54 resultados para Offshore oil and gas leases


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Thousands of the world's offshore oil and gas structures are approaching obsolescence and will require decommissioning within the next decade. Many nations have blanket regulations requiring obsolete structures to be removed, yet this option is unlikely to yield optimal environmental, societal and economic outcomes in all situations. We propose that nations adopt a flexible approach that allows decommissioning options to be selected from the full range of alternatives (including 'rigs-to-reefs' options) on a case-by-case basis. We outline a method of multi-criteria decision analysis (Multi-criteria Approval, MA) for evaluating and comparing alternative decommissioning options across key selection criteria, including environmental, financial, socioeconomic, and health and safety considerations. The MA approach structures the decision problem, forces explicit consideration of trade-offs and directly involves stakeholder groups in the decision process. We identify major decommissioning options and provide a generic list of selection criteria for inclusion in the MA decision process. To deal with knowledge gaps concerning environmental impacts of decommissioning, we suggest that expert opinion feed into the MA approach until sufficient data become available. We conducted a limited trial of the MA decision approach to demonstrate its application to a complex and controversial decommissioning scenario; Platform Grace in southern California. The approach indicated, for this example, that the option 'leave in place intact' would likely provide best environmental outcomes in the event of future decommissioning. In summary, the MA approach will allow the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decommissioning decisions to be assessed simultaneously in a transparent manner. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The thesis examines complex new oil and gas field developments, when growing the business from current capabilities and practice to the frontiers of undeveloped reservoirs. The contributors to complexity were identified, and an integrated methodology for opportunity and risk management, assessment and analysis was developed to produce more credible forecasts.


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Over 7500 oil and gas structures (e.g. oil platforms) are installed in offshore waters worldwide and many will require decommissioning within the next two decades. The decision to remove such structures or turn them into reefs (i.e. 'rigs-to-reefs') hinges on the habitat value they provide, yet this can rarely be determined because the residency of mobile species is difficult to establish. Here, we test a novel solution to this problem for reef fishes; the use of otolith (earstone) properties to identify oil structures of residence. We compare the otolith microchemistry and otolith shape of a site-attached coral reef fish (Pseudanthias rubrizonatus) among four oil structures (depth 82-135 m, separated by 9.7-84.2 km) on Australia's North West Shelf to determine if populations developed distinct otolith properties during their residency. Microchemical signatures obtained from the otolith edge using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) differed among oil structures, driven by elements Sr, Ba and Mn, and to a lesser extent Mg and Fe. A combination of microchemical data from the otolith edge and elliptical Fourier (shape) descriptors allowed allocation of individuals to their 'home' structure with moderate accuracy (overall allocation accuracy: 63.3%, range: 45.5-78.1%), despite lower allocation accuracies for each otolith property in isolation (microchemistry: 47.5%, otolith shape: 45%). Site-specific microchemical signatures were also stable enough through time to distinguish populations during 3 separate time periods, suggesting that residence histories could be recreated by targeting previous growth zones in the otolith. Our results indicate that reef fish can develop unique otolith properties during their residency on oil structures which may be useful for assessing the habitat value of individual structures. The approach outlined here may also be useful for determining the residency of reef fish on artificial reefs, which would assist productivity assessments of these habitats.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the environmental disclosure initiatives of Niko Resources Ltd – a Canada-based multinational oil and gas company – following the two major environmental blowouts at a gas field in Bangladesh in 2005. As part of the examination, the authors particularly focus on whether Niko’s disclosure strategy was associated with public concern pertaining to the blowouts.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors reviewed news articles about Niko’s environmental incidents in Bangladesh and Niko’s communication media, including annual reports, press releases and stand-alone social responsibility report over the period 2004-2007, to understand whether news media attention as proxy for public concern has an impact on Niko’s disclosure practices in relation to the affected local community in Bangladesh.
Findings – The findings show that Niko did not provide any non-financial environmental information within its annual reports and press releases as a part of its responsibility to the local community which was affected by the blowouts, but it did produce a stand-alone report to address the issue. However, financial environmental disclosures, such as the environmental contingent liability disclosure, were adequately provided through annual reports to meet the regulatory requirements concerning environmental persecutions. The findings also suggest that Niko’s non-financial disclosure within a stand-alone report was associated with the public pressures as measured by negative media coverage towards the Niko blowouts.
Research limitations/implications – This paper concludes that the motive for Niko’s non-financial environmental disclosure, via a stand-alone report, reflected survival considerations:
the company’s reaction did not suggest any real attempt to hold broader accountability for its activities in a developing country.
Originality/value – This is the first known paper that investigates a multinational company’s disclosure behavior in relation to environmental incidents which occurred in a local community.


