31 resultados para livestock


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A ban on grazing, particularly by small ruminants, forms an important component of the Forest Policy and Joint Forest Management arrangements in India. Some caste groups keep larger number of small ruminants than the others. It is considered as a social trait that is sought to be corrected through extension efforts. This paper analyses the livestock structure of households by using a model of household behaviour based on profit maximisation. It shows that landholding plays a crucial role in livestock structure of households and because certain caste groups have smaller landholding they tend to keep small ruminants that can feed on the common lands and forest areas. The policy of a ban or restriction on grazing adversely affects such caste groups who therefore come to resent it.


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Livestock producers and their employees sometimes experience unintentional needlestick injury (NSI) while vaccinating or injecting medications into animals. There is little published regarding the medical complications that can develop from this occupational exposure. The objectives of this study were to (1) perform a retrospective review of animal-related NSIs treated at a tertiary medical center of a rural state; and (2) review the risks of NSI and measures to decrease their occurrence. Medical records of patients with NSI related to animal injection were identified from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics database from 2002 to 2008 and reviewed. Nine patients received medical care for NSI that occurred while vaccinating farm animals. Most common NSI site was the nondominant hand and most occurred while attempting to inject the animal. Soft tissue infection was common and all nine received oral and/or intravenous antibiotics. Two thirds required hospital admission. Three required surgery and one had a bedside incision and drainage procedure. One patient had a serious inflammatory reaction with necrosis in the leg due to the oil adjuvant in the animal vaccine. Another case had a probable mycetoma with osteomyelitis and soft tissue infection due to the bacteria Streptomyces, which is a NSI complication not previously reported. Although medical complications from farm-related NSIs do not appear to be common, this case series illustrates how these injuries can be debilitating, costly, and lead to loss of work time and productivity. Producers and employees who inject livestock need to be aware of the risks and utilize measures to decrease unintentional NSI.


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Diagnosis and control of Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) requires rapid and sensitive diagnostic tests. Two antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits, Ceditest® FMDV-NS for the detection of antibodies against the nonstructural proteins of all FMDV serotypes and Ceditest® FMDV type O for the detection of antibodies against serotype O, were evaluated under African endemic conditions where the presence of multiple serotypes and the use of nonpurified vaccines complicate serological diagnosis. Serum samples from 218 African buffalo, 758 cattle, 304 goats, and 88 sheep were tested using both kits, and selected samples were tested not only in serotype-specific ELISAs for antibodies against primarily FMDV serotype O, but also against other serotypes. The FMDV-NS assay detected far more positive samples (93%) than the FMDV type O assay (30%) in buffalo (P < 0.05), with predominant antibodies against the South African Territories (SAT) serotypes, while the seroprevalence was generally comparable in cattle with antibodies against serotype O elicited by infection and/or vaccination. However, some districts had higher seroprevalence using the FMDV type O assay indicating vaccination without infection, while 1 cattle herd with antibodies against the SAT serotypes had far more positive samples (85%) using the FMDV-NS versus the FMDV type O (10%), consistent with the latter test's lower sensitivity for antibodies against SAT serotypes. Based on the current investigation, the FMDV type O ELISA may be limited by the presence of SAT serotypes. The FMD NS assay worked well as a screening test for antibodies against all FMDV serotypes present in Uganda; however, as long as nonpurified vaccines are applied in the region, this test cannot be used to differentiate between vaccinated and infected animals.


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Ethical issues concerning pain and suffering of animals are necessarily a consideration when it comes to killing “pest” or “feral” species in Australia. Within a continent where there are no large predators, many introduced animal species such as rabbits, foxes, horses, donkeys, camels, goats, and mice have been able to thrive, competing with the interests of farmers and graziers, and livestock and food production. These species, thus, gain the label of “pest.” Many methods now exist to kill these species and, consequently, ethical issues arise concerning the possible pain and suffering caused as a direct result of these methods. Yet within government and scientific communities, ethical issues are reduced to a secondary consideration without serious debate or contention. Ethical issues appear to be at odds with scientific agendas. How can environmental ethics be incorporated as part of science-based decision making that appeals to objectivity and scientific evidence? Within educational institutions as well, the same dilemma exists: How can ethical issues be addressed within the science curriculum and in the classroom? A greater understanding of various perspectives on the subject of environmental ethics and the value positions advocated by proponents of these perspectives may help teachers consider ways of handling such issues in the science classroom.


