21 resultados para FSS acopladas


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We generalize the notion of a neutral element of aggregation operators. Our construction involves tuples of values that are neutral with respect to the result of aggregation. Neutral tuples are useful to model situations in which information from different sources, or preferences of several decision makers, cancel each other. We examine many popular classes of aggregation operators in respect to their neutral sets, and also construct new aggregation operators with predefined neutral sets.


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We generalize the notion of an absorbent element of aggregation operators. Our construction involves tuples of values that decide the result of aggregation. Absorbent tuples are useful to model situations in which certain decision makers may decide the outcome irrespective of the opinion of the others. We examine the most important classes of aggregation operators in respect to their absorbent tuples, and also construct new aggregation operators with predefined sets of absorbent tuples.


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This article examines the construction of aggregation functions from data by minimizing the least absolute deviation criterion. We formulate various instances of such problems as linear programming problems. We consider the cases in which the data are provided as intervals, and the outputs ordering needs to be preserved, and show that linear programming formulation is valid for such cases. This feature is very valuable in practice, since the standard simplex method can be used.


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This article studies a large class of averaging aggregation functions based on minimizing a distance from the vector of inputs, or equivalently, minimizing a penalty imposed for deviations of individual inputs from the aggregated value. We provide a systematization of various types of penalty based aggregation functions, and show how many special cases arise as the result. We show how new aggregation functions can be constructed either analytically or numerically and provide many examples. We establish connection with the maximum likelihood principle, and present tools for averaging experimental noisy data with distinct noise distributions.


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This article discusses Lipschitz properties of generated aggregation functions. Such generated functions include triangular norms and conorms, quasi-arithmetic means, uninorms, nullnorms and continuous generated functions with a neutral element. The Lipschitz property guarantees stability of aggregation operations with respect to input inaccuracies, and is important for applications. We provide verifiable sufficient conditions to determine when a generated aggregation function holds the k-Lipschitz property, and calculate the Lipschitz constants of power means. We also establish sufficient conditions which guarantee that a generated aggregation function is not Lipschitz. We found the only 1-Lipschitz generated function with a neutral element e ∈]0, 1[.


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In this paper we provide a systematic investigation of a family of composed aggregation functions which generalize the Bonferroni mean. Such extensions of the Bonferroni mean are capable of modeling the concepts of hard and soft partial conjunction and disjunction as well as that of k-tolerance and k-intolerance. There are several interesting special cases with quite an intuitive interpretation for application.


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We review various representations of the median and related aggregation functions. An advantage of the median is that it discards extreme values of the inputs, and hence exhibits a better central tendency than the arithmetic mean. However, the value of the median depends on only one or two central inputs. Our aim is to design median-like aggregation functions whose value depends on several central inputs. Such functions will preserve the stability of the median against extreme values, but will take more inputs into account. A method based on graduation curves is presented.


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Purpose – This paper aims to examine the tendencies of sustainability reporting by major commercial banks in Bangladesh in comparison with global sustainability reporting indicators outlined in the GRI framework together with banks' predilection toward reporting 16 GRI financial service sector (FSS) specific performance indicators.

Design/methodology/approach – Based on the GRI G3 guidelines, the paper investigated banks' reporting in five broad areas of sustainability, such as environment, labour practices and decent works, product responsibility, human rights and society. The 2008/2009 annual reports of 12 major commercial banks listed on Dhaka stock exchange were analysed and coded using a content-based technique.

Findings – The results show that information on society is addressed most extensively with regard to extent of reporting. This is followed by the disclosures prepared on decent works and labour practices and environmental issues. Furthermore, the disclosures of product responsibility information and the information for human rights are rather scarce in banks' reporting; on the subject of FSS-specific disclosures, only seven items out of 16 are disclosed by all sample banks.

Research limitations/implications – The findings of the study indicate that Bangladeshi commercial banks' social disclosures could develop in this style to become more holistic and over time (in association with the country's central bank involvement) to resemble a type of structured reporting to the point where they are properly labelled per se.

Originality/value – The study contributes to the social disclosure literature, in particular in a developing countries banking sector context, seeing as it disseminates evidence of the standing on social disclosures practices at the level of GRI with developing countries' banks data.


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Extensions of aggregation functions to Atanassov orthopairs (often referred to as intuitionistic fuzzy sets or AIFS) usually involve replacing the standard arithmetic operations with those defined for the membership and non-membership orthopairs. One problem with such constructions is that the usual choice of operations has led to formulas which do not generalize the aggregation of ordinary fuzzy sets (where the membership and non-membership values add to 1). Previous extensions of the weighted arithmetic mean and ordered weighted averaging operator also have the absorbent element 〈1,0〉, which becomes particularly problematic in the case of the Bonferroni mean, whose generalizations are useful for modeling mandatory requirements. As well as considering the consistency and interpretability of the operations used for their construction, we hold that it is also important for aggregation functions over higher order fuzzy sets to exhibit analogous behavior to their standard definitions. After highlighting the main drawbacks of existing Bonferroni means defined for Atanassov orthopairs and interval data, we present two alternative methods for extending the generalized Bonferroni mean. Both lead to functions with properties more consistent with the original Bonferroni mean, and which coincide in the case of ordinary fuzzy values.