 2 days by 36% relative to placebo (8% vs. 12%) without increased cost. Clinical benefits were similar at 30 days.Tirofiban+heparin+aspirin was compared to heparin+aspirin.Tirofiban arm resulted in net savings of 33,418 ecu per 100 patients for the first 7 days of treatment. Regarding thrombolytics,tPA is more cost- effective than streptokinase. Incremental costs for each life saved when streptokinase is substituted by recombinant tissue plasmi- nogen are 31%,45%, 97% higher in Germa- ny, Italy and the United States than in the United Kingdom. Regarding anticoagulants, enoxaparin is a promising alternative to unfractionated heparin for hospitalised patients with non-Q-wave myocardiai infarc- tion or unstable angina, saving C$ 1,485 per patient over 12 months with 10% reduction in 1 year risk of death, myocardial infarction or recurrent angina. Regarding anti- arrhymics, the cost-effectiveness of no amiodarone, amiodarone for patients with depressed heart rate variability (DHRV),and amiodarone for patients with DHRV plus positive programmed ventricular stimula- tion (PPVS) for high-risk post-AMI was investigated. Amiodarone for DHRV+PPVS patients was dominated by a blend of the two alternatives. Compared to no amioda- rone, the incremental cost-effectiveness of amiodarone for DHRV patients was US$ 39,422 per quality adjusted life year gained. Amiodarone for DHRV is the most appropriate. Other CPG updates concern serum markers, for example, cardiac troponin I assay (c-Tnl), cost advantages of ad hoc angioplasty and secondary prevention through antioxidants and pravastatin. Australian costs are reported later in the paper.


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In the current study, we compared purified Salvia miltiorrhiza extract (PSME) with Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, Ramipril, in in vitro experiments and also in vivo using animal model of myocardial infarction. PSME was found to have a significantly higher trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity which indicated a great capacity for scavenging free radicals. PSME could also prevent pyrogallo red bleaching and DNA damage.

After 2 weeks treatment with PSME or Ramipril, survival rates of rats with experimental myocardial infarction were marginally increased (68.2% and 71.4%) compared with saline (61.5%). The ratios of infarct size to left ventricular size in both PSME-and Ramipril-treated rats were significantly less than that in the saline-treated group. Activity of cardiac antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) was significant higher while level of Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARs) was lower in the PSME treated group. Purified and standardized Chinese herb could provide an alternative regimen for the prevention of ischemic heart disease.


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The original DIGAMI protocol recommended using intravenous insulin to manage myocardial infarction from first presentation followed by subcutaneous insulin for 3 months in patients with diabetes. This paper describes the metabolic and cardiac outcomes and barriers to implementing a protocol designed to match the DIGAMI principles across our emergency and cardiology departments. Patients managed using the revised DIGAMI protocol achieved better blood glucose control and had fewer reinfarcts than those managed without insulin. The major barrier to using the protocol appeared to be staff fear of causing hypoglycaemia.


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Background Depression often coexists with myocardial infarction (MI) and has been found to impede recovery through reduced functioning in key areas of life such as work. In an era of improved survival rates and extended working lives, we review whether depression remains a predictor of poorer work outcomes following MI by systematically reviewing literature from the past 15 years.

Methods Articles were identified using medical, health, occupational and social science databases, including PubMed, OVID, Medline, Proquest, CINAHL plus, CCOHS, SCOPUS, Web of Knowledge, and the following pre-determined criteria were applied: (i) collection of depression measures (as distinct from 'psychological distress') and work status at baseline, (ii) examination and statistical analysis of predictors of work outcomes, (iii) inclusion of cohorts with patients exhibiting symptoms consistent with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), (iv) follow-up of work-specific and depression specific outcomes at minimum 6 months, (v) published in English over the past 15 years. Results from included articles were then evaluated for quality and analysed by comparing effect size.

Results Of the 12 articles meeting criteria, depression significantly predicted reduced likelihood of return to work (RTW) in the majority of studies (n = 7). Further, there was a trend suggesting that increased depression severity was associated with poorer RTW outcomes 6 to 12 months after a cardiac event. Other common significant predictors of RTW were age and patient perceptions of their illness and work performance.

