80 resultados para Oncolytic viruses


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The induction of a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response following influenza infection can lead to the formation of immunity capable of recognizing viruses of a different antigenicity. Our ability to exploit such broadly reactive responses in vaccination strategies is hampered by a lack of understanding on the regulation of CTL responses. In this report, we describe the utilization of reverse genetics to produce a range of recombinant viruses lacking immunodominant murine CTL epitopes. Recombinant viruses lacking the epitopes had indistinguishable growth properties in vitro and in vivo compared with the wild-type virus. Analysis of a primary immune response to these viruses showed that mutation of the anchor-binding residue leads to a loss of a response to that epitope, but no compensating increase in responses to other immunodominant epitopes. The utilization of reverse genetics and the murine model of influenza infection hold great promise for elucidating the factors regulating the CTL response.


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Pathogenic viruses have developed a molecular defense arsenal for their survival by counteracting the host anti-viral system known as RNA interference (RNAi). Cellular RNAi, in addition to regulating gene expression through microRNAs, also serves as a barrier against invasive foreign nucleic acids. RNAi is conserved across the biological species, including plants, animals and invertebrates. Viruses in turn, have evolved mechanisms that can counteract this anti-viral defense of the host. Recent studies of mammalian viruses exhibiting RNA silencing suppressor (RSS) activity have further advanced our understanding of RNAi in terms of host–virus interactions. Viral proteins and non-coding viral RNAs can inhibit the RNAi (miRNA/siRNA) pathway through different mechanisms. Mammalian viruses having dsRNA-binding regions and GW/WG motifs appear to have a high chance of conferring RSS activity. Although, RSSs of plant and invertebrate viruses have been well characterized, mammalian viral RSSs still need in-depth investigations to present the concrete evidences supporting their RNAi ablation characteristics. The information presented in this review together with any perspective research should help to predict and identify the RSS activity-endowed new viral proteins that could be the potential targets for designing novel anti-viral therapeutics.


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Sialic acids (SA) usually linked to galactose (Gal) in an α2,6- or α2,3-configuration are considered the main cell receptors for influenza viruses, in particular for their hemagglutinins (HA). The typing of influenza virus HA receptor selectivity is relevant for understanding the transmissibility of avian and swine viruses to the human population. In this study we developed a simple and inexpensive gel-capture assay (GCA) of the influenza virus HA receptor-binding selectivity. Its principle is the binding of soluble influenza virus to pentasaccharide analogs, representatives of receptors of human and avian influenza viruses, immobilized on a gel resin. The human and avian analogs consisted of a sialyllactose-N-tetraose c (LSTc) [Neu5Ac(α2,6)Gal(β1-3)GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc] and a sialyllactose-N-tetraose a (LSTa) [Neu5Ac(α2,3)Gal(β1-3)GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc], respectively. Following equilibration, the unbound virus is washed away and the bound one is assayed via HA by densitometry as a function of the analog concentration. Using GCA, the receptor selectivity of three influenza viruses of different HA subtype was investigated. The results showed that the egg-adapted A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) virus exhibited an avian α2,3-linked LSTa selectivity, however, it retained the ability to bind to the α2,6-linked LSTc human receptor analog. Influenza B virus B/Florida/4/2006 showed α2,6-linked LSTc selectivity and a poor α2,3-linked LSTa avidity. The H3N2 virus A/Wisconsin/15/2009 displayed almost comparable avidity for both receptor analogs with a marginally greater α2,3-linked LSTa avidity. The described assay protocol provides a simple and rapid method for the characterization of influenza virus HA receptor binding selectivity. Keywords: influenza virus; hemagglutinin; receptor; sialyllactose-N-tetraose; gel-capture assay.


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We review our current knowledge of the epidemiology and ecology of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) in Australia in relation to the ecology of their hosts. Understanding the transmission and maintenance of low-pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses deserves scientific scrutiny because some of these may evolve to a high-pathogenic AIV (HPAI) phenotype. That the HPAI H5N1 has not been detected in Australia is thought to be a result of the low level of migratory connectivity between Asia and Australia. Some AIV strains are endemic to Australia, with Australian birds acting as a reservoir for these viruses. However, given the phylogenetic relationships between Australian and Eurasian strains, both avian migrants and resident birds within the continent must play a role in the ecology and epidemiology of AIVs in Australia. The extent to which individual variation in susceptibility to infection, previous infections, and behavioural changes in response to infection determine AIV epidemiology is little understood. Prevalence of AIVs among Australian avifauna is apparently low but, given their specific ecology and Australian conditions, prevalence may be higher in little-researched species and under specific environmental conditions.


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Many plants contain ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) with N-glycosidase activity, which depurinate large ribosomal RNA and arrest protein synthesis. RIPs so far tested inhibit replication of mRNA as well as DNA viruses and these proteins, isolated from plants, are found to be effective against a broad range of viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV). Most of the research work related to RIPs has been focused on antiviral activity against HIV; however, the exact mechanism of antiviral activity is still not clear. The mechanism of antiviral activity was thought to follow inactivation of the host cell ribosome, leading to inhibition of viral protein translation and host cell death. Enzymatic activity of RIPs is not limited to depurination of the large rRNA, in addition they can depurinate viral DNA as well as RNA. Recently, Phase I/II clinical trials have demonstrated the potential use of RIPs for treating patients with HIV disease. The aim of this review is to focus on various RIPs from plants associated with anti-HIV activity.


