77 resultados para intrinsically disordered sequences


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n16 is a framework protein family associated with biogenic mineral stabilization, thought to operate at three key interfaces in nacre: protein/β-chitin, protein/protein, and protein/CaCO3. The N-terminal half of this protein, n16N, is known to be active in conferring this mineral stabilization and organization. While some details relating to the stabilization and organization of the mineral are known, the molecular mechanisms that underpin these processes are not yet established. To provide these molecular-scale details, here we explore current hypotheses regarding the possible subdomain organization of n16N, as related to these three interfaces in nacre, by combining outcomes of Replica Exchange with Solute Tempering molecular dynamics simulations with NMR experiments, to investigate the conformational ensemble of n16N in solution. We verify that n16N lacks a well-defined secondary structure, both with and without the presence of Ca(2+) ions, as identified from previous experiments. Our data support the presence of three different, functional subdomains within n16N. Our results reveal that tyrosine, chiefly located in the center of the peptide, plays a multifunctional role in stabilizing conformations of n16N, for intrapeptide and possibly interpeptide interactions. Complementary NMR spectroscopy data confirm the participation of tyrosine in this stabilization. The C-terminal half of n16N, lacking in tyrosine and highly charged, shows substantive conformational diversity and is proposed as a likely site for nucleation of calcium carbonate. Finally, dominant structures from our predicted conformational ensemble suggest the presentation of key residues thought to be critical to the selective binding to β-chitin surfaces.


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The intermediate-resolution coarse-grained protein model PLUM [T. Bereau and M. Deserno, J. Chem. Phys., 2009, 130, 235106] is used to simulate small systems of intrinsically disordered proteins involved in biomineralisation. With minor adjustments to reduce bias toward stable secondary structure, the model generates conformational ensembles conforming to structural predictions from atomistic simulation. Without additional structural information as input, the model distinguishes regions of the chain by predicted degree of disorder, manifestation of structure, and involvement in chain dimerisation. The model is also able to distinguish dimerisation behaviour between one intrinsically disordered peptide and a closely related mutant. We contrast this against the poor ability of PLUM to model the S1 quartz-binding peptide.


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The mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis is initiated by Bcl-2 homology region 3 (BH3)-only members of the Bcl-2 protein family. On upregulation or activation, certain BH3-only proteins can directly bind and activate Bak and Bax to induce conformation change, oligomerization and pore formation in mitochondria. BH3-only proteins, with the exception of Bid, are intrinsically disordered and therefore, functional studies often utilize peptides based on just their BH3 domains. However, these reagents do not possess the hydrophobic membrane targeting domains found on the native BH3-only molecule. To generate each BH3-only protein as a recombinant protein that could efficiently target mitochondria, we developed recombinant Bid chimeras in which the BH3 domain was replaced with that of other BH3-only proteins (Bim, Puma, Noxa, Bad, Bmf, Bik and Hrk). The chimeras were stable following purification, and each immunoprecipitated with full-length Bcl-xL according to the specificity reported for the related BH3 peptide. When tested for activation of Bak and Bax in mitochondrial permeabilization assays, Bid chimeras were ~1000-fold more effective than the related BH3 peptides. BH3 sequences from Bid and Bim were the strongest activators, followed by Puma, Hrk, Bmf and Bik, while Bad and Noxa were not activators. Notably, chimeras and peptides showed no apparent preference for activating Bak or Bax. In addition, within the BH3 domain, the h0 position recently found to be important for Bax activation, was important also for Bak activation. Together, our data with full-length proteins indicate that most BH3-only proteins can directly activate both Bak and Bax.


