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Purpose. NaCl has proven to be an effective bitterness inhibitor, but the reason remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a variety of cations and anions on the bitterness of selected oral pharmaceuticals and bitter taste stimuli: pseudoephedrine, ranitidine, acetaminophen, quinine, and urea.
Method. Human psychophysical taste evaluation using a whole mouth exposure procedure was used.
Results. The cations (all associated with the acetate anion) inhibited bitterness when mixed with pharmaceutical solutions to varying degrees. The sodium cation significantly (P < 0.003) inhibited bitterness of the pharmaceuticals more than the other cations. The anions (all associated with the sodium cation) also inhibited bitterness to varying degrees. With the exception of salicylate, the glutamate and adenosine monophosphate anions significantly (P < 0.001) inhibited bitterness of the pharmaceuticals more than the other anions. Also, there were several specific inhibitory interactions between ammonium, sodium and salicylate and certain pharmaceuticals.
Conclusions. We conclude that sodium was the most successful cation and glutamate and AMP were the most successful anions at inhibiting bitterness. Structure forming and breaking properties of ions, as predicted by the Hofmeister series, and other physical-chemical ion properties failed to significantly predict bitterness inhibition.


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In order to study potential mixture interactions among bitter compounds, selected sodium salts were added to five compounds presented either alone or as binary bitter- ompound mixtures. Each compound was tested at a concentration that elicited ‘weak’ perceived bitterness. The bitter compounds were mixed at these concentrations to form a subset of possible binary mixtures. For comparison, the concentration of each solitary compound was doubled to measure bitterness inhibition at the higher intensity level elicited by the mixtures. The following sodium salts were tested for bitterness inhibition: 100 mM sodium chloride (salty), 100 mM sodium gluconate (salty), 100 and 20 mM monosodium glutamate (umami), and 50 mM adenosine monophosphate disodium salt (umami). Sucrose (sweet) was also employed as a bitterness suppressor. The sodium salts differentially suppressed the bitterness of compounds and their binary combinations. Although most bitter compounds were suppressed, the bitterness of tetralone was not suppressed, nor was the bitterness of the binary mixtures that contained it. In general, the percent suppression of binary mixtures of compounds was predicted by the average percent suppression of its two components. Within the constraints of the present study, the bitterness of mixtures was suppressed by sodium salts and sucrose independently, with few bitter interactions. This is consistent with observations that the bitter taste system integrates the bitterness of multi-compound solutions linearly.


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There is evidence that increasing carbohydrate (CHO) availability during exercise by raising preexercise muscle glycogen levels attenuates the activation of AMPK{alpha}2 during exercise in humans. Similarly, increasing glucose levels decreases AMPK{alpha}2 activity in rat skeletal muscle in vitro. We examined the effect of CHO ingestion on skeletal muscle AMPK signaling during exercise in nine active male subjects who completed two 120-min bouts of cycling exercise at 65 ± 1% VO2 peak. In a randomized, counterbalanced order, subjects ingested either an 8% CHO solution or a placebo solution during exercise. Compared with the placebo trial, CHO ingestion significantly (P < 0.05) increased plasma glucose levels and tracer-determined glucose disappearance. Exercise-induced increases in muscle-calculated free AMP (17.7- vs. 11.8-fold), muscle lactate (3.3- vs. 1.8-fold), and plasma epinephrine were reduced by CHO ingestion. However, the exercise-induced increases in skeletal muscle AMPK{alpha}2 activity, AMPK{alpha}2 Thr172 phosphorylation and acetyl-CoA Ser222 phosphorylation, were essentially identical in the two trials. These findings indicate that AMPK activation in skeletal muscle during exercise in humans is not sensitive to changes in plasma glucose levels in the normal range. Furthermore, the rise in plasma epinephrine levels in response to exercise was greatly suppressed by CHO ingestion without altering AMPK signaling, raising the possibility that epinephrine does not directly control AMPK activity during muscle contraction under these conditions in vivo.