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High-quality wrinkled and few-layered graphene sheets have been produced via a mechano-thermal exfoliation process for a simple, effective and low-cost mass production. Graphene sheets were produced by first ball milling of graphite with ammonium chloride followed by thermal annealing at 800 °C in nitrogen gas. The few layered graphene sheets show highly efficient selectivity and capacity for the absorption of petroleum products as well as organic solvents such as ethanol, cyclohexane and chloroform (up to 82, 42 and 98 times of their own weight, respectively). The saturated few-layered graphene sheets can be cleaned for reuse by simply burning in air. The low-cost strategy for mass production and easy recycling routes demonstrate the great potential of few-layered graphene sheets for oil removal.


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Structural investigations, i.e. solid-state (X-ray), solution (1H NMR) and gas-phase (theoretical), on molecules with the general formula MeOC(S)N(H)C6H4-4-Y: Y = H (1), NO2 (2), C(O)Me (3), Cl (4) have shown a general preference for the adoption of an E-conformation about the central C–N bond. Such a conformation allows for the formation of a dimeric hydrogen-bonded {H–N–C=S}2 synthon as the building block. In the cases of 1–3, additional C–H...O interactions give rise to the formation of tapes of varying topology. A theoretical analysis shows that the preference for the E-conformation is about the same as the crystal packing stabilisation energy and consistent with this, the compound with Y = C(O)OMe, (5), adopts a Z-conformation in the solid-state that facilitates the formation of N–H...O, C–H...O and C–H...S interactions, leading to a layer structure. Global crystal packing considerations are shown to be imperative in dictating the conformational form of molecules 1–5.


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This paper examines the unit root properties of crude oil production for 60 countries employing a range of panel data unit root tests for the period 1971 to 2003. The study first employs a number of panel data tests that do not accommodate structural breaks and then proceeds to apply the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) panel unit root test with one structural break. The results of the panel data tests without a structural break are inconclusive with at best mixed support for joint stationarity. The findings from the LM panel unit root test with a structural break, however, are conclusive, suggesting that for a world panel and smaller regional-based panels, crude oil and NGL production are jointly stationary.


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Fish oil (FO)- and canola oil (CO)-based diets were regularly alternated in a daily cycle (amCO: alternation of CO in the morning and FO in the afternoon, and pmCO: alternation of FO in the morning and CO in the afternoon) or in a series of weekly cycles (2W: alternation of 2 weeks on CO and 2 weeks on FO, 4W: alternation of 4 weeks on CO and 4 weeks on FO), over a 16-week period in juvenile Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii). No significant differences were observed between any of the treatments in relation to the final weight. However, fish subjected to the 2W schedule were larger (P>0.05) than all other treatments (37.2 ± 0.30 vs. 34.3 ± 0.58 in the control treatment). Fish receiving the 2W treatment had a significantly lower total net disappearance of eicosapentaenoic acid 20:5n-3 (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid 22:6n-3 (62.1% and 24.0% respectively) compared with the control treatment (fish continuously fed a blend of 50% FO and 50% CO). Likewise, Murray cod receiving the amCO daily schedule had a significantly lower total net disappearance of EPA in comparison with the CD and pmCO treatments. These data point towards the existence of cyclical mechanisms relative to fatty acid utilization/retention.


