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This investigation considers the development of class music teaching in New South Wales and Victoria during the first seventy-two years of state-supported primary education. The first chapter describes the English background including music teaching methods (resulting from the mid-nineteenth century English choral singing movement) and the subsequent development of music teaching in English elementary schools. The promotion of school music is then considered on a broadly chronological basis in the two states and several themes are identified in relation to school music policy and practice. These include the status of music (core curriculum or extra-curricular subject), who should teach music (generalist or specialist teachers), what teaching methods and music notation should be used (staff or Tonic Sol-fa), musical training for generalist teachers, and curriculum content in relation to the aims and objectives of school music. Comparisons are made between developments in both states and between both states and English school music. The final chapter demonstrates the relevance of many of the historical themes identified for music education today. The thesis concludes by identifying a recurring problem from the past. namely the lack of co-ordination between various aspects of school music policy, as the most serious problem to be overcome in the future.


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The writing of academic abstracts is more than a tiresome necessity of scholarly life. It is a practice that goes beyond genre and technique to questions of writing and identity. In this article we deconstruct a series of abstracts from a variety of refereed journals to 'read' for the representation of data, argument, methodology and significance. We describe one strategy for writing abstracts, developed as part of a long-term project on postgraduate writing pedagogies. We propose that the art of writing abstracts is neglected in the academy, is given scant attention by journal editors, and has produced a motley and often bland array of conventions and genres. We suggest that abstract art should be an important aspect of supervision if graduate students and novice researchers are to stake a claim in the academy.


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The question whether the WHO Healthy Cities project ‘works’ has been asked ever since a number of novel ideas and actions related to community health, health promotion and healthy public policy in the mid 1980s came together in the Healthy Cities Movement initiated by the World Health Organization. The question, however, has become more urgent since we have entered an era in which the drive for ‘evidence’ seems all-pervasive.

The article explores the nature of evidence, review available evidence on Healthy Cities accomplishments, and discusses whether enough evidence has been accumulated on different performances within the realm of Healthy Cities. A main point of reference is the European Healthy Cities Project (E-HCP).

Building on the information gathered through documentary research on the topic, it is concluded that there is fair evidence that Healthy Cities works. However, the future holds great challenges for further development and evidence-oriented evaluations of Healthy Cities. There are problems with (1) the communication of evidence, (2) the tension between the original intention of the Healthy Cities Movement and its current operations, and (3) the complex nature of Healthy Cities and the methodological tools currently available.


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When not-for-profit organisations and for-profit organisations are forced to work together, conflict can arise. This paper explores the tensions that have resulted in the Australian sport setting when the Australian Sport Commission (ASC), with its emphasis predominantly directed at not for profit sport, sought to embrace the traditionally for profit sport of Freestyle BMX into the mainstream sport system. This case study traces the development and implementation of the ASC's Street Active program through Freestyle BMX. It was found that Freestyle BMX experienced mission drift and did not provide a product or service relevant to its consumers by adhering to the guidelines required by the ASC. Further, in the development of the program, the ASC did not expect the rivalry between suppliers in the free market action sport industry when it engaged three management groups to deliver the Street Active program. As a result the action sport industry is further fragmented into for-profit agencies, and farther removed from the Australia's federal governing agency, the ASC.


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We address the blind equalization of finite-impulse-response (FIR), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels excited by constant modulus (CM) signals. It is known that the algorithms based on the constant modulus (CM) criterion can equalize an FIR MIMO channel that is irreducible and column-reduced. We show in this paper that the CM property of signals can be exploited to construct a zero-forcing equalizer for a non-irreducible and non-column-reduced channel. We also give a lower bound for the order of the equalizer. Simulation examples demonstrate the proposed result.