Conclusion Depression is a predictor of work resumption post-MI. As work is a major component of Quality of Life (QOL), this finding has clinical, social, public health and economic implications in the modern era. Targeted depression interventions could facilitate RTW post-MI.


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We read with interest the article by Smolderen et al (1), which reported real-world lessons from the implementation of an American Heart Association (AHA) recommended depression screening protocol in Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) patients. After implementing a routine, two- step depression screening process using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) 2 and 9, the study revealed that more than 1 in 4 (n=135, 26.8%) Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) patients failed to be screened for depression. Specifically, women were likely to be missed. Of those who were screened, almost 7 of 10 patients with significant depressive symptoms failed to be recognized and thus were ineligible for treatment.


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Background: Recently, we found a telephone-delivered secondary prevention programme using health coaching (‘ProActive Heart’) to be effective in improving a range of key behavioural outcomes for myocardial infarction (MI) patients. What remains unclear, however, is the extent to which these treatment effects translate to important psychological outcomes such as depression and anxiety outcomes, an issue of clinical significance due to the substantial proportion of MI patients who experience depression and anxiety. The objective of the study was to investigate, as a secondary hypothesis of a larger trial, the effects of a telephone-delivered health coaching programme on depression and anxiety outcomes of MI patients.

Design: Two-arm, parallel-group, randomized, controlled design with six-months outcomes.

Methods: Patients admitted to one of two tertiary hospitals in Brisbane, Australia following MI were assessed for eligibility. Four hundred and thirty patients were recruited and randomly assigned to usual care or an intervention group comprising up to 10 telephone-delivered ‘health coaching’ sessions (ProActive Heart). Regression analysis compared Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale scores of completing participants at six months (intervention: n = 141 versus usual care: n = 156).

Results: The intervention yielded reductions in anxiety at follow-up (mean difference = -0.7, 95% confidence interval=-1.4,-0.02) compared with usual care. A similar pattern was observed in mean depression scores but was not statistically significant.

Conclusions: The ProActive Heart programme effectively improves anxiety outcomes of patients following myocardial infarction. If combined with psychological-specific treatment, this programme could impact anxiety of greater intensity in a clinically meaningful way.


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Background : There is an increased incidence of major depressive disorder (MDD) in individuals after myocardial infarction (MI), but the pathophysiological processes mediating this association are unclear. Our previous study demonstrated an increase in pro-apoptotic pathways in the myocardium and hippocampus in MDD, which was reversed by venlafaxine. This study aimed to attempt to confirm the effects of apoptosis vulnerability markers on the myocardium in a model of depression after myocardial infarction.

Methods :
Rats were divided into four groups: sham (N = 8), depression (N = 8, chronic mild unpredictable stress and separation were used in the depression group), MI (N = 13) and post-MI depression (N = 7). The rats in all four groups underwent the same open field and sucrose preference behavioral tests. Evan Blue staining was used to determine the area at risk of myocardial infarction in the left ventricle, and 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (1.5% TTC) dye was used to detect the size of the myocardial infarction. The expression of bax and bcl-2 protein in the myocardium was investigated by immunohistochemistry, and the mRNA expression of bax, bcl-2 and caspase-3 in the myocardium was investigated by real time RT-PCR. Apoptosis was estimated in the myocardium by measuring the Bax:Bcl-2 ratio.

Results :
In the depression and post-MI depression rats, there were significantly decreased movements and total sucrose consumption, modeling behavioral deficits and an anhedonic-like state. In terms of myocardial infarction size, no difference was seen between the MI and post-MI depression groups. There was an up-regulated Bax:Bcl-2 ratio in the depression, MI and post-MI depression groups. Furthermore, in the latter group, there was a greater up-regulated Bax:Bcl-2 ratio. However, caspase-3 did not differ among the four groups.

Conclusions :
These results of this animal model suggest that active pro-apoptotic pathways may be involved in the nexus between myocardial infarction and depression. This mechanism may be germane to understanding this relationship in humans.


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