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For over two decades the issue of East Timor's right to self-determination has been a ‘prickly’ issue in Australian foreign policy. The invasion by Indonesian forces in 1975 was expected, as Australian policy-makers had been well informed of the events leading up to the punitive action being taken. Indeed, prior discussions involving the future of the territory were held between the Australian Prime Minister and the Indonesian President in 1974. In response to the events unfolding in the territory the Australian Labor Government at the time was presented with two policy options for dealing with the issue. The Department of Defence recommended the recognition of an independent East Timor; whereas the Department of Foreign Affairs proposed that Australia disengage itself as far as possible from the issue. The decision had ramifications for future policy considerations especially with changes in government. With the Department of Foreign Affairs option being the prevailing policy what were the essential ingredients that give explanation for the government's choice? It is important to note the existence of the continuity and cyclical nature of attitudes by Labor governments toward Indonesia before and after the invasion. To do so requires an analysis of the influence ‘Doc’ Evatt had in shaping any possible Labor tradition in foreign policy articulation. The support given by Evatt for the decolonisation of the Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia) gave rise to the development of a special relationship-so defined. Evidence of the effect Evatt had on future Labor governments may be found in the opinions of Gough Whitlam. In 1975 when he was Prime Minister, Whitlam felt the East Timor issue was merely the finalisation of Indonesia's decolonisation honouring Evatt's long held anti-colonialist tradition existing in the Australian Labor Party. The early predisposition toward Indonesia's cohesiveness surfaced again in the Hawke and Keating Labor governments of later years. It did not vary a great deal with changes in government The on-going commitment to preserving and strengthening the bilateral relationship meant Indonesia's territorial integrity became the focus of the Australian political elites’ regional foreign policy determinations. The actions taken by policy-makers served to promote the desire for a stable region ahead of independence claims of the East Timorese. From a realist perspective, the security dilemma for Australian policy-makers was how to best promote regional order and stability in the South East Asian region. The desire for regional cohesiveness and stability continues to drive Australian political elites to promote policies that gives a priority to the territorial integrity of regional states. Indonesia, in spite of its diversity, was only ever thought of as a cohesive unitary state and changes to its construct have rarely been countenanced. Australia's political elite justifications for this stance vacillate between strategic and economic considerations, ideological (anti-colonialism) to one of being a pragmatic response to international politics. The political elite argues the projection of power into the region is in Australia’s national interest. The policies from one government to the next necessarily see the national interest as being an apparent fixed feature of foreign policy. The persistent fear of invasion from the north traditionally motivated Australia's political elite to adopt a strategic realist policy that sought to ‘shore up’ the stability, strength and unity of Indonesia. The national interest was deemed to be at risk if support for East Timorese independence was given. The national interest though can involve more than just the security issue, and the political elite when dealing with East Timor assumed that they were acting in the common good. Questions that need to be addressed include determining what is the national interest in this context? What is the effect of a government invoking the national interest in debates over issues in foreign policy? And, who should participate in the debate? In an effort to answer these questions an analysis of how the ex-foreign affairs mandarin Richard Woolcott defines the national interest becomes crucial. Clearly, conflict in East Timor did have implications for the national interest. The invasion of East Timor by Indonesia had the potential to damage the relationship, but equally communist successes in 1975 in Indo-China raised Australia's regional security concerns. During the Cold War, the linking of communism to nationalism was driving the decision-making processes of the Australian policy-makers striving to come to grips with the strategic realities of a changing region. Because of this, did the constraints of world politics dominated by Cold War realities combined with domestic political disruption have anything to do with Australia's response? Certainly, Australia itself was experiencing a constitutional crisis in late 1975. The Senate had blocked supply and the Labor Government did not have the funds to govern. The Governor-General by dismissing the Labor Government finally resolved the impasse. What were the reactions of the two men charged with the responsibility of forming the caretaker government toward Indonesia's military action? And, could the crisis have prevented the Australian government from making a different response to the invasion? Importantly, and in terms of economic security, did the knowledge of oil and gas deposits thought to exist in the Timor Sea influence Australia's foreign policy? The search for oil and gas requires a stable political environment in which to operate. Therefore for exploration to continue in the Timor Sea Australia must have had a preferred political option and thoughts of with whom they preferred to negotiate. What was the extent of each government's cooperation and intervention in the oil and gas industry and could any involvement have influenced the Australian political elites’ attitude toward the prospect of an independent East Timor? Australia's subsequent de jure recognition that East Timor was part of Indonesia paved the way for the Timor Gap (Zone of Cooperation) Treaty signing in 1989. The signing underpinned Australia's acceptance of Indonesian sovereignty over East Timor. The outcome of the analysis of the issues that shaped Australia's foreign policy toward East Timor showed that the political elite became locked into an integration model, which was defended by successive governments. Moreover, they formed an almost reflexive defence of Indonesia both at the domestic and international level.


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The comparative effect of tuna oil (TO) and salmon oil (SO) on the plasma and liver lipid and fatty acid compositions in Sprague Dawley rats was investigated. The total triacylglycerol (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) concentrations in liver was significantly decreased in the TO group; TG level in liver was also significantly decreased in the SO group. The mRNA expression of HMG-CoA reductase in liver was significantly down-regulated in the TO and SO groups relative to the control group. The plasma TG and TC were decreased in TO, but not in SO; plasma low-density lipoprotein and very low-density lipoprotein levels in TO and SO were decreased compared with the control group. The total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in plasma and liver phospholipids was significantly elevated in the TO and SO. Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) in tissues were significantly increased in the TO and SO, respectively. In this study, TO had a more beneficial effect on liver TC and plasma TG, TC, high-density lipoprotein in rats than SO. The likely mechanism for lowering liver and plasma cholesterol by n-3 PUFA is to suppress the mRNA expression of gene encoding HMG-CoA reductase responsible for cholesterol biosynthesis.


The beneficial effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from fish and fish oil on human health is derived from their role in modulating membrane lipid composition and affecting metabolic and signal-transduction pathways. In the present study, we demonstrated that n-3 PUFA, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from tuna and salmon oils can be effectively incorporated into tissue membranes. Tuna oil rich in DHA has more beneficial effect on liver total cholesterol (TC) and plasma triglyceride, TC and HDL in rats than salmon oil, which is rich in EPA. The present data could provide information for the potential application of fish oils as components of functional food, and selected for fortification with different fish oils.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are nanoscale cylinders of graphene with exceptional properties such as high mechanical strength, high aspect ratio and large specific surface area. To exploit these properties for membranes, macroscopic structures need to be designed with controlled porosity and pore size. This manuscript reviews recent progress on two such structures: (i) CNT Bucky-papers, a non-woven, paper like structure of randomly entangled CNTs, and (ii) isoporous CNT membranes, where the hollow CNT interior acts as a membrane pore. The construction of these two types of membranes will be discussed, characterization and permeance results compared, and some promising applications presented.