57 resultados para Android,Multihoming,LISP,LISPmob,Performance,Test,Development,Analysis


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Purpose – Worker well-being continues to be fundamental to the study of work and a primary consideration for how organizations can achieve competitive advantage and sustainable and ethical work practices (Cartwright and Holmes; Harter, Schmidt and Keyes; Wright and Cropanzano). The science and practice of employee engagement, a key indicator of employee well-being, continues to evolve with ongoing incremental refinements to existing models and measures. This study aims to elaborate the Job Demands-Resources model of work engagement (Bakker and Demerouti) by examining how organizational, team and job level factors interrelate to influence engagement and well-being and downstream outcome variables such as affective commitment and extra-role behaviour.

Design/methodology/approach – Structural equations modelling of survey data obtained from 3,437 employees of a large multi-national mining company was used to test the important direct and indirect influence of organizational focused resources (a culture of fairness and support), team focused resources (team climate) and job level resources (career development, autonomy, supervisor support, and role clarity) on employee well-being, engagement, extra-role behaviour and organizational commitment.

Findings – The fit of the proposed measurement and structural models met criterion levels and the structural model accounted for sizable proportions of the variance in engagement/wellbeing (66 percent), extra-role-behaviour (52 percent) and commitment (69 percent).

Research limitations/implications –
Study limitations (e.g. cross-sectional research design) and future opportunities are outlined.

Originality/value – The study demonstrates important extensions to the Job Demands-Resources model and provides researchers and practitioners with a simple but powerful motivational framework, a suite of measures, and a map of their inter-relationships which can be used to help understand, develop and manage employee well-being and engagement and their outcomes.


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The overall performance of a distributed system is often depends on the effectiveness of its interconnection network. Thus, the study of the communication networks for distributed systems is very important, which is the focus of this paper. In particular, we address the problem of fat-tree based interconnection networks performance modeling for multi-user heterogeneous multi-cluster computing systems. To this end, we present an analytical model and validate the model through comprehensive simulation. The results of the simulation demonstrated that the proposed model exhibits a good degree of accuracy for various system organizations and under different working conditions.


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International comparisons of construction industry performance are notoriously difficult. A recent comparative study, extensive in scope and using an innovative approach, is reviewed and questions raised regarding various aspects of the methodology adopted, the validity of the conclusions drawn and manner in which outcomes were reported. Particular areas of concern include the unequivocal statement of conclusions that are based on a small sample, and the use of data from that sample that are, in fact, no more than estimates of project performance. Attention is drawn to the limitations of the research reported and the reliability of the methods used, and the data gathered is examined.


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This paper addresses the problem of performance modeling for large-scale heterogeneous distributed systems with emphases on multi-cluster computing systems. Since the overall performance of distributed systems is often depends on the effectiveness of its communication network, the study of the interconnection networks for these systems is very important. Performance modeling is required to avoid poorly chosen components and architectures as well as discovering a serious shortfall during system testing just prior to deployment time. However, the multiplicity of components and associated complexity make performance analysis of distributed computing systems a challenging task. To this end, we present an analytical performance model for the interconnection networks of heterogeneous multi-cluster systems. The analysis is based on a parametric family of fat-trees, the m-port n-tree, and a deterministic routing algorithm, which is proposed in this paper. The model is validated through comprehensive simulation, which demonstrated that the proposed model exhibits a good degree of accuracy for various system organizations and under different working conditions.


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The overall performance of a distributed system often depends on the effectiveness of its interconnection network. Thus, the study of the communication networks for distributed systems is very important, which is the focus of this paper. In particular, we address the problem of interconnection networks performance modeling for heterogeneous meta-computing systems. We consider the meta-computing system as a typical multi-cluster system. Since the heterogeneity is becoming common in such systems, we take into account network as well as cluster size heterogeneity to propose the model. To this end, we present an analytical network model and validate the model through comprehensive simulation. The results of the simulation demonstrated that the proposed model exhibits a good degree of accuracy for various system organizations and under different working conditions.


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An evaluation of the P&D Culture initiative 2005-2008 was contracted to Deakin University in 2009. The findings from the evaluation indicated a belief that the P&D Culture initiative had a significant impact on:

* Establishing effective school policies, processes and structures
* Strengthening school culture related to continuous improvement
* Improved instructional practice
* Improved student learning
* Implementation of other DEECD initiatives.


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The overall performance of a distributed system often depends on the effectiveness of its interconnection network. Thus, the study of the communication networks for distributed systems–which is the focus of this paper–is very important. In particular, we address the problem of fat-tree based interconnection networks performance modeling for multi-user heterogeneous multi-cluster computing systems. To this end, we present an analytical model and validate the model through comprehensive simulation. The results of the simulation demonstrate that the proposed model exhibits a good degree of accuracy for various system organizations and under different working conditions. On the basis of the validated model, we propose an adaptive assignment function based on the existing heterogeneity of the system to minimize multi-user environment overhead.


