127 resultados para Seminar course


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The microstructures and textures of coarse grained cold rolled, partially recrystallized and fully recrystallized low carbon and interstitial free steel were examined by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The recrystallization textures of the two grades are markedly different, with the low carbon steel having a predominantly Goss {11O}<OOl> texture and the interstitial free steel having a <1ll>/1ND texture with a strong {III }<112> component. One possible explanation for the texture difference is that less severe localization of flow during deformation of interstitial free steels causes less Goss nuclei to be generated. While some support for this view is provided by the results presented in this paper, the results suggest that another mechanism may be at least partially responsible. Examination of micro
shear bands on the surface of pre-polished samples showed that a higher proportion of micro shear bands remained active at high rolling reductions in the low carbon steel, compared with the interstitial free grade. Regions of Goss orientation within bands that have ceased to operate rotate to
near-{ III }<112> orientations with further deformation. Consequently, the recrystallization texture of coarse grained interstitial free steels can be rationalized by a reduction in the availability of Goss nuclei and an increase in the availability of {Ill }<112> nuclei due to a "Goss to {Ill }<112>" rotation within micro shear bands that have ceased to operate.


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This study investigates perceptions of the work of accountant:! held by first-year accounting students as part of a national survey of accounting students. First-year commerce students from five tertiary institutions were surveyed about their perceptions of the accounting profession as well as their intention to complete a major study of accounting at tertiary level. lnfluences on the formation of their perceptions formed an important part of the study. The results reported in this paper serve to illustrate that the majority of students surveyed had negative perceptions of accounting. The source of influences on perceptions indicated that perceptions were mainly derived from tertiary education experiences. As perceptions influence choice of major and career choice, the findings have important implications for accounting educators and professional accounting bodies


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This study explores issues in teacher education that increase our understanding of, and response to, the individual differences displayed by learners. A large undergraduate teacher education cohort provided evidence of the range and distribution of preferences in learning styles, psychological types and multiple intelligences. This information revealed that distributions of scores on the Kolb Learning Style Inventory, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and the Multiple Intelligences Checklist for Adults provide evidence about the scope and range of differences between four teacher subject specialisms. This rich information about those participating in teacher education courses provides some guidance for educating those with their own clear preferences to the range of different preferences expressed by many other learners and highlights the existence of four sets of major differences in approaches to teaching and learning in prospective teachers.


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In 2004, the Victorian Government enacted legislation allowing people treated for transsexualism to correct the record of their sex on the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages and obtain a new certificate reflecting their contemporaneous circumstances. It was the last of all the States and Territories to do so.

The legislation gave effect to some important changes to the law and was generally couched in terms more sensitive than those already in place in the other jurisdictions. In the view of the author, however, its proponents failed to both understand the import of the expert medical evidence adduced in, and to implement the common law position enunciated by, the Family Court in Re Kevin (validity of marriage of transsexual) [2001] FamCA 1074 and subsequently confirmed on appeal two years later by the Full Court.

The author argues that, while a welcome improvement to the human rights record of successive Victorian Governments, the result is still a largely disappointing piece of legislation. Rather than being truly 'beneficial' to all who need security of their personal identities, it perpetuates some of the very worst discrimination directed at people with transsexualism and their families by continuing to portray them as psychologically deluded rather than physiologically atypical and denying a small number of them their rights on the basis of legal reasoning which is no longer regarded as tenable. She asserts the legislation serves as a clear demonstration that prejudices and misconceptions about transsexualism stilI abound and explains much more is needed if real human rights, acceptance and freedom from discrimination are to be eventually obtained by those affected by the phenomenon.


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Issue addressed: This paper reports on impact evaluation of a series of five-day Short Courses in Health Promotion that have been delivered to more than 2,000 people since 2002 as part of a statewide workforce development strategy.

Methods: A triangulated mixed methods research design was selected for the evaluation. Data were collected through a mail survey, key informant interviews, focus groups and organisational case studies. Stakeholder and participant involvement were central to the evaluation.

Organisational change emerged as a key theme. Impacts of the short course were felt in relation to health promotion practice and on organisational capacity to conduct health promotion, while the development of confidence and skills of participants to engage in collaborative opportunities was a not unexpected, but important, benefit of the course.

Conclusions: A short course is effective if attention is given to quality delivery, adult learning methods, participant involvement, appropriate targeting, good planning, and adequate funding. However, respondents commonly report the need for organisational change in order for health promotion practice to be embedded into organisations and for practitioners to be supported in their efforts to re-orient services towards health promotion.


