16 resultados para Mechanical industry


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Conventional mechanical building demolition produces numerous solid wastes, most of which are sent to landfill directly and severely degrade the living environment. Just-in-time building demolition has been developed recently with a management strategy to facilitate waste reuse. Procurement management plays a significant role in just-in-time building demolition. In particular, the demolition tendering selection needs to consider contractors' environmental performance in addition to project costs. Moreover, the flow of building materials in a demolition project may be regarded as a supply chain involving the building owner, demolition contractor and material demanders. This paper develops a framework for salvaged materials management in the emerging demolition industry. The research is to promote the recycling and reuse of building demolition materials in order to achieve better environmental and financial performance for building demolition projects.


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The attribute focus in engineering education now adopted by the engineering education accrediting bodies of the US, UK and Australia is based on meeting the assumed needs of professional practice. It is associated with an increasing expectation by employers of work-ready graduates rather than relying on subsequent work-based learning and experience to develop many of the essential professional practice attributes. Yet the scope of the mechanical engineering profession is broad and views of practitioners contributing to debate on attribute requirements are largely influenced by their own often unique professional formation.

In addition, the formative development of the profession in Australia has been significantly influenced by 19th and 20th century UK and US practices, although historically the industrial profile of Australia has been strikingly different. An analysis of current industry distribution of Australian, UK and US mechanical engineers presented in this paper shows continuing, although less marked, differences.

To develop a clearer perception of the profession in Australia, its educational formation, and operational environment, this paper provides a concise study of the formative development of the profession, and presents a breakdown of the industry sectors in which they are currently employed. The effects of momentous global changes in engineering employment and formation over recent decades are also discussed.

Recent changes in engineering employment have included major structural changes to organisations, accelerating technical and educational developments and mounting societal expectations making it imperative that attributes be attuned to the new engineering paradigm as increasing demands are placed on our graduates.

This paper provides an essential foundation for ongoing debate and analysis of attribute needs related to this broadly based engineering discipline. Although presented from an Australian perspective, many issues discussed are applicable worldwide.


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The increasing attribute focus in the formation (engineering education, training, work-based learning and experience) of engineers now being adopted by engineering education accrediting bodies is based on meeting the perceived needs of professional practice. Related to this is an increasing expectation of new graduates being work-ready rather than relying on work-based learning and experience to develop many of the essential professional practice attributes.

The scope of the mechanical engineering profession is broad and practitioners contributing to debate on attribute requirements have their own individual views of the nature of the profession, largely influenced by their own professional formation. As a foundation for detailed study on attribute requirements for effective Australian professional mechanical engineers, in this paper we provide a concise study of the development of the established scope of practice and knowledge base of the profession over the last two centuries. Formation practices in Europe and the United States played significant roles in the 19th century.

We conclude with a discussion on the impact of the considerable changes currently affecting mechanical engineering practice in the UK, US and Australia, including organisational, technical and societal expectations, industry profile, and educational factors.


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This work investigated the potential of improving flexural properties of natural fiber (jute) reinforced biocomposites by atmospheric pressure helium plasma treatment. Composites were made by the use of combined hand lay-up and vacuum bagging technique followed by newly developed Australia patented QuickstepTM curing. The physical properties of helium plasma modified fibers were investigated by means of wettability time, coefficient of friction (COF), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and chemical nature of the surface with ATR-FTIR and XPS. There was found a logical correlation between physical and chemical characteristics of the surface of fiber with the fracture mechanical behavior of their resulting biocomposites. In addition, the use of helium atmospheric plasma treatment prior to QuickstepTM process has proved to be a potential way to positively alter the fracture-mechanical behavior of biocomposites. This study will lead to new commercial applications of natural fiber jute for the composite industry that go beyond wrapping and packaging.


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The fatigue properties of multiphase steels are an important consideration in the automotive industry. The different microstructural phases present in these steels can influence the strain life and cyclic stabilized strength of the material due to the way in which these phases accommodate the applied cyclic strain. Fully reversed strain-controlled low-cycle fatigue tests have been used to determine the mechanical fatigue performance of a dual-phase (DP) 590 and transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) 780 steel, with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) used to examine the deformed microstructures. It is shown that the higher strain life and cyclic stabilized strength of the TRIP steel can be attributed to an increased yield strength. Despite the presence of significant levels of retained austenite in the TRIP steel, both steels exhibited similar cyclic softening behavior at a range of strain amplitudes due to comparable ferrite volume fractions and yielding characteristics. Both steels formed low-energy dislocation structures in the ferrite during cyclic straining.