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A protocol for culturing mammalian type 1 astrocytic cells, using female post-natal rat cerebral cortical tissue, was established and refined for use in steroidogenic metabolic studies incorporating progestin radioisotopes. Cultures were characterised for homogeneity using standard morphological and immunostaining techniques. Qualitative and quantitative studies were conducted to characterise the progesterone (P) metabolic pathways present in astrocytes in vitro. Of particular interest was the formation of the P metabolite, 5á-pregnan-3á-ol-20-one (THP). THP is a GABA(A) receptor agonist, believed to play a vital role in neural functioning and CNS homeostasis. One aim of this study was to observe any modulatory effects selected neuroactive ligands have on the conversion of P into THP, in an attempt to link astrocytic steroidogenesis with neuronal control. In qualitative studies, chromatographic procedures were used to establish the progestin profile of cerebral cortical astrocytes. Tritiated P, DHP (5á-pregnan-3,20-dione) and THP incurbates were preliminary fractionated by either normal phase (NP) or reverse phase (RP) high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The radiometabolites associated with each fraction were further chromatographed, before and/or after chemical derivatistation, by the aforemention HPLC procedures and thin layer chromatography (TLC). Steroid radiometabolites were tentatively identified by comparing their chromatographic mobility with authentic steroids. The identity of the main putative 5á-reduced P metabolities, DHP, THP and 5á-pregnan-3á,20á-diol (20áOH-THP) were further confirmed by isotopic dilution analysis. Their conclusive identification, along with the tentative identification of 20á-hydroxypreg-4-en-3-one (20áOH-P) and 20á-hydroxy-5á-pregnan-3-one (20áOH-DHP), verify the localisation of 5á-reductase, 3á-hydroxy steroif oxidoreductase (HSOR), and 20á-HSOR activity in the cultured astrocytes utilised in this study programme. Other minor metabolites detected were tentatively identified, including 5á-pregnan-3á,21-diol-20-one (THDoc), indicating the presence of 21-hydroxylase enzymatic activity. THDoc, like THP, is a GABA(A) receptor agonist. The chemical and physical characterisation of several yet unidentified progestin metabolites, associated with a highly polar RP HPLC fraction (designated RP peak 1*), indicate the presence of one or more extra hydroxylase enzymes. Quantitative analysis included a preliminary study. In this study, the percentage yields of radiometabolites formed in cultures incubated with increasing substrate concentrations of (3)H-P for 24 hours were determined. At the lower concentrations examined (ie 0.5 to 50nM), the metabolites associated with the polar RP HPLC fraction (RP peak 1*) collectively have the highest percentage yield. They are subsequently considered metabolic end products of degradative catabolic P pathways. The percentage yield of THP peaks in the medium concentration ranges (ie 5 to 500nM), whereas DHP remains fairly static at a low level with increasing concentration. Both DHP and THP are considered metabolic pathway intermediates. The percentage yield of 20áOH-THP continues to increase with increasing concentration over 5nM, superseding THP approaching the highest concentration examined (5000nM). This indicated the formation of 20áOH-THP does not occur entirely via THP. 20áOH-THP also possibly serves as the direct intermediate in the formation of the main radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1*. A time/yield study incorporating incubation times from one to 24 hours was also conducted. The full array of radiometabolites (individually or in groups) formed in astrocyte cultures incubated with 50nM tritiated P, DHP of THP, were assayed. Cultures were observed to rapidly convert any DHP into THP, showing astrocytic 3á-HSOR activity is very high. The study also showed 5á-reduction (ie the conversation of P into DHP) is the rate limiting reaction in the two step conversion of P into THP. 5á-Reduction also appears to be a rate limiting step in the formation of 20á-hydroxylated metabolites in astrocytes. Cultures incubated with the tritiated 5á-reduced pregnanes from one to four hours form greater quantities to 20á-hydroxylated radiometabolites compared to cultures incubated with (3)H-P. The time yield/studies also provided further evidence the unidentified polar radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1* are metabolic end products. For the P and DHP incubates, the collective formation of the aforementioned polar radiometabolites initially lags behind the formation of THP. As the formation of the latter begins to plateau with increasing time between four to 24 hours, the net yield of radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1* continues to rise. The time/yield studies also indicate 5á-reduction and perhaps 3á-hydroxylation are pre-requisite steps in the formation of the polar metabolites. Cultures incubated with the 5á-reduced progestins from one to four hours form higher yields of the radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1* compared to cultures incubated with P as substrate. The net yields of the radiometabolites associated with RP peak 1* for cultures incubated with THP were substantially higher compared to cultures incubated with DHP after equivalent times. The effect selected neuroligands have on the yield of radiometabolites formed by cultured astrocytes incubated with 50nM (3)H-P was also examined. Dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (DBcAMP), not actually a neuroligand per se, but an analog of the intracellular secondary messenger cAMP, was also utilised in these studies. The inhibitory neurotransmitter ă-amino-nbutyric acid (GABA), DBcAMP and isoproterenol (a â-adrenergic receptor agonist) all quickly induce a transient but substantial increase in 20á-HSOR activity in cultured astrocytes. Cultures pretreated with these three compounds (10, 20 and 1µM respectively) form substantially higher yields of 20á-hydroxylated metabolites, including 20áOH-THP (between 200 to 580% greater), when incubated with 50nM (3)H-P for one to four hours. These increases also coincide with increases in the net yield of metabolites formed (by 16 to 48%). The same pre-treated cultures form significantly lower yields of THP, by 25 to 41%, after one hour. This is most likely due to the increased metabolism of any formed THP into 20áOH-THP. Octopamine (an á-adrenergic agonist) only induces a slight increase in 20á-HSOR activity, having relatively little effect on the yield of 20áOH-THP formed. Pretreatment with octopamine induces a significant increase in the yield of THP for cultures incubated with (3)H-P for four hours (by 24%). The increase in THP formation appears to be due to an increase in 3á-HSOR activity, as judged by the concomitant drop in the yield of the 5á-reduced, 3-keto substrates. An increase in 5á-reductase activity cannot be excluded however. Isoproterenol appears to induce an increase in 5á-reductase activity as isoproterenol appears to induce an increase in 5á-reductase activity as isoproterenol one and four hour incubates have higher yields of DHP. This is in contrast to the other three incubates. After 12 hours, all incubates have higher yields of THP (15-30%).


