103 resultados para Sulawesi Masked Owl


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The ecology of most of Sulawesi’s owl species is poorly known. This note describes the roosting ecology of the Sulawesi Masked Owl (Tyto rosenbergii) and compares it with other masked owl species.


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Dietary samples from four Sooty Owl Tyto tenebricosa roost-sites within one territory in the Royal National Park, Sydney, New South Wales, were collected in December 2005. A total of 144 dietary items was identified, representing eight mammal species and at least one bird species. The samples were compared with those collected during a study 10 years earlier (in 1994-96) that included samples from the same roost-sites. Ten years later, the diet of the Sooty Owl in this territory appears little changed, except that the Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps is now taken more frequently. The Common Ringtail Possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus continued to be the principal prey species taken by the Owls at this location. The Long-nosed Bandicoot Perameles nasuta may have declined in the Sooty Owl's diet during this period, but this trend was not significant statistically. This study showed that Sooty Owl diet at a single location is relatively stable, despite the occurrence of a major disturbance to habitat caused by a severe wildfire 12 years previously.


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An enriched microsatellite library was constructed for the Powerful Owl (Aves; Strigiformes: Ninox strenua) from which 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers were characterized. Forty individuals (32 unrelated and four pairs of siblings) were genotyped to determine the application of these markers for genetic profiling. The mean observed and expected heterozygosity for unrelated individuals was 0.53 and 0.59, respectively. We demonstrate that this suite of markers is sufficient to unequivocally identify individuals and will be beneficial in assessing the population genetics and reproductive ecology of this species.


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Spatial and temporal variation in the breeding of Masked Lapwings (Vanellus miles) in Australia were examined using data from Birds Australia’s Nest Record Scheme (NRS; 1957–2002), the Atlas of Australian Birds (1998–2006), and climatic data (1952–2006). Breeding in north-western Australia was concentrated in summer, while in other regions the peak of breeding occurred during spring. Breeding success varied between regions and years but was generally highest in Tasmania. Clutch-size (mean 3.57 eggs ± 0.033 s.e., n = 549 clutches) did not vary regionally or temporally. In the north-east, breeding became earlier over time (~1.9 days per year, NRS), while in the south-east, breeding became later (~0.9 days per year); in other regions temporal trends were not evident. Only Tasmania showed a significant temporal change in breeding success (decrease of ~1.5% per year). All regions experienced warming climates, and annual rainfall increased in north-western regions and decreased in eastern regions. There were weak or no relationships between the amount or success of breeding, clutch-size and the climatic variables considered (with the possible exception of Tasmania), suggesting either that data limitations precluded us from detecting subtle effects or that Masked Lapwings have been little influenced or are resilient to changes in climate over most of their range.


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Urban expansion is a principal process threatening biodiversity globally. It is predicted that over half of the world's population will reside in urban centres by 2010. If we are to conserve biodiversity, a shift in perspective from traditional ecological studies based in natural environments, to studies based in less natural environments is paramount. To effectively conserve species which occur in urban environments, comprehensive analysis is necessary to determine the processes that are driving this urban usage. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology provides a valuable tool for efficient spatial analysis and predictive mapping of species distributions.

This study used GIS to analyze current breeding sites for the powerful owl, a vulnerable top order predator in urban Melbourne, Australia. GIS analysis suggests that a number of ecological attributes were influencing powerful owl usage of urban environments. Using these ecological attributes, predictive mapping was undertaken, which identified a number of potential breeding sites for powerful owls within urbanized Melbourne.

Urban environments are traditionally perceived as “the wastelands” of natural environments, however, this study demonstrates that they have the potential to support apex predators, an important finding for the management of rare and threatened species.


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A small sample of eastern Barn Owl Tyto javanica pellets, from native grasslands on the Patho Plains in northern Victoria in February 2007, contained the remains of 48 prey individuals: 38 Australian Plague Locusts Chortoicetes terminifera, nine house Mice Mus domesticus and one Fat-tailed dunnart Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Such a high proportion of locusts in the eastern Barn Owl's diet is noteworthy, and is discussed in the context of recent locust-spraying operations in the region.


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The diet of Powerful Owls (Ninox strenua) living at Christmas Hills, 35km north-east of Melbourne was examined by analysis of 686 regurgitated pellets collected over two years. An aid was also developed to help identify potential mammalian prey species based on hair and skeletal characteristics. The following features were found to be most useful in distinguishing between the three species of arboreal marsupials - Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), Common Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps): - Cross-sectional width of primary guard hairs. - The size and shape of the nasal, frontal, parietal and squamosal bones of the skull. - Dentition. The size and shape of the upper incisor, canine and premolar teeth. The size and shape of the lower incisor and premolar teeth. - The size of the humerus. The Sugar Glider has a much smaller humerus than that of the Common Ringtail Possum and the Common Brushtail Possum. In the Common Brushtail Possum the entepicondyle ends in a very sharp point but the Common Ringtail Possum this point is not as sharp. - The Common Ringtail Possum’s femur has a very prominent trochanter which projects further than that in the Common Brushtail Possum. The femur of the Sugar Glider is distinguished by having a very large depression between the condyle and the trochanter. - The Common Brushtail Possum’s scapula has a narrower lower blade (relative to length) than that in the Common Ringtail Possum. The scapula of the Sugar Glider is smaller in size than that of the other two possums.The pelvic girdle Of the Common Brushtail Possum has a much wider ischium than those of the Common Brushtail Possum and the Sugar Glider. The ilium of the Sugar is much narrower and smaller than that of the other two possums Mammalian prey was found in 89%, insects in 13% and birds in 10% of the pellets. Of the mammals, Common Ringtail Possums occurred most frequently in the pellets over the year. There was no seasonal difference in the frequency of occurrence of Common Ringtail Possums and Sugar Gliders in pellets. However, Common Brushtail Possums were more likely to be taken in spring than in the other seasons. More adult Common Ringtail Possums were taken as prey than were other age classes over the year, except in summer when high numbers of young were consumed by the owls. The habitat of the Powerful Owl was examined by ground surveys and spotlight surveys in sixteen sites within the Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Link. Four categories of survey sites were chosen with the following features. Category A - Sites with a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees, as well as many old trees (>10/ha) which might be suitable for nest hollows. Category B - Sites which lacked a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees and containing few or no old trees suitable for nest hollows. Category C - Sites with a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees but containing few or no old trees suitable for nest hollows. Category D - Sites which lacked a dense understorey of shrubs and small trees but having old trees (>10/ha) which might be suitable for nest hollows. High prey densities strongly correlated with the presence of hollows at these sites. In the light of the results, management recommendations were made for the future conservation of the Powerful Owls living at Christmas Hills. The following recommendations were particularly important: 1. Cleared or semi - cleared land within the Warrandyte Kinglake Nature Conservation Link be revegetated using indigenous species of eucalypts and waffles in order to provide a contiguous native forest corridor for the movement of possums and gliders between the Yarra River Valley and the Kinglake Plateau. 2. Continued planting of Eucalyptus spp. and Acacia spp. in the forested areas of the Warrandyte-Kinglake Nature Conservation Link. 3. Continued protection of healthy living trees to provide a continuous supply of hollow trees. 4. No falling of dead standing trees for firewood collecting as these can provide nest hollows for prey species of the Powerful Owl.