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The 1996 Johnson stakeholder review of Australian engineering education recommended the development of a number of broadly defined attributes in all engineering graduates. The Institution of Engineers, Australia (now Engineers Australia) responded swiftly by switching the focus of its engineering course accreditation requirements from course content to graduate attribute outcomes. To maximise the effectiveness of this approach to the mechanical engineering discipline a clear understanding of the relative significance of a more detailed range of attributes to Australian industry is essential, yet the scope of the mechanical engineering profession is broad and views of individual practitioners contributing to debate on attribute requirements are largely influenced by their own often unique professional formation. The research presented in this thesis is unique in using a role based analysis of the relative significance of an extensive range of attributes considered relevant to Australian mechanical engineers. The study covers the six industries found to employ the greatest number of Australian mechanical engineers. The significance of these attributes in the core mechanical engineering roles of each industry are weighted according to the numbers of mechanical engineers employed in those roles. These attribute significance profiles are considered in the context of a study of the formative development of the profession under the extensive influence of 19th and 20th century UK and US practices and recent momentous changes in engineering employment and formation. A wide range of appropriate teaching strategies to develop the most significant attributes through proximal and distance learning are explored and a brief account of the candidate’s work in developing and assessing the use of technology to enhance flexible learning in the field of engineering education is also included in this thesis. Whilst major areas of the mechanical engineers knowledge base are considered as part of the main study, further case study based research is presented to assess in more detail the knowledge base requirements for Australia’s best performing manufacturing industry by ‘industry value added’ - Food, Beverage and Pharmaceuticals and as such provides an indication of the relevance of the content base of Australian mechanical (as well as chemical and electrical) engineering degree programs to an Australian industry sector.


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This thesis explores the elastic behaviour of the mechanical double action press and draw die system commonly used to draw sheet metal components in the automotive industry. High process variability in production and excessive time spent in die try-out are significant problems in automotive stamping. It has previously been suggested that the elastic behaviour of the system may contribute to these problems. However, the mechanical principles that cause the press system to affect the forming process have not been documented in detail. Due to a poor understanding of these problems in industry, the elasticity of the press and tools is currently not considered during the die design. The aim of this work was to explore the physical principles of press system elasticity and determine the extent to which it contributes to problems in try-out and production. On the basis of this analysis methods were developed for controlling or accounting for problems during the design process. The application of frictional restraining force to the edges of the blank during forming depends on the distribution and magnitude of the clamping force between the binders surfaces of the draw die. This is an important control parameter for the deep drawing process. It has been demonstrated in this work that the elasticity of the press and draw die can affect clamping force in two ways. The response of the press system, to the forces produced in the press during forming, causes the magnitude of clamping force to change during the stroke. This was demonstrated using measured data from a production press. A simple linear elastic model of the press system was developed to illustrate a definite link between the measured force variation and the elasticity of the press and tools. The simple model was extended into a finite element model of the complete press system, which was used to control a forming simulation. It was demonstrated that stiffness variation within the system could influence the final strains in a drawn part. At the conclusion of this investigation a method is proposed for assessing the sensitivity of a part to clamping force variation in the press during die design. A means of reducing variation in the press through the addition of a simple linear spring element is also discussed. The second part of the work assessed the influence of tool structure on the distribution of frictional restraining forces to the blank. A forming simulation showed that tool stiffness affects the distribution of clamping pressure between the binders. This was also shown to affect the final strains in a drawn part. However, the most significant influence on restraining force was the tendency of the blank to increase in thickness between the binders during forming. Using a finite element approximation of the try-out process it was shown that the structure of the tool would also contribute to the problems currently experienced in try-out where uneven contact pressure distributions are addressed by manually adjusting the tool surfaces. Finally a generalised approach to designing draw die structures was developed. Simple analysis methods were combined with finite element based topology optimisation techniques to develop a set of basic design guidelines. The aim of the guidelines was to produce a structure with uniform stiffness response to a pressure applied at the binder surface. The work concludes with a recommendation for introducing the methods developed in this thesis into the standard production process.