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One of the most important requirements for systematic and phylogenetic studies is the identification of gene regions with the appropriate level of variation for the question of interest. Molecular phylogenetic and systematic studies of freshwater crayfish have made use of DNA sequences mainly from ribosomal genes, especially the 16S rRNA gene region. Thus, little information is available on other potentially useful mitochondrial gene regions for systematic studies in these animals. In this study, we look at nucleotide variation and phylogenetic relations within and between four species of freshwater crayfish of the genus Cherax from the southwest of Western Australia using four fragments amplified from the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI), and Cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene regions. Samples of Engaeus strictifrons, Euastacus bispinosus, and Geocharax falcata were also sequenced for comparative purposes. The size of the fragments varied from 358 bp to 600 bp. Across all samples, the four fragments showed significant phylogenetic signal and showed similar proportions of variable sites (28.81–37.33%). Average divergence within species for the mitochondrial gene regions varied from 1.18% to 4.91%, with the 16S rRNA being the least variable and Cyt b the most variable. Average divergence between species ranged 7.63–15.53%, with 16S rRNA being the least variable and COI the most variable. At the generic level, average divergence ranged 17.21–23.82%. Phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rRNA, 12S rRNA, and COI regions generated four clades consistent with the presence of four species previously identified on the basis of allozyme and morphological studies. The relationships among samples were largely congruent across the data set, although some relationships remained unresolved. Not all samples could be amplified using the Cyt b primers, and some of those that were showed quite anomalous relationships, suggesting that one or more Cyt b pseudogenes were being amplified.


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This study uses nucleotide sequences from the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene to investigate the taxonomy and phylogeny of freshwater crayfish belonging to the 'Cherax destructor' complex. The sequencing of an approximately 440-bp fragment of this gene region from freshwater crayfish sampled from 14 locations identified significant haplotype diversity. Phylogenetic analysis found three distinct clades that correspond to the species C. rotundus, C. setosus and C. destructor. C. rotundus is largely confined to Victoria, and C. setosus is restricted to coastal areas north of Newcastle in New South Wales. C. destructor is widely distributed in eastern Australia and shows significant phylogeographic structure, with three well supported clades. None of these clades, however, correspond to species previously recognised as C. esculus, C. davisi or C. albidus. The failure to genetically distinguish these morphologically defined species is consistent with reproductive information and morphological plasticity relating to habitat similar to that documented for other Cherax species.


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This review provides an evaluation of the correlates and/or risk factors associated with disordered eating and the pursuit of muscularity among adolescent boys. One of the main conclusions is that similar factors and processes are associated with both behavioral problems. Several factors found to be consistently associated with disordered eating among boys are also similar to those found with girls. These include body mass index, negative affect, self-esteem, perfectionism, drug use, perceived pressure to lose weight from parents and peers, and participation in sports that focus on leanness. However, as many of the findings have only been verified using cross-sectional designs, prospective studies are now needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserve


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The evolutionary relationships of the freshwater prawn genus Macrobrachium are obscure. Members of this genus are widely distributed across tropical and subtropical regions. The phylogenetic relationships among the seven endemic and six non-endemic Australian Macrobrachium, along with five non-Australian species, were inferred from the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequences. Methods of analysis yielded phylogenetic trees of differing topologies; however, none supported a monophyletic origin for endemic Australian Macrobrachium. Enforced monophyly of a single origin of endemic Macrobrachium was statistically tested and rejected. These results support the view that the endemic Australian Macrobrachium arose from multiple origins. Previous biogeographical hypotheses related to the radiation of Macrobrachium into Australia are re-examined in the context of these results.


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Nucleotide sequence data were used to re-examine systematic relationships and species boundaries within the genus Cherax from eastern Australia. Partial sequences were amplified from the 12S (~365 bp) and 16S (~545 bp) rRNA mitochondrial gene regions. Levels of intra- and inter-specific divergence for Cherax species were very similar between the two gene regions and similar to that reported for other freshwater crayfish for 16S rRNA. Phylogenetic analyses using the combined data provided strong support for a monophyletic group containing 11 eastern Australian species and comprising three well-defined species-groups: the 'C. destructor' group containing three species, the 'C. cairnsensis' group containing four species and the 'C. cuspidatus' group containing two species. Cherax dispar and C. robustus are distinct from all other species and each other. In addition, two northern Australian and a New Guinean species were placed in the 'Astaconephrops' group, which is the sister-group to the eastern Australian Cherax lineage. Several relationships were clarified, including: the status of northern and southern C. cuspidatus as separate species; a close relationship between C. cairnsensis and C. depressus; the validity of C. rotundus and C. setosus as separate species and their close affinities with C. destructor; and the distinctiveness of the northern forms of Cherax. The analysis of the 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA data is highly concordant with the results of previous allozyme studies.


