135 resultados para Practice Guidelines as Topic


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Care Plan On-Line (CPOL) is an intranet based system that supports a “Coordinated Care” model for chronic/complex disease management. CPOL combines provision of solicited and unsolicited advice features based on integration of the electronic medical record (EMR) with its decision support logic. The objective is to support General Practitioners (GPs) in formulating a 12-month care plan of services such that: (a) the plan is proactive and patient-centered; (b) the GP is kept in awareness of project- and diseasespecific clinical practice guidelines; and (c) the support integrates with GP workflow in a natural fashion. A key feature of our approach is to blur the distinction of EMR and decision support by presenting guidelines in layers with the top-most being a problem-oriented presentation of patient status, progressing on through to patient-independent supporting evidence. In conjunction with a degree of automated inclusion of care planning services, the system demonstrates mixed user and software initiative. We describe the CPOL deployment setting, the challenges of guideline-based clinical decision support, our approach to guideline delivery, and the CPOL architecture.


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 A teaching hospital is working with the Victorian State Government and universities, integrating cost-effectiveness evidence into clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), protocols and pathways for respiratory and cardiology interventions. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) findings are reported. Results will stimulate cost-effective practice and inform medical associations, federal and state governments and international organisations developing CPGs. Published CPGs by the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Foundation for AMI in 1999 are reviewed by a large interdis- ciplinary hospital-based committee given cost-effectiveness evidence. Levels of evi- dence criteria rating on methodological rigor for effectiveness and costs are applied. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grades of recommendation criteria for combinations of relative effectiveness versus relative costs and cut-off points are used. Extrapolating results between countries was addressed by applying the OECD's health purchasing power parity series. Recommendations for revisions to United States guidelines and for local application are formulated. United States Guide- lines require updating: Regarding angioplasty, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is cost-effective for men aged 60 years relative to recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (tPA),with additional cost per life year saved of 274 ecu. PTCA with discharge after 3 days is cost-effective in low-risk AMI. Regarding GP llb/Illa drugs, Abciximab during intervention incurred equal mean hospital costs for placebabciximab bolus, and abciximab bolus+ infusion with incremental 6-month cost for the latter treatment costing US$ 293 per patient. Agent recouped almost all initial therapy costs with significant benefits. Incre- mental cost of abciximab per event prevent- ed is US$ 3,258.Tirofiban was compared to placebo after high-risk angioplasty for AMI or unstable angina.Tirofiban decreased the rate of hospital deaths, myocardial infarc- tion, revascularisation at 2 days by 36% relative to placebo (8% vs. 12%) without increased cost. Clinical benefits were similar at 30 days.Tirofiban+heparin+aspirin was compared to heparin+aspirin.Tirofiban arm resulted in net savings of 33,418 ecu per 100 patients for the first 7 days of treatment. Regarding thrombolytics,tPA is more cost- effective than streptokinase. Incremental costs for each life saved when streptokinase is substituted by recombinant tissue plasmi- nogen are 31%,45%, 97% higher in Germa- ny, Italy and the United States than in the United Kingdom. Regarding anticoagulants, enoxaparin is a promising alternative to unfractionated heparin for hospitalised patients with non-Q-wave myocardiai infarc- tion or unstable angina, saving C$ 1,485 per patient over 12 months with 10% reduction in 1 year risk of death, myocardial infarction or recurrent angina. Regarding anti- arrhymics, the cost-effectiveness of no amiodarone, amiodarone for patients with depressed heart rate variability (DHRV),and amiodarone for patients with DHRV plus positive programmed ventricular stimula- tion (PPVS) for high-risk post-AMI was investigated. Amiodarone for DHRV+PPVS patients was dominated by a blend of the two alternatives. Compared to no amioda- rone, the incremental cost-effectiveness of amiodarone for DHRV patients was US$ 39,422 per quality adjusted life year gained. Amiodarone for DHRV is the most appropriate. Other CPG updates concern serum markers, for example, cardiac troponin I assay (c-Tnl), cost advantages of ad hoc angioplasty and secondary prevention through antioxidants and pravastatin. Australian costs are reported later in the paper.


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Previously, we indicated that we wanted to address the dialogue pertaining to education and teaching approaches to increase the use of specific types of evidence that exist to guide and inform practice, and began this by focusing on Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG). This column builds on that knowledge to highlight how educators can use CPGs in practice and change situations whilst also raising awareness of the limitations of these tools in terms of their impact on practice.


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Background : On a global level, there is a growing trend to utilise mental health triage service systems as a way of providing consumers with access to 24 hour mental health care. At present, violence risk assessment in mental health triage lacks a suitable evidence base and clear guidelines. This presentation provides an overview of a Clinical Practice Guideline for violence risk assessment at point of entry to health services.
Aims : The objective of this study was to develop Clinical Practice Guidelines for violence risk assessment in mental health triage, and to pilot test the Clinical Guidelines in two major hospitals in Melbourne.
Method : The method employed in the study was a systematic review, as per the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council’s methodology for developing Clinical Guidelines. Research was conducted at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Alfred Hospital to establish the utility of the Guideline in practice.
Results : The systematic review established the highest level of evidence for violence risk assessment. Clinical Practice Guidelines for mental health triage were developed from these findings.
Conclusions : Evidence based Clinical Guidelines maximise the potential for creating safer outcomes for consumers, families/carers, and health care workers.


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This research examined the global difficulties of investigative interviewers in adhering to best-practice guidelines (i.e. open-ended questions) when interviewing children about abuse. It demonstrated that the importance of, and rationale for, using open-ended questions is not well understood by investigative interviewers, nor are they adequately reinforced with police organisations.