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The effect of a bake-hardening (BH) treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties has been studied in C-Mn-Si TRansformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) and Dual Phase (DP) steels after: (i) thermomechanical processing (TMP) and (ii) intercritical annealing (IA). The steels were characterized using X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and three-dimensional atom probe tomography (APT). All steels showed high BH response. however, the DP and trip steels after IA/BH showed the appearance of upper and lower yield points, while the stress-strain behavior of the trip steel after TMP/BH was still continuous. This was due to the higher volume fraction of bainite and more stable retained austenite in the TMP/BH steel, the formation of plastic deformation zones with high dislocation density around the "as-quenched” martensite and “TRIP” martensite in the IA/BH DP steel and IA/BH TRIP steel, respectively.


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One of the main aims of steel research for the automotive industry is to develop materials with the optimum combination of relevant properties, cost and productivity. The introduction of new TRansformation Induced Plasticity steels has been driven by the requirements to increase the ductility without compromising the strength. The main phenomenon responsible for the unique mechanical properties in these steels has been proposed to be the formation of multiphase structure, which can contribute to an increase in elongation during straining. The thesis studied the effect of the different alloying additions on the structure-property relationship in the TRIP steels.


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Development of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) using a conventional rolling setup is one of the biggest challenges to steel industry. It has been found that fine precipitation in a soft matrix, formed after hot rolling, can markedly improve the mechanical properties. In this work, three dimensional atom probe tomography (3D-APT) has been used to study the formation of precipitates in thermomechanically simulated steel. 3D-APT data reveals co-existence of numerous nano clusters with precipitates. Also, quantitative analysis of the nano clusters and precipitates shows clusters are as small as mm in size. Precipitates are found to be disc shaped with the composition of equilibrium precipitates (TiMo)C. Thus, 3D-APT is seen as an ideal technique to complement TEM to understand the nanoscale features in thermomechanically processed steel for further improvements in the mechanical properties of AHSS.


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In mechanical engineering, simulation and optimisation methods have become indispensable. The thesis looks into a novel way to combine shape and topology optimisation approaches. The proposed method - named IST for Integrated Shape And Topology Optimisation - proves to be beneficial for many application in the automotive and aerospace industry.


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Organic coatings have been used in conjunction with cathodic protection as the most economical method of corrosion protection by the oil and gas pipeline industry. In a bid to prolong the life of the pipelines, the degradation and failure of pipeline coatings under the effects of major influencing factors including mechanical stress, the environmental corrosivity and cathodic protection have been extensively investigated over the past decades. This paper provides an overview of recent research for understanding coating degradation under the effect of these factors, either individually or in combination. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy remains the primary and the most commonly used technique of studying the degradation of organic coatings, although there have been attempts to use other techniques such as electrochemical polarization (both dynamic and static), electrochemical noise, Scanning Kelvin Probe, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Dynamic Mechanical Analyser. Major knowledge and technological gaps in the investigation of the combined effects of mechanical stress, environmental corrosivity and cathodic protection on coating degradation have been identified.


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 This thesis contains fundamental studies of the deformation mechanisms of the third generation steel at different deformation temperatures. To analyse the microstructure of the steel a unique characterisation technique was implemented for the first time. These analyses provided with vital parameters for modelling the stress-strain behaviour of the steel at different deformation temperatures.


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Concrete has been successfully used to build strong and economic structures. However severe environmental exposures slowly deteriorate concrete strength until complete failure reducing its designed service life. Fiber Reinforced Polymer “FRP” has been recently introduced in the construction industry to strengthen and retrofitting several structural elements including columns. In this research two types of FRP have been used to wrap concrete column in order to increase its capacity; these are Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer “CFRP” and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer “GFRP”. Twelve short concrete columns have been wrapped with one and two FRP layers including CFRP and GFRP to evaluate their mechanical performance. Mechanical testing has shown that, in general, concrete columns wrapped with FRP produced higher modulus of elasticity compared to the control sample. Results showed that one layer of CFRP have 85.8% increases where as one layer of GFRP showed an increase of 64.5%. Furthermore, two layers of CFRP and GFRP showed 112.5% and 77.2% increase respectively.


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The mechanical behavior under uniaxial tension of Al-Mg alloy 5182 pre-deformed in conventional rolling (CR), asymmetric rolling-continuous (ASRC), and asymmetric rolling-reversed (ASRR) was investigated and modeled with a rate dependent crystal plasticity finite element method and VPSC (Visco-Plastic Self Consistent) model. M-K theory combined with Yld2000 model by Barlat et al. (Int. J. Plasticity 2003, 19, 1297) was used to predict the strain-based and stress-based formability for AA 5182 material. It was concluded that the new ASRR process has very compatible formability with improved strength compared to CR process. These merits can be directly applied for clam-shell resistant design in rigid-packaging industry.