39 resultados para Similarity, Protein Function, Empirical Mode Decomposition


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The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method is a commonly used method for solving the problem of single channel blind source separation (SCBSS) in signal processing. However, the mixing vector of SCBSS, which is the base of the EMD method, has not yet been effectively constructed. The mixing vector reflects the weights of original signal sources that form the single channel blind signal source. In this paper, we propose a novel method to construct a mixing vector for a single channel blind signal source to approximate the actual mixing vector in terms of keeping the same ratios between signal weights. The constructed mixing vector can be used to improve signal separations. Our method incorporates the adaptive filter, least square method, EMD method and signal source samples to construct the mixing vector. Experimental tests using audio signal evaluations were conducted and the results indicated that our method can improve the similar values of sources energy ratio from 0.2644 to 0.8366. This kind of recognition is very important in weak signal detection.


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Background The past few years have seen a rapid development in novel high-throughput technologies that have created large-scale data on protein-protein interactions (PPI) across human and most model species. This data is commonly represented as networks, with nodes representing proteins and edges representing the PPIs. A fundamental challenge to bioinformatics is how to interpret this wealth of data to elucidate the interaction of patterns and the biological characteristics of the proteins. One significant purpose of this interpretation is to predict unknown protein functions. Although many approaches have been proposed in recent years, the challenge still remains how to reasonably and precisely measure the functional similarities between proteins to improve the prediction effectiveness.

Results We used a Semantic and Layered Protein Function Prediction (SLPFP) framework to more effectively predict unknown protein functions at different functional levels. The framework relies on a new protein similarity measurement and a clustering-based protein function prediction algorithm. The new protein similarity measurement incorporates the topological structure of the PPI network, as well as the protein's semantic information in terms of known protein functions at different functional layers. Experiments on real PPI datasets were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in predicting unknown protein functions.

Conclusion The proposed framework has a higher prediction accuracy compared with other similar approaches. The prediction results are stable even for a large number of proteins. Furthermore, the framework is able to predict unknown functions at different functional layers within the Munich Information Center for Protein Sequence (MIPS) hierarchical functional scheme. The experimental results demonstrated that the new protein similarity measurement reflects more reasonably and precisely relationships between proteins.


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Background: Current approaches of predicting protein functions from a protein-protein interaction (PPI) dataset are based on an assumption that the available functions of the proteins (a.k.a. annotated proteins) will determine the functions of the proteins whose functions are unknown yet at the moment (a.k.a. un-annotated proteins). Therefore, the protein function prediction is a mono-directed and one-off procedure, i.e. from annotated proteins to un-annotated proteins. However, the interactions between proteins are mutual rather than static and mono-directed, although functions of some proteins are unknown for some reasons at present. That means when we use the similarity-based approach to predict functions of un-annotated proteins, the un-annotated proteins, once their functions are predicted, will affect the similarities between proteins, which in turn will affect the prediction results. In other words, the function prediction is a dynamic and mutual procedure. This dynamic feature of protein interactions, however, was not considered in the existing prediction algorithms.

Results: In this paper, we propose a new prediction approach that predicts protein functions iteratively. This iterative approach incorporates the dynamic and mutual features of PPI interactions, as well as the local and global semantic influence of protein functions, into the prediction. To guarantee predicting functions iteratively, we propose a new protein similarity from protein functions. We adapt new evaluation metrics to evaluate the prediction quality of our algorithm and other similar algorithms. Experiments on real PPI datasets were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in predicting unknown protein functions.

The iterative approach is more likely to reflect the real biological nature between proteins when predicting functions. A proper definition of protein similarity from protein functions is the key to predicting functions iteratively. The evaluation results demonstrated that in most cases, the iterative approach outperformed non-iterative ones with higher prediction quality in terms of prediction precision, recall and F-value.


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High-throughput experimental techniques provide a wide variety of heterogeneous proteomic data sources. To exploit the information spread across multiple sources for protein function prediction, these data sources are transformed into kernels and then integrated into a composite kernel. Several methods first optimize the weights on these kernels to produce a composite kernel, and then train a classifier on the composite kernel. As such, these approaches result in an optimal composite kernel, but not necessarily in an optimal classifier. On the other hand, some approaches optimize the loss of binary classifiers and learn weights for the different kernels iteratively. For multi-class or multi-label data, these methods have to solve the problem of optimizing weights on these kernels for each of the labels, which are computationally expensive and ignore the correlation among labels. In this paper, we propose a method called Predicting Protein Function using Multiple K ernels (ProMK). ProMK iteratively optimizes the phases of learning optimal weights and reduces the empirical loss of multi-label classifier for each of the labels simultaneously. ProMK can integrate kernels selectively and downgrade the weights on noisy kernels. We investigate the performance of ProMK on several publicly available protein function prediction benchmarks and synthetic datasets. We show that the proposed approach performs better than previously proposed protein function prediction approaches that integrate multiple data sources and multi-label multiple kernel learning methods. The codes of our proposed method are available at https://sites.google.com/site/guoxian85/promk.