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Background: Underpinning the Department of Human Services (DHS) “Future directions for Victoria’s maternity services” strategy in Victoria, are the principles of achieving the right balance between primary level care and access to appropriate levels of medical care by making the best use of the complementary skills of midwives, GPs and obstetricians. Planning new models of care have exposed a need to upskill many clinicians in providing evidence based pregnancy care. A statewide education program conducts 1 day workshops to multidisciplinary forums in Victoria. The program content is developed with each service and simulation activities are incorporated in the workshop to provide a realistic environment for practising skills related to the implementation of clinical practice guidelines.

Post workshop surveys are completed anonymously by participants using a five point Likert scale to evaluate their experiences in peer learning, the use of simulation, reflective practice and communication skills training. Open ended responses were analysed thematically.

Results: In 2007, 14 workshops were conducted with 254 clinicians attending. The survey response rate was 80%. Participants responded ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ that the workshop: enhanced their ability to access current pregnancy care research and information 193/ 204(95%), challenged them to think more broadly 192/204(94%), provided an opportunity to reflect on their communication skills during the simulation actives 197/201 (96%) and provided a valuable opportunity for observing the communication skills of their peers 197/ 201(98%).

Conclusion: Providing opportunities for peer learning in pregnancy education is valuable and the use of simulation can play an important role in overcoming barriers to implementing guidelines.


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Aim : To develop clinical practice guidelines for nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.

Background : Numerous studies have reported that nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia is safe. However, the broad scope of existing guidelines for the administration and monitoring of patients who receive sedation during medical procedures without an anaesthetist present means there is a lack of specific guidance regarding optimal nursing practices for the unique circumstances where nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia is used in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.

Methods : A sequential mixed methods design was used. Initial recommendations were produced from three studies conducted by the authors: an integrative review; a qualitative study; and a cross-sectional survey. The recommendations were revised according to responses from a modified Delphi study. The first Delphi round was completed by nine senior cardiac catheterization laboratory nurses. All but one of the draft recommendations met the predetermined cut-off point for inclusion with 59 responses to the second round. Consensus was reached on all recommendations.

Implications for nursing : The guidelines that were derived from the Delphi study offer 24 recommendations within six domains of nursing practice: Pre-procedural assessment; Pre-procedural patient and family education; Pre-procedural patient comfort; Intra-procedural patient comfort; Intra-procedural patient assessment and monitoring; and Postprocedural patient assessment and monitoring.

Conclusion : These guidelines provide an important foundation towards the delivery of safe, consistent and evidence-based nursing care for the many patients who receive sedation in the cardiac catheterization laboratory setting.


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© 2015 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. Objectives: To provide guidance for the management of mood disorders, based on scientific evidence supplemented by expert clinical consensus and formulate recommendations to maximise clinical salience and utility. Methods: Articles and information sourced from search engines including PubMed and EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Google Scholar were supplemented by literature known to the mood disorders committee (MDC) (e.g., books, book chapters and government reports) and from published depression and bipolar disorder guidelines. Information was reviewed and discussed by members of the MDC and findings were then formulated into consensus-based recommendations and clinical guidance. The guidelines were subjected to rigorous successive consultation and external review involving: expert and clinical advisors, the public, key stakeholders, professional bodies and specialist groups with interest in mood disorders. Results: The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders (Mood Disorders CPG) provide up-to-date guidance and advice regarding the management of mood disorders that is informed by evidence and clinical experience. The Mood Disorders CPG is intended for clinical use by psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians and others with an interest in mental health care. Conclusions: The Mood Disorder CPG is the first Clinical Practice Guideline to address both depressive and bipolar disorders. It provides up-to-date recommendations and guidance within an evidence-based framework, supplemented by expert clinical consensus. Mood Disorders Committee: Professor Gin Malhi (Chair), Professor Darryl Bassett, Professor Philip Boyce, Professor Richard Bryant, Professor Paul Fitzgerald, Dr Kristina Fritz, Professor Malcolm Hopwood, Dr Bill Lyndon, Professor Roger Mulder, Professor Greg Murray, Professor Richard Porter and Associate Professor Ajeet Singh. International expert advisors: Professor Carlo Altamura, Dr Francesco Colom, Professor Mark George, Professor Guy Goodwin, Professor Roger McIntyre, Dr Roger Ng, Professor John O'Brien, Professor Harold Sackeim, Professor Jan Scott, Dr Nobuhiro Sugiyama, Professor Eduard Vieta, Professor Lakshmi Yatham. Australian and New Zealand expert advisors: Professor Marie-Paule Austin, Professor Michael Berk, Dr Yulisha Byrow, Professor Helen Christensen, Dr Nick De Felice, A/Professor Seetal Dodd, A/Professor Megan Galbally, Dr Josh Geffen, Professor Philip Hazell, A/Professor David Horgan, A/Professor Felice Jacka, Professor Gordon Johnson, Professor Anthony Jorm, Dr Jon-Paul Khoo, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Dr Cameron Lacey, Dr Noeline Latt, Professor Florence Levy, A/Professor Andrew Lewis, Professor Colleen Loo, Dr Thomas Mayze, Dr Linton Meagher, Professor Philip Mitchell, Professor Daniel O'Connor, Dr Nick O'Connor, Dr Tim Outhred, Dr Mark Rowe, Dr Narelle Shadbolt, Dr Martien Snellen, Professor John Tiller, Dr Bill Watkins, Dr Raymond Wu.