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The aim of the study was to compare anthropometric and physical performance data of players who were selected for a Victorian elite junior U18 Australian rules football squad. Prior to the selection of the final training squad, 54 players were assessed using a battery of standard anthropometric and physical performance tests. Multivariate analysis (MANOVA) showed significant (p < 0.05) differences between selected and non-selected players when height, mass, 20-m sprint, agility and vertical jump height were considered collectively. Univariate analysis revealed that the vertical jump was the only significant (p < 0.05) individual test and a near significant trend (p = 0.07) for height differentiating between selected and non-selected players with medium effect sizes for all other tests except endurance. In this elite junior football squad, physical characteristics can be observed that discriminate between players selected and non-selected, and demonstrates the value of physical fitness testing within the talent identification process of junior (16–18 years) players for squad and/or team selection. Based on MANOVA results, the findings from this study suggest team selection appeared to be related to a generally higher performance across the range of tests. Further, age was not a confounding variable as players selected tended to be younger than those non-selected. These findings reflect the general consensus that, in state-based junior competition, there is evidence of promoting overall player development, selecting those who are generally able to fulfil a range of positions and selecting players on their potential.


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Ingestion of agents that modify blood buffering action may affect high-intensity performance. Here we present a meta-analysis of the effects of acute ingestion of three such agents - sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate and ammonium chloride - on performance and related physiological variables (blood bicarbonate, pH and lactate). A literature search yielded 59 useable studies with 188 observations of performance effects. To perform the mixed- model meta-analysis, all performance effects were converted into a percentage change in mean power and were weighted using standard errors derived from exact p-values, confidence limits (CLs) or estimated errors of measurement. The fixed effects in the meta-analytic model included the number of performance-test bouts (linear), test duration (log linear), blinding (yes/no), competitive status (athiete/nonathlete) and sex (male/female). Dose expressed as buffering mmoL/kg/body mass (BM) was included as a strictly proportional linear effect interacted with all effects except blinding. Probabilistic inferences were derived with reference to thresholds for small and moderate effects on performance of 0.5% and 1.5%, respectively. Publication bias was reduced by excluding study estimates with a standard error >2.7%. The remaining 38 studies and 137 estimates for sodium bicarbonate produced a possibly mod- erate performance enhancement of 1.7% (90% CL ± 2.0%) with a typical dose of 3.5mmoL/kg/BM (-0.3g/kgIBM) in a single 1-minute sprint, following blinded consumption by male athletes. In the 16 studies and 45 estimates for sodium citrate, a typical dose of l.SmmoL/kgIBM (-0.5gIkgJBM) had an unclear effect on performance of 0.0% (±1.3%), while the five studies and six estimates for ammonium chloride produced a possibly moderate impairment of 1.6% (±1.9%) with a typical dose of 5.5mmoL/kgIBM (-0.3glkg/BM). Study and subject characteristics had the following modifying small effects on the enhancement of performance with sodium bicarbonate: an increase of 0.5% (±0.6%) with a 1 mmoL/kg/BM increase in dose; an increase of 0.6% (±0.4%) with five extra sprint bouts; a reduction of 0.6% (±0.9%) for each 10-fold increase in test duration (e.g. 1-10 minutes); reductions of 1.1% (± 1 .1%) with nonathletes and 0.7% (±1.4%) with females. Unexplained variation in effects between research settings was typically ± 1.2%. The only noteworthy effects involving physiological variables were a small correlation between performance and pre-exercise increase in blood bicarbonate with sodium bi- carbonate ingestion, and a very large correlation between the increase in blood bicarbonate and time between sodium citrate ingestion and exercise. The approximate equal and opposite effects of sodium bicarbonate and am- monium chloride are consistent with direct performance effects of pH, but sodium citrate appears to have some additional metabolic inhibitory effect. Important future research includes studies of sodium citrate ingestion several hours before exercise and quantification of gastrointestinal symptoms with sodium bicarbonate and citrate. Although individual responses may vary, we recommend ingestion of 0.3-0.5 glkg/BM sodium bicarbonate to improve mean power by 1.7% (±2.0%) in high-intensity races of short duration. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR


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On Friday evening I saw one of the finest theatre performances from an actor. Her subtle movements, her natural cadence, her ability to portray her character in a way that demonstrated diligent devotion, careful analysis and measured construction, was simply awe-inspiring. Which actor gave this fine performance? It was an android.


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Purpose: This study investigated the impact of simulated hyperopic anisometropia and sustained near work on performance of academic-related measures in children.
Methods: Participants included 16 children (mean age: 11.1 ± 0.8 years) with minimal refractive error. Academic-related outcome measures included a reading test (Neale Analysis of Reading Ability), visual information–processing tests (Coding and Symbol Search subtests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children), and a reading-related eye movement test (Developmental Eye Movement test). Performance was assessed with and without 0.75 diopters of simulated monocular hyperopic defocus (administered in a randomized order), before and after 20 minutes of sustained near work. Unilateral hyperopic defocus was systematically assigned to either the dominant or nondominant sighting eye to evaluate the impact of ocular dominance on any performance decrements.
Results: Simulated hyperopic anisometropia and sustained near work both independently reduced performance on all of the outcome measures (P < 0.001). A significant interaction was also observed between simulated anisometropia and near work (P < 0.05), with the greatest decrement in performance observed during simulated anisometropia in combination with sustained near work. Laterality of the refractive error simulation (ocular dominance) did not significantly influence the outcome measures (P > 0.05). A reduction of up to 12% in performance was observed across the range of academic-related measures following sustained near work undertaken during the anisometropic simulation.
Conclusions: Simulated hyperopic anisometropia significantly impaired academic-related performance, particularly in combination with sustained near work. The impact of uncorrected habitual anisometropia on academic-related performance in children requires further investigation. © 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.