37 resultados para atenuação do ruído de rolamento superficial, ground roll, transformada curvelet, processamento sísmico, ondas de Rayleigh


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"Step up and play" begins the famous hit song 'Penny Arcade'. And so it
was for thousands of Australian families, as their eldest child began school
this year, and the associated endless merry-go-round of extra-curricular
activities also began. But how many of those families realise that the song ends "Roll up and spend your last dime!"? While the perceived benefits of
children's involvement in extracurricular activities are many and are widely accepted, there are also costs, not only in terms of money but also in terms
of time. Evidence from a study conducted in Melbourne highlights the fact that, for many families such as those on low incomes and those headed by a single parent, both the time and the money costs may be prohibitive. This article highlights parents' perceptions of the benefits·and costs of children's extra-curricular activities, and explores the implications of changing family and household structures for families' capacity to sustain such activities.


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A localised aggregation of blue whales. which may be pygmy blue whales (B. m. brevicauda), occurs in southern Australian coastal waters (between I39°45'E-143°E) during summer and autumn (December-May), where they feed on coastal krill (Nyctiphanes australis). a species which often forms surface swarms. While the abundance of blue whales using this area is unknown, up to 32 blue whales have been sighted in individual aerial  surveys. Krill appear to aggregate in response to enhanced productivity  resulting from the summer-autumn wind-forced Bonney Coast upwelling along the continental shelf. During the upwelling's quiescent (winter-spring) period. blue whales appear to be absent from the region. Krill surface  swarms have been associated with 48% of 261 blue whale sightings since 1998, with direct evidence of feeding observed in 36% of all sightings. Mean blue whale group size was 1.55 (SD =0.839), with all size classes represented including calves. This seasonally predictable upwelling system is evidently a regular feeding ground for blue whales, and careful  management of human activities is required there.


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Observations of Rufous-banded Honeyeaters Conopophila albogularis ground-foraging amongst tall grass near Darwin are described. Previous published studies indicate that ground-foraging is rare for this species. These observations suggest that ground-foraging may constitute an established foraging behaviour at certain times.


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Using current data, this article examines the ways in which teachers enact new curriculum prior to classroom implementation. This is new and important research as few, if any, studies have further explored what Goodson termed the 'middle ground' of curriculum (1994). This article locates the middle ground of curriculum between the high ground of curriculum (the formal construction of the written curriculum) and its ground-level implementation in the classroom. A model of the middle ground of curriculum that helps us to understand curriculum change processes from the perspective of those most affected by them - teachers - is subsequently proposed.


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There is widespread concern about population decline in a number of woodland-dependent birds in southern Australia. Of all declining species, approximately half forage on the ground. This study examined the avifaunal assemblages of temperate woodlands of the Northern Plains, Victoria, to investigate the importance of woodland habitats for ground-foraging species. Four main types of woodland were surveyed (white cypress-pine, black box, grey box and river red gum) and, in total, 89 bird species were detected. All four woodland types differed in habitat structure and, in turn, supported significantly different avifaunal assemblages. Forty of the 89 species (45%) foraged, at least in part, on the ground. Species richness and abundance of ground-foragers differed significantly between woodland types, being highest in white cypress-pine and black box. There was a greater richness of ground-foragers during the breeding than non-breeding season, but abundance did not vary seasonally. Overall, ground-foraging birds comprised a greater proportion of species (>55%) and individuals (>60%) in white cypress-pine and black box woodland than in grey box and river red gum (42–48% of species, <50% individuals). Those ground-foragers regarded as declining also occurred in greatest richness in white cypress-pine woodlands, one of the most depleted habitats in the region. The lowest richness of ‘declining’ ground-foraging species was in river red gum woodland, the most widespread woodland type. Throughout Australia, the proportion of ground-foraging species in bird assemblages tends to be greater in temperate, semi-arid or arid woodlands than in moist forests and rainforests. However, in many regions woodland habitats are severely depleted and their open ground layer is particularly vulnerable to degradation. The extent of suitable habitat for ground-foraging birds in temperate woodlands may be much less than is apparent from current measures of tree cover. Sustainable management of drier (non-riverine) temperate woodlands is required to conserve this important element of the Australian avifauna.