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Receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs) interact with and modify the behavior of the calcitonin receptor (CTR) and calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR). We have examined the contribution of the short intracellular C terminus, using constructs that delete the last eight amino acids of each RAMP. C-Terminal deletion of individual RAMPs had little effect on the signaling profile induced when complexed with CLR in COS-7 or human embryonic kidney (HEK)293 cells. Likewise, confocal microscopy revealed each of the mutant RAMPs translocated hemagglutinin-tagged CLR to the cell surface. In contrast, a pronounced effect of RAMP C-terminal truncation was seen for RAMP/CTRa complexes, studied in COS-7 cells, with significant attenuation of amylin receptor phenotype induction that was stronger for RAMP1 and -2 than RAMP3. The loss of amylin binding upon C-terminal deletion could be partially recovered with overexpression of Gαs, suggesting an impact of the RAMP C terminus on coupling of G proteins to the receptor complex. In HEK293 cells the c-Myc-RAMP1 C-terminal deletion mutant showed high receptor-independent cell surface expression; however, this construct showed low cell surface expression when expressed alone in COS-7 cells, indicating interaction of RAMPs with other cellular components via the C terminus. This mutant also had reduced cell surface expression when coexpressed with CTR. Thus, this study reveals important functionality of the RAMP C-terminal domain and identifies key differences in the role of the RAMP C terminus for CTR versus CLR-based receptors.


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The availability of large amounts of protein-protein interaction (PPI) data makes it feasible to use computational approaches to predict protein functions. The base of existing computational approaches is to exploit the known function information of annotated proteins in the PPI data to predict functions of un-annotated proteins. However, these approaches consider the prediction domain (i.e. the set of proteins from which the functions are predicted) as unchangeable during the prediction procedure. This may lead to valuable information being overwhelmed by the unavoidable noise information in the PPI data when predicting protein functions, and in turn, the prediction results will be distorted. In this paper, we propose a novel method to dynamically predict protein functions from the PPI data. Our method regards the function prediction as a dynamic process of finding a suitable prediction domain, from which representative functions of the domain are selected to predict functions of un-annotated proteins. Our method exploits the topological structural information of a PPI network and the semantic relationship between protein functions to measure the relationship between proteins, dynamically select a suitable prediction domain and predict functions. The evaluation on real PPI datasets demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method, and generated better prediction results.


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In recent years, significant effort has been given to predicting protein functions from protein interaction data generated from high throughput techniques. However, predicting protein functions correctly and reliably still remains a challenge. Recently, many computational methods have been proposed for predicting protein functions. Among these methods, clustering based methods are the most promising. The existing methods, however, mainly focus on protein relationship modeling and the prediction algorithms that statically predict functions from the clusters that are related to the unannotated proteins. In fact, the clustering itself is a dynamic process and the function prediction should take this dynamic feature of clustering into consideration. Unfortunately, this dynamic feature of clustering is ignored in the existing prediction methods. In this paper, we propose an innovative progressive clustering based prediction method to trace the functions of relevant annotated proteins across all clusters that are generated through the progressive clustering of proteins. A set of prediction criteria is proposed to predict functions of unannotated proteins from all relevant clusters and traced functions. The method was evaluated on real protein interaction datasets and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with representative existing methods.


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This research has expanded the knowledge in Bioinformatics and Data mining. It makes an influential contribution to the future research in this area.


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This paper proposes a novel hierarchical data fusion technique for the non-destructive testing (NDT) and condition assessment of timber utility poles. The new method analyzes stress wave data from multisensor and multiexcitation guided wave testing using a hierarchical data fusion model consisting of feature extraction, data compression, pattern recognition, and decision fusion algorithms. The researchers validate the proposed technique using guided wave tests of a sample of in situ timber poles. The actual health states of these poles are known from autopsies conducted after the testing, forming a ground-truth for supervised classification. In the proposed method, a data fusion level extracts the main features from the sampled stress wave signals using power spectrum density (PSD) estimation, wavelet packet transform (WPT), and empirical mode decomposition (EMD). These features are then compiled to a feature vector via real-number encoding and sent to the next level for further processing. Principal component analysis (PCA) is also adopted for feature compression and to minimize information redundancy and noise interference. In the feature fusion level, two classifiers based on support vector machine (SVM) are applied to sensor separated data of the two excitation types and the pole condition is identified. In the decision making fusion level, the Dempster–Shafer (D-S) evidence theory is employed to integrate the results from the individual sensors obtaining a final decision. The results of the in situ timber pole testing show that the proposed hierarchical data fusion model was able to distinguish between healthy and faulty poles, demonstrating the effectiveness of the new method.


