73 resultados para hormone substitution


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Copper is an essential trace element necessary for normal growth and development. During pregnancy, copper is transported from the maternal circulation to the fetus by mechanisms which have not been clearly elucidated. The copper uptake protein, hCTR1 is predicted to play a role in copper transport in human placental cells. This study has examined the expression and localisation of hCTR1 in human placental tissue and Jeg-3 cells. In term placental tissue the hCTR1 protein was detected as a 105 kDa protein, consistent with the size of a trimer which may represent the functional protein. A 95 kDa band, possibly representing the glycosylated protein, was also detected. hCTR1 was localised within the syncytiotrophoblast layer and the fetal vascular endothelial cells in the placental villi and interestingly was found to be localised toward the basal plasma membrane. It did not co-localise with either the Menkes or the Wilson copper transporting ATPases. Using the placental cell line Jeg-3, it was shown that the 35 kDa monomer was absent in the extracts of cells exposed to insulin, estrogen or progesterone and in cells treated with estrogen an additional 65 kDa band was detected which may correspond to a dimeric form of the protein. The 95 kDa band was not detected in the cultured cells. These results provide novel insights indicating that hormones have a role in the formation of the active hCTR1 protein. Furthermore, insulin altered the intracellular localisation of hCTR1, suggesting a previously undescribed role of this hormone in regulating copper uptake through the endocytic pathway.


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C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) is a crucial osmoregulatory hormone in elasmobranchs, participating in salt secretion and drinking. In contrast to teleosts and tetrapods in which the NP family is composed of a group of structurally related peptides, we have shown that CNP is the sole NP in sharks. In the present study, CNP cDNAs were cloned from four species of batoids, another group of elasmobranchs. The cloned batoid CNP precursors contained a plausible mature peptide of 22 amino acid residues that is identical to most shark CNP-22s, but five successive amino acids were consistently deleted in the prosegment compared with shark precursors, supporting the diphyletic classification of sharks and rays. In addition, molecular phylogenetic trees of CNP precursors were consistent with a diphyletic interpretation. Except for the deletion, the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the CNP cDNAs are extremely well-conserved among all elasmobranch species, even between sharks and rays. Surprisingly, high conservation is evident not only for the coding region, but also for the untranslated regions. It is most likely that the high conservation is due to the low nucleotide substitution rate in the elasmobranch genome, and high selection pressure. The 3′-untranslated region of the elasmobranch CNP cDNAs contained three to six repeats of the ATTTA motif that is associated with the regulation of mRNA stability and translation efficiency. Alternative polyadenylation sites were also found; the long 3′-untranslated region contains a core of ATTTA motifs while the short form has only one or no ATTTA motif, indicating that the post-transcriptional modification of mRNA is important for regulation of CNP synthesis. These characteristics in the 3′-untranslated region were conserved among all elasmobranch CNP cDNAs. Since CNP has been implicated as a fast-acting hormone to facilitate salt secretion from the rectal gland, the conserved 3′-untranslated region most likely contributes to rapid regulation of CNP synthesis in elasmobranchs in response to acute changes in internal and external environments.


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The existence of an egg-laying hormone (ELH) was identified for the first time in the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, by means of immunoenzyme and immunofluorescence techniques. This was achieved using a polyclonal antibody produced against expressed recombinant ELH of the female Australian blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra. The shrimp ELH reactive material was found to be localised within female neurosecretory tissues and the secretory tissue of the antennal gland, but was not identified in the X-organ sinus gland within the eyestalk. It was also present in the ovary, where the amount of ELH present was observed to be greatest in the period prior to spawning. These findings implied that the induction of P. monodon spawning might be involved with humoral regulation relating to ELH expression.


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The generation of research is one of the major functions of the university sector. In most disciplines, journal articles continue to be the main outlet for the communication of research findings. However, in Australia, government induced distortions have rewarded refereed conference papers an equal status to refereed journal papers. The aim of this paper is to explore the association between research published in journals and research published in conference proceedings. We use a panel dataset of the research output of 36 Australian universities, for the period 1995–2004. Cobb-Douglas research production functions are estimated, as well as a system of research production functions that allows for simultaneity. The results indicate that journals and conferences are contemporaneous substitutes – an expansion in conference publications displaces journal publications. There is also a 'DEST effect'. On average, conference papers are not converted into subsequent journal papers. The DEST effect is found also through analysis of the publication histories of 152 business and law academics. Postgraduate enrolments are shown to contribute only to conferences and have no effect on journal publications. Research income has a positive effect on both conferences and journal publications.


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The replacement of fish oil with vegetable based oils is a strategy which is increasingly being adopted by the aquafeed industry as an essential component to reduce the reliance on a limited supply of a natural resource, which in turn also provides cost benefits. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the lipid and fatty acid digestibility of a mix blend vegetable oil in juvenile Murray cod; an emerging species of increasing interest in the Australian aquaculture sector. Five semi purified experimental diets were formulated with 17% lipid originating from fish oil (FO) which was substituted in 25% increments by blended vegetable oil (VO), formulated using olive oil (12%), palm oil (43%) and linseed oil (45%) to match the major fatty acid classes of the FO.