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1.      Skeletal muscle is a highly plastic tissue that has a remarkable ability to adapt to external demands, such as exercise. Many of these adaptations can be explained by changes in skeletal muscle gene expression. A single bout of exercise is sufficient to induce the expression of some metabolic genes. We have focused our attention on the regulation of glucose transporter isoform 4 (GLUT-4) expression in human skeletal muscle.

2.      Glucose transporter isoform 4 gene expression is increased immediately following a single bout of exercise, and the GLUT-4 enhancer factor (GEF) and myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) transcription factors are required for this response. Glucose transporter isoform enhancer factor and MEF2 DNA binding activities are increased following exercise, and the molecular mechanisms regulating MEF2 in exercising human skeletal muscle have also been examined.

3.      These studies find possible roles for histone deacetylase 5 (HDAC5), adenosine monophosphate–activated protein kinase (AMPK), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in regulating MEF2 through a series of complex interactions potentially involving MEF2 repression, coactivation and phosphorylation.

4.      Given that MEF2 is a transcription factor required for many exercise responsive genes, it is possible that these mechanisms are responsible for regulating the expression of a variety of metabolic genes during exercise. These mechanisms could also provide targets for the treatment and management of metabolic disease states, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, which are characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is an important vasodilator and regulator in the cardiovascular system, and this link was the subject of a Nobel prize in 1998. However, NO also plays many other regulatory roles, including thrombosis, immune function, neural activity, and gastrointestinal function. Low concentrations of NO are thought to have important signaling effects. In contrast, high concentrations of NO can interact with reactive oxygen species, causing damage to cells and cellular components.

A less-recognized site of NO production is within skeletal muscle, where small increases are thought to have beneficial effects such as regulating glucose uptake and possibly blood flow, but higher levels of production are thought to lead to deleterious effects such as an association with insulin resistance.

This review will discuss the role of NO in skeletal muscle during and following exercise, including in mitochondrial biogenesis, muscle efficiency, and blood flow with a particular focus on its potential role in regulating skeletal muscle glucose uptake during exercise.