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The Faculty of Business and Law at Deakin University (Victoria, Australia) decided to dispense of all printed post-graduate learning materials and replace them with CD-ROMs from the commencement of the 2006 academic year. In addition, CD-ROMs were developed for a limited
number of undergraduate units as part of a future delivery plan for this cohort of students. The following paper describes this project, the reasons underpinning it, and the processes the Faculty adopted to implement the project. The project is ongoing and part of a broader agenda for change
that will see an even greater application of electronic technology to teaching and learning within the Faculty. Although only initial findings and observations are possible at this stage, the project provides a basis for longitudinal reporting and, potentially, a guide for other institutions who may
be considering such a move. The paper reports on these observations and on those in the educational development arena and suggests that the Faculty will need to learn from these initial experiences and evaluate the project in greater depth to guarantee a smooth transition for all stakeholders.


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The consensus from studies of the price-demand relationship for higher education is that this relationship is negative but small. This paper investigates the circumstances in which demand for an MBA is positive to price increases. A survey of currently enrolled MBA students, and prospective MBA students, found that most students displayed the expected price elasticity in a conjoint analysis of hypothetical MBA course ratings. However, 12 per cent of respondents exhibited “reversal” behaviour regarding price. Profiling these respondents using discriminant analysis suggested that “reversals” seemed prepared to pay more for a course at a high prestige university, if they could study off-campus using print-based materials.


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Universities are moving towards an environment of online teaching and learning. This is impacting the revision of degree programmes. A multimedia design course was revised to reflect and improve the design process inherent within multimedia production. The course was analyzed and revised using a critical reflection process. The outcome of the evaluation indicated that students were more satisfied but they had not grasped some of the fundamental concepts of design, and further revision of the course was needed for delivering materials and teaching in an online environment. The recommendation from the teaching team was to explore the range of research methods to formally revise the course again for future improvements to teaching practice and effective learning.


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Educational research suggests that Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a pedagogy that fosters a deeper understanding of the curriculum and provides students with processes and skills for lifelong learning. According to the literature this pedagogy appears to be a suitable one for teaching undergraduate information technology, yet adoption of PBL in information technology tertiary education appears to be slow. This paper discusses characteristics and processes of PBL and describes how the approach will be used in teaching information technology professional practice. The course described will be offered to information technology students in their final year of study and will be delivered wholly online. The course will not only provide best practice aspects of PBL but it will also provide students with the opportunity of undertaking authentic tasks using multimedia resources that simulate the real world.


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Standards for teaching emphasise the need for teachers to have deep content knowledge. To assess the mathematical knowledge of students enrolling in its B.Ed. program, the University of New England has introduced a mathematics diagnostic test. This work is the first stage of an ongoing research project into the numeracy needs of students entering the B.Ed. program. The test is a pen-andpaper test that replaces previous on-line, multiple-choice tests. This paper reports on the test results, discusses some common errors made by students and outlines the future direction of the research.


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Teaching online involves providing an environment that is interactive and engaging. A large part of this is providing suitable learning resources. In this talk we will demonstrate an efficient method for producing conceptual maps of the actual course content, showing the structure of the subject for students in a visual way. The structures that result allows for learning resources to be linked in as required. The maps are developed using PowerPoint but they can be deployed in a web-friendly format or on CD-ROM.


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Objective: To investigate whether attending a six-week stress management course in a rural adult education centre is effective in reducing participants' levels of stress, anxiety and depression.

Design: Repeated measures design using self-report measures of stress, anxiety and depression at commencement and completion of a six-week stress management course, and six months post-completion follow up.

Setting and participants
: One hundred and thirty-two adults (age range 18–73 years) living in a rural community who self-enrolled in the stress management course at adult education centres.

Intervention: The course consisted of six weekly group sessions. Each two-hour session conducted by mental health professionals, included teaching cognitive behavioural strategies targeted at reducing individual symptoms of stress.

Main outcome measures
: Comparative analysis of pre- and post-test and six-month follow up on measures of stress (Stress Symptom Checklist), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale).

: Results indicated a significant reduction in stress symptoms (F(7,90) = 34.92, P < 0.001), anxiety and depression (F(3,95) = 87.92, P < 0.001) from course commencement to course completion. These improvements were sustained six months after course completion for stress symptoms (F(11,65) = 22.40, P < 0.001), anxiety and depression (F(5,73) = 41.78, P < 0.001).

Conclusion: Findings demonstrate the stress management course is an effective community intervention in a rural community. Challenges for future implementation of the program are discussed.


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The aim of this paper is to assess and reflect on, through the perspectives of Australian Quality practitioners, the current status of quality management; whether there had been any significant and recent shift in their roles and responsibilities; and if there had been any improvement in the extent to which their development and training needs were being fulfilled. This paper sets out to identify the roles, responsibilities, and training and development needs of Australian quality managers and what impact these may be having on the current 'quality agenda' of organisations in Australia. In light of these findings this paper focuses on the HR people aspects of QM implementation (e.g. development of a quality culture; learning, training and development; leadership and management commitment and support) and the significance of these aspects for sustainable QM implementation. Recent literature On QM implementation and the findings of three previously conducted surveys (Waddell 1998; Waddell and Mallen 2001; and Stewart and Waddell 2003) have been integrated with the findings of this research.