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Migratory and resident hosts have been hypothesized to fulfil distinct roles in infectious disease dynamics. However, the contribution of resident and migratory hosts to wildlife infectious disease epidemiology, including that of low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) in wild birds, has largely remained unstudied. During an autumn H3 LPAIV epizootic in free-living mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) - a partially migratory species - we identified resident and migratory host populations using stable hydrogen isotope analysis of flight feathers. We investigated the role of migratory and resident hosts separately in the introduction and maintenance of H3 LPAIV during the epizootic. To test this we analysed (i) H3 virus kinship, (ii) temporal patterns in H3 virus prevalence and shedding and (iii) H3-specific antibody prevalence in relation to host migratory strategy. We demonstrate that the H3 LPAIV strain causing the epizootic most likely originated from a single introduction, followed by local clonal expansion. The H3 LPAIV strain was genetically unrelated to H3 LPAIV detected both before and after the epizootic at the study site. During the LPAIV epizootic, migratory mallards were more often infected with H3 LPAIV than residents. Low titres of H3-specific antibodies were detected in only a few residents and migrants. Our results suggest that in this LPAIV epizootic, a single H3 virus was present in resident mallards prior to arrival of migratory mallards followed by a period of virus amplification, importantly associated with the influx of migratory mallards. Thus migrants are suggested to act as local amplifiers rather than the often suggested role as vectors importing novel strains from afar. Our study exemplifies that a multifaceted interdisciplinary approach offers promising opportunities to elucidate the role of migratory and resident hosts in infectious disease dynamics in wildlife.


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Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection is associated with severe mortality in both humans and poultry. The mechanisms of disease pathogenesis and immunity are poorly understood although recent evidence suggests that cytokine/chemokine dysregulation contributes to disease severity following H5N1 infection. Influenza A virus infection causes a rapid influx of inflammatory cells, resulting in increased reactive oxygen species production, cytokine expression, and acute lung injury. Proinflammatory stimuli are known to induce intracellular reactive oxygen species by activating NADPH oxidase activity. We therefore hypothesized that inhibition of this activity would restore host cytokine homeostasis following avian influenza virus infection. A panel of airway epithelial and immune cells from mammalian and avian species were infected with A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 H1N1 virus, low-pathogenicity avian influenza H5N3 virus (A/duck/Victoria/0305-2/2012), highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus (A/chicken/Vietnam/0008/2004), or low-pathogenicity avian influenza H7N9 virus (A/Anhui/1/2013). Quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase PCR showed that H5N1 and H7N9 viruses significantly stimulated cytokine (interleukin-6, beta interferon, CXCL10, and CCL5) production. Among the influenza-induced cytokines, CCL5 was identified as a potential marker for overactive immunity. Apocynin, a Nox2 inhibitor, inhibited influenza-induced cytokines and reactive oxygen species production, although viral replication was not significantly altered in vitro. Interestingly, apocynin treatment significantly increased influenza virus-induced mRNA and protein expression of SOCS1 and SOCS3, enhancing negative regulation of cytokine signaling. These findings suggest that apocynin or its derivatives (targeting host responses) could be used in combination with antiviral strategies (targeting viruses) as therapeutic agents to ameliorate disease severity in susceptible species.


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 Live recombinant influenza viruses were successfully used as HIV vaccine vectors in a mouse model. Following intranasal prime-boost vaccination, HIV-specific CD8+ T cell responses were detected in the spleen, broncho-alveolar lavage, mediastinal and inguinal lymph nodes. HIV+α4β7+ CD8+ T cells contributed to protection in pseudo-challenge experiments using recombinant vaccinia virus expressing HIV antigens. This research highlights the importance of mucosal CD8+ T cells in viral immunity and emphasizes the need for additional studies to provide key insights to underpin future vaccine development.


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Patients who present with severe intractable apparently idiopathic fatigue accompanied by profound physical and or cognitive disability present a significant therapeutic challenge. The effect of psychological counseling is limited, with significant but very slight improvements in psychometric measures of fatigue and disability but no improvement on scientific measures of physical impairment compared to controls. Similarly, exercise regimes either produce significant, but practically unimportant, benefit or provoke symptom exacerbation. Many such patients are afforded the exclusionary, non-specific diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome if rudimentary testing fails to discover the cause of their symptoms. More sophisticated investigations often reveal the presence of a range of pathogens capable of establishing life-long infections with sophisticated immune evasion strategies, including Parvoviruses, HHV6, variants of Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Mycoplasma, and Borrelia burgdorferi. Other patients have a history of chronic fungal or other biotoxin exposure. Herein, we explain the epigenetic factors that may render such individuals susceptible to the chronic pathology induced by such agents, how such agents induce pathology, and, indeed, how such pathology can persist and even amplify even when infections have cleared or when biotoxin exposure has ceased. The presence of active, reactivated, or even latent Herpes virus could be a potential source of intractable fatigue accompanied by profound physical and or cognitive disability in some patients, and the same may be true of persistent Parvovirus B12 and mycoplasma infection. A history of chronic mold exposure is a feasible explanation for such symptoms, as is the presence of B. burgdorferi. The complex tropism, life cycles, genetic variability, and low titer of many of these pathogens makes their detection in blood a challenge. Examination of lymphoid tissue or CSF in such circumstances may be warranted.