31 resultados para Polymerase chain reaction


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Annual ryegrass toxicity (ARGT) is responsible for significant stock losses in South Australia and Western Australia. The toxicity is caused by corynetoxins produced by the bacterium Rathayibacter toxicus (with the possible involvement of a bacteriophage), which infects annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays, compatible with an existing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the corynetoxins, have been developed and used to screen L. rigidum for both the presence of R. toxicus and for the bacteriophage isolate NCPPB 3778. The results from analysing bacterially infected galls from toxic grain screenings showed a positive correlation between the presence of the bacterium and corynetoxins but not with the bacteriophage. Analysis of pasture-derived samples of annual ryegrass showed about a 50% correlation of corynetoxins with bacterial presence and about a 5% correlation of phage with the presence of the bacterium. These observations support the potential application of the PCR-based assays in providing a useful, complementary tool in the assessment of the likelihood of pasture and feed to cause ARGT and to enable a better understanding of the complex aetiology of ARGT.


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The first continuous flow micro PCR introduced in 1998 has attracted considerable attention for the past several years because of its ability to amplify DNA at much faster rate than the conventional PCR and micro chamber PCR method. The amplification is obtained by moving the sample through 3 different fixed temperature zones. In this paper, the thermal behavior of a continuous flow PCR chip is studied using commercially available finite element software. We study the temperature uniformity and temperature gradient on the chip’s top surface, the cover plate and the interface of the two layers. The material for the chip body and cover plate is glass. The duration for the PCR chip to achieve equilibrium temperature is also studied.


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Novel and low cost PCR devices were developed to perform rapid polymerase chain reaction based diagnostics for infectious diseases. The main advantages of using these devices are that it can perform multi sample and also multiplexing of DNA samples woth low sample volume compared to the conventional PCR devices.


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Conventional assessments of water quality are based on the determination of bacterial indicator numbers. The detection of an indicator organism only provides presumptive evidence of the presence of harmful organisms By using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to monitor water quality, indicators and pathogenic organisms can be specifically detected with a high sensitivity. The research illustrates the importance of optimisation and the maintenance of reaction efficiency in the accuracy and precision of the PCR.


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Malaysian patent application number PCT/MY2008/000190 Australian application number : 2009203047


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Multiple sample DNA amplification was done by using a novel rotary-linear motion polymerase chain reaction (PCR) device. A simple compact disc was used to create the stationary sample chambers which are individually temperature controlled. The PCR was performed by shuttling the samples to different temperature zones by using a combined rotary-linear movement of the disc. The device was successfully used to amplify up to 12 samples in less than 30 min with a sample volume of 5 μl. A simple spring loaded heater mechanism was introduced to enable good thermal contact between the samples and the heaters. Each of the heater temperatures are controlled by using a simple proportional–integral–derivative pulse width modulation control system. The results show a good improvement in the amplification rate and duration of the samples. The reagent volume used was reduced to nearly 25% of that used in conventional method.


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Two leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) mutants, designated MH35-BD and LIF05, have been shown to have a capacity to inhibit the biological activities of not only human LIF (hLIF) but also other interleukin-6 (IL-6) subfamily cytokines such as human oncostatin M (hOSM). These cytokines share the same receptor complex in which the glycoprotein 130 (gp130) subunit is a common constituent. However, at low concentrations and in their monomeric forms, such molecules have a relatively short plasma half-life due to rapid clearance from the kidneys. Here, to prolong their serum half-lives, we have used a multi-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to fuse each of the LIF05 and MH35-BD cDNA fragments to a sequence encoding the Fc portion, and the hinge region, of the human immunoglobulin G (hIgG) heavy chain. The linking was achieved through an oligomer encoding a thrombin-sensitive peptide linker thus generating MH35-BD:Fc and LIF05:Fc, respectively. Both Fc fusion constructs were expressed in insect cell Sf21 and the proteins were purified by two successive affinity chromatography steps using nickel–nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni–NTA) agarose and protein A beads. The Ba/F3 cell-based proliferation assay was used to confirm that the proteins were biologically active. In addition, preliminary pharmacokinetics indicates that the Fc fusion constructs have a longer serum half-life compared to their non-fusion counterparts.