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A number of adenosine analogues substituted in the 2- and N6-positions were synthesized and evaluated for affinity, functional potency and intrinsic activity at the A1 and A2A adenosine receptors (AR). Three classes of N6-substituents were tested; norbornen-2-yl (series 1), norborn-2-yl (series 2) and 5,6-epoxynorborn-2-yl (series 3). The halogens; fluoro, bromo, and iodo were evaluated as C-2 substituents. All compounds showed relatively high affinity (nanomolar) for the A1AR and high potency for inhibiting (−)isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP accumulation in hamster smooth muscle DDT1 MF-2 cells with the 2-fluoro derivatives from each series having the highest affinity. All of the derivatives showed the same intrinsic activity as CPA. At the A2AAR, all of the derivatives showed relatively low affinity and potency (micromolar) for stimulating cAMP accumulation in rat pheochromocytoma PC-12 cells. The intrinsic activity of the derivatives compared to CGS 21680 was dependent upon the halogen substituent in the C-2 position with most showing partial agonist activity. Of particular interest is 2-iodo-N6-(2S-endo-norborn-2-yl)adenosine (5e), which is over 100-fold selective for the A1AR, is a full agonist at this receptor subtype and has no detectable agonist activity at the A2AAR.


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2-Amino-3-benzoylthiophenes are allosteric enhancers (AE) of agonist activity at the A1 adenosine receptor. The present report describes syntheses and assays of the AE activity at the human A1AR (hA1AR) of a panel of compounds consisting of nine 2-amino-3-aroylthiophenes (3a-i), eight 2-amino-3-benzoyl-4,5-dimethylthiophenes (12a-h), three 3-aroyl-2-carboxy-4,5- dimethylthiophenes (15a-c), 10 2-amino-3-benzoyl-5,6-dihydro 4H-cyclopenta[b]thiophenes (17a-j), 14 2-amino-3-benzoyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophenes (18a-n), and 15 2-amino- 3-benzoyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-4H-cyclohepta[b]thiophenes (19a-o). An in vitro assay employing the A1AR agonist [125I]ABA and membranes from CHO-K1 cells stably expressing the hA1AR measured, as an index of AE activity, the ability of a candidate AE to stabilize the agonist- A1AR-G protein ternary complex. Compounds 3a-i had little or no AE activity, and compounds 12a-h had only modest activity, evidence that AE activity depended absolutely on the presence of at least a methyl group at C-4 and C-5. Compounds 17a-c lacked AE activity, suggesting the 2-amino group is essential. Polymethylene bridges linked thiophene C-4 and C-5 of compounds 17a-j, 18a-n, and 19a-o. AE activity increased with the size of the -(CH2)n- bridge, n ) 3 < n ) 4 < n ) 5. The 3-carbethoxy substituents of 17a, 18a, and 19a did not support AE activity, but a 3-aroyl group did. Bulky (or hydrophobic) substituents at the meta and para positions of the 3-benzoyl group and also 3-naphthoyl groups greatly enhanced activity. Thus, the hA1AR contains an allosteric binding site able to accommodate 3-aroyl substituents that are bulky and/or hydrophobic but not necessarily planar. A second region in the allosteric binding site interacts constructively with alkyl substituents at thiophene C-4 and/or C-5.


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Introduction: Creatine (Cr) supplementation has been shown to attenuate increases in plasma ammonia and hypoxanthine during intense endurance exercise lasting 1 h, suggesting that Cr supplementation may improve muscle energy balance (matching of ATP resynthesis to ATP demand) during such exercise. We hypothesized that Cr supplementation would improve muscle energy balance (as assessed by muscle inosine monophosphate (IMP) accumulation) during intense endurance exercise.

Methods: Seven well-trained men completed two experimental trials involving approximately 1 h of intense endurance exercise (cycling 45 min at 78 ± 1% V̇O2peak followed by completion of 251 ± 6 kJ as quickly as possible (performance ride)). Subjects ingested approximately 42 g·d-1 dextrose for 5 d before the first experimental trial (CON), then approximately 21 g Cr monohydrate plus approximately 21 g·d-1 dextrose for 5 d before the second experimental trial (CREAT). Trials were ordered because of the long washout time for Cr. Subjects were blinded to the order of the trials.

Results: Creatine supplementation significantly (P < 0.05) increased muscle total Cr (resting values: CREAT: 138.1 ± 7.9; CON: 117.7 ± 6.5 mmol·kg-1 dm). No difference was seen between treatments in any measured muscle or blood metabolite after the first 45 min of exercise. Despite the performance ride completion time being similar in the two treatments (∼13.5 min, ∼86% V̇O2peak), IMP at the end of the performance ride was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in CREAT than in CON (CREAT: 1.2 ± 0.6; CON: 2.0 ± 0.7 mmol·kg-1 dm).


