104 resultados para Gene Expression Regulation -- genetics


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Objective: To determine the effect of a high-fat diet on the expression of genes important for fat oxidation, the protein abundance of the transcription factors peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) isoforms α and γ, and selected enzyme activities in type I and II skeletal muscle. Research Methods and Procedures: Sprague-Dawley rats consumed either a high-fat (HF: 78% energy, n = 8) or high-carbohydrate (64% energy, n = 8) diet for 8 weeks while remaining sedentary. Results: The expression of genes important for fat oxidation tended to increase in both type I (soleus) and type II (extensor digitorum longus) fiber types after an HF dietary intervention. However, the expression of muscle type carnitine palmitoyltransferase I was not increased in extensor digitorum longus. Analysis of the gene expression of both peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator and forkhead transcription factor O1 demonstrated no alteration in response to the HF diet. Similarly, PPARα and PPARγ protein levels were also not altered by the HF diet. Discussion: An HF diet increased the expression of an array of genes involved in lipid metabolism, with only subtle differences evident in the response within differing skeletal muscle fiber types. Despite changes in gene expression, there were no effects of diet on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator and forkhead transcription factor O1 mRNA and the protein abundance of PPARα and PPARγ.


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the regulation of adiponectin receptors 1 (AdipoR1) and 2 (AdipoR2) gene expression in primary skeletal muscle myotubes, derived from human donors, after exposure to globular adiponectin (gAd) and leptin. Research Methods and Procedures: Four distinct primary cell culture groups were established [ Lean, Obese, Diabetic, Weight Loss (Wt Loss); n = 7 in each] from rectus abdominus muscle biopsies obtained from surgical patients. Differentiated myotube cultures were exposed to gAd (0.1 mug/mL) or leptin (2.5 mug/mL) for 6 hours. AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 gene expression was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Results: AdipoR1 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle myotubes derived from Lean subjects (p < 0.05) was stimulated 1.8-fold and 2.5-fold with gAd and leptin, respectively. No increase in AdipoR1 gene expression was measured in myotubes derived from Obese, Diabetic, or Wt Loss subjects. AdipoR2 mRNA expression was unaltered after gAd and leptin exposure in all myotube groups. Discussion: Adiponectin and leptin are rapid and potent stimulators of AdipoR1 in myotubes derived from lean healthy individuals. This effect was abolished in myotubes derived from obese, obese diabetic subjects, and obese-prone individuals who had lost significant weight after bariatric surgery. The incapacity of skeletal muscle of obese and diabetic individuals to respond to exogenous adiponectin and leptin may be further suppressed as a result of impaired regulation of the AdipoR1 gene.


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The PHYTOCHROME AND FLOWERING TIME1 gene encoding the MEDIATOR25 (MED25) subunit of the eukaryotic Mediator complex is a positive regulator of jasmonate (JA)-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Based on the function of the Mediator complex as a bridge between DNA-bound transcriptional activators and the RNA polymerase II complex, MED25 has been hypothesized to function in association with transcriptional regulators of the JA pathway. However, it is currently not known mechanistically how MED25 functions to regulate JA-responsive gene expression. In this study, we show that MED25 physically interacts with several key transcriptional regulators of the JA signaling pathway, including the APETALA2 (AP2)/ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR (ERF) transcription factors OCTADECANOID-RESPONSIVE ARABIDOPSIS AP2/ERF59 and ERF1 as well as the master regulator MYC2. Physical interaction detected between MED25 and four group IX AP2/ERF transcription factors was shown to require the activator interaction domain of MED25 as well as the recently discovered Conserved Motif IX-1/EDLL transcription activation motif of MED25-interacting AP2/ERFs. Using transcriptional activation experiments, we also show that OCTADECANOID-RESPONSIVE ARABIDOPSIS AP2/ERF59- and ERF1-dependent activation of PLANT DEFENSIN1.2 as well as MYC2-dependent activation of VEGETATIVE STORAGE PROTEIN1 requires a functional MED25. In addition, MED25 is required for MYC2-dependent repression of pathogen defense genes. These results suggest an important role for MED25 as an integrative hub within the Mediator complex during the regulation of JA-associated gene expression.


