30 resultados para Fetus


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We hypothesized that elevating creatine in the maternal diet would reach fetal and placental tissues and improve fetal survival after acute hypoxia at birth.
Study Design
Pregnant spiny mice were fed a control or 5% creatine-supplemented diet from day 20 of gestation (term, approximately 39 days). On days 37-38, intrauterine hypoxia was induced by placement of the isolated uterus in a saline solution bath for 7.5-8 minutes, after which fetuses were expelled from the uterus and resuscitation was attempted by manual palpation of the chest. Total creatine content (creatine + phosphocreatine) of placental, fetal, and maternal organs was measured.
The maternal creatine diet significantly increased total creatine content in the placenta, fetal brain, heart, liver, and kidney and increased the capacity of offspring to survive birth hypoxia. Maternal creatine improved postnatal growth after birth hypoxia.
This study provides evidence that creatine has potential as a prophylactic therapy for pregnancies that are classified as high risk for fetal hypoxia.


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Copper transport and accumulation were studied in virgin and lactating C57BL/6 mice, with and without expression of ceruloplasmin (Cp), to assess the importance of Cp to these processes. One hour after i.p. injection of tracer 64Cu, liver and kidney accounted for 80% of the radioactivity, and mammary gland 1%, while in lactating Cp+/+ mice 2–4 days post partum, uptake by mammary gland was 9-fold higher and that of liver and other organs was decreased, with 64Cu rapidly appearing in milk. Parallel studies in Cp−/− mice (siblings from same colony) gave virtually identical results. However, their milk contained less 64Cu, and actual copper contents determined by furnace atomic absorption were less than half those for milk from normal dams. Liver copper concentrations of pups born to Cp−/− dams also were half those of pups from wild type dams. Copper in pup brains was unaffected; but iron concentrations were reduced. We conclude that absence of Cp, while not affecting entry of exchangeable copper from the blood into the mammary gland, does have a significant effect on the availability of this metal to the newborn through the milk and in the form of stores accumulating in gestation.


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Mercury (Hg) exposure is ubiquitous in modern society via vaccines, fish/crustacea, dental amalgam, food, water, and the atmosphere. This article examines Hg exposure in the context of primary exposure to pregnant women and secondary exposure experienced by their unborn babies. Babies in utero are particularly at risk of higher Hg exposure than adults (on a dose/weight basis through maternal Hg transfer via the placenta), and are more susceptible to adverse effects from mercury and its biologically active compounds. It is, therefore, critical that regulatory advisories around maximum safe Hg exposures account for pregnant women and secondary exposure that children in utero experience. This study focused on standardized embryonic and fetal Hg exposures via primary exposure to the pregnant mother of two common Hg sources (dietary fish and parenteral vaccines). Data demonstrated that Hg exposures, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy, at well-established dose/weight ratios produced severe damage to humans including death. In light of research suggestive of a mercuric risk factor for childhood conditions such as tic disorders, cerebral palsy, and autism, it is essential that Hg advisories account for secondary prenatal human exposures.


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 The thesis investigated the role of maternal mental health, maternal attachment and hormones in the development of maternal-fetal attachment during pregnancy. The study found that oxytocin and cortisol were associated with maternal-fetal attachment throughout pregnancy. The study also found that maternal mental health, particularly anxiety, stress and depression during the prenatal period impacted on the development of maternal-fetal attachment across pregnancy. The findings have clinical and research implications with regard to early intervention for attachment and maternal well-being.


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Copper is an essential trace element that requires tightly regulated homeostatic mechanisms to ensure adequate supplies without any toxic effects because of the ability of the metal ion to catalyze the formation of free radicals. The Cu-ATPases, ATP7A and ATP7B, play an important role in the physiological regulation of copper. Adequate supplies of copper are particularly important in developing animals, and in humans this is illustrated by mutations of ATP7A that cause the copper deficiency condition Menkes disease, which is fatal in early childhood. In contrast, mutations in ATP7B result in the genetic toxicosis, Wilson disease. We propose that the physiological regulation of copper is accomplished mainly by the intracellular copper-regulated trafficking of the Cu-ATPases. This process allows the overall copper status in the body to be maintained when levels of copper in the diet alter. A study of the defects in mouse models of Menkes and Wilson diseases has demonstrated that both ATPases play an important role in supplying copper to the developing fetus and neonate