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Public relations educators perform an academic and vocational balancing act. Employers demand graduates with developed vocational skills. In the meantime, academics strive to provide students with work skills as well as solid theoretical base, and to also address emerging issues. This paper uses a case study in Geelong, Victoria to examine what Australian regional employers see as desirable attributes in public relations graduates. It then explores how educators address the needs of the employers as well as the needs of the public relations profession.


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The documentary form commonly referred to as rockumentary has become, since its inception in the early 1960s, a staple of American direct cinema. In keeping with its associations with observational direct cinema, rockumentary emphasizes showing over telling; that is, rockumentary privileges the visual capacities of documentary over patterns of exposition. While the ‘documentary display’ of rockumentary is comparable to certain features of  the early ‘cinema of attractions’ it exceeds such features in its focus on  performance. Typically, an emphasis within documentary theory on unmediated and unreconstructed access to the real as the basis of documentary film has not admitted a place for notions of performance before the camera. Rockumentary, with its relentless foregrounding of the performing body and the performance of musicians, revises this  understanding. This essay examines rockumentary within the context of direct cinema as a mode centred on a documentary performative display as it operates within selected works from the 1960s to the present. The film theorist Brian Winston has claimed that ‘[d]irect cinema made the rock performance/tour movie into the most popular and commercially viable documentary form thus far.’ The inverse of this assessment may be closer to the mark: the rockumentary turned direct cinema into a commercially and widely available form, one which the rockumentary has at times returned to and superseded in its scopic attention to performative display.


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Ground-foraging birds of temperate woodlands of southern Australia are prominent among bird species considered to be susceptible to population decline. We examined the foraging ecology, including foraging substrates, actions and heights, of 13 ground-foraging species at four woodland sites in northern Victoria. Nine species are regarded as declining in southern Australia and four are considered common. Ten foraging substrates were identified, of which leaf-litter (54% of observations) and bare ground (17%) were most frequently used. In all woodland sites, litter was used more frequently than expected from its proportional cover. Bare ground was frequently used as a substrate by individual species, and fallen timber and grass were important for some species. Most species were generalists in their use of substrates. Six foraging actions were observed, of which gleaning and pouncing were most frequently recorded. All species foraged close to the ground and four foraged almost entirely at ground level. For pouncing birds, dead branches and fallen timber were the most important launch substrates from which pouncing actions were initiated. Eight of the 13 species differed in some aspect of their foraging ecology between woodland sites, especially in relation to the use of substrates (seven species). Fewer species (four) displayed differences in foraging ecology between seasons, with the greatest seasonal variation being in use of foraging substrates (three species). Overall, no significant differences were evident in the foraging ecologies of common and declining species. Species in both groups encompassed a wide range of foraging behaviours. Owing to this range in foraging ecology, the conservation of diverse assemblages of ground-foraging birds requires the maintenance of heterogeneous ground layers and careful management of disturbance processes.


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The successful nomination of Waverley Park to the Victorian Historic Register
proved as controversial as the stadium was during its thirty-year existence. The
nomination was accepted primarily on the grounds of the social historical value of the site, rather than its architectural or engineering qualities, but in fact a range of different social histories were in conflict during the registration process. Four of the social histories involved are outlined and their influence on the outcome assessed. Some of the implications for the evaluation of sporting heritage sites emerge therefrom (Hay, R., Lazenby, C., Lewis, N., Haig-Muir, M., Mewett, P., 2001).


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Earth Sanctuaries Ltd (ESL) intends to offer its entire asset base for sale. ESL's primary objective is to conserve Australia's biodiversity, by breeding and preserving fauna profitably by running sanctuaries, environmental consultancies and related tourist facilities. This "ailing company" is also undergoing a management restructuring and attempting cost reduction. ESL was was one of the first firms to adopt AASB 1037. The implications for the accounting profession are discussed.


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Book review of "Uncommon ground : white women in aboriginal history" by Anna Cole, Victoria Haskins, & Fiona Paisley.