24 resultados para CLEFT-PALATE REPAIR


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We have evaluated the molecular responses of human epithelial cells to low dose arsenic to ascertain how target cells may respond to physiologically relevant concentrations of arsenic. Data gathered in numerous experiments in different cell types all point to the same conclusion: low dose arsenic induces what appears to be a protective response against subsequent exposure to oxidative stress or DNA damage, whereas higher doses often provoke synergistic toxicity. In particular, exposure to low, sub-toxic doses of arsenite, As(III), causes coordinate up-regulation of multiple redox and redox-related genes including thioredoxin (Trx) and glutathione reductase (GR). Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) is down-regulated in fibroblasts, but up-regulated in keratinocytes, as is glutathione S-transferase (GST). The maximum effect on these redox genes occurs after 24 h exposure to 5–10 mM As(III). This is 10-fold higher than the maximum As(III) concentrations required for induction of DNA repair genes, but within the dose region where DNA repair genes are co-ordinately down-regulated. These changes in gene regulation are brought about in part by changes in DNA binding activity of the transcription factors activating protein-1 (AP-1), nuclear factor kappa-B, and cAMP response element binding protein (CREB). Although sub-acute exposure to micromolar As(III) up-regulates transcription factor binding, chronic exposure to submicromolar As(III) causes persistent down-regulation of this response. Similar long-term exposure to micromolar concentrations of arsenate in drinking water results in a decrease in skin tumour formation in dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA)/phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate (TPA) treated mice. Altered response patterns after long exposure to As(III) may play a significant role in As(III) toxicology in ways that may not be predicted by experimental protocols using short-term exposures.


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We have found that UV-C treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana induces resistance to the biotrophic pathogen Hyaloperonospora parasitica, and our data suggest UV induced DNA photoproducts are involved (see accompanying abstract by K.G. McKenzie et al.). To address the potential role of DNA damage, we have examined the effect of mutations in nucleotide excision repair (uvr1-1), photoreactivation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (uvr2-1) or flavonoid production (tt5) on the resistance of Arabidopsis to the pathogen with or without pre-inoculation treatment with UV-C. In the mutant backgrounds, UV-C induced pathogen resistance (as measured by decreased conidiophore formation) to the same degree as in the wildtype plants, but much lower UV doses were required (e.g., 100 Jm-2 in the mutant vs. 400 Jm-2 in the wildtype). This is the result expected if damage to DNA rather than a non DNA target is involved. Interestingly, in the absence of UV-C, the tt5 mutation alone resulted in a slight increase in resistance. However, when coupled with uvr1-1, resistance was enhanced to an even greater extent. Remarkably, the tt5 uvr1-1 uvr2-1 triple mutant was completely resistant to the pathogen. Since tt5 mutants are sensitive to reactive oxygen species, which can cause DNA damage susceptible to nucleotide excision repair, our results suggest that in addition to UV photoproducts, an accumulation of endogenous oxidative DNA damage may also trigger resistance to the pathogen. We are currently examining pathogen resistance in other DNA repair deficient mutants, and quantifying UV-C-induced DNA damage in Arabidopsis in order to assess the relationship between damage levels and the extent of resistance.


