134 resultados para Titanium metallurgy


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Porous Ti-Mo alloy samples with different porosities from 52% to 72% were successfully fabricated by the space-holder sintering method. The pore size of the porous Ti-Mo alloy samples were ranged from 200 to 500 μm. The plateau stress and elastic modulus of the porous Ti-Mo alloy samples increases with the decreasing of the porosity. Moreover, an apatite coating on the Ti-Mo alloy after an alkali and heat treatment was obtained through soaking into a simulated body fluid (SBF). The porous Ti-Mo alloy provides promising potential for new implant materials with new bone tissue ingrowth ability, bioactivity and mechanical properties mimicking those of natural bone.


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Highly porous titanium and titanium alloys with an open cell structure are promising implant materials due to their low elastic modulus, excellent bioactivity, biocompatibility and the ability for bone regeneration. However, the mechanical strength of the porous titanium decreases dramatically with increasing porosity, which is a prerequisite for the ingrowth of new bone tissues and vascularization. In the present study, porous titanium with porosity gradients, i.e. solid core with highly porous outer shell was successfully fabricated using a powder metallurgy approach. Satisfactory mechanical properties derived from the solid core and osseointegration capacity derived from the outer shell can be achieved simultaneously through the design of the porosity gradients of the porous titanium. The outer shell of porous titanium exhibited a porous architecture very close to
that of natural bone, i.e. a porosity of 70% and pore size distribution in the range of 200 - 500 μm. The peak stress and the elastic modulus of the porous titanium with a porosity gradient (an overall porosity 63%) under compression were approximately 152 MPa and 4 GPa, respectively. These
properties are very close to those of natural bone. For comparison, porous titanium with a uniform porosity of 63% was also prepared and haracterised in the present study. The peak stress and the elastic modulus were 109 MPa and 4 GPa, respectively. The topography of the porous titanium
affected the mechanical properties significantly.


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Various types of titanium alloys with high strength and low elastic modulus and, at the same time, vanadium and aluminium free have been developed as surgical biomaterials in recent years. Moreover, porous metals are promising hard tissue implants in orthopaedic and dentistry, where they mimic the porous structure and the low elastic modulus of natural bone. In the present study, new biocompatible Ti-based alloy foams with approximate relative densities of 0.4, in which Sn and Nb were added as alloying metals, were synthesised through powder metallurgy method.
The new alloys were prepared by mechanical alloying and subsequently sintered at high temperature using a vacuum furnace. The characteristics and the processability of the ball milled powders and the new porous titanium-based alloys were characterised by X-ray diffraction, optical
microscopy and scanning electron microscopy .The mechanical properties of the new titanium alloys were examined by Vickers microhardness measurements and compression testing.


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The microstructural evolution and characteristics of the Ti–16Sn–4Nb powder particles and bulk alloys sintered from the powders ball-milled for various periods of time were studied. Results indicated that ball milling to 8 h led to the development of a supersaturated hcp α-Ti and partial amorphous phase due to the solid solution of Sn and Nb into Ti lattice. The bulk Ti–16Sn–4Nb alloy made from the powders ball milled for a short time, up to 2 h, exhibited a primary α and a Widmanstätten structure consisting of interlaced secondary α and β. With an increase in ball milling time up to 10 h, the microstructure evolved into a fine β phase dispersed homogeneously within α phase matrix. The microhardness values of the bulk alloy in both α- and β-phases increased with the increasing of the ball milling time and reached a plateau value at 8 h and longer, i.e. 687 and 550 HV for α- and β-phases, respectively. Likewise, the microhardness of the α phases was always higher than that of the β phases in the bulk alloys made from the powders ball milled for the same milling time.