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The molecular processes underlying human milk production and the effects of mastitic infection are largely unknown because of limitations in obtaining tissue samples. Determination of gene expression in normal lactating women would be a significant step toward understanding why some women display poor lactation outcomes. Here, we demonstrate the utility of RNA obtained directly from human milk cells to detect mammary epithelial cell (MEC)-specific gene expression. Milk cell RNA was collected from five time points (24 h prepartum during the colostrum period, midlactation, two involutions, and during a bout of mastitis) in addition to an involution series comprising three time points. Gene expression profiles were determined by use of human Affymetrix arrays. Milk cells collected during milk production showed that the most highly expressed genes were involved in milk synthesis (e.g., CEL, OLAH, FOLR1, BTN1A1, and ARG2), while milk cells collected during involution showed a significant downregulation of milk synthesis genes and activation of involution associated genes (e.g., STAT3, NF-kB, IRF5, and IRF7). Milk cells collected during mastitic infection revealed regulation of a unique set of genes specific to this disease state, while maintaining regulation of milk synthesis genes. Use of conventional epithelial cell markers was used to determine the population of MECs within each sample. This paper is the first to describe the milk cell transcriptome across the human lactation cycle and during mastitic infection, providing valuable insight into gene expression of the human mammary gland.


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Fasting triggers a complex array of adaptive metabolic and hormonal responses including an augmentation in the capacity for mitochondrial fatty acid (FA) oxidation in skeletal muscle. This study hypothesized that this adaptive response is mediated by increased mRNA of key genes central to the regulation of fat oxidation in human skeletal muscle. Fasting dramatically increased UCP3 gene expression, by 5-fold at 15 h and 10-fold at 40 h. However the expression of key genes responsible for the uptake, transport, oxidation, and re-esterification of FA remained unchanged following 15 and 40 h of fasting. Likewise there was no change in the mRNA abundance of transcription factors. This suggests a unique role for UCP3 in the regulation of FA homeostasis during fasting as adaptation to 40 h of fasting does not require alterations in the expression of other genes necessary for lipid metabolism.


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Skeletal muscle, as a consequence of its mass and great capacity for altered metabolism, has a major impact on whole-body metabolic homeostasis and is capable of remarkable adaptation in response to various physiological stimuli, including exercise and dietary intervention. Exercise-induced increases in skeletal muscle mRNA levels of a number of genes have been reported, due to transcriptional activation and/or increased mRNA stability. The cellular adaptations to exercise training appear to be due to the cumulative effects of transient increases in gene transcription after repeated exercise bouts. The relative importance of transcriptional (mRNA synthesis) and translational (mRNA stability or translational efficiency) mechanisms for the training-induced increases in skeletal muscle protein abundance remains to be fully elucidated. Dietary manipulation, and the associated alterations in nutrient availability and hormone levels, can also modify skeletal muscle gene expression, although fewer studies have been reported. A major challenge is to understand how exercise and diet exert their effects on gene and protein expression in skeletal muscle. In relation to exercise, potential stimuli include stretch and muscle tension, the pattern of motor nerve activity and the resultant calcium transients, the energy charge of the cell and substrate availability, oxygen tension and circulating hormones. These are detected by various cellular signaling mechanisms, acting on a range of downstream targets and a wide range of putative transcription factors. A key goal in the years ahead is to identify how alterations at the level of gene expression are coupled to the changes in skeletal muscle phenotype. It is clear that gene expression, although representing a specific site of regulation, is only one step in a complex cascade from the initial stimulus to the final phenotypic adaptation and integrated physiological response.


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The effects of a single bout of exercise and exercise training on the expression of genes necessary for the transport and beta -oxidation of fatty acids (FA), together with the gene expression of transcription factors implicated in the regulation of FA homeostasis were investigated. Seven human subjects (3 male, 4 female, 28.9 ± 3.1 yr of age, range 20-42 yr, body mass index 22.6 kg/m2, range 17-26 kg/m2) underwent a 9-day exercise training program of 60 min cycling per day at 63% peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak; 104 ± 14 W). On days 1 and 9 of the program, muscle biopsies were sampled from the vastus lateralis muscle at rest, at the completion of exercise, and again 3 h postexercise. Gene expression of key components of FA transport [FA translocase (FAT/CD36), plasma membrane-associated FA-binding protein], beta -oxidation [carntine palmitoyltransferase(CPT) I, beta -hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase] and transcriptional control [peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)alpha , PPARgamma , PPARgamma coactivator 1, sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c] were unaltered by exercise when measured at the completion and at 3 h postexercise. Training increased total lipid oxidation by 24% (P < 0.05) for the 1-h cycling bout. This increased capacity for lipid oxidation was accompanied by an increased expression of FAT/CD36 and CPT I mRNA. Similarly, FAT/CD36 protein abundance was also upregulated by exercise training. We conclude that enhanced fat oxidation after exercise training is most closely associated with the genes involved in regulating FA uptake across the plasma membrane (FAT/CD36) and across the mitochondrial membrane (CPT I).


