31 resultados para Human Behavior.


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The ability to learn and recognize human activities of daily living (ADLs) is important in building pervasive and smart environments. In this paper, we tackle this problem using the hidden semi-Markov model. We discuss the state-of-the-art duration modeling choices and then address a large class of exponential family distributions to model state durations. Inference and learning are efficiently addressed by providing a graphical representation for the model in terms of a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN). We investigate both discrete and continuous distributions from the exponential family (Poisson and Inverse Gaussian respectively) for the problem of learning and recognizing ADLs. A full comparison between the exponential family duration models and other existing models including the traditional multinomial and the new Coxian are also presented. Our work thus completes a thorough investigation into the aspect of duration modeling and its application to human activities recognition in a real-world smart home surveillance scenario.


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There is accumulating evidence that body and mind, or rather the physical and the non-physical, are intrinsically connected. The mechanisms through which reality therapy works on mind and body may be explained via positive dynamics in the central nervous system, the body's biochemistry and the human energy field. The purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between choice theory and the nature of the power centers in the human energy field. Understanding the drivers behind human behavior and facilitating the choice to think realistically and to make responsible choices assists wholeness and enhances the physical, mental and spiritual health.


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The importance of explicit duration modelling for classification of sequences of human activity and the reliable and timely detection of duration abnormality was highlighted. The normal classes of behavior were designed to highlight the importance of modelling duration given the limitations of the tracking system. It was found that HMM was the weakest model for classification of the unseen normal sequences with 81% accuracy. Long term abnormality was investigated by artificially varying the duration of primary activity in a randomly selected test sequence. The incorporation of duration in models of human behavior is an important consideration for systems seeking to provide cognitive support and to detect deviation in the behavorial patterns.


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Despite a growing acceptance of the value of evolutionary approaches to understanding the natural world there has been relatively little attention paid to evolutionary ideas in sociology, socio-cultural anthropology, and — of particular relevance for this special issue — criminology and forensic/correctional psychology. The aim of this paper is to provide an introductory overview of evolutionary approaches to human behavior with a focus on illuminating the role they can play in enriching our understanding of criminal and antisocial behavior. We begin with an overview of the main approaches to applying evolutionary theory to human behavior and we suggest that a pluralistic perspective is most likely to advance conceptual and empirical work in the field. We then turn to a brief discussion of some common, but misguided criticisms of this approach. Some of the more substantive conceptual and methodological issues that evolutionary approaches need to address are then explored. Finally, we engage with the broader issues that relate to the role of evolutionary explanations in the social and behavioral sciences.


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The mainstream view in criminology and correctional psychology is that evolutionary perspectives have little to offer researchers or practitioners and may in fact lead to overly reductionist and crude responses to the complex issue of crime and its consequences. However, in our view all the major evolutionary approaches to the explanation of human behavior have something of value to contribute, with niche construction providing a particularly useful lens upon crime and its management. In this paper we analyze the concept of rehabilitation and describe the key features of effective rehabilitation. We argue that niche construction is responsive to the cognitive versatility and behavioral flexibility of human beings and can also accommodate the important role of social and cultural scaffolding in the rehabilitation process.


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The web is a rich resource for information discovery, as a result web mining is a hot topic. However, a reliable mining result depends on the reliability of the data set. For every single second, the web generate huge amount of data, such as web page requests, file transportation. The data reflect human behavior in the cyber space and therefore valuable for our analysis in various disciplines, e.g. social science, network security. How to deposit the data is a challenge. An usual strategy is to save the abstract of the data, such as using aggregation functions to preserve the features of the original data with much smaller space. A key problem, however is that such information can be distorted by the presence of illegitimate traffic, e.g. botnet recruitment scanning, DDoS attack traffic, etc. An important consideration in web related knowledge discovery then is the robustness of the aggregation method , which in turn may be affected by the reliability of network traffic data. In this chapter, we first present the methods of aggregation functions, and then we employe information distances to filter out anomaly data as a preparation for web data mining.


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In this study, titanium (Ti) and titanium-zirconium (TiZr) alloy samples fabricated through powder metallurgy were surface modified by alkali-heat treatment and calcium (Ca)-ion-deposition. The alteration of the surface morphology and the chemistry of the Ti and TiZr after surface modification were examined. The bioactivity of the Ti and TiZr alloys after the surface modification was demonstrated. Subsequently, the cytocompatibility of the surface modified Ti and TiZr was evaluated via in vitro cell culture using human osteoblast-like cells (SaOS2). The cellular attachment, adhesion and proliferation after cell culture for 14 days were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and MTT assay. The relationship between surface morphology and chemical composition of the surface modified Ti and TiZr and cellular responses was investigated. Results indicated that the surface-modified Ti and TiZr alloys exhibited excellent in vitro cytocompatibility together with satisfactory bioactivity. Since osteoblast adhesion and proliferation are essential prerequisites for a successful implant in vivo, these results provide evidence that Ti and TiZr alloys after appropriate surface modification are promising biomaterials for hard tissue replacement.