Significant differences between the dietary treatments with regard to the lipid and individual fatty acid digestibility were recorded. This study clearly demonstrated that in Murray cod fatty acid digestibility decreases with chain length, and inversely increases relative to the degree of unsaturation. The combination of chain length, degree of unsaturation and the melting point of individual fatty acids resulted in the digestibility of PUFA > MUFA > SFA and short chain > longer chain fatty acids. Therefore, the inclusion of a mixed blend vegetable oil resulted in significantly reduced lipid digestibility in juvenile Murray cod.


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The effects of hormonal status and activity levels on Achilles tendon structure were examined in asymptomatic post-menopausal women. It was hypothesized that women using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) would have better tendon structure than those not using HRT and that active women would have poorer tendon structure than inactive women. Eighty-five women including 53 active women (regular golf players) and 32 controls (healthy but inactive women) recorded their HRT and menopausal history and underwent basic anthropometric measurements. Women were divided into two groups based on their hormonal status: those currently using HRT; and those who had never used HRT or ceased using HRT at least 12 months prior to the study. Achilles tendons were examined with ultrasound and categorized as normal or abnormal, and the diameter of each tendon (mm) was recorded. Active women had a greater prevalence of tendon abnormality ( P=0.10) and thicker Achilles tendons than inactive women ( P<0.05). Active women on HRT had less tendon abnormality ( P=0.056) than active women not on HRT and significantly less tendon thickness ( P<0.05). This study indicates that Achilles tendon diameter is greater in active post-menopausal women. Hormone replacement therapy appeared to ameliorate this effect in active women. A similar effect from HRT on the Achilles tendons of inactive women was not apparent.


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Polynorbornanes with differing edge functionality have been synthesised from the appropriate cyclobutene epoxides substituted with two, unlike, electron withdrawing groups. These latter compounds were prepared by the monohydrolysis of symmetric cyclobutene diesters and subsequent elaboration of the resulting carboxylic acid.


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The L1 retrotransposon has significantly shaped the structure of the human genome. At least 30% of human genome sequence can be attributed to L1 reverse transcriptase activity. There are 105 copies of the human L1 retrotransposon, L1Hs, most of which are defective, although ~8–9x103 are full length. L1Hs elements transpose through an RNA intermediate and transcription is thought to be the rate limiting step in retrotransposition. Because transcription of retrotransposons in a variety of organisms has been shown to respond to environmental stimuli, we investigated the influence of various agents on transcription from two different L1Hs promoters. The activity of the L1Hs promoters was analyzed by transfecting L1Hs-expressing cell lines with plasmids containing the L1Hs promoters fused to the LacZ reporter gene and monitoring expression with a ß-galactosidase assay. Small increases in ß-galactosidase activity were observed with both L1Hs promoters after treatment with serum, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and organochloride pesticides, indicating that these agents can influence L1Hs transcription.


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Immunoreactivity against the abalone egg-laying hormone (aELH) was detected in the fine granules of type 1 and 2 neurosecretory (NS) cells, neurites in the neuropil, and blood sinuses in the connective tissue sheath of the cerebral, pleuropedal, and visceral ganglia of the tropical abalone, Haliotis asinina Linnaeus. The number of positive NS cells, and the intensity of staining in the ganglia, varied and might be related to the stage of ovarian cycle. At any stage, positive cells were most numerous in the pleuropedal, and least numerous in the visceral ganglion. In addition, several cells of the statocyst and associated nerves also exhibited the immunoreactivity. In the ovary, the most intense reactivity was detected in the follicular and granular cells adjacent to mature oocytes, in the trabeculae and the ovarian capsule. The cytoplasm of mature oocytes was also moderately stained. The results indicate that the cerebral, pleuropedal, and visceral ganglia are the main sites of aELH-producing cells. The ovary may also produce aELH locally.


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The authors examine the most recent research concerning the risks and benefits of oestrogen or combined oestrogen-progestin therapy in postmenopausal women.


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Substitution reactions between carbon nanotube (CNT) template and SiO with the formation of carbon rich silicon oxide nanowires (SiO–C-NWs) have been investigated using transmission electron microscopy and x-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy. The reaction was carried out by thermal annealing at 1200 °C for 1 h of a mixture of silicon monoxide (SiO) and iron (II) phthalocyanine, FeC32N8H16 (FePc) powders. Multiwalled CNTs were produced first via pyrolysis of FePc at a lower temperature (1000 °C). SiO vapors reacted with the CNTs at higher temperatures to produce amorphous SiO–C-NWs with a uniform diameter and a length in tens of micrometers. The special bamboolike structure of the CNTs allows the reaction to start from the external surface of the tubes and transform each CNT into a solid nanowire section by section.


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Substitution reactions between multiwalled carbon nanotubes and silicon monoxide vapour have been investigated using transmission electron microscopy. Different reactions occurred inside the multiwalled nanotubes and on the nanotube external surfaces, resulting in the formation of silicon carbide nanowires with a core–shell structure. The substitution reaction process and end products are strongly affected by nanotube structures and a ball milling treatment of the starting materials.