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1. Skeletal muscle is a complex and heterogenous tissue capable of remarkable adaptation in response to exercise training. The role of gene transcription, as an initial target to control protein synthesis, is poorly understood.
2. Mature myofibres contain several hundred nuclei, all of which maintain transcriptional competency, although the localized responsiveness of nuclei is not well known. Myofibres are capable of hypertrophy. These processes require the activation and myogenic differentiation of mononuclear satellite cells that fuse with the enlarging or repairing myofibre.
3. A single bout of exercise in human subjects is capable of activating the expression of many diverse groups of genes.
4. The impact of repeated exercise bouts, typical of exercise training, on gene expression has yet to receive systematic investigation.
5. The molecular programme elicited by resistance exercise and endurance exercise differs markedly. Muscular hypertrophy following resistance exercise is dependent on the activation of satellite cells and their subsequent myogenic maturation. Endurance exercise requires the simultaneous activation of mitochondrial and nuclear genes to enable mitochondrial biogenesis.
6. Future analysis of the regulation of genes by exercise may combine high-throughput technologies, such as gene-chips, enabling the rapid detection and analysis of changes in the expression of many thousands of genes.


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Background: Dietary fatty acids may be important in regulating gene expression. However, little is known about the effect of changes in dietary fatty acids on gene regulation in human skeletal muscle.
Objective: The objective was to determine the effect of altered dietary fat intake on the expression of genes encoding proteins necessary for fatty acid transport and &szlig;-oxidation in skeletal muscle.
Design: Fourteen well-trained male cyclists and triathletes with a mean (&plusmn; SE) age of 26.9 &plusmn; 1.7 y, weight of 73.7 &plusmn; 1.7 kg, and peak oxygen uptake of 67.0 &plusmn; 1.3 mL &dot; kg-1 &dot; min-1 consumed either a high-fat diet (HFat: > 65% of energy as lipids) or an isoenergetic high-carbohydrate diet (HCho: 70–75% of energy as carbohydrate) for 5 d in a crossover design. On day 1 (baseline) and again after 5 d of dietary intervention, resting muscle and blood samples were taken. Muscle samples were analyzed for gene expression [fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36), plasma membrane fatty acid binding protein (FABPpm), carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I), &szlig;-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (&szlig;-HAD), and uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3)] and concentrations of the proteins FAT/CD36 and FABPpm.
Results: The gene expression of FAT/CD36 and &szlig; -HAD and the gene abundance of FAT/CD36 were greater after the HFat than after the HCho diet (P < 0.05). Messenger RNA expression of FABPpm, CPT I, and UCP-3 did not change significantly with either diet.
: A rapid and marked capacity for changes in dietary fatty acid availability to modulate the expression of mRNA-encoding proteins is necessary for fatty acid transport and oxidative metabolism. This finding is evidence of nutrient-gene interactions in human skeletal muscle.


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Zinc deficiency, causing impaired growth and development, may have a nutritional or genetic basis. We investigated two cases of inherited zinc deficiency found in breast-fed neonates, caused by low levels of zinc in the maternal milk. This condition is different from acrodermatitis enteropathica but has similarities to the "lethal milk" mouse, where low levels of zinc in the milk of lactating dams leads to zinc deficiency in pups. The mouse disorder has been attributed to a defect in the ZnT4 gene. Little is known about the expression of the human orthologue, hZnT4 (Slc30A4). Sequence analysis of cDNA, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis of hZnT4, carried out on control cells and cells from unrelated mothers of two infants with zinc deficiency, showed no differences. The hZnT4 gene was highly expressed in mouthwash buccal cells compared with lymphoblasts and fibroblasts. The hZnT4 protein did not co-localise with intracellular free zinc pools, suggesting that hZnT4 is not involved in transport of zinc into vesicles destined for secretion into milk. This observation, combined with phenotypic differences between the "lethal milk" mouse and the human disorder, suggests that the "lethal milk" mouse is not the corresponding model for the human zinc deficiency condition.