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Cultured human breast carcinoma cell lines are important models for investigating the pathogenesis of breast cancer. Their use, however, is limited because of loss of expression of breast-specific markers and the development of a dedifferentiated phenotype after continuous culture. PMC42 is a unique human breast carcinoma line, previously shown to express secretory and myoepithelial markers. We have induced PMC42 cells to form hollow organoids in culture, similar to in vivo breast structures, using a combination of hormones including estrogen, progesterone, dexamethasone, insulin, and prolactin in combination with a permeable extracellular matrix. The organoids comprised polarized cells located around a central lumen. Expression of β-casein was demonstrated in cells within organoids using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis, and confocal immunofluorescence. In this in vitro system, milk-specific gene expression was induced through hormone and matrix interactions which may be similar to those operating in vivo. PMC42 is a novel model for investigations into the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and differentiation in the human breast.


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Skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity is enhanced after acute exercise and short-term endurance training. We investigated the impact of exercise on the gene expression of key insulin-signaling proteins in humans. Seven untrained subjects (4 women and 3 men) completed 9 days of cycling at 63 ± 2% of peak O2 uptake for 60 min/day. Muscle biopsies were taken before, immediately after, and 3 h after the exercise bouts (on days 1 and 9). The gene expression of insulin receptor substrate-2 and the p85α subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase was significantly higher 3 h after a single exercise bout, although short-term training ameliorated this effect. Gene expression of insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 was not significantly altered at any time point. These results suggest that exercise may have a transitory impact on the expression of insulin receptor substrate-2 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; however, the predominant actions of exercise on insulin sensitivity appear not to reside in the transcriptional activation of the genes encoding major insulin-signaling proteins.


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Using differential display polymerase chain reaction, a gene was identified in CD34+-enriched populations that had with low or absent expression in CD34- populations. The full coding sequence of this transcript was obtained, and the predicted protein has a high degree of homology to oxysterol-binding protein. This gene has been designated OSBP-related protein 3 (ORP-3). Expression of ORP-3 was found to be 3- to 4-fold higher in CD34+ cells than in CD34- cells. Additionally, expression of this gene was 2-fold higher in the more primitive subfraction of hematopoietic cells defined by the CD34+38- phenotype and was down-regulated with the proliferation and differentiation of CD34+ cells. The ORP-3 predicted protein contains an oxysterol-binding domain. Well-characterized proteins expressing this domain bind oxysterols in a dose-dependent fashion. Biologic activities of oxysterols include inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis and cell proliferation in a variety of cell types, among them hematopoietic cells. Characterization and differential expression of ORP-3 implicates a possible role in the mediation of oxysterol effects on hematopoiesis.


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Objective: A number of candidate genes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of obesity in humans. This study examines associations between longitudinal changes in body mass and composition and the presence of polymorphisms in the ß-3 adrenergic receptor, tumor necrosis factor-α, leptin, and leptin receptor (Lepr) in a cohort of Australian women.

Research Methods and Procedures: Healthy white Australian women (n = 335) were randomly selected from the Barwon region of Victoria and underwent baseline anthropometry and double-energy X-ray absorptiometry for assessment of body mass and adiposity. These measurements were repeated again at 2-year follow-up. Genomic DNA was extracted and used for polymerase chain reaction-based genotyping of all polymorphisms.

Results: The Pro1019Pro Lepr polymorphism was associated with longitudinal increases in body weight (p = 0.02), fat mass (p = 0.05), and body mass index (p = 0.01) in this study, and individuals homozygous for the A allele at this locus had a greater propensity to gain body fat over time. The largest effects on body composition seemed to be in individuals already obese at baseline. Changes in body weight, fat mass, percent body fat, and body mass index over a 2-year period were not associated with genetic variation in the ß-3 adrenergic receptor (Trp64Arg), tumor necrosis factor-α promoter, or leptin genes in non-obese or obese women.