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This paper reports on a PhD research project being undertaken through the Faculty of Education, Deakin University. Training Packages and the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) form part of the ruling relations of VET, but how do they operate in practice? Do they provide frameworks within which training professionals are free to use judgement and respond in innovative ways to local learning and assessment contexts? Do they impose rigid 'guidelines' within which the decision-making authority of practitioners over appropriate practices is displaced by that of auditors, constraining creativity and creating pressures towards conformity? Or does their impact vary, depending on how they are interpreted and who is doing the interpreting? My PhD research explores issues relating to the use of Training Packages in workbased learning. Interview data suggests that, in practice, different training organisations respond very differently to a regulatory framework that aims to achieve national consistency. Some practitioners describe working in a compliance-driven environment, in which their ability to meet the needs of learners is stifled by standardised training and assessment practices imposed by Training Packages and the AQTF. This view is reflected in phrases such as 'you're not allowed to…', and 'you always feel uneasy because you've got AQTF compliance, inspections, auditors'. In contrast, other practitioners talk about having freedom to design learning and assessment programs for their particular target group and context, providing they stay within broad guidelines that guarantee national recognition of qualifications they issue. This view is reflected in comments such as 'it just leaves it open … to be as creative and flexible as you like', and 'It just gives us freedom'. This paper explores the proposition that the impact of these abstract and generalised texts is influenced by local interpretations, and it considers the role that organisational culture plays in determining these interpretations.


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This paper deals with the problem of blind equalization of finite-impulse-response (FIR) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels excited by M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK) signals. It is known that the algorithms based on the constant modulus (CM) criterion can equalize an FIR MIMO channel that is irreducible. The irreducible condition is restrictive since it requires that all source signals arrive at the receiving antennas simultaneously. In this paper, we show that the CM criterion can also be used to construct a zero-forcing equalizer for a channel that is non-irreducible. We also derive a lower bound for the order of the equalizer. The proposed result is validated by numerical simulations.


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Sensor Networks have applications in diverse fields. They can be deployed for habitat modeling, temperature monitoring and industrial sensing. They also find applications in battlefield awareness and emergency (first) response situations. While unique addressing is not a requirement of many data collecting applications of wireless sensor networks it is vital for the success of applications such as emergency response. Data that cannot be associated with a specific node becomes useless in such situations. In this work we propose an addressing mechanism for event-driven wireless sensor networks. The proposed scheme eliminates the need for network wide Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) and enables reuse of addresses.


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The City of Casey is the fourth fastest growing region in Australia. Thus far its success is population driven. This paper reviews the recent trend in regional development policies in Australia with particular reference to Casey. A new model based on the Regional Innovation System framework for the analysis of development in the region is constructed. Questions are raised about whether this region can have economically sustainable and innovation driven development in the future


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We consider the problem of blind equalization of a finite impulse response and single-input multiple-output system driven by an M-ary phase-shift-keying signal. The existing single-mode algorithms for this problem include the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) and the multimodulus algorithm (MMA). It has been shown that the MMA outperforms the CMA when the input signal has no more than four constellation points, i.e., Mles4. In this brief, we present a new adaptive equalization algorithm that jointly exploits the amplitude and phase information of the input signal. Theoretical analysis shows that the proposed algorithm has less mean square error, i.e., better equalization performance, at steady state than the CMA regardless of the value of M. The superior performance of our algorithm to the CMA and the MMA is validated by simulation examples


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Gait and face are two important biometrics for human identification. Complementary properties of these two biometrics suggest fusion of them. The relationship between gait and face in the fusion is affected by the subject-to-camera distance. On the one hand, gait is a suitable biometric trait for human recognition at a distance. On the other hand, face recognition is more reliable when the subject is close to the camera. This paper proposes an adaptive fusion method called distance-driven fusion to combine gait and face for human identification in video. Rather than predefined fixed fusion rules, distance-driven fusion dynamically adjusts its rule according to the subject-to-camera distance in real time. Experimental results show that distance-driven fusion performs better than not only single biometric, but also the conventional
static fusion rules including MEAN, PRODUCT, MIN, and MAX.


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In this paper a new method to compute saliency of source images is presented. This work is an extension to universal quality index founded by Wang and Bovik and improved by Piella. It defines the saliency according to the change of topology of quadratic tree decomposition between source images and the fused image. The saliency function provides higher weight for the tree nodes that differs more in the fused image in terms topology. Quadratic tree decomposition provides an easy and systematic way to add a saliency factor based on the segmented regions in the images.