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Copper is an essential trace element necessary for normal growth and development. During pregnancy, copper is transported from the maternal circulation to the fetus by mechanisms which have not been clearly elucidated. The copper uptake protein, hCTR1 is predicted to play a role in copper transport in human placental cells. This study has examined the expression and localisation of hCTR1 in human placental tissue and Jeg-3 cells. In term placental tissue the hCTR1 protein was detected as a 105 kDa protein, consistent with the size of a trimer which may represent the functional protein. A 95 kDa band, possibly representing the glycosylated protein, was also detected. hCTR1 was localised within the syncytiotrophoblast layer and the fetal vascular endothelial cells in the placental villi and interestingly was found to be localised toward the basal plasma membrane. It did not co-localise with either the Menkes or the Wilson copper transporting ATPases. Using the placental cell line Jeg-3, it was shown that the 35 kDa monomer was absent in the extracts of cells exposed to insulin, estrogen or progesterone and in cells treated with estrogen an additional 65 kDa band was detected which may correspond to a dimeric form of the protein. The 95 kDa band was not detected in the cultured cells. These results provide novel insights indicating that hormones have a role in the formation of the active hCTR1 protein. Furthermore, insulin altered the intracellular localisation of hCTR1, suggesting a previously undescribed role of this hormone in regulating copper uptake through the endocytic pathway.


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Sulfonation is an important reaction in the metabolism of numerous xenobiotics, drugs, and endogenous compounds. A supergene family of enzymes called sulfotransferases (SULTs) catalyze this reaction. In most cases, the addition of a sulfonate moiety to a compound increases its water solubility and decreases its biological activity. However, many of these enzymes are also capable of bioactivating procarcinogens to reactive electrophiles. In humans three SULT families, SULT1, SULT2, and SULT4, have been identified that contain at least thirteen distinct members. SULTs have a wide tissue distribution and act as a major detoxification enzyme system in adult and the developing human fetus. Nine crystal structures of human cytosolic SULTs have now been determined, and together with site-directed mutagenesis experiments and molecular modeling, we are now beginning to understand the factors that govern distinct but overlapping substrate specificities. These studies have also provided insight into the enzyme kinetics and inhibition characteristics of these enzymes. The regulation of human SULTs remains as one of the least explored areas of research in the field, though there have been some
recent advances on the molecular transcription mechanism controlling the individual SULT promoters. Interindividual variation in sulfonation capacity may be important in determining an individual’s response to xenobiotics, and recent studies have begun to suggest roles for SULT polymorphism in disease susceptibility. This review aims to provide a summary of our present understanding of the function of human cytosolic sulfotransferases.


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Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of a decision aid for prenatal testing of fetal abnormalities compared with a pamphlet in supporting women's decision making.
Design A cluster randomised controlled trial.
Setting Primary health care.
Population Women in early pregnancy consulting a GP.
Methods GPs were randomised to provide women with either a decision aid or a pamphlet. The decision aid was a 24-page booklet designed using the Ottowa Decision Framework. The pamphlet was an existing resource available in the trial setting.
Main outcome measures Validated scales were used to measure the primary outcomes, informed choice and decisional conflict, and the secondary outcomes, anxiety, depression, attitudes to the pregnancy/fetus and acceptability of the resource. Outcomes were measured at 14 weeks of gestation from questionnaires that women completed and returned by post.
Findings Women in the intervention group were more likely to make an informed decision 76% (126/165) than those in the control group 65% (107/165) (adjusted OR 2.08; 95% CI 1.14–3.81). A greater proportion of women in the intervention group 88% (147/167) had a 'good' level of knowledge than those in the control group 72% (123/171) (adjusted OR 3.43; 95% CI 1.79–6.58). Mean (SD) decisional conflict scores were low in both groups, decision aid 1.71 (0.49), pamphlet 1.65 (0.55) (adjusted mean difference 0.10; 95% CI −0.02 to 0.22). There was no strong evidence of differences between the trial arms in the measures of psychological or acceptability outcomes.
Conclusion A tailored prenatal testing decision aid plays an important role in improving women's knowledge of first and second trimester screening tests and assisting them to make decisions about screening and diagnostic tests that are consistent with their values.


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Fish consumption during gestation can provide the fetus with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) and other nutrients essential for growth and development of the brain. However, fish consumption also exposes the fetus to the neurotoxicant, methyl mercury (MeHg). We studied the association between these fetal exposures and early child development in the Seychelles Child Development Nutrition Study (SCDNS). Specifically, we examined a priori models of Ω-3 and Ω-6 LCPUFA measures in maternal serum to test the hypothesis that these LCPUFA families before or after adjusting for prenatal MeHg exposure would reveal associations with child development assessed by the BSID-II at ages 9 and 30 months. There were 229 children with complete outcome and covariate data available for analysis. At 9 months, the PDI was positively associated with total Ω-3 LCPUFA and negatively associated with the ratio of Ω-6/Ω-3 LCPUFA. These associations were stronger in models adjusted for prenatal MeHg exposure. Secondary models suggested that the MeHg effect at 9 months varied by the ratio of Ω-6/Ω-3 LCPUFA. There were no significant associations between LCPUFA measures and the PDI at 30 months. There were significant adverse associations, however, between prenatal MeHg and the 30-month PDI when the LCPUFA measures were included in the regression analysis. The BSID-II mental developmental index (MDI) was not associated with any exposure variable. These data support the potential importance to child development of prenatal availability of Ω-3 LCPUFA present in fish and of LCPUFA in the overall diet. Furthermore, they indicate that the beneficial effects of LCPUFA can obscure the determination of adverse effects of prenatal MeHg exposure in longitudinal observational studies.