Discussion: These results suggest that a Lepr polymorphism is involved in the regulation of body mass and adiposity in obese Australian white women, which may have implications for the treatment of obesity in this population.


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Sodium/proton exchangers (NHE) are transmembrane proteins that facilitate the exchange of a Na+ ion for a H+ ion across cellular membranes. The NHE are present in the gills of fishes and are believed to function in acid-base regulation by driving the extrusion of protons across the branchial epithelium in exchange for Na+ in the water. In this study, we have used reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the presence of a branchial NHE in the gills of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa. The subsequent partial cDNA sequence shares homology with other vertebrate and invertebrate NHE isoforms. In addition, using semi-quantitative, multiplex RT-PCR we demonstrate that mRNA expression of hagfish gill NHE is upregulated following an induced metabolic acidosis. Expression was increased to 4.4 times basal levels at 2-h post-infusion and had decreased to 1.6 times basal by 6 h. Expression had returned to basal levels by 24-h post-infusion. The inference from this study is that a gill NHE which is potentially important in acid-base regulation has been present in the vertebrate lineage since before the divergence of the hagfishes from the main vertebrate line.


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Non-coding copies of fragments of the mitochondrial genome translocated to the nucleus or pseudogenes are being found with increasing frequency in a diversity of organisms. As part of a study to evaluate the utility of a range of mitochondrial gene regions for population genetic and systematic studies of the Australian freshwater crayfish, Cherax destructor (the yabby), we report the first detection of Cytochrome b (Cyt b) pseudogenes in crustaceans. We amplified and sequenced fragments of the mitochondrial Cyt b gene from 14 individuals of C. destructor using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers designed from conserved regions of Penaeus monodon and Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial genomes. The phylogenetic tree produced from the amplified fragments using these primers showed a very different topology to the trees obtained from sequences from three other mitochondrial genes, suggesting one or more nuclear pseudogenes have been amplified. Supporting this conclusion, two highly divergent sequences were isolated from each of two single individuals, and a 2 base pair (bp) deletion in one sequence was observed. There was no evidence to support inadvertent amplification of parasite DNA or contamination of samples from other sources. These results add to other recent observations of pseudogenes suggesting the frequent transfer of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes to the nucleus and reinforces the necessity of great care in interpreting PCR-generated Cyt b sequences used in population or evolutionary studies in freshwater crayfish and crustaceans more generally.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD1 and human XPF genes encode a subunit of a nucleotide excision repair endonuclease that also is implicated in some forms of homologous recombination. An Arabidopsis thaliana gene (AtRAD1) encoding the orthologous plant protein has been identified recently. Here we report the isolation of three structurally distinct AtRAD1 cDNAs from A. thaliana leaf tissue RNA. One of the isolates (AtRAD1-1) corresponds to the cDNA previously shown to encode the full-length AtRad1 protein, whereas the other two (AtRAD1-2, AtRAD1-3) differ slightly in size due to variations at the 5′ end of exon 6 or the 3′ end of exon 7, respectively. The sequence differences argue that these cDNAs were probably templated by mRNAs generated via alternative splicing. Diagnostic polymerase chain reaction pointed to the presence of the AtRAD1-1 and AtRAD1-2 but not AtRAD1-3 transcripts in bud and root tissue, and to a fourth transcript (AtRAD1-4), having both alterations identified in AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3, in root tissue. However, the low frequency of detection of AtRAD1-3 and AtRAD1-4 makes the significance of these tissue-specific patterns unclear. The predicted AtRad1-2, AtRad1-3 and AtRad1-4 proteins lack part of the region likely required for endonuclease complex formation. Expression of AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3 in a yeast rad1 mutant did not complement the sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation or the recombination defect associated with the rad1 mutation. These results suggest that alternative splicing may modulate the levels of functional AtRad1 protein.