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Understanding the mechanical behaviour of pure titanium (Ti) foam is crucial for the design and development of Ti foam-based load-bearing implants. In this work, pure titanium foam is fabricated by a powder metallurgical process using the space-holder technique with a spacer size of 500 to 800 µm. Experimental data from static compression testing on the Ti foam are presented. The application of theoretical formulae to predict Young's modulus and yield strength of titanium foams is also discussed. A foam with 63% porosity, 87 ± 5 MPa yield strength, and 6.5 ± 1.3 GPa Young's modulus is found to be appropriate for a number of dental and orthopaedic applications.


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The importance of particle size in titanium (Ti) fabricated by powder metallurgy for the surface energy and its impact on the apatite formation was investigated. Four sorts of Ti powders of different mean particle size were realized through 20 min, 2 h, 5 h and 8 h of ball milling, respectively. Each sort of Ti powder was used to fabricate porous Ti and its nonporous counterparts sharing similar surface morphology, grain size and chemical composition, and then alkali-heat treatment was conducted on them. Surface energy was measured on the surfaces of the nonporous Ti counterparts due to the difficulty in measuring the porous surfaces directly. The surface energy increase on the alkali-heat-treated porous and nonporous Ti was observed due to the decrease in the particle size of the Ti powders and the presence of Ti–OH groups brought by the alkali-heat treatment. The apatite-inducing ability of the alkali-heat-treated porous and nonporous Ti with different surface energy values was evaluated in modified simulated body fluid and results indicated that there was a strong correlation between the apatite-inducing ability and the surface energy. The alkali-heat-treated porous and nonporous Ti discs prepared from the powders with an average particle size of 5.89 ± 0.76 μm possessed the highest surface energy and the best apatite-inducing ability when compared to the samples produced from the powders with the average particle size varying from 19.79 ± 0.31 to 10.25 ± 0.39 μm.


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Porous titanium with a porosity of 75% was fabricated by space-holder sintering through powder metallurgy. The effect of the alkali and heat treatment on the strength of the porous titanium was investigated. Results indicated that the alkali and heat treatment led to a significant decrease in the strength of the porous titanium, whichwas causedby the degradation due to corrosion of the struts of the porous titanium with a layer of the reaction products, grain pullout and micro-cracks.


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This work investigated the structure and properties relationship, surface modification, biocompatibility and bioactivity of a porous Ti-Nb-Zr alloy. The porous alloy exhibited inter-connected porous structure, good biocompatibility and high mechanical strength with an elastic modulus close to that of bone. Porous Ti-Nb-Zr alloys are thus promising biomaterials for hard tissue replacement.


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It is commonly accepted that titanium and the titanium alloying elements of tantalum, niobium, zirconium, molybdenum, tin, and silicon are biocompatible. However, our research in the development of new titanium alloys for biomedical applications indicated that some titanium alloys containing molybdenum, niobium, and silicon produced by powder metallurgy show a certain degree of cytotoxicity. We hypothesized that the cytotoxicity is linked to the ion release from the metals. To prove this hypothesis, we assessed the cytotoxicity of titanium and titanium alloying elements in both forms of powder and bulk, using osteoblast-like SaOS2 cells. Results indicated that the metal powders of titanium, niobium, molybdenum, and silicon are cytotoxic, and the bulk metals of silicon and molybdenum also showed cytotoxicity. Meanwhile, we established that the safe ion concentrations (below which the ion concentration is non-toxic) are 8.5, 15.5, 172.0, and 37,000.0 μg/L for molybdenum, titanium, niobium, and silicon, respectively.


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In the study, both experimental work and numerical modeling are performed to investigate the pore size effects on the mechanical properties and deformation behaviours of titanium foams. Cylindrical titanium foam samples with different pore sizes are fabricated through powder metallurgy. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is used to determine the pore size, pore distribution and the ratios of the length to width of pores. Compressive tests are carried out to determine the mechanical properties of the titanium foams with different pore sizes. Finally, finite element modeling is attempted to simulate the deformation behaviour and the mechanical properties of the titanium foams. Results indicate that titanium foams with different pore sizes have different geometrical characteristics, which lead to different deformation behaviours of cell walls during compression, resulting in different mechanical properties of titanium foams.