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Animal models were used to examine properies of the diaphragm (the main respiratory muscle) before and after birth. The study revealed an insufficient blood supply to the fetus can result in structural and functional damage to the diaphragm. Damage was prevented when the mother was supplemented with creatine during pregnancy.


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Osteoporotic fractures, falls and obesity are major health problems in developed nations. Evidence suggests that there are antenatal factors predisposing to these conditions. Data are emerging from Australia and elsewhere to suggest that maternal vitamin D status in pregnancy affects intrauterine skeletal mineralisation and skeletal growth together with muscle development and adiposity. Given that low levels of vitamin D have been documented in many urbanised populations, including those in countries with abundant sunlight, an important issue for public health is whether maternal vitamin D insufficiency during pregnancy has adverse effects on offspring health. The developing fetus may be exposed to low levels of vitamin D during critical phases of development as a result of maternal hypovitaminosis D. We hypothesise that this may have adverse effects on offspring musculoskeletal health and other aspects of body composition. Further research focused on the implications of poor gestational vitamin D nutrition is warranted as these developmental effects are likely to have a sustained influence on health during childhood and in adult life. We suggest that there is a clear rationale for randomised clinical trials to assess the potential benefits and harmful effects of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy.


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Bacteria from the genus Mycoplasma are common inhabitants of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genital tracts of mammals. The understanding of the pathological significance of mycoplasmas in seals is poor, as few studies have utilized the specific culture techniques required to isolate these bacteria. The current study surveyed for the Mycoplasma species present in Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) and investigated the association between infection and pathology. Mycoplasmas were found in the nasal cavities of 55/80 (69%) of apparently healthy individuals. Isolates from 18 individuals were investigated through 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing, and 3 species were identified: M. zalophi, M. phocae, and Mycoplasma sp. (GenBank no. EU714238.1), all of which had previously been isolated from Northern Hemisphere pinnipeds. In addition, mycoplasmas were isolated from the lungs of 4 out of 16 juveniles and 1 out of 5 adults sampled at necropsy. Isolates obtained were M. zalophi, Mycoplasma sp. EU714238.1, and M. phocicerebrale, but infection was not associated with lung pathology in these age classes. Inflammatory disease processes of the heart and/or lungs were present in 12 out of 32 (38%) aborted fetuses on microscopic examination. Predominant findings were interstitial pneumonia, pericarditis, and myocarditis. Mycoplasma phocicerebrale was isolated from the thymus of an aborted fetus, and 3 out of 11 (27%) fetuses with inflammatory heart or lung lesions were PCR-positive for Mycoplasma. In conclusion, several species of Mycoplasma are part of the normal flora of the nasal cavity of Australian fur seals, and some mycoplasmas may be associated with abortion in this species of seal.


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Body dissatisfaction is often associated with negative psychological functioning, such as depression, and maladaptive behaviors, such as unhealthy eating and extreme weight loss behaviors, which have serious negative implications for women’s health and well-being, and potentially also for the unborn fetus during pregnancy. This article summarizes contemporary research in the area of body image during pregnancy, showing the development of knowledge in this area with increasing research interest in this topic in more recent times.


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Over the past 100 years, advances in pharmaceutical and medical technology have reduced the burden of communicable disease, and our appreciation of the mechanisms underlying the development of noncommunicable disease has broadened. During this time, a number of studies, both in humans and animal models, have highlighted the importance of maintaining an optimal diet during pregnancy. In particular, a number of studies support the hypothesis that suboptimal maternal protein and fat intake during pregnancy can have long-term effects on the growing fetus, and increase the likelihood of these offspring developing cardiovascular, renal, or metabolic diseases in adulthood. More recently, it has been shown that dietary intake of a number of micronutrients may offset or reverse the deleterious effects of macronutrient imbalance. Furthermore, maternal fat intake has also been identified as a major contributor to a healthy fetal environment, with a beneficial role for unsaturated fats during development as well as a beneficial impact on cell membrane physiology. Together these studies indicate that attempts to optimise maternal nutrition may prove to be an efficient and cost-effective strategy for preventing the development of cardiovascular, renal, or metabolic diseases.