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Background: Tete Province, Mozambique has experienced chronic food insecurity and a dramatic fall in livestock numbers due to the cyclic problems characterized by the floods in 2000 and severe droughts in 2002 and 2003. The Province has been a beneficiary of emergency relief programs, which have assisted >22% of the population. However, these programs were not based on sound epidemiological data, and they have not established baseline data against which to assess the impact of the programs. Objective: The objective of this study was to document mortality rates, causes of death, the prevalence of malnutrition, and the prevalence of lost pregnancies after 2.5 years of humanitarian response to the crisis. Methods: A two-stage, 30-cluster household survey was conducted in the Cahora Bassa and Changara districts from 22 October to 08 November 2004. A total of 838 households were surveyed, with a population size of 4,688 people. Results: Anthropometric data were collected among children 6-59 months of age. In addition, crude mortality rates (CMRs), under five mortality rates (U5MRs), causes of deaths, and prevalence of lost pregnancies were determined among the sample population. The prevalence of malnutrition was 8.0% (95% confidence interval (CI)=6.2-9.8%) for acute malnutrition, 26.9% (95% CI=24.0-29.9%) for being underweight, and 37.0% (95% CI=33.8-40.2%) for chronic malnutrition. Boys were more likely to be underweight than were girls (odds ratio (OR)=1.34; 95% CI=1.00, 1.82; p<0.05) after controlling for age, household size, and food aid beneficiary status. Similarly, children 30-59 months of age were significantly less likely to suffer from acute malnutrition (OR=0.45; 95% CI=0.26, 0.79; p<0.01) and less likely to be underweight (OR=0.37; 95% CI=0.27, 0.51; p<0.01) than children 6-29 months of age, after adjusting for the other, aforementioned factors. The proportion of lost pregnancies was estimated at 7.7% (95% CI=4.5-11.0%). A total of 215 deaths were reported during the year preceding the survey. Thirty-nine (18.1%) children <5 years of age died. The CMR was 1.23/10 000/day (95% CI=1.08-1.38), and an U5MR was 1.03/10 000/day (95% CI=0.71-1.35). Diarrheal diseases, malaria, tuberculosis, and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) accounted for more than two-thirds of all deaths. Conclusions: The observed CMR in Tete Province, Mozambique is three times higher than the baseline rate for sub-Saharan Africa and 1.4 times higher than the CMR cut-off point used to define excess mortality in emergencies. The current humanitarian response in Tete Province would benefit from an improved alignment of food aid programming in conjunction with diarrheal disease control, HIV/AIDS, and malaria prevention and treatment programs. The impact of the food programs would be improved if mutually acceptable food aid programme objectives, verifiable indicators relevant to each objective, and beneficiary targets and selection criteria are developed. Periodic re-assessments and evaluations of the impact of the program and evidenced-based decision-making urgently are needed to avert a chronic dependency on food aid.


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Annual Ryegrass Toxicity (ARGT) is a potentially lethal disease affecting livestock grazing on pastures or consuming fodder that include annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) contaminated with corynetoxins. The corynetoxins (CTs), among the most lethal toxins produced in nature, are produced by the bacterium Rathayibacter toxicus that uses a nematode vector to attach to and infect the seedheads of L.rigidum. There is little known of the factors that control toxin production. Several studies have speculated that a bacteriophage specific to R.toxicus may be implicated in CT production. We have developed a PCR-based assay to test for both bacterium and phage in ryegrass material and results indicate that there is a correlation between phage and bacterial presence in all toxic ryegrass samples tested so far. This PCR-based technique may ultimately allow for a rapid, high-throughput screening assay to identify potentially toxic pastures and feed in the field. Currently, ~80% of the 45 Kb genome has been sequenced an investigation to further elucidate its potential role in toxin production.Furthermore, specific alterations in gene expression as a result of exposure to CTs or the closely related tunicamycins (TMs), which are commercially available and considered biologically indistinguishable from CTs, will be evaluated for use as biomarkers of exposure. The effects of both toxins will be analysed in vitro using a rat hepatocyte cell line and screened on a low-density DNA micro array “CT-Chip” that contains <100 selected rat hepatic genes. The results are expected to further define the bioequivalence of CTs and TMs and to identify levels of exposure that are related to specific toxic effects or have no adverse effect on livestock.