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We previously described a putative role for inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), a rate-limiting enzyme in de novo guanine nucleotide biosynthesis, in lipid accumulation. Here we present data which demonstrate that IMPDH activity is required for differentiation of preadipocytes into mature, lipid-laden adipocytes and maintenance of adipose tissue mass. In 3T3-L1 preadipocytes inhibition of IMPDH with mycophenolic acid (MPA) reduced intracellular GTP levels by 60% (p < 0.05) and blocked adipogenesis (p < 0.05). Co-treatment with guanosine, a substrate in the salvage pathway of nucleotide biosynthesis, restored GTP levels and adipogenesis demonstrating the specificity of these effects. Treatment of diet-induced obese mice with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), the prodrug of MPA, for 28 days did not affect food intake or lean body mass but reduced body fat content (by 36%, p = 0.002) and adipocyte size (p = 0.03) and number. These data suggest that inhibition of IMPDH may represent a novel strategy to reduce adipose tissue mass.


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N-Ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (12) was synthesised from adenosine (1) and the 6-chloro-2’,3’-O-isopropylidene-AT-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (25) was synthesised from inosine (19). Employing molecular modelling techniques and the results from previous structure activity relationships it was possible to design and synthesise a N6-substituted N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosines which possessed an oxygen in the N6-substituent either in the form of an epoxide (which was obtained by cpoxidising an alkene with m-CPBA or dimethyldioxirane) or in the form of a cyclic ether as was the case for N6-((tetrahydro-2H--pyran--2-yl)methyl-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (78). These compounds were tested for their biological activity at the A1 adenosine receptor by their ability to inhibit cAMP accumulation in DDT, MF2 cells. The EC50 values obtained indicated that the N6-(norborn-5-en-2-yl)-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosines were the most potent. Of theseN6-(S-endo-norbrn-5-en-2-yI)-N-ethylcarboxaniidoadenosine (56) was the most potent (0.2 nM). N6-(exo-norborn-5-en-2-yl)-2-iodo-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (79) was synthesised from guanosine (22) and was also evaluated for its potency at the A, receptor (24.8 ± 1.5 nM). At present 79 is being evaluated for its selectivity for the A1 receptor compared to the other three receptor subtypes (A2a, A2b, A3). A series of N6-(benzyl)-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosines were synthesised with substitutions at the 4-position of the phenyl ring. Another series of compounds were synthesised which replaced the methylene spacer between the N6H and the N6-aromatic or lipophilic substituent The replacement groups -were carbonyl and trans-2- cyclopropyl moieties. The N6-acyl compounds were obtained by reacting 2’,3’-O- di(tert-butyldimethylsilyl)-AT-ethylcarboxamidoadenosinc (59) with the appropriate acid chloride and then deprotecting with lelrabutylammonium fluoride in tetrahydrofuran. The compound N6-(4-(1,2-dihydroxy)ethyl)benzyl-N- ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (125) was synthesised by the reaction of 4-(1,2-0- isopropylidene-ethyl)benzyl aminc (123) with 6-chloro-2,3-0-isopropylidene-N- ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (25). Compound 123 was synthesised from an epoxidation of vinylbenzyl phthalimide (118) followed by an acidic ring opening to yield the diol which was isopropylidenated to yield 4-(l,2-O-isopropylidene- elhyl)benzyl phlhalimide (122), It was hoped that the presence of the diol functionality in 125 would increase water solubility whilst maintaining potency at the A3 receptor.