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Fish of the genus Gadopsis are a distinctive component of the freshwater fish fauna of south-eastern Australia. Gadopsis marmoratus and G. bispinosus are the only two species recognised within the genus, with the former of uncertain taxonomic status, as it is thought to be composed of at least two distinct geographical forms based on morphological and allozyme data. The objective of this study was to investigate DNA sequence divergence in Gadopsis, especially in the western portion of its distribution, using an approximately 400 base pair fragment of the mitochondrial small subunit 12S rRNA gene region in order to reassess the taxonomy of the genus. Individuals from 11 locations were sequenced and confirm that G. marmoratus and G. bispinosus are genetically distinct, and further that the G. marmoratus complex consists of two divergent clades representing the previously identified northern and southern forms. The degree of divergence between the three Gadopsis clades was similar (5–6% nucleotide substitutions), suggesting that they diverged from a common ancestor at approximately the same period in geological time. These results are consistent with previous allozyme studies and highlight the usefulness of mitochondrial DNA data coupled with allozyme information for clarifying taxonomic boundaries in morphologically conservative aquatic organisms.


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Direct sequencing of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop (745 bp) and MTATPase6/MTATPase8 (857 bp) regions was used to investigate genetic variation within common carp and develop a global genealogy of common carp strains. The D-loop region was more variable than the MTATPase6/MTATPase8 region, but given the wide distribution of carp the overall levels of sequence divergence were low. Levels of haplotype diversity varied widely among countries with Chinese, Indonesian and Vietnamese carp showing the greatest diversity whereas Japanese Koi and European carp had undetectable nucleotide variation. A genealogical analysis supports a close relationship between Vietnamese, Koi and Chinese Color carp strains and to a lesser extent, European carp. Chinese and Indonesian carp strains were the most divergent, and their relationships do not support the evolution of independent Asian and European lineages and current taxonomic treatments.


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There has been no previous investigation of body image concerns and body change strategies among indigenous Australians. This study was designed to investigate the level of body satisfaction, body change strategies, and perceived media messages about body change strategies among 50 indigenous (25 males, 25 females) and 50 non-indigenous (25 males, 25 females) Australian adolescents (mean age 14.05, SD = 1.05). Consistent with past studies, girls were more likely to be dissatisfied with their weight and engage in strategies to lose weight. However, contrary to expectations, indigenous adolescents engaged in more strategies to lose weight, increase weight, and increase muscles than did non-indigenous adolescents, despite perceiving fewer media messages about losing weight. Additional factors that may explain the findings and the need for further research with different cultural groups are highlighted.


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The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence was determined for the Australian giant crab Pseudocarcinns gigas (Crustacea: Decapoda: Menippidae) and the giant freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae). The Pse gigas and Mrosenbergii mitochondrial genomes are circular molecules, 15,515 and 15,772 bp in length, respectively, and have the same gene composition as found in other metazoans. The gene arrangement of M. rosenbergii corresponds with that of the presumed ancestral arthropod gene order, represented by Limulus polyphemus, except for the position of the tRNALeu(UUR) gene. The Pse. gigas gene arrangement corresponds exactly with that reported for another brachyuran, Portunus trituberculatus, and differs from the M. rosenbergii gene order by only the position of the tRNAHis gene. Given the relative positions of intergenic nonoding nucleotides, the “duplication/random loss” model appears to be the most plausible mechanism for the translocation of this gene. These data represent the first caridean and only the second brachyuran complete mtDNA sequences, and a source of information that will facilitate surveys of intraspecific variation within these commercially important decapod species.