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Background – The DASH type dietary pattern which consists of high fruit, vegetable and dairy products and low saturated fat, is “base-producing” but restricts red meat with no clear justification.
Objective – To compare the BP-lowering effect of Vitality diet (VD), a moderately low sodium, “base” producing modified DASH diet, containing 6 serves/week of lean red meat to a “ high carbohydrate, low fat diet (HCLF diet), with a higher dietary acid load in post-menopausal women.
Design – Ninety-five hypertensive post-menopausal women (46 VD and 49 HCLF) completed a 14-wk randomised parallel study. Home BP was measured daily. Repeat 24-h dietary records and 24-h urine samples were collected fortnightly. Dietary acid load, expressed as potential renal acid load (PRAL), was calculated from nutrient intakes.
Outcomes – During the intervention, the VD group had an average daily consumption of 85 g cooked red meat. They had a mean (± SEM) reduction of 38 ± 7 mmol/d in urinary sodium excretion (P <0.0001), and a 7 ± 4 mmol/d increase in urinary potassium (P = 0.0681), with an estimated 23.1± 2.3 mEq/d lower PRAL than the HCLF group (P <0.0001). The fall in systolic pressure in the VD group tended to be greater by 3 ± 2 mmHg (P = 0.08) than the fall in systolic pressure seen with the HCLF diet. A greater BP-lowering effect of VD was observed among those taking anti-hypertensive medication (n = 17) with a greater 5.5 ± 2.7 mm Hg (P = 0.0518) reduction of systolic BP and greater reduction in diastolic BP by 3.6 ± 1.7 mm Hg (P = 0.0388) compared to the HCLF diet. However, no relationship between BP and PRAL was observed.
Conclusions – A low sodium DASH type dietary pattern with the inclusion of lean red meat was effective in reducing BP in post-menopausal women, particularly in those taking anti-hypertensive medication. This dietary pattern could be recommended for this group who are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
This study was funded by Meat & Livestock Australia.


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Pastoral traditional livelihood systems are under threat from drought and human predation. Those who diversified into irrigation farming are less vulnerable and able to re-invest in the pastoral economy and alternative livelihood activities. Small-scale irrigation has contributed towards economic growth and poverty alleviation in the target area. These changes may however not be sustainable.


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Annual Ryegrass Toxicity is a severe and constant threat to the Australian agricultural industry. Current diagnostic and detection strategies to predict and monitor ARGT are limited. This thesis utilised genomic-based technologies to develop improved strategies for detection of molecular indicators of toxicity in field and livestock to facilitate pre-clinical detection.


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Top-order predators often have positive effects on biological diversity owing to their key functional roles in regulating trophic cascades and other ecological processes. Their loss has been identified as a major factor contributing to the decline of biodiversity in both aquatic and terrestrial systems. Consequently, restoring and maintaining the ecological function of top predators is a critical global imperative. Here we review studies of the ecological effects of the dingo Canis lupus dingo, Australia's largest land predator, using this as a case study to explore the influence of a top predator on biodiversity at a continental scale. The dingo was introduced to Australia by people at least 3500 years ago and has an ambiguous status owing to its brief history on the continent, its adverse impacts on livestock production and its role as an ecosystem architect. A large body of research now indicates that dingoes regulate ecological cascades, particularly in arid Australia, and that the removal of dingoes results in an increase in the abundances and impacts of herbivores and invasive mesopredators, most notably the red fox Vulpes vulpes. The loss of dingoes has been linked to widespread losses of small and medium-sized native mammals, the depletion of plant biomass due to the effects of irrupting herbivore populations and increased predation rates by red foxes. We outline a suite of conceptual models to describe the effects of dingoes on vertebrate populations across different Australian environments. Finally, we discuss key issues that require consideration or warrant research before the ecological effects of dingoes can be incorporated formally into biodiversity conservation programs.


