21 resultados para MASS TRANSIT SYSTEM


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Ply-scale finite element (FE) models are widely used to predict the performance of a composite structure based on material properties of individual plies. When simulating damage, these models neglect microscopic fracture processes which may have a significant effect on how a crack progresses within and between plies of a multidirectional laminate. To overcome this resolution limitation a multi-scale modelling technique is employed to simulate the effect micro-scale damage events have on the macro-scale response of a structure. The current paper discusses the development and validation of a hybrid mass-spring system and finite element modelling technique for multi-scale analysis. The model developed here is limited to elastic deformations; however, it is the first key step towards an efficient multi-scale damage model well suited to simulation of fracture in fibre reinforced composite materials. Various load cases have been simulated using the model developed here which show excellent accuracy compared to analytical and FE results. Future work is discussed, including extension of the model to incorporate damage modelling.


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To determine the effect of adiposity in males aged 50-70 years on cardiovascular responses to acute psychological stress.


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High speed rail (also commonly known as HSR) is highly regarded as one of the most significant innovation for mass passenger transportation to travellers willing to pay for reduced travel impediments (shorter travel time, convenience, safety, security, comfort, reliability, flexibility, uniqueness and attractiveness). The transport policy in Australia has until now focused primarily on private passenger car transport and air transportation to the degree that State and Federal Governments’ commitments and actions of rail-oriented mass transportation system still remains sketchy in spite of occasional political and public attentions into it. This has resulted in a limited use of passenger rail as a regional transport system. Using one of the several alternative HSR alignments proposed for the South-Eastern Coast of Australia connecting Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane, this study assesses the regional accessibility impacts of Australian HSR system by means of four indicators: location accessibility, economic potential accessibility, daily accessibility and commuting accessibility. These indicators are commonly used in transport geography literature and they offer different concepts of changes in regional accessibility conditions due to a long distance transport system. The results provide an understanding of differential effects on regional accessibility based on the geographical location and size of urban areas along HSR corridor.


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Recently, much attention has been given to the mass spectrometry (MS) technology based disease classification, diagnosis, and protein-based biomarker identification. Similar to microarray based investigation, proteomic data generated by such kind of high-throughput experiments are often with high feature-to-sample ratio. Moreover, biological information and pattern are compounded with data noise, redundancy and outliers. Thus, the development of algorithms and procedures for the analysis and interpretation of such kind of data is of paramount importance. In this paper, we propose a hybrid system for analyzing such high dimensional data. The proposed method uses the k-mean clustering algorithm based feature extraction and selection procedure to bridge the filter selection and wrapper selection methods. The potential informative mass/charge (m/z) markers selected by filters are subject to the k-mean clustering algorithm for correlation and redundancy reduction, and a multi-objective Genetic Algorithm selector is then employed to identify discriminative m/z markers generated by k-mean clustering algorithm. Experimental results obtained by using the proposed method indicate that it is suitable for m/z biomarker selection and MS based sample classification.


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A highly sensitive and simple analytical method was developed for analyzing the binary mixed pesticides of prometryne and acetochlor in soil–water system by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The sample solution was first purified by C18 solid-phase extraction column, which was leached by acetone. The leachate was enriched to 1.0 mL by pressure blowing concentrator and then analyzed by GC/MS. The linear calibration curves were showed in the range of 1–15 μg/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9991. The average recoveries (n = 5) were between 95.3 and 115.7%, with relative standard deviations ranged from 1.71 and 7.95%. The limits of detection of Prometryne/Acetochlor were up to 0.06 and 0.17 μg/mL, respectively. This method provides a reliable approach to examine and evaluate the residues of prometryne and acetochlor in the soil–water system.


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An interval type-2 fuzzy logic system is introduced for cancer diagnosis using mass spectrometry-based proteomic data. The fuzzy system is incorporated with a feature extraction procedure that combines wavelet transform and Wilcoxon ranking test. The proposed feature extraction generates feature sets that serve as inputs to the type-2 fuzzy classifier. Uncertainty, noise and outliers that are common in the proteomic data motivate the use of type-2 fuzzy system. Tabu search is applied for structure learning of the fuzzy classifier. Experiments are performed using two benchmark proteomic datasets for the prediction of ovarian and pancreatic cancer. The dominance of the suggested feature extraction as well as type-2 fuzzy classifier against their competing methods is showcased through experimental results. The proposed approach therefore is helpful to clinicians and practitioners as it can be implemented as a medical decision support system in practice.


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Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) desalination is being used by several countries to aid the current demand for fresh water, hence numerous large scale and small scale desalination plants have been built during last decade. Despite major advancements in SWRO technology, the desalination industry is still facing significant practical issues. Two of the major issues are (1) generation of higher volumes of pre-treatment sludge, and (2) overall water recovery. This paper proposes a novel hybrid reverse osmosis (RO) - forward osmosis (FO) system to overcome the above two drawbacks. Mass balance calculations based on laboratory experiments have been used to predict increased water recovery and reduced pre-treatment sludge volume arising from large scale (340,000 m3/day of intake) and small scale (15,000 m3/day of intake) hybrid SWRO desalination plants. The percentage reduction of pre-treatment sludge volume, increase in overall RO water recovery, FO membrane area required and dilution in RO reject have been estimated.