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Predicting protein functions computationally from massive proteinprotein interaction (PPI) data generated by high-throughput technology is one of the challenges and fundamental problems in the post-genomic era. Although there have been many approaches developed for computationally predicting protein functions, the mutual correlations among proteins in terms of protein functions have not been thoroughly investigated and incorporated into existing prediction methods, especially in voting based prediction methods. In this paper, we propose an innovative method to predict protein functions from PPI data by aggregating the functional correlations among relevant proteins using the Choquet-Integral in fuzzy theory. This functional aggregation measures the real impact of each relevant protein function on the final prediction results, and reduces the impact of repeated functional information on the prediction. Accordingly, a new protein similarity and a new iterative prediction algorithm are proposed in this paper. The experimental evaluations on real PPI datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.


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Current similarity-based approaches of predicting protein functions from protein-protein interaction (PPI) data usually make use of available information in the PPI network to predict functions of un-annotated proteins, and the prediction is a one-off procedure. However the interactions between proteins are more likely to be mutual rather than static and mono-directed. In other words, the un-annotated proteins, once their functions are predicted, will in turn affect the similarities between proteins. In this paper, we propose an innovative iteration algorithm that incorporates this dynamic feature of protein interaction into the protein function prediction, aiming to achieve higher prediction accuracies and get more reasonable results. With our algorithm, instead of one-off function predictions, functions are assigned to an unannotated protein iteratively until the functional similarities between proteins achieve a stable state. The experimental results show that our iterative method can provide better prediction results than one-off prediction methods with higher prediction accuracies, and is stable for large protein datasets.


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Predicting functions of un-annotated proteins is a significant challenge in the post-genomics era. Among existing computational approaches, exploiting interactions between proteins to predict functions of un-annotated proteins is widely used. However, it remains difficult to extract semantic associations between proteins (i.e. protein associations in terms of protein functionality) from protein interactions and incorporate extracted semantic associations to more effectively predict protein functions. Furthermore, existing approaches and algorithms regard the function prediction as a one-off procedure, ignoring dynamic and mutual associations between proteins. Therefore, deriving and exploiting semantic associations between proteins to dynamically predict functions are a promising and challenging approach for achieving better prediction results. In this paper, we propose an innovative algorithm to incorporate semantic associations between proteins into a dynamic procedure of protein function prediction. The semantic association between two proteins is measured by the semantic similarity of two proteins which is defined by the similarities of functions two proteins possess. To achieve better prediction results, function similarities are also incorporated into the prediction procedure. The algorithm dynamically predicts functions by iteratively selecting functions for the un-annotated protein and updating the similarities between the un-annotated protein and its neighbour annotated proteins until such suitable functions are selected that the similarities no longer change. The experimental results on real protein interaction datasets demonstrated that our method outperformed the similar and non-dynamic function prediction methods. Incorporating semantic associations between proteins into a dynamic procedure of function prediction reflects intrinsic relationships among proteins as well as dynamic features of protein interactions, and therefore, can significantly improve prediction results.


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Disulfides are conventionally viewed as structurally stabilizing elements in proteins but emerging evidence suggests two disulfide subproteomes exist. One group mediates the well known role of structural stabilization. A second redox-active group are best known for their catalytic functions but are increasingly being recognized for their roles in regulation of protein function. Redox-active disulfides are, by their very nature, more susceptible to reduction than structural disulfides; and conversely, the Cys pairs that form them are more susceptible to oxidation. In this study, we searched for potentially redox-active Cys Pairs by scanning the Protein Data Bank for structures of proteins in alternate redox states. The PDB contains over 1134 unique redox pairs of proteins, many of which exhibit conformational differences between alternate redox states. Several classes of structural changes were observed, proteins that exhibit: disulfide oxidation following expulsion of metals such as zinc; major reorganisation of the polypeptide backbone in association with disulfide redox-activity; order/disorder transitions; and changes in quaternary structure. Based on evidence gathered supporting disulfide redox activity, we propose disulfides present in alternate redox states are likely to have physiologically relevant redox activity.