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Dietary fatty acids regulate the abundance and activity of various proteins involved in the regulation of fat oxidation by functioning as regulators of gene transcription. To determine whether the transcription of key lipid metabolic proteins necessary for fat metabolism within human skeletal muscle are regulated by acute elevations in circulating free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations, 7 healthy men underwent 3 randomized resting infusions of Intralipid (20%) with heparin sodium, saline and heparin sodium, or saline only for 5 hours. These infusions significantly elevated plasma FFA concentrations by 15-fold (to 1.67 ± 0.13 mmol/L) in the Intralipid infusion trial, with modest elevations observed in the saline and heparin sodium and saline alone infusion groups (0.67 ± 0.09 and 0.49 ± 0.087 mmol/L, P < .01 both vs Intralipid infusion). Analysis of messenger RNA (mRNA) concentration demonstrated that pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 4 (PDK4) mRNA, a key negative regulator of glucose oxidation, was increased in all trials with a 24-fold response after Intralipid infusion, 15-fold after saline and heparin infusion, and 9-fold after saline alone. The PDK4 increases were not significantly different between the 3 trials. The mRNA concentration of the major uncoupling protein within skeletal muscle, uncoupling protein 3, was not elevated in parallel to the increased plasma FFA as similar (not, vert, similar2-fold) increases were evident in all trials. Additional genes involved in lipid transport (fatty acid translocase/CD36), oxidation (carnitine palmitoyltransferase I), and metabolism (1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 1, hormone-sensitive lipase, and peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α) were not altered by increased circulating FFA concentrations. The present data demonstrate that of the genes analyzed that encode proteins that are key regulators of lipid homeostasis within skeletal muscle, only the PDK4 gene is uniquely sensitive to increasing FFA concentrations after increased plasma FFA achieved by intravenous lipid infusion.


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Few models are in place for analysis of extreme lactation patterns such as that of the fur seals which are capable of extended down regulation of milk production in the absence of involution. During a 10–12 month lactation period, female fur seals suckle pups on shore for 2–3 days, and then undertake long foraging trips at sea for up to 28 days, resulting in the longest intersuckling bouts recorded. During this time the mammary gland down regulates milk production. We have induced Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) mammary cells in vitro to form mammospheres up to 900 μm in diameter, larger than any of their mammalian counterparts. Mammosphere lumens were shown to form via apoptosis and cells comprising the cellular boundary stained vimentin positive. The Cape fur seal GAPDH gene was cloned and used in RT-PCR as a normalization tool to examine comparative expression of milk protein genes (αS2-casein, β-lactoglobulin and lysozyme C) which were prolactin responsive. Cape fur seal mammary cells were found to be unique; they did not require Matrigel for rapid mammosphere formation and instead deposited their own matrix within 2 days of culture. When grown on Matrigel, cells exhibited branching/stellate morphogenesis highlighting the species-specific nature of cell–matrix interactions during morphological differentiation. Matrix produced in vitro by cells did not support formation of human breast cancer cell line, PMC42 mammospheres. This novel model system will help define the molecular pathways controlling the regulation of milk protein expression and species specific requirements of the extracellular matrix in the cape fur seal.


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The phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to influence the outcome of the interactions between various hosts with biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens. Susceptibility to avirulent isolates can be induced by addition of low physiological concentrations of ABA to plants. In contrast, addition of ABA biosynthesis inhibitors induced resistance following challenge of plants by virulent isolates. ABA deficient mutants of Arabidopsis, such as aba1-1, were resistant to virulent isolates of Peronospora parasitica. In interactions of Arabidopsis with avirulent isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, susceptibility was induced following addition of ABA or imposition of drought stress. These results indicate a pivotal, albiet undefined, role for ABA in determining either susceptibility or resistance to pathogen attack. We have found that the production of the cell wall strengthening compound, lignin, is increased during resistant interactions of aba1-1 but suppressed in ABA induced susceptible interactions. Using RT-PCR and microarray analysis we have found down-regulation by ABA of key genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway especially of those genes involved directly in lignin biosynthesis. ABA also down-regulates a number of genes in other functional classes including those involved in defence and cell signalling.


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The phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to influence the outcome of the interactions between various hosts with biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens. Susceptibility to avirulent isolates can be induced in plants by addition of low physiological concentrations of ABA. In contrast, addition of ABA biosynthesis inhibitors induced resistance following challenge of plants by virulent isolates. ABA deficient mutants of Arabidopsis, such as aba1-1, were resistant to virulent isolates of Peronospora parasitica. In interactions of Arabidopsis with avirulent isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, susceptibility was induced following addition of ABA or imposition of drought stress. These results indicate a pivotal, albiet undefined, role for ABA in determining either susceptibility or resistance to pathogen attack. We have found that the production of the cell wall strengthening compound, lignin, is increased during resistant interactions of aba1-1 but suppressed in ABA-induced susceptible interactions. Using RT-PCR and microarray analysis we have found down-regulation by ABA of key genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway especially of those genes involved directly in lignin biosynthesis. ABA also down-regulates a number of genes in other functional classes including those involved in defence and cell signalling.