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8-Cyclopentyl-3-(3-(4-fluorosulfonylbenzoyl)oxy)propyl-propylxanthine (44, FSCPX) has been reported to exhibit potent and selective irreversible antagonism of the A1 adenosine receptor when using in vitro biological preparations. However, FSCPX (44) suffers from cleavage of the ester linkage separating the reactive 4-(fluorosulfonyl)phenyl moiety from the xanthine pharmacophore when used in in vivo biological preparations or preparations containing significant enzyme activity, presumably by esterases. Cleavage of the ester linkage renders FSCPX (44) inactive in terms of irreversible receptor binding. In order to obtain an irreversible A1 adenosine receptor antagonist with improved stability, and to further elucidate the effects of linker structure on pharmacological characteristics, several FSCPX (44) analogues incorporating the chemoreactive 4-(fluorosulfonyl)phenyl moiety were targeted, where the labile ester linkage has been replaced by more stable functionalites. In particular, ether, alkyl, amide and ketone linkers were targeted, where the length of the alkyl chain was varied from between one to five atoms. Synthesis of the target compounds was achieved via direct attachment of the N-3 substituent to the xanthine. These compounds were then tested for their biological activity at the A1 adenosine receptor via their ability to irreversibly antagonise the binding of [3H]-8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine ([3H]DPCPX, ( 9) to the A1 adenosine receptor of DDT1 MF-2 cells. For comparison, the xanthines were also tested for their ability to inhibit the binding of [3H]-4-(2-[7-amino-2-{furyl} {1,2,4}- triazolo{2,3-a} {1,3,5}triazin-5-ylamino-ethyl)]phenol ([3H]ZM241385, 36) to the A2A adenosine receptor of PC-12 cells. The results suggest that the length and chemical composition of the linker separating the reactive 4-(fluorosulfonyl)phenyl moiety from the xanthine ring contribute to the potency and efficacy of the irreversible A1 adenosine receptor ligands. Like FSCPX (44, IC50 A1 = 11.8 nM), all derivatives possessed IC50 values in the low nM range under in vitro conditions. Compounds 94 (IC50 A1 = 165 nM), 95 (IC50 A1 = 112 nM) and 96 (IC50 A1 = 101 nM) possessing one, three and five methylene spacers within the linkage respectively, exhibited potent and selective binding to the A1 adenosine receptor versus the A2A adenosine receptor. Compound 94 did not exhibit any irreversible binding at A1 adenosine receptors, while 95 and 96 exhibit only weak irreversible binding at A1 adenosine receptors. Those compounds containing a benzylic carbonyl separating the 4-(fluorosulfonyl)phenyl moiety from the xanthine ring in the form of an amide (119, IC50 A1 = 24.9 nM, and 120, IC50 A1 = 21 nM) or ketone (151, IC50 A1 = 14 nM) proved to be the most potent, with compound 120 exhibiting the highest selectivity of 132-fold for the A receptor over the A2A receptor. compounds 119, 120 and 151 also strongly inhibited the binding of [3H]DPCPX irreversibly (82%, 83% and 78% loss of [3H]DPCPX binding at 100 nM respectively). compounds 120 and 151 are currently being evaluated for use in in vivo studies. Structure-activity studies suggest that altering the 8-cycloalkyl group of A1 selective xanthines for a 3-substituted or 2,3-disubstituted styryl, combined with N-7 methyl substitution will produce a compound with high affinity and selectivity for the A2A adenosine receptor over the A1 adenosine receptor. Compound 167 (IC50 A2A = 264 nM) possessing 8-(m-chloro)styryl substitution and the reactive 4-(fluorosulfonyl)phenyl moiety separated from the xanthine ring via an amide linker in the 3-position (as for 119 and 120), exhibited relatively potent binding to the A2A adenosine receptor of PC-12 cells, with a 16-fold selectivity for that receptor over the A1 adenosine receptor. However, compound 167 exhibited only very weak irreversible binding at A2A adenosine receptors. Overall, at this stage of biological testing, compound 120 appears to possess the most advantageous characteristics as an irreversible antagonist for the A1 adenosine receptor. This can be attributed to its high selectivity for the A1 adenosine receptor as compared to the A2A adenosine receptor. It also has relatively high potency for the A1 adenosine receptor, a concentration-dependent and selective inactivation of A1 adenosine receptors, and unbound ligand is easily removed (washed out) from biological membranes. These characteristics mean compound 151 has the potential to be a useful tool for the further study of the structure and function of the A1 adenosine receptor.


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Adenosine is a naturally occurring compound within the human body. It is known to exert a wide range of physiological effects. A range of compounds which elict a similar response to adenosine in vivo have been synthesised and evaluated as cardioprotective agents.


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Pharmaceutical agents that may be protective to the heart during ischemia were targeted in this project. Analogs to a lead compound containing potential cardioprotective properties were prepared. In the pharmacological evaluation five compounds were found to be more potent than the lead compound.