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In addition to its role in the storage of fat, adipose tissue acts as an endocrine organ, and it contains a functional renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a key role in the RAS by converting angiotensin I to the bioactive peptide angiotensin II (Ang II). In the present study, the effect of targeting the RAS in body energy homeostasis and glucose tolerance was determined in homozygous mice in which the gene for ACE had been deleted (ACE-/-) and compared with wild-type littermates. Compared with wild-type littermates, ACE-/- mice had lower body weight and a lower proportion of body fat, especially in the abdomen. ACE-/- mice had greater fed-state total energy expenditure (TEE) and resting energy expenditure (REE) than wild-type littermates. There were pronounced increases in gene expression of enzymes related to lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation (lipoprotein lipase, carnitine palmitoyl transferase, long-chain acetyl CoA dehydrogenase) in the liver of ACE-/- mice and also lower plasma leptin. In contrast, no differences were detected in daily food intake, activity, fed-state plasma lipids, or proportion of fat excrete in fecal matter. In conclusion, the reduction in ACE activity is associated with a decreased accumulation of body fat, especially in abdominal fat depots. The decreased body fat in ACE-/- mice is independent of food intake and appears to be due to a high energy expenditure related to increased metabolism of fatty acids in the liver, with the additional effect of increased glucose tolerance.


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In recent years, the number of taxpayers involved in aggressive tax planning has more than doubled, posing a serious threat to the integrity of Australia's tax system. To deal with the problem, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) implemented a number of initiatives aimed at combating aggressive tax planning. Part of the ATO's crackdown involved issuing amended assessments to the 42,000 Australians who invested in mass marketed tax schemes. The majority of investors, however, resisted the ATO's attempts to recover scheme related tax debts. This paper discusses the findings of an empirical study that shows that the resistance was due partly to the manner in which the ATO dealt with the schemes issue. Using survey data collected from 2301 tax scheme investors, and 2040 taxpayers from the general population, it will be shown that those who invested in tax schemes are more disillusioned with the tax system, are more hostile and resistant toward the ATO, and are more likely to resent paying tax as a result.


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Sixteen lactating subantarctic fur seals Arctocephalus tropicalis were satellite-tracked during the winter of 2006 (n = 6), summer of 2006/07 (n = 6) and autumn/winter (n = 4) of 2007, from Marion Island, Southern Ocean. Despite varied individual movement patterns, a favoured foraging area lay to the northeast of the island. In contrast to findings for populations at similar latitudes, seals from Marion Island did not undertake short overnight foraging trips, but trips consistently went beyond 300 km from the island. This aligns with the at-sea duration of lactating seals’ foraging trips from temperate Amsterdam Island, but differs from subantarctic Crozet and Macquarie islands. Time spent at sea, maximum distances travelled and movement variation of tracks from the island varied seasonally. Faecal analysis suggests the diet comprised primarily myctophid fish with limited seasonal variation. Well-defined areas of restricted movement coincided with significant bathymetric features to the west/northwest of the Crozet Plateau, with the Del Caño Rise clearly being important. Positive and negative sea-surface height anomalies (compared to the mean) appeared to be preferred by most seals across seasons. Higher summer sea-surface temperatures correlated with the movements of some seals. Higher chlorophyll a concentrations dictated transit and foraging areas during summer. Bathymetrically influenced oceanographic variables likely explain these preferred long-distance eastward movements. The Îles Crozet and Marion island subantarctic fur seals differ in their foraging ecology despite being neighbours. Conversely, the subantarctic fur seal populations from the distant Amsterdam and Marion islands appear to be similarly influenced by such environmental factors.


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This paper presents an energy management system to reduce the energy consumption of a vehicle when its air conditioning system is in use. The system controls the mass flow rate of the air by dynamically adjusting the blower speed and air-gates opening under various heat and loads circumstances. Simulations were conducted for a travelling vehicle operating the air conditioning system without and with the developed energy management system. The results show that the comfort temperature within the cabin room is achieved for reduced amount of energy consumption.


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Migrants, such as birds or representatives of other taxa, usually make use of several stopover sites to cover the distance between their site of origin and destination. Potentially, multiple routes exist, but often little is known about the causes and consequences of alternative migration routes. Apart from their geographical distribution, the suitability of potential sites might play an important role in the animals’ decisions for a particular itinerary. We used an optimal-migration model to test three nonmutually exclusive hypotheses leading to variations in the spring migration routes of a subspecies of Red Knot, Calidris canutus islandica, which migrates from wintering grounds in Western Europe to breeding grounds in Greenland and the Canadian Arctic: the breeding location hypothesis, the energy budget hypothesis, and the predation risk hypothesis. Varying only breeding location, the model predicted that birds breeding in the Canadian Arctic and on West Greenland stop over on Iceland, whereas birds breeding in East and Northeast Greenland migrate via northern Norway, a prediction that is supported by empirical findings. Energy budgets on stopover sites had a strong influence on the choice of route and staging times. Varying foraging-intensity and mass-dependent predation risk prompted the birds to use less risky sites, if possible. The effect of simultaneous changes in the energy budget and predation risk strongly depended on the site where these occurred. Our findings provide potential explanations for the observations that C. canutus islandica uses a diverse array of migration routes. Scrutinizing the three alternative driving forces for the choice of migratory routes awaits further, specific data collection in rapidly developing fields of research (e.g., predation risk assessment, GPS tracking). Generally, the type of modeling presented here may not only highlight alternative explanations, but also direct follow-up empirical research.


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In this study, we have demonstrated that a rotating metal wire coil can be used as a nozzle to electrospin nanofibers on a large-scale. Without using any needles, the rotating wire coil, partially immersed in a polymer solution reservoir, can pick up a thin layer of charged polymer solution and generate a large number of nanofibers from the wire surface simultaneously. This arrangement significantly increases the nanofiber productivity. The fiber productivity was found to be determined by the coil dimensions, applied voltage and polymer concentration. The dependency of fiber diameter on the polymer concentration showed a similar trend to that for a conventional electrospinning system using a syringe needle nozzle, but the coil electrospun fibers were thinner with narrower diameter distribution. The profiles of electric field strength in the coil electrospinning was calculated and showed concentrated electric field intensity on the top wire surface.