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DNA repair mechanisms constitute an essential cellular response to DNA damage arising either from metabolic processes or from environmental sources such as ultraviolet radiation. Repair of these lesions may be via direct reversal, or by processes such as nucleotide excision repair (NER), a coordinated pathway in which lesions and the surrounding nucleotides are excised and replaced via DNA resynthesis. The importance of repair is illustrated by human disease states such as xeroderma pigmentosum and Cockayne's syndrome which result from defects in the NER system arising from mutations in XP- genes or XP- and CS- genes respectively Little detail is known of DNA damage repair processes in plants, despite the economic and ecological importance of these organisms. This study aimed to expand our knowledge of the process of NER in plants, largely via a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach involving amplification, cloning and characterisation of plant genomic DNA and cDNA. Homologues of the NER components XPF/RAD1 and XPD/RAD3 were isolated as both genomic and complete cDNA sequences from the model dicotyledonous plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The sequence of the 3'-untranslated region of atXPD was also determined. Comparison of genomic and cDNA sequences allowed a detailed analysis of gene structures, including details of intron/exon processing. Variable transcript processing to produce three distinct transcripts was found in the case of atXPF. In an attempt to validate the proposed homologous function of these cDNAs, assays to test complementation of resistance to ultraviolet radiation in the relevant yeast mutants were performed. Despite extensive amino acid sequence conservation, neither plant cDNA was able to restore UV-resistance. As the yeast RAD3 gene product is also involved in vivo in transcription, and so is required for viability, the atXPD cDNA was tested in a complementation assay for this function in an appropriate yeast mutant. The plant cDNA was found to substantially increase the viability of the yeast mutant. The structural and functional significance of these results is discussed comparatively with reference to yeast, human and other known homologues. Other putative NER homologues were identified in A. thaliana database sequences, including those of ERCC1/RAD10 and XPG/ERCC5/RAD2, and are now the subjects of ongoing investigations. This study also describes preliminary investigations of putative REVS and RAD30 translesion synthesis genes from A. thaliana.


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Short term exposure to low levels of arsenic in human cells increased the cells' capacity to repair its DNA. In turn, cells became resistant to the toxic effects of UV radiation. However prolonged increases in principal repair proteins may actually lead to cancerous effects by destabilizing DNA repair.


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One set of composite laminates was manufactured from bi-directional carbon fibre woven cloth pre-impregnated with epoxy resin and used to establish experimental techniques. Another, similar set was used for extensive data collection. One other set of laminates, manufactured from uni-directional carbon fibre, was also subjected to extensive tests to represent a different material. The results give the pre and post characterizations of repaired composite materials; outlining at each stage the losses and gains of structural strength and stiffness and discusses the difficulties experienced.


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Numerous studies suggest that ageing in mammals may be associated with a reduction in DNA repair, whereas little is known about the DNA repair capacity of plants as they age. In this study we examined the effects of ageing on the expression of genes thought to be involved in nucleotide excision repair (AtERCC1, AtGTF2H2, AtGTF2H5, AtXPB1, AtXPD, AtXPF) or translesion replication (AtPOLH, AtREV1, AtREV3, AtUBC2) of UV photoproducts in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Two- or four-week old plants were unirradiated or treated with 254 nm ultraviolet (UV) radiation (0.75 or 1.5 kJm-2), incubated for 3 or 9 hr, and gene expression was analysed via quantitative PCR. With the exception of AtPOLH, transcript levels for all genes investigated were at least four-fold greater in unirradiated four-week old plants than unirradiated two-week old plants. Compared to unirradiated age-matched plants, two-week old plants generally showed no consistent change in transcript levels for either UV dose or post-irradiation incubation period. On the other hand, transcript levels in four-week old plants were increased over those in two-week old plants for the majority of genes by 9 hr post-irradiation with 0.75 or 1.5 kJm-2 UV. No other consistent responses were observed for UV treatment. Collectively, our results are consistent with the possibility that ageing may be associated with increased DNA repair capacity in plants.


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Arsenic (As) induces DNA-damaging reactive oxygen species. Most oxidative DNA damage is countered by base excision repair (BER), the capacity for which may be reduced in older animals. We examined whether age and consumption of As in lactational milk or drinking water influences BER gene transcript levels in mice. Lactating mothers and 24-week-old mice were exposed (24 h or 2 weeks) to As (2 or 50 p.p.m.) in drinking water. Lung tissue was harvested from adults, neonates (initially 1 week old) feeding from lactating mothers and untreated animals 1– 26 weeks old. Transcripts encoding BER proteins were quantified. BER transcript levels decreased precipitously with age in untreated mice but increased in neonates whose mothers were exposed to 50 p.p.m. As for 24 h or 2 weeks. Treatment of 24-week-old mice with 2 or 50 p.p.m. As for 2 weeks decreased all transcript levels measured. Exposure to As attenuated the age-related transcript level decline for only one BER gene. We conclude that aging is associated with a rapid reduction of BER transcript levels in mice, which may contribute to decreased BER activity in older animals. Levels of As that can alter gene expression are transmitted to neonatal mice in lactational milk produced by mothers drinking water containing As, raising concerns about breastfeeding in countries having As-contaminated groundwater. Reduction of BER transcript levels in 24- week-old mice exposed to As for 2 weeks suggests As may potentiate sensitivity to itself in older animals.


