17 resultados para Richardson, Maynard Davis, 1812-1832.


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There is expanding interest in the culture of the Australian shortfin eel Anguilla australis Richardson; however, there is a lack of fundamental biology and husbandry information necessary to further develop an industry within Australia. The present study was undertaken to gain a preliminary understanding of basic husbandry requirements for rearing of juvenile A. australis (glass eels and elvers) in tanks and earthen ponds. Newly caught glass eels were successfully acclimated to culture conditions. During tank culture trials, specific growth rates (SGR) and survival rates ranged from −2.1 to 2.8% day−1 and 52% to 100% respectively. Glass eels weaned onto a commercial eel diet exhibited a significantly greater SGR and survival rate than those weaned onto a commercial trout diet. Glass eels weaned onto an eel diet over a 15-day period grew slightly faster than eels weaned over a 5-day period, but survival rates were not significantly different for each treatment. SGRs (up to 2.8% day−1) were significantly higher for glass eels fed at 9 and 12% day−1 than at 6% day−1. Stocking densities between 2.5 kg m−3 and 30 kg m−3 did not influence either SGR or survival rates. SGRs were significantly higher for glass eels cultured at 25 °C than at lower temperatures. During pond culture trials, SGRs and survival rates ranged from 1.36 to 1.65% day−1 and 39% to 77% respectively. The SGR and survival rates of juvenile eels stocked into ponds receiving supplementary feeding with a commercial eel diet were not significantly different to those of eels stocked into ponds that did not receive supplementary feeding.


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During the summer 2009/10, an environmental impact assessment of the sewage outfall was conducted at Davis Station, East Antarctica. An investigation of the nature and extent of impacts to the marine environment associated with current sewage treatment and effluent discharge practices included ecological surveys of macrobiological communities, physico-chemical analysis of sediments and receiving waters, microbiological analysis, and histopathological analysis of fish. Ecotoxicological testing using local invertebrates to determine effluent toxicity was interpreted alongside dispersal modelling data of the discharge plume to determine the potential extent of impacts and inform recommendations on the level of treatment and dilution of sewage required to minimise impacts. No evidence of impacts was detected on soft sediment infaunal or epifaunal communities, and only low levels of contamination and accumulation were found in sediments and waters in the immediate vicinity of the outfall and in the direction of primary current flow. In contrast, sterol biomarkers and faecal coliforms (E. coli) were detected in sediments collected adjacent to the outfall and in most water column samples. Marine invertebrates (Abatus and Laternula) also tested positive for E. coli and antibiotic resistance mechanisms were present in Laternula indicating the introduction and dispersal through the water column of foreign microbes and bacteria associated with human effluent. Fish (Trematomus bernacchii) close to the outfall showed significant histological alterations in all major tissues (liver, gill, gonad, muscle) resulting from exposure to sewage. Effluent was toxic to amphipods (Paramoera walkeri) and microgastropods (Skenella paludionoides), with reduced survival in concentrations as low as 3.125% over a 21d exposure period. Acute effects were also observed in both species following 24h exposure, with 100% mortality at the highest effluent concentrations tested (68%). The application of these results to support and guide decisions regarding the planned installation of new sewage treatment facilities at Davis will be discussed.


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During the summer season 2009/10, a comprehensive environmental impact assessment of the sewage discharge was conducted at Davis Station in the Vestfold Hills region of East Antarctica. As part of this project, a survey of the histology of liver, gill, gonad and muscle tissues in the Antarctic rock cod Trematomus bernacchii from nearshore sites in the receiving environment close to Davis Station in was completed. Fish from 4 sites were examined; 1 site adjacent to the Davis Station sewage outfall (within 500 m of the point of discharge), 2 sites approximately 2 km from the outfall (Anchorage Island and Antennae farm), and 1 site approximately 10 km away from the outfall and adjacent to an Adelie penguin population (Kazak Island). All fish sampled from the sewage outfall site exhibited significant histological alterations in all major tissues. Fish from the other 3 sites showed some alterations in either gill and/or liver tissues. Pathological abnormalities present in all fish collected near the sewage outfall included: extensive multifocal cysts of unknown etiology with necrotic liquification; multifocal granuloma with associated inflammation; coagulative necrosis in the liver; and lamellar hyperplasia with associated proliferation and lamella fusion of the gills. Results of this work form part of a weight of evidence approach alongside ecological monitoring, chemical analysis, ecotoxicological testing and dispersal modelling of the discharge plume which is being used to inform and direct upgrades to the Australian Antarctic Divisions operations and current sewage discharge practises at Davis Station.


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A review of a series of articles exploring the role of online networked mobile devices, such as the iPhone, in changing communication, with multidisciplinary relevance. The articles examine the smartphone as a cultural object, a platform for specific uses as a multi-purpose input device and its evolution from a personal communication device to a multimedia tool with implications for politics and social change.


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During the 2009/2010 summer, a comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the wastewater discharge at Davis Station, East Antarctica was completed. As part of this, histological alteration of gill and liver tissue in Antarctic Rock-cod (Trematomus bernacchii) from four sites along a spatial gradient from the wastewater outfall were assessed. All fish within 800 m of the outfall exhibited significant histological changes in both tissues. Common pathologies observed in fish closest to the outfall include proliferation of epithelial cells with associated secondary lamellar fusion in the gills and multifocal granulomata with inflammation and necrosis as well as cysts in the liver. Fish from sites >800 m from the outfall also exhibited alterations but to a lesser degree, with prevalence and severity decreasing with increasing distance from the outfall. This study highlights the value of histopathological investigations as part of EIAs and provides the first evidence of sub-lethal alteration associated with wastewater discharge in East Antarctica.


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Stable isotope ratios, δ15N and δ13C were effectively used to determine the geographical dispersion of human derived sewage from Davis Station, East Antarctica, using Antarctic rock cod (Trematomus bernacchii). Fish within 0-4km downstream of the outfall exhibited higher δ15N and δ13C values relative to reference sites. Nitrogen in particular showed a stepped decrease in δ15N with increasing distance from the discharge point by 1-2‰. Stable isotopes were better able to detect the extent of wastewater contamination than other techniques including faecal coliform and sterol measures. Uptake and assimilation of δ15N and δ13C up to 4km from the outfall adds to growing evidence indicating the current level of wastewater treatment at Davis Station is not sufficient to avoid impact to the surrounding environment. Isotopic assimilation in T. bernacchii is a viable biomarker for investigation of initial sewage exposure and longer term monitoring in the future.