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1. Apex predators can benefit ecosystems through top–down control of mesopredators and herbivores. However, apex predators are often subject to lethal control aimed at minimizing attacks on livestock. Lethal control can affect both the abundance and behaviour of apex predators. These changes could in turn influence the abundance and behaviour of mesopredators.

2. We used remote camera surveys at nine pairs of large Australian rangeland properties, comparing properties that controlled dingoes Canis lupus dingo with properties that did not, to test the effects of predator control on dingo activity and to evaluate the responses of a mesopredator, the feral cat Felis catus.

3. Indices of dingo abundance were generally reduced on properties that practiced dingo control, in comparison with paired properties that did not, although the effect size of control was variable. Dingoes in uncontrolled populations were crepuscular, similar to major prey. In populations subject to control, dingoes became less active around dusk, and activity was concentrated in the period shortly before dawn.

4. Shifts in feral cat abundance indices between properties with and without dingo control were inversely related to corresponding shifts in indices of dingo abundance. There was also a negative relationship between predator visitation rates at individual camera stations, suggesting cats avoided areas where dingoes were locally common. Reduced activity by dingoes at dusk was associated with higher activity of cats at dusk.

5. Our results suggest that effective dingo control not only leads to higher abundance of feral cats, but allows them to optimize hunting behaviour when dingoes are less active. This double effect could amplify the impacts of dingo control on prey species selected by cats. In areas managed for conservation, stable dingo populations may thus contribute to management objectives by restricting feral cat access to prey populations.

6. Synthesis and applications. Predator control not only reduces indices of apex predator abundance but can also modify their behaviour. Hence, indicators other than abundance, such as behavioural patterns, should be considered when estimating a predator's capacity to effectively interact with lower trophic guilds. Changes to apex predator behaviour may relax limitations on the behaviour of mesopredators, providing enhanced access to resources and prey.


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Relatively little examination of the meals that are prepared in households has been conducted, despite their well-defined properties and widespread community interest in their preparation. The purpose of the present study was to identify the patterns of main meal preparation among Australian adult household meal preparers aged 44 years and younger and 45 years and over, and the relationships between these patterns and likely socio-demographic and psychological predictors. An online cross-sectional survey was conducted by Meat and Livestock Australia among a representative sample of people aged 18–65 years in Australia in 2011. A total of 1076 usable questionnaires were obtained, which included categorical information about the main meal dishes that participants had prepared during the previous 6 months along with demographic information, the presence or absence of children at home, confidence in seasonal food knowledge and personal values. Latent class analysis was applied and four types of usage patterns of thirty-three popular dishes were identified for both age groups, namely, high variety, moderate variety, high protein but low beef and low variety. The meal patterns were associated differentially with the covariates between the age groups. For example, younger women were more likely to prepare a high or moderate variety of meals than younger men, while younger people who had higher levels of education were more likely to prepare high-protein but low-beef meals. Moreover, young respondents with higher BMI were less likely to prepare meals with high protein but low beef content. Among the older age group, married people were more likely to prepare a high or moderate variety of meals than people without partners. Older people who held strong universalist values were more likely to prepare a wide variety of meals with high protein but low beef content. For both age groups, people who had children living at home and those with better seasonal food knowledge were more likely to prepare a high variety of dishes. The identification of classes of meal users would enable health communication to be tailored to improve meal patterns. Moreover, the concept of meals may be useful for health promotion, because people may find it easier to change their consumption of meals rather than individual foods.


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