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In this article, the authors examine the relevance of the concept of moral repair for sex offenders who have been victims of sexual or physical abuse. First, they briefly review the literature on victimization rates and effects in sexual offenders. Second, the notion of moral repair and its constituent tasks is examined with particular emphasis given to Margaret Walker's recent analysis of the concept. Third, the concept of moral repair is applied to offenders and its implications and possible constraints discussed. Fourth, the authors outline a normative framework for addressing victimization issues with sexual offenders, drawing on the resources of human rights theory and strength-based treatment approaches. Finally, they conclude with a brief consideration of the ethical and clinical implications of their normative model.


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Inhibition of insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP) has been demonstrated to facilitate memory in rodents, making IRAP a potential target for the development of cognitive enhancing therapies. In this study, we generated a 3-D model of the catalytic domain of IRAP based on the crystal structure of leukotriene A4 hydrolase (LTA4H). This model identified two key residues at the ‘entrance’ of the catalytic cleft of IRAP, Ala427 and Leu483, which present a more open arrangement of the S1 subsite compared with LTA4H. These residues may define the size and 3-D structure of the catalytic pocket, thereby conferring substrate and inhibitor specificity. Alteration of the S1 subsite by the mutation A427Y in IRAP markedly increased the rate of substrate cleavage V of the enzyme for a synthetic substrate, although a corresponding increase in the rate of cleavage of peptide substrates Leu-enkephalin and vasopressin was was not apparent. In contrast, [L483F]IRAP demonstrated a 30-fold decrease in activity due to changes in both substrate affinity and rate of substrate cleavage. [L483F]IRAP, although capable of efficiently cleaving the N-terminal cysteine from vasopressin, was unable to cleave the tyrosine residue from either Leu-enkephalin or Cyt6-desCys1-vasopressin (2–9), both substrates of IRAP. An 11-fold reduction in the affinity of the peptide inhibitor norleucine1-angiotensin IV was observed, whereas the affinity of angiotensin IV remained unaltered. In additionm we predict that the peptide inhibitors bind to the catalytic site, with the NH2-terminal P1 residue occupying the catalytic cleft (S1 subsite) in a manner similar to that proposed for peptide substrates.


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Copper (Cu) has a critical role in the generation of oxidative stress during neurodegeneration and cancer. Reactive oxygen species generated through abnormal elevation or deficiency of Cu can lead to lipid, protein, and DNA damage. Oxidation of DNA can induce strand breaks and is associated with altered cell fate including transformation or death. DNA repair is mediated through the action of the multimeric DNA-PK repair complex. The components of this complex are the Ku autoantigens, XRCC5 and XRCC6 (Ku80 and Ku70, respectively). How this repair complex responds to perturbed Cu homeostasis and Cu-mediated oxidative stress has not been investigated. We previously reported that XRCC5 expression is altered in response to cellular Cu levels, with low Cu inhibiting XRCC5 expression and high Cu levels enhancing expression. In this study we further investigated the interaction between XRCC5 and Cu. We report that cytosolic XRCC5 is increased in response to Cu, but not zinc, iron, or nickel, and the level of cytosolic XRCC5 correlates with protection against oxidative damage to DNA. These observations were made in both HeLa cells and fibroblasts. Cytosolic XRCC5 interacted with the Cu chaperone and detoxification protein human Atox1 homologue (HAH), and down regulation of XRCC5 expression using siRNA led to enhanced HAH expression when cells were exposed to Cu. XRCC5 could also be purified from cytosolic extracts using a Cu-loaded column. These findings provide further evidence that cytosolic XRCC5 has a key role in protection against DNA oxidation from Cu, through either direct sequestration or signaling through other Cu-detoxification molecules. Our findings have important implications for the development of therapeutic treatments targeting Cu in neurodegeneration and/or cancer.