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This article examines human resource management (HRM) for successful Australian-Malaysian joint ventures (JVs), on the basis of survey data and case studies. The findings suggest that each phase of JV development had its own pattern of HR practices. Three phases of development were distinguished - initiation, transitional, and maturational. The first phase involved selecting, recruiting and training a skilled workforce and formulating rudimentary human resource policies. Cultural differences were most marked in this phase. The second phase, after three years of operation, involved evolution of human resource policies better suited to local conditions, and more polycentric management staffing. The final phase, after six years of operation, saw the development of a distinctive human resources system, and the minimisation of cultural differences as an operational issue. In this phase there was also a move to more geocentric management staffing.


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The present study examined the validity and reliability of measuring the expression of various genes in human skeletal muscle using quantitative real-time RT-PCR on a GeneAmp 5700 sequence detection system with SYBR Green 1 chemistry. In addition, the validity of using some of these genes as endogenous controls (i.e., housekeeping genes) when human skeletal muscle was exposed to elevated total creatine levels and exercise was also examined. For all except 28S, linear relationships between the logarithm of the starting RNA concentrations and the cycle threshold (CT) values were established for ß-actin, ß2-microglobulin (ß2M), cyclophilin (CYC), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). We found a linear response between CT values and the logarithm of a given amount of starting cDNA for all the genes tested. The overall intra-assay coefficient of variance for these genes was 1.3% and 21% for raw CT values and the linear value of 2-CT, respectively. Interassay variability was 2.3% for raw CT values and 34% for the linear value of 2-CT. We also examined the expression of various housekeeping genes in human skeletal muscle at days 0, 1, and 5 following oral supplementation with either creatine or a placebo employing a double-blind crossover study design. Treatments were separated by a 5-wk washout period. Immediately following each muscle sampling, subjects performed two 30-s all-out bouts on a cycle ergometer. Creatine supplementation increased (P < 0.05) muscle total creatine content above placebo levels; however, there were no changes (P > 0.05) in CT values across the supplementation periods for any of the genes. Nevertheless, 95% confidence intervals showed that GAPDH was variable, whereas ß-actin, ß2M, and CYC were the least varying genes. Normalization of the data to these housekeeping genes revealed variable behavior for ß2M with more stable expressions for both ß-actin and CYC. We conclude that, using real-time RT-PCR, ß-actin or CYC may be used as housekeeping genes to study gene expression in human muscle in experiments employing short-term creatine supplementation combined with high-intensity exercise.


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Stress is thought to influence human eating behavior and has been examined in animal and human studies. Our understanding of the stress-eating relation is confounded by limitations inherent in the study designs; however, we can make some tentative conclusions that support the notion that stress can influence eating patterns in humans. Stress appears to alter overall food intake in two ways, resulting in under- or overeating, which may be influenced by stressor severity. Chronic life stress seems to be associated with a greater preference for energy- and nutrient-dense foods, namely those that are high in sugar and fat. Evidence from longitudinal studies suggests that chronic life stress may be causally linked to weight gain, with a greater effect seen in men. Stress-induced eating may be one factor contributing to the development of obesity. Future studies that measure biological markers of stress will assist our understanding of the physiologic mechanism underlying the stress-eating relation and how stress might be linked to neurotransmitters and hormones that control appetite.


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Since 1998, debate has occurred over whether light synchronises the human biological clock through the visual system only, or if the light penetrating our skin is also influential. This thesis provides definitive, debate ending, evidence that skin exposure to even intensely bright light has no impact on circadian timing. The portfolio presents a review of the literature regarding the efficacy of dialectical behavior therapy as a treatment for borderline personality disorder, a summary of the proposed mechanisms of action on the various treatment components, and a description of the clinical application of the four 'skills training modules' via the use of four case study examples.


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Physical activity and sedentary behavior (performed primarily while sitting) play a key role in the current and future health of young people. Most health evidence and intervention strategies targeting reductions in children’s sedentary behavior have focused on television viewing, with mixed evidence as to the effectiveness of these strategies and of the importance of television viewing for children’s health. Evidence from studies with adults using objective measures of sedentary behavior suggests that accumulated sedentary time is independently associated with metabolic health; importantly, emerging evidence suggests that the manner in which the sedentary behavior is accrued (ie, frequency of interruptions to time spent sedentary) may also have independent effects on health. Potential novel intervention approaches to reduce children’s sedentary time include activity breaks during class time at school, delivery of active lessons and homework, and changes to the classroom environment. Further evidence of the importance of sedentary time (both total accumulation and frequency of interruptions) on children’s health is required. Future studies should assess the effectiveness of interventions targeting organizational and pedagogical changes in schools